The middle class is leaving California

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2012 Sep 30, 3:06am   69,106 views  170 comments

by Strategic Renter   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


I came here 2 years ago thinking this was the best state in the US and I had always dreamed of living here.
Well guess what it just isn't that good. The beaches are not as good as Florida's with the nice calm and warm gulf. The taxes here are killing me. My california taxes alone will pay the rent in most other states. gasoline high, Too many illegals ruining the schools and people begging everywhere.
I have now decided to leave and go to Henderson in Nevada which has just been voted the second most safe city in the US. With vegas on the doorstep I will never be stuck for something to do and the added benefit I will be able to buy a huge house to fit my 12x6 snooker table in and have a swimming pool.
California is living in a beach boys past and I am sorry to say it has had its day. You suckers who pay so much to live in a shack can have it


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11   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 5:33am  

Bukowski lived in CA he knew the score.

“You know the typical crowd, Wow, it’s Friday night, what are you going to do? Just sit there? Well, yeah. Because there’s nothing out there. It’s stupidity. Stupid people mingling with stupid people. Let them stupidify themselves. I’ve never been bothered with the need to rush out into the night. That’s all. Sorry for all the millions, but I’ve never been lonely. I like myself. I’m the best form of entertainment I have.”
― Charles Bukowski

12   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 5:35am  

BayArea says

Reader says

I am not moving to Nevada. What are you smoking? I wouldn't live in Nevada any more than I would have an Oakland address.


good gawd, what drugs are you on? Did you read the original post?

Then quote the fucking original statement moron. You didn't.

I am not a mind reader or a magician.

13   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 5:41am  

Oakland is a diverse area. West Oakland is like Compton. But the Oakland Hills is a very nice area.

As for Bukowski, that is a very narrow view of California. CA is so vast, from the farm towns, to the mountains, to the desert , the rain forest and the big cities, beach towns, suburbs. If you don't like the crowd you are hanging out with-it is easy to just pick up and move and experience a new facet. It certainly ain't the midwest.

My friend got tired of the L.A. rat race, quit, bought a small house in the Mt Shasta area, works a small retail job and goes hunting and fishing a lot. He has never been happier. Plenty of cheap housing in California-outside the "zone".

14   BayArea   2012 Sep 30, 5:42am  

Before making a post, at a bare minimum read the original thread.

Careless lazy pile of S. Now poof, be gone.

15   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 5:46am  

lostand confused says

Oakland is a diverse area. West Oakland is like Compton. But the Oakland Hills is a very nice area.

Diverse area = real estate talk for be prepared to live in the THIRD WORLD.

16   Strategic Renter   2012 Sep 30, 5:47am  

BayArea says

Best of luck in Nevada and I promise you won't be missed

I was waiting for that inane comment. If that is the best you can do to defend California then I pity you. I was not asking to be missed just making a comment pertaining to the story you sad person.

17   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 5:48am  

BayArea says

Before making a post, at a bare minimum read the original thread.

Careless lazy pile of S. Now poof, be gone.

"Poof, be gone" WTF? Are you Glenda The Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz? Or is that hood language? You live in Oakland. I don't.

18   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 5:51am  

Reader says

lostand confused says

Oakland is a diverse area. West Oakland is like Compton. But the Oakland Hills is a very nice area.

Diverse area = real estate talk for be prepared to live in the THIRD WORLD.


I wasn't speaking about racial diversity. I was speaking about the difference in neighbourhoods. I wouldn't live in west oakland even if they gave me a free house and cash. It is very close to SF and is well connected with BART.

But Oakland Hills is a very nice area, several of my former colleagues had houses there and I know the area well. It is a nice area.

But not sure what you are trying to say. Have you been in third world countries-because I have lived there.

19   Strategic Renter   2012 Sep 30, 5:51am  

lostand confused says

Nevada of all places!!! Nevada is one of the few places that is worse off than CA in almost all metrics.

But hey the grass is always greener on the other side-well in the case of NV, it is sagebrush!!

CA seems to be coming back, the last few months, it has eclipsed Texas in job creation . The only thing that bothers me is the price of housing-which I think is obscene.

Having lived for 2 years in a supposedly better and richer part of CA namely Huntington Beach I can tell you this place is a dump.

20   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 5:55am  

Strategic Renter says

Having lived for 2 years in a supposedly better and richer part of CA namely Huntington Beach I can tell you this place is a dump.

Opinions and facts are two different things. What are you basing your opinion on?

21   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 6:00am  

lostand confused says

I wasn't speaking about racial diversity.

Oh you weren't? I was. Oakland is Oakland. I know someone who wound up married in Oakland "Hills" and frankly its shite in my opinion. Oakland isn't that large of an area to be ghetto and great and it isn't. It is just real and pretend. I was shocked learning she was in that small sliver of diversity, that was esentially a stones throw from a Black Panther haven, especially after her coming from the Riviera section of Pacific Palisades.

22   Strategic Renter   2012 Sep 30, 6:06am  

California is great if you are mega rich, Poor or a State worker for everyone else there are much better places to live.

23   Eman   2012 Sep 30, 6:44am  

Strategic Renter says

You suckers who pay so much to live in a shack can have it

LOL! You sound bitter leaving CA. Could it be that you couldn't make it here? Is that the reason why you sound bitter? For others, you couldn't pay them to live in Henderson Nevada. Different strokes for different folks. No reason to be pissed off.

Other California renters are thanking you for leaving the state. If enough people are leaving, CA house prices might become Detroit. On behalf of the renter nation, I thank you for leaving CA. Better luck for you in NV.

24   Politicofact   2012 Sep 30, 6:56am  

California is great if your earning 250k a year and have minimum debt.

Most, unfortunately live beyond there means in CA and it shows.

25   Strategic Renter   2012 Sep 30, 6:56am  

E-man says

Strategic Renter says

You suckers who pay so much to live in a shack can have it

LOL! You sound bitter leaving CA. Could it be that you couldn't make it here? Is that the reason why you sound bitter? For others, you couldn't pay them to live in Henderson Nevada. Different strokes for different folks. No reason to be pissed off.

Other California renters are thanking you for leaving the state. If enough people are leaving, CA house prices might become Detroit. On behalf of the renter nation, I thank you for leaving CA. Better luck for you in NV.

Learn from your victory. Prosper from your failure.

Yes I am bitter because I believed the lie about California being the state to live. It has cost me a great deal of money and I wish I would have gone straight to Nevada 2 years ago.
I made it before I got here old son so that is a very shallow assumption considering I have also wrote of the obscene Ca state tax I have paid.
Again it is people like you that have to justify the reason for staying that keeps the myth alive.

26   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 7:11am  

Strategic Renter says

Again it is people like you that have to justify the reason for staying that keeps the myth alive.

AMEN BROTHER I got out of CA in early nineties, and never looked back.

27   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 7:12am  

E-man says

Could it be that you couldn't make it here?

OH PLEASE! Spare everyone.

I just ate and I am NOT wearing knee high boots.

28   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 7:29am  

Strategic Renter says

Yes I am bitter because I believed the lie about California being the state to live. It has cost me a great deal of money and I wish I would have gone straight to Nevada 2 years ago.
I made it before I got here old son so that is a very shallow assumption considering I have also wrote of the obscene Ca state tax I have paid.
Again it is people like you that have to justify the reason for staying that keeps the myth alive.

You gotta do what you gotta do. The last few years, I have spent outside CA and even abroad. The software gigs I got outside were actually paying the same or even slightly better than what I was being offered. I am finally back. The housing is still obscene and before 2000, there was not this much difference between CA and other places. Yes, some premium, but not like this.

But home is where the heart is. I still think that at some point, real estate in CA will correct. nothing goes up or down in a stratight line, there are always bounces in the opposing directions.

But I am seeing good signs in CA. Before taking this job, I interviewed for several others and the rates were pretty good-better than what I was being offered in the mid west. Two years ago, I was offered a gig for less than what I was already being paid in the mid west. LOL!!! Yeah right.. I was even considering taking up farming-my family is farming roots and still have cousins who farm.

But things seem to be improving- at least based on my interviewing and my friend circles. Housing is still horrendous-but otherwise it is nice.

But hey, if NV is calling then fine-if you have a job. Housing is low-but the job situation is not good. But again I don't know what field you are in-my colleague just got a long term software federal contract in NV. So it depends. But good luck to you.

CA -especially socal-can be hard on people who come with illusions. It is filled with dashed hopes of aspiring actors turned porn stars or trophy wife/husband. It is a wild world. if you have a reality check and take it for what is-warts and all- then you should be fine.

At the rates I was being offered back then, I knew I couldn't live comfortably and went were the money and cost of living made sense. But now it seems to be coming back, I am back.

I still feel hosuing , especially in the coast and now rents is massively inflated, but all things fall. If I don't buy a house now, fine- I do have a ton of savings/investments and no debt-so one can always go retire in a tropical destination! That is of course assuming the dollar will still be worth something!!

29   Goran_K   2012 Sep 30, 9:24am  

Politicofact says

California is great if your earning 250k a year and have minimum debt.

Most, unfortunately live beyond there means in CA and it shows.

California is great if you're making $150,000 a year and not living beyond your means.

30   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 9:36am  

Goran_K says

Politicofact says

California is great if your earning 250k a year and have minimum debt.

Most, unfortunately live beyond there means in CA and it shows.

California is great if you're making $150,000 a year and not living beyond your means.

I know people making 50k a year and are very happy. Granted they bought their home a while ago, but keeping up with the Joneses can be very contagious.

31   Michael Cooke   2012 Sep 30, 11:16am  

Depending on where you live CA has allot to offer. So what if all the positives comes with a few negatives?

Florida has ALLOT of positives. It's clean and has a higher standard of living with low taxes. The property tax in Miami is a flat 1%. It doesn't get much better than that.

However FL simply doesn't have the economy and choices CA has. And North FL and South FL are two different worlds.

The taxes in CA are atrocious. If you are single and make $70,000.00 per year in CA your pay after taxes (which is the only thing that matters) is $49,864.31. If you are single and make $84,000.00 per year in CA your take home pay is $59,000.00/yr. Google CA paycheck calculator and see how much they steal from you.

In Florida you make more after taxes and your quality of life in HOUSING is higher. You will not find a beach on the entire CA coastline as clean as the Gulf or East Coast of Florida. But Florida simply does not have the economy people and large scale opportunities CA has. Orlando is the best North Florida has to offer and doesn't even have a small fraction of what Los Angeles, San Francisco, or San Diego offers.

If I worked for someone else I would probably leave CA. In FL I could easily own a house for what I rent here.

However since I work for myself I will stay in CA because this is where the economy and the money is.

32   Michael Cooke   2012 Sep 30, 2:01pm  

War says

FL has a serious serious crime problem.

Compared to CA?

34   Waitingtobuy   2012 Sep 30, 2:42pm  

Florida? Are you kidding me? The first thing you see driving in to the state is billboards advertising help for gambling debts and child paternity tests. Charming. There is a reason OJ Simpson moved there. Every scoundrel in the world that has cheated someone and is being hunted by the law moves there to avoid debt collection.

How well do you really know that state? My friend lives in DelRay beach, near Boca Raton. Went to his wedding and all the guys at the bachelor party told me how much they hated living in Florida. My friend told me he has to look for a private school for his daughter because the schools are atrocious in Florida. My former business partner left Miami Beach because he ended up hating the people. And mind you those are very nice areas. The only place I could see living there is the panhandle, near Destin, BP oil spill and all. The rest of the state is full of rednecks in the north, and NY/NJ retirees in the south. Yuck.

Nevada is no better. I spent a good amount of time in Vegas, especially in places like Henderson, which is like a bad version of suburbia. I met a woman who serves in the state assembly and was telling her about how bad CA's finances were, and she thought it was child's play. They have had to slash their budgets by 45-50% since the economic downturn.

I can see moving to a place like NC, or Austin. No Florida or Nevada for me. I like living in So Cal near the beach. Schools are excellent in our area, and weather phenomenal. Yes, it is crowded and expensive, two big drawbacks. However, every day living here is like a vacation, and I have lived here going on 15 years. I am the envy of my friends and family back in the Midwest. I've lived in MO, MI, MN, GA, WI, CO, the Northeast, and now here. This is home.

As for your "article', it is a libertarian hackpiece, advocating that California should cut taxes or risk losing its population. The "story", appearing on FoxNews.com, has a slant bagging on California. Dubious "news" outlet to start with, then, it quotes a report by the Manhattan Institute. Guess who funds the Manhattan Institute? The Koch Brothers, that's who...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_Institute_for_Policy_Research Also quotes Joel Kotkin who works for...the Cato Institute. Guess who funds the Cato Institute? The same Koch Brothers! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cato_Institute

Do you seriously believe everything you read?

Have fun in Nevada!!!

35   FortWayne   2012 Sep 30, 3:28pm  

CA sure has it's share of the problems. Illegals, horrible union ran schools that are overwhelmed by illegals. High taxes, high cost of living.

And it ain't all that great elsewhere either. On paper grass is always greener on the other side, but it sure doesn't work out that way for everyone.

You can check-out anytime you like...

36   Ceffer   2012 Sep 30, 4:24pm  

Waitingtobuy says

I like living in So Cal near the beach. Schools are excellent in our area, and weather phenomenal.

You mean one of those thin shells of affluence along the beaches and hills encasing 250 square miles of ghettos and third world warlords in LA? Hope you have your go fast boat provisioned and ready to head out at a moment' notice. LA is like a big zit waiting to pop. No place to go but the waves if you are on the ocean, unless they start building Hadrian's Walls all over the city.

37   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 8:58pm  

Ceffer says

Waitingtobuy says

I like living in So Cal near the beach. Schools are excellent in our area, and weather phenomenal.

You mean one of those thin shells of affluence along the beaches and hills encasing 250 square miles of ghettos and third world warlords in LA? Hope you have your go fast boat provisioned and ready to head out at a moment' notice. LA is like a big zit waiting to pop. No place to go but the waves if you are on the ocean, unless they start building Hadrian's Walls all over the city.

Growing up in a top LA neighborhood and seeing the vast decline this is VERY well-said.

38   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 9:00pm  

Waitingtobuy says

My friend told me he has to look for a private school for his daughter because the schools are atrocious in Florida. My former business partner left Miami Beach because he ended up hating the people. And mind you those are very nice areas. The only place I could see living there is the panhandle, near Destin, BP oil spill and all. The rest of the state is full of rednecks in the north, and NY/NJ retirees in the south. Yuck.

Yes, South Florida is THE Southern CA of the East Coast.

39   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 9:02pm  

lostand confused says

Goran_K says

Politicofact says

California is great if your earning 250k a year and have minimum debt.

Most, unfortunately live beyond there means in CA and it shows.

California is great if you're making $150,000 a year and not living beyond your means.

I know people making 50k a year and are very happy. Granted they bought their home a while ago, but keeping up with the Joneses can be very contagious.

The average income in CA is not even 50K it's all smoke and mirrors bullshite. If it wasn't for Prop 13 none of the original people left would be there still.

40   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 11:42pm  

Sometimes bitterness eats away at the soul. Best to let go-no place or person is worth it.

41   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 11:47pm  

lostand confused says

Sometimes bitterness eats away at the soul. Best to let go-no place or person is worth it.

Typical wacko CA talk to me no wonder you are "lost and confused."

42   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 11:50pm  

Reader says

lostand confused says

Sometimes bitterness eats away at the soul. Best to let go-no place or person is worth it.

Typical wacko CA talk to me no wonder you are "lost and confused."


LOL!!! Touchy aren't we. You gotta go through what you gotta go through. Hope you find some peace. Life is too short.

43   37108605   2012 Sep 30, 11:54pm  

lostand confused says

Reader says

lostand confused says

Sometimes bitterness eats away at the soul. Best to let go-no place or person is worth it.

Typical wacko CA talk to me no wonder you are "lost and confused."


LOL!!! Touchy aren't we. You gotta go through what you gotta go through. Hope you find some peace. Life is too short.

I don't really care honestly. I am not in housing debt this isn't a touchy subject with me but people bullshitting and brainwashing innocent people to go into debt just to make money off them IS.

So go watch some spinning coloured light, chant and maybe have a warm fuzzy spiritual circle of love with your multi-cultural CA neighbours ...serve Kool Aid.

44   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 11:57pm  

You say you don't care. But you left CA and you have been bashing it ever since. If you don't care, you obviously wouldn't be doing it.

As for your childish insults-teenage girls can do better.

45   37108605   2012 Oct 1, 12:00am  

lostand confused says

but people bullshitting and brainwashing innocent people to go into debt just to make money off them IS.

I explained clearly.

"...but people bullshitting and brainwashing innocent people to go into debt just to make money off them IS. "

I can bash CA all I damn well please. I grew up there and I saw the shite happen first hand. IT IS STILL AMERICA AND A FREE COUNTRY THANK YOU.

46   lostand confused   2012 Oct 1, 12:03am  

So you assume people are innocent and incapabale of making decisions for themselves? You seem to confuse grown adults with little children.

Hmm where have I heard this before-I can say whatever I want, but if someone says an opposing view or contradicts me, my first amendment rights are being attacked-LOL-oh yes Sarah Palin.

47   lostand confused   2012 Oct 1, 12:08am  

bgamall4 says

Wage earners who are not living multigenerationally would be better off in NW Arkansas where you can rent a two bedroom apartment with all the amenities for under 500 bucks a month

LOl!! A lot of the places I have lived in the mid west are similar. Under 800 bucks gives you a nice, decent two bedroom . I can't even find a studio in a decent area here for that price. I hear from friends that even Houston is similar.

48   37108605   2012 Oct 1, 12:10am  

bgamall4 says

Strategic Renter says

I was waiting for that inane comment. If that is the best you can do to defend California then I pity you. I was not asking to be missed just making a comment pertaining to the story you sad person.

So far, the big advantage in Las Vegas is housing inventory. But the problem is, over 50 percent of sales are cash. Big money will find a way to screw Las Vegas as well.

If you live multigenerationally you probably are immune to the wealthy gobbling up the inventory. If you are on your own and are just a regular wage earner, you are screwed here and in California.

Wage earners who are not living multigenerationally would be better off in NW Arkansas where you can rent a two bedroom apartment with all the amenities for under 500 bucks a month.

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

and that is ALL a two bedroom apartment should be ANYWHERE.

49   freak80   2012 Oct 1, 12:14am  

Wait. There are still middle class people living in California?

50   37108605   2012 Oct 1, 12:17am  

freak80 says

Wait. There are still middle class people living in California?

JEEZ I get the pun but lose the word CLASS it has nothing to do with economic standing.

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