not much on here about the flogging Biden gave Ryan

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2012 Oct 12, 12:14pm   4,081 views  15 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

just sayin'

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1   Ceffer   2012 Oct 12, 12:16pm  

not much on here about the flogging Ryan gave Biden. Just sayin'

2   curious2   2012 Oct 12, 12:33pm  

Nobody else anywhere seems to describe the VP debate that way. I watched parts of it, and Biden seemed more persuasive on Medicare, though the rest was a muddle. Ryan scored points against ObamneyCare, and when he said the debate would serve the public better if Biden would quit interrupting, but otherwise he didn't make any convincing case for his own ticket being better than the incumbents. They disagreed about abortion, and Ryan seemed more theocratic on that point; Biden seemed to have a better grasp of the separation between church and state.

3   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 12, 12:37pm  

The gift that keeps giving.. since 1973... yes its time for a change!
Uncle Joes performance was just that... I think he had too much Scotch early on.

4   Philistine   2012 Oct 12, 12:45pm  

curious2 says

he didn't make any convincing case for his own ticket being better than the incumbents

Not that anybody cared about that, anyway. His debate style struck me as holding the question hostage for further, non sequitur stumping and campaigning rather than actually engaging in the debate. His favorite bumper stickers were "The Choice is Clear" and "[Romney is] Uniquely Qualified."

5   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 12, 12:52pm  

Biden on Obama "No, on the job training!"

Well he sure was right about that...

Even Joe Biden does not believe in Barack Obama!


6   lostand confused   2012 Oct 12, 1:08pm  

Paul Ryan got called on his BS. But the dems are honest when they get their ass handed to them. The repubs- not so much .

7   lostand confused   2012 Oct 12, 2:31pm  

Well if dems are looking through rose colored glasses, then the repubs are all competing to be

8   kentm   2012 Oct 12, 10:43pm  


"So then, after that, there's this exchange.


REP. RYAN: – so we can lower tax rates across the board. Now, here's why I'm saying this. What we're saying is here's a framework –

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: I hope I'm going to get time to respond to this.

REP. RYAN: We want to work with Congress –

MS. RADDATZ: I – you'll get time.

REP. RYAN: We want to work with Congress on how best to achieve this. That means successful – look –

MS. RADDATZ: No specifics, yeah.

Raddatz did exactly the right thing. She asked a yes-or-no question, had a politician try to run the lamest kind of game on her – and when he was done, she called him on it, coming right back to the question and translating for viewers: "No specifics."

Think about what that means. Mitt Romney is running for president – for president! – promising an across-the-board 20 percent tax cut without offering any details about how that's going to be paid for. Forget being battered by the press, he and his little sidekick Ryan should both be tossed off the playing field for even trying something like that. This race for the White House, this isn't some frat prank. This is serious. This is for grownups, for God's sake."

9   kentm   2012 Oct 12, 10:55pm  

Really, the only 'rose colored glasses' around here are those who pretend that when they support Romney & Ryan they're supporting an actual economic policy platform. You republicans are supposed to be the economic powerhouses, the money geniuses, the pragmatic giants! But all you're showing is your blind bias and bigotry. And through it all, through each speech, through each presentation where it becomes clearer and clearer that there's no plan, there's no great idea, that these guys will simply say anything to win and expect no one to care, expect your continued support, you keep pretending like there's something there and that everyone else is stupid. JHC guys, what the actual fuck? It's getting pathetic.

11   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 13, 12:16am  

So I clicked on Kentm's link and straight away I got a pop up question poll that would not let me continue unless I clicked a Yes or No answer .

Now it was just a small question, with out any details into the what the question was actually asking.

Stop the War on Workers
"Do you support workers rights?"

Now that's a loaded question.

Right to what, my pay, my position, people less capable than I making the same amount as I do? Then the answer is NO

Out sourcing work to other countries? Yes more so, I do support workers rights.

Sometimes it's not what you ask, it's how you ask it.

12   marcus   2012 Oct 13, 12:38am  

I guess it's just as well you didn't read the article. IT was a very cogent analysis of Biden's performance in the debate. One that a supposed ex-democrat such as yourself could appreciate (except we all know that's a lie - unless you just mean old school southern democrat).

Yeah you're an ex-democrat, who just happens to frame every issue through the lens of hatred for democrats, and especially Obama.

13   marcus   2012 Oct 13, 12:40am  

This is true, and very sad that Obama has to concern himself with this kind of thing.

Can President Obama simply repeat what Biden did to take on Mitt Romney more effectively in the next two debates? Yes and no.

The president should stick to the themes of responsibility to the middle class. But he cannot use his face and body language to contest Romney’s lies the way Biden did. Why? An unfortunate fact of our society is that angry African-Americans suffer much more scrutiny than senior citizen Joe Biden shouting “Malarkey!”

14   kentm   2012 Oct 13, 12:42am  

CS, you just click OFF the image. To the side of it. On the area of the page that's not the image.

Kids these days.

15   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 13, 1:32am  

marcus says

The president should stick to the themes of responsibility to the middle class.

You mean fabricate themes of responsibility to the middle class?

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