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FoxNews All Government is Evil Republicans: "people who continue to insist that they pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. Well, let them go to India and see what it’s like to live in a place where you can’t take public services for granted. We’ll see how far their bootstraps get them there."
OK, I get it. NO ONE, ever, from India has succeeded, right? Let me guess, you're a liberal.
Opportunity isn't provided by government, opportunity is impeded by government. Opportunity starts at the bottom.
Opportunity isn't provided by government, opportunity is impeded by government. Opportunity starts at the bottom.
If opportunity starts at the bottom.. WHy are you in favor of a Republican administration that wants to keep any chance at wealth out of the hands of those at the bottom. Trickle down economics doesn't work.
Go see Atlas Shrugged. It will probably (or not) help you understand how government is the problem, not the solution.
Besides if anyone can help get Americans back to work its someone who understands job creation...and that sure isn't the muslim in the White House, he hasn't even started a successful lemonade stand. He has a dismal record of failure. No amount of distraction or diversion can change that.
Vote for the American !!
Go see Atlas Shrugged.
Atlas Shrugged the little book written by a Russian, who was an athiest, and believed in abortion on demand.........
Now thats a Conservative, errrr Objectivist!
Her entire premise only works if you have no soul!
Yes, it is somewhat ironic that a hero of christian conservative right wingers is a russian jewish woman. I wonder why they didn't choose Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment, now that was a true hero of the "new word."
Right out of the liberal playbook: character assassination. I'm going to invoke an often used liberal slogan: "That's not fair".
We need to level the playing field. We need equality of results. We need a new fairness doctrine, comrade hillz.
If we only could confiscate 110% of all profits, then the world would be a better place, right?
Right out of the liberal playbook: character assassination.
Dude do some research with your pee brain. She is from Russia. She is an atheist. She believes in Abortion.
She is not conservative in the model of conservativism in the US. The fact that so many conservatives talk about Atlas Shrugged is hilarious!
The research is discouraged in that "demographic." Mark Bovine has done all of the research and now he will tell the "followers" what they shall believe. Heil!
Prejudiced and racist comments. You kind is all alike...the 99% give the 1% a bad name.
Ironically, this is an example where government-controlled industry i.e., electricity failed miserably. Found this link: This basically says that Indian state of Gujarat did pretty well in terms of electricity, and even had surplus.
And, quoting from that link, all the way at the end:
"There has been no looking back since 2004 when the state successfully unbundled the loss-making Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB) into smaller power utilities. Smaller set-ups improved efficiency - cutting T&D losses and better plant load factor - helping the firms to make profits.".
AHMEDABAD: A power surplus state with near 24-hour electricity supply
Now that is success, near 24 hour supply. LOL third world no doubt.
Success is relative. Even here, the 24 hour supply does not exist during a winter storm. This illustrates what makes things successful i.e., bottom up approach, and privatization. Excessive central planning leads to more failures. Of course, you would rather do "LOL third world" than understand anything that I just wrote.