Why the hell is gay sex immoral?

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2012 Nov 14, 3:22am   205,039 views  878 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

This question goes out to all the people who actually believe that gay sex is immoral. I am formally challenging that belief. If any of you honestly believe that gay sex is immoral, give your reasons here. I reserve the right to challenge the validity of those reasons.

Attendance by Bap33 is mandatory. By the way, that avatar is pretty gay for someone who's homophobic.

Just saying...

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776   Peter P   2012 Dec 21, 6:34am  

Dan8267 says

What liberals and leftists and most academics call "moral gray areas" really refers to the application of morality in complex situations where some moral prerogatives conflict with others rather than the morals themselves being gray.

Or I think "morality" has been over-used. For example, homosexuality has nothing to do with morality.

(It is as morally-relevant as making a painting. Some may find it beautiful. Some may call it rubbish.)

777   Peter P   2012 Dec 21, 6:41am  

Dan8267 says

For example, we want to save the lives of babies. That's a good moral prerogative that no one could argue with. We also are morally appalled at eugenics and the idea of forcing medical procedures on people against their consent especially if such procedures create a permanent material change.

This is just a fallacy of deontological ethics.

778   121212   2012 Dec 21, 7:44am  

two consenting adults having sex is nobody's business

two consenting adults want to get married, it's nobody's business

for the government to limit the rights of some ,so it makes others feel more comfortable is unconstitutional.

779   Bap33   2012 Dec 22, 2:35am  

121212 says

for the government to limit the rights of some ,so it makes others feel more comfortable is unconstitutional.

there is a RIGHT to carry a weapon as a legal citizen in America .... you are the same turd-slinger that is all over this site suggesting that the 2nd Ammendment be removed, and/or, that the RIGHT to carry a weapon be removed, or "limited" to a point that it makes anti-freedom libtards like you "feel more comfotable"..... would you please make it more difficult to cyber-slap you? this is like shooting rare white tigers in a small caged. (yes, that reference was puntificated for you and your menions on the libtarded left). Merry Christmas.

There are no sex based rights in the Bill of Rights. none. same with race, creed, color. All men are EQUAL in the eyes of GOD.

As for your point about "consenting adults". LOL
Brothers and Sisters, or mothers and sons and daughter, can all be adult, and consenting, and you have no issue with it? What about an adult horse and an adult male human? Still no issue with it? What about prisoners?? If male/male coupling is to be viewed as acceptable and normal and healthy and "ok", than you are allowing deviant prisoners to enjoy the fruits of a relationship while in prison, but you deny those same fruits to non-deviant prisoners. Equal protection comes to mind.

Two dudes wanting to boink in private is not something anyone would know about if not for the efforts of the Militant Diviant Army to keep that junk in the face of all normal people. I don't see any big push by the conservative good people to go house to house in search of male/male coupling. So, you first point is silly.

Marrige has a "reason" and "pupose" in the history of man, and in the future of man. It is based in tradition, and need. More so the need to keep track of blood lines to avoid inbreeding and having a whole pile of stupid members of the tribe, due to inbreeding. A public announced coupling allows the rest of the group to know who is coupling with who and at the very end of the event there is a part where anyone who knows a reason for the two folks to not make babies to speak up .. again, this is about inbreeding. As for the State (big S) supporting historical coupling, it is because the State is in the same position as the clan or tribe, they want good heathly babies born to keep the State strong and safe and healthy. There is a benefit to the State to support normal coupling between unrealated healthy males and females. There is no reason to support abnormal, unhealthy, coupling between the males that are suffering from a defective mind or defective glands. That's just not in the State's best interest. Relgion, and it's anti-sexual-deviant view, is another building block used for making a better, free, society, but it gets kinda tuff to discuss with most pro-deviant army members, due to their mandatory membership in the atheist church, so maybe it should be avoided? At any rate, your second point would require the reason and purpose for marrige to be changed to make a few deviants in society "feel more comfortable". No thanks.

780   121212   2012 Dec 22, 3:45am  

Wow Bap33, your a nasty piece of work!

B I G O T! Look it up. You are a classic case.

I could rip apart every word, but I will not.

I fundamentally disagree and so I suggest you go live at the Vatican.

BAP33, You come off as morally superior like the Pope, are you a Catholic?

That would explain your delusions of grandeur. Your moral superiority complex to think gays and lesbians should not be treated equally under the law just as the Constitution suggests all people are in the USA.

For you to speak against that proves your no American.

Truely go live in the Middle East, they embrace all the value you cherish.

Would you take us back to slavery, not allowing mixed marriages, how fucking stupid are you?

Your morality is inferior and not in step to the rest of humanity.

You disgust me with your painful bigoted rhetoric.

781   121212   2012 Dec 22, 3:56am  

Bap33 says

you are the same turd-slinger that is all over this site suggesting that the 2nd Ammendment be removed,

No. Evidence. As usual you throw shit at people and have no clue or evidence to suggest. I am an advocate for the 2nd amendment. However I do believe that drum, assault rifles have no place in the hands of the public and that much stricter gun ownership laws are necessary to protect the public. According to you we should do nothing.

782   121212   2012 Dec 22, 4:07am  

Bapp33 your suffering with homophobia, you can write a 1000 word essay it would not change the fact.

Gay marriage is no big deal. Let them marry and allow them equality.

If you don't like it and your a minority , move to the middle east, where ultra orthodox conservatism is all the rage.

We are not the middle east, we are the most advanced western nation on earth and will not be taken backwards by these simpletons.

Wow, there realty are bastards out there who hate for the sake of hating. Your not a very loving Catholic are you BAP33?

Homosexual behavior occurs in all of the Animal Kingdom, especially Penguins!!! Do you know if GOD made all that and he made all this, this is what he watned. Even if it was some kind of mistake(IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD), we are a loving species and include all people, not divide like ultra-Orthodox conservatives religious ZEALOTS!!!

783   121212   2012 Dec 22, 4:10am  

I really feel for LGBT who BAP33 has wronged and continue to do wrong too.

784   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 23, 1:44am  

121212 says

I really feel for LGBT who BAP33 has wronged and continue to do wrong too

I'll sleep like a fucking ROCK tonight, knowing that 121212 is so bent out of shape because Bap33 personally thinks gays shouldn't get married.

I think I'll snore extry hard.

785   121212   2012 Dec 25, 3:51am  


It is understandably unthinkable to have a group blame gay marriage for the terrible shootings that took place at Sandy Hook elementary school on Friday. Do you think that the move by Westboro Baptist Church to picket the site of the elementary school shooting and praise God for the deaths of children is worse than the decisions they have made in the past? Should there be a law preventing groups like this from picketing funerals with arguably hateful messages?


787   michaelsch   2013 May 8, 6:37am  

An interesting point about the true agenda of the same sex marriage advocates:


788   gsr   2013 May 8, 7:01am  

An act is immoral when it is performed on someone against his/her own will. In other words, there is no victim when two people engage in an activity voluntarily, irrespective of their genders.

Patrick rightly mentions about the historical reasons of those religious laws. But I do not see any moral, or at least legal ground for this.

Of course, not everyone has to like or approve activities of everyone else. Someone may find this act repugnant. But this is no different from drinking raw milk. Religious people have the right to disapprove it if they choose to. Laws, on the other hand, should be oblivious to this.

789   Moderate Infidel   2013 May 8, 7:39am  

Anyone that posts on this thread is obviously a closeted gay... oh wait, never mind.

790   Moderate Infidel   2013 May 8, 7:40am  

I bet the religious people that think being gay is immoral would admit that they are gay for Jesus.

791   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 May 8, 7:49am  

michaelsch says

An interesting point about the true agenda of the same sex marriage advocates:

One RadFem does not a whole movement make. Many RadFems think that all non-lesbian relationships are exploitation, including gay male ones.

792   Dan8267   2013 May 8, 8:27am  

michaelsch says

An interesting point about the true agenda of the same sex marriage advocates:


1. Never trust any organization with the word "family" in it. "Family values" is code for bigotry. All people have families, even gay people. To say that homosexuality is an affront to family values is to demonstrate why the very term is bullshit.

2. The entire purpose of marriage equality is equality under law. Either you believe in equality under law, and thus that the laws cannot discriminate in any way against same-sex marriages, or you do not believe in the principles of America. The 14th Amendment and the Supreme Court of Loving v. Virginia illustrate this point perfectly.

3. The entire quagmire the state has gotten itself in is because the state is doing something that it should not have the right nor the responsibility to do: to decide which personal relationships are legitimate and which are not. Marriage should be a social and a religious institution, not a secular one.

4. Masha Gessen's personal opinions about whether or not she would be happy in a marriage are irrelevant to the debate and obviously do not reflect the opinions of gays who want to be married.

5. This thread is about the morality of gay sex, not the legality of gay marriage. The two issues are independent of each other.

793   JodyChunder   2013 May 8, 8:31am  

curious2 says

But, that doesn't explain why adulterous politicians (e.g. Newt Gingrich) campaign against gay couples getting married.

It gets votes.

794   jaldi1   2013 May 8, 8:53am  

Dan8267 says

Well, a lot of people replied to this thread today. However, no one has presented a reason why he or she thinks gay sex is immoral.

You cannot reason out morality.
when you keep asking why there is a certain moral code and you keep doing that till you reach something. you will find that whatever you reach will be something which cannot be explained.It is something that most people agree on instinctively if thier mind is left un corrupted by other crap ( beliefs/religion/rationale) from society .
lets take the example of slavery. If you keep asking why slavery is wrong, you will finally reach to something that cannot be explained and that would be " its wrong to cause suffering to another human being". you cannot go beyond that.
can you explain why its wrong to cause suffering to another human being ? No .
Most people will agree that its wrong to cause suffering to another human being if they are allowed to listen to their heart.you can confuse them easily by corrupting that process by introducing rules,religion,rationalizations, status quo...etc.

In most cases, people are OK to cause suffering to others when they can be convinced that the other people are different than you.

So the questions is : If you didn't have any religion,bias,prior access to moral code,belief system of a society and you were living on an island with your family with no prior contact with civilization. Suddenly you see male coupling, what would you think./do ?

will you be disgusted. will it be something than you don't want your children to see ?

will you be ok to let them do whatever they want but not publicly ?

795   bdrasin   2013 May 8, 9:00am  

For shame, Dan - are you so far gone that images like this do not fill you with revulsion?

796   JodyChunder   2013 May 8, 4:17pm  

zzyzzx says

She's got some good muscle memory, that one. Could use that kinda thing around the ranch.

797   Dan8267   2013 May 14, 7:58am  

jaldi1 says

You cannot reason out morality.

when you keep asking why there is a certain moral code and you keep doing that till you reach something. you will find that whatever you reach will be something which cannot be explained.

Absolutely incorrect. Morality has a rational and natural explanation as has been confirmed many times by biologists.

All moral arguments are essentially logical arguments based on assumptions of principle. As long as two people agree on the principle, then moral codes can be constructed according to logical laws and game theory. This is precisely what nature does through evolution. It can and has also been modeled in computer simulations using genetic algorithms.

If two people cannot agree whether to accept or reject a principle, then that indicates a fundamental disagreement in opinion. Furthermore, if I reject a principle you propose, such as eating green foods is inherently evil, then I most certainly should reject any moral codes you based on that assumption.

Morality, like anything else worth doing, should be done as an engineering discipline.

799   postbubblesucess   2013 May 14, 11:56am  

Complicating common sense again. Typical Homo trait.

800   Glendon   2013 May 14, 1:48pm  

You do realize your question has an internal contradiction, correct? If anyone answers why sodomy is immoral, you will simply harangue them for making a relative values judgment.

Skipping morality, let's restate this thread as "can anyone tell me why sodomitic conduct is intrinsically defective?"

Why yes... yes I can. The purpose of your mouth is generally to take in food and liquids, and breath. Oh, and talk. It is true that people derive sexual excitement from kissing or oral "sex" but kissing is generally part of sexual foreplay towards completing the coital act, and oral "sex" isn't sex. It's masturbation of another with your mouth. You could use your hand to the same effect, which I believe is called a "handjob."

The purpose of a man's rectum is to hold shat until you are ready to excrete it. Its purpose isn't to receive an erect penis until the penis ejaculates. That isn't its purpose... it's reason for existing. It is designed to be the end of your digestive tract, not a receptacle for semen.

Lastly, the purpose of a penis is to engorge with blood and be stimulated until it ejaculates semen. It's other purpose is to empty the bladder.

Semen has a single purpose: it is the portable mechanism to move 23 chromosomes to the egg of a female, who has a complementary ovary that releases an egg holding a complementary set of 23 chromosomes, and the cycle repeats roughly every 28 days or so.

This is why nothing related to same sex attraction is either sex, or love. It's masturbation, in concert, typically by a dominant male abusing the rectum of a passive male until the dominant male ejaculates. This is typically accompanied by a "blowjob" or "handjob" to complete the ejaculation of totally wasted semen of the passive male. Love has a purpose. As John Mayer says, so it has to be true, love is a verb. The nature end of love is attraction, and attraction brings about coitus, normally. That, ignoring modern pharmacology, usually begets children, furthering the race.

Pointing out irrelevant straw man arguments like other species is only a distraction. Homosexuality is a biological dead end, and directly contradicts the fundamental purpose of any species' body.

For women, it is largely the same. Two women waste their eggs in menstruation each month because all they do is orally or physically stimulate one another's clitori until they ejaculate. That isn't sex. It's masturbation. If you can do it alone, it isn't sex. Only a man and a woman can copulate as designed, and "mate" possibly furthering the race by having children.

Whether you care about this fact, or want to go off on some overpopulation diversion, is irrelevant.

Everything about a man, penis and testicles, and a woman, clitoris, vagina, uterus, and ovaries, are "made" for one another. They have a well functioning design and purpose. You can argue with... whoever, about the design of things - God, mother nature, the universe - if you want. I had nothing to do with it.

Perfect (male) and imperfect (female) sodomy is "immoral" for traditional religion as much as anything because it runs directly counter to the "natural law" and the basic biological function of a human male. It isn't normal, nor a variation of normal. It simply is what it is -- a deviant perversion of a basic human behavior.

You don't need to respond to me. This is basic science and anatomy. There doesn't need to be subjective values judgments or empty emotional appeals to "love." If you have a problem with my arguments, curse mother nature and shout at the dirt.

801   bdrasin   2013 May 14, 2:00pm  

Um...yes, Oral Sex is Sex. Sex is Oral Sex's last name.

Unless you want to get into Bill Clinton/Kenneth Star word wrangling...

802   Glendon   2013 May 14, 2:07pm  

Sex is coital relations. Sucking on a dick is masturbation with your mouth. Taking in the anus is masturbation with your rectum. It isn't sex.

803   bdrasin   2013 May 14, 11:41pm  

Sounds like you've got this human sexuality thing all figured out. Your partner is extremely lucky to have someone so in touch with their needs and free of any hangups. Your pillow talk must be fantastic.

Glendon says

Sex is coital relations. Sucking on a dick is masturbation with your mouth. Taking in the anus is masturbation with your rectum. It isn't sex.

Please don't tell me you say that to all the boys - I'd die of jealousy!

804   ET HOME   2013 May 15, 2:21am  

What about allowing a gay couple to adopt a child????( not ther biological children).
Not talking about a mother or father with children that now live a gay life.
I would say a gay male couple can live their life but allow them to adopt a kid ...IMO is no no way.... For a gay female couple HMMMM i got my doubts but maybe

805   snmREDDY   2013 May 15, 3:34am  

Dan8267 says

If two people cannot agree whether to accept or reject a principle

why would somebody agree to not having slaves ?
why would two people agree on a principle ?

806   Dan8267   2013 May 15, 11:02am  

Glendon says

You do realize your question has an internal contradiction, correct? If anyone answers why sodomy is immoral, you will simply harangue them for making a relative values judgment.

Hardly. Why is rape immoral? Rape is immoral because it inflicts physical and emotional harm onto a sentient being. Why is drowning puppies in a river immoral? Drowning puppies in a river is immoral because doing so takes away their right to live and all the experiences of life they would have while inflicting pain upon them. Why is theft immoral? Stealing things is immoral because you are financially and possibly emotionally harming other people. Why is having an adulterous affair with a married person immoral? Adultery is immoral because it damages the relationship of the married couple, inflicting direct harm on them and any children and in-laws they have.

It's damn easy to explain why things are immoral, if they are indeed immoral. There is no trap here. It's not a trick question. If no one can come up with a valid reason why gay sex is immoral, then it is quite reasonable to conclude that gay sex is not immoral and that those who say it is are doing so simply out of bigotry and, ironically, acting quite immoral by doing so.

Now before you get on a soap box about "what is an invalid reason", I'll give you some examples. "Gay sex is immoral because it is unnatural" is clearly a invalid reason because gay sex occurs frequently throughout nature across many species. "...because the ass was not made for sex" is clearly invalid because evolution does not have intent or design goals. "...because gays can't procreate" is invalid because accepting this requires that we consider many other sexual relationships to be immoral that we absolutely consider to be moral such as an old married couple having sex.

The question, "Why the hell is gay sex immoral?", is a perfectly fair and reasonable question to ask. The fact that no one has yet come up with any reason that isn't easily shown to be self-contradicting, contradicting facts, or contradicting other, more fundamental and universally accepted moral statements simply proves that the premise is wrong, that gay sex is not immoral in any way, shape, or form.

807   Dan8267   2013 May 15, 11:19am  

Glendon says

You don't need to respond to me.

Is that your way of expressing fear at a rebuttal? Sorry, I responded already just based on the first paragraph of your post, which contained an incorrect thesis. However, there are some factually incorrect statements in your post that need to be addressed as well. There are also meaningless statement masquerading as questions.

Glendon says

can anyone tell me why sodomitic conduct is intrinsically defective?

Sodomy is a nonsensical notion, like profanity. Why some words or actions are considered "filthy" and others are not is purely an arbitrary and meaningless distinction. Why should shit be profane but crap not? What inherent property of the sounds \ˈshē-ət\ make it more offensive than \ˈkrap\? The very concept of profanity is utterly meaningless and childish, as is the very concept of sodomy.

Glendon says

The purpose of your mouth is generally to take in food and liquids, and breath. Oh, and talk. It is true that people derive sexual excitement from kissing or oral "sex" but kissing is generally part of sexual foreplay towards completing the coital act, and oral "sex" isn't sex.

I'm afraid you have a very deep misunderstanding of nature and evolution. A body part, a trait, a gene does not "have a purpose" other than increasing the number of copies of such genes in the next generation. Evolution is not "intelligent design" by any means. A body part, a trait, a gene has zero or more effects and serve zero or more functions that may be useful, harmful, neither, or both. To say that the mouth exists for the purpose of eating is not correct. What is correct to say is the mouth evolve as a means of eating. This is a subtle, but extraordinarily important, distinction.

To illustrate further… Wings did not evolve for the purpose of flying. Some feathered dinosaurs gained a random mutation that make their forearms more wing-like. This gave those dinosaurs an advantage in running faster. Further mutation and selection refined the wing-like features of the forearms giving those dinos even more advantage in running and jumping long distances. Slowly jumping phased into gliding which phased into flying. There was never an intention behind any of the mutations or natural selection other than passing on genes.

So the mouth evolved and started to get used for multiple things including eating, attacking, defending, exploring the world, talking, courting, and even mate selection. Yes, Virginia, oral sex does an evolutionary purpose, perhaps many. Oral sex can be used to determine if a mate's immune system is different from you and thus would result in a more diverse immune system in offspring, a great advantage in defending against a wide variety of diseases. Oral sex may be used as a means of detecting infidelity. Oral sex is most certainly used for pair bonding, and that is damn important in species with high paternal input.

808   Dan8267   2013 May 15, 11:35am  

Glendon says

Pointing out irrelevant straw man arguments like other species is only a distraction.

In order to understand human behavior, including human sexuality, one must compare and contrast it with non-human counterparts. This is academically obvious.

Glendon says

Homosexuality is a biological dead end, and directly contradicts the fundamental purpose of any species' body.

1. Homosexuality is not a biological dead end. At best, you could argue that exclusively having homosexual relationships prevents reproduction. That is not an argument that gay sex is immoral. It is an argument that not having straight sex is immoral. Essentially, you are stating that chastity is immoral. Hmmm, most religions would disagree with you.

In any case, even with your premise that "good is whatever serves our genes and evil is whatever doesn't", having buttloads of gay butt sex is perfectly morally fine as long as it doesn't interfere with you also having unprotected sex with the opposite gender to produce as many babies as possible. I'm not sure that most people will agree with you about the moral imperative to produce as many babies as possible, but even if we accept that, you still have not shown any reason for gay sex to be immoral.

2. As already stated, your premise contradicts the universally accepted idea that chastity is not immoral. Hell, most religions promote chastity as being moral, many even requiring celibacy in the priest caste. But who believes that turning down sex is immoral? By your premise, every time a 16-year-old girl turns down a guy for sex, she's being immoral because she's not procreating.

3. Numerous scientific studies have shown there are great advantages in social species for having some homosexual members. Such gay aunts and uncles help ensure the safety and upbringing of offspring.

4. Your premise, "what increase reproduction is good, what doesn't is evil", quite frankly makes no sense. By that premise, rape is moral and family planning is immoral. Why should maximizing procreation be a moral imperative? In a world populated by 7 billion, soon to be 10 billion, people that is currently only capable of supporting and sustaining 2 billion, it makes far more sense that decreasing procreation is a moral imperative.

5. Maximizing populations is most certainly not an optimal survival strategy. Many species drive themselves to extinction due to over procreation. It is a common theme in nature. A species finds an abundant food supply, reproduces rapidly, exhausts the food supply while destroying the ecosystem supporting it, only to result in mass starvation and death. The predator-prey relationship does not always reach a stable ratio. Such stability requires negative feedbacks, without them, a species can destroy its habitat and render itself extinct.

For example… Humans are food to many parasites that kill them. In the Stone Age, really nasty parasites would so quickly destroy a tribe that they end up dying with their hosts before reaching the next tribe. This placed an evolutionary cap on how nasty a parasite could be. As a result, we didn't have plagues like the Black Death in the Stone Age. Such plagues could only evolve and survive when human populations reached a level and a density that the parasites could rampage without regard and still have enough hosts left to take refuge.

In conclusion, strategies to maximize populations are not necessary good for survival and certainly are not justifiable as being inherently moral. As a corollary, strategies that do not maximize populations cannot simply be labeled as immoral.

809   Dan8267   2013 May 15, 11:44am  

Glendon says

Everything about a man, penis and testicles, and a woman, clitoris, vagina, uterus, and ovaries, are "made" for one another. They have a well functioning design and purpose. You can argue with... whoever, about the design of things - God, mother nature, the universe - if you want. I had nothing to do with it.

"Made for one another"? Not quite that simple.

There are mechanisms in a woman's body whose sole function is to kill male babies. Didn't know that, did you? Yep, the mother's body actively tries to kill off her own baby, and that's in our species. More specifically, genes inside our mitochondria do things that increase the likelihood that male babies will die before being born, and the another part of the mother fight back with nuclear genes that prevent this.

But why should this even be the case? Is god just a sick fuck? Or is he just a very inefficient engineer?

This situation, of course, makes perfect sense if you accept a purely naturalistic, evolutionary explanation for life. Mitochondria DNA is passed asexually from mother to child. Male babies do not pass on mitochondria DNA. Therefore, it is advantageous to mitochondria to do things that kill off male babies and cause the host (the mother) to be ready to bear another (hopefully, female) child.

Think about what this means. A part of the mother is actively working against the rest of the mother's self-interest. It sure as hell isn't in the mother's interests to bear only daughters! If she did, she'd have less of a chance of having descendants in the distant future. Nature heavily penalizes sex ratio disparities in species with reproductive strategies like us humans!

So not even the mother's own self is "made for itself", nonetheless, made for a man.

The fact is that genes can and do fuck each other over all the time. Genes can and do fuck over their hosts (that's you) all the time. Basing morality on the best interests of genes is as ludicrous as basing morality on the best interests of a rampaging homicidal maniac!

810   Dan8267   2013 May 15, 11:48am  

Glendon says

Only a man and a woman can copulate as designed, and "mate" possibly furthering the race by having children.

Arguing that this implies that gay sex is immoral is logically identical to arguing that an old married couple having sex is immoral, that an infertile couple having sex is immoral, or that a couple using contraceptive having sex is immoral.

A few people might agree that contraceptive use is immoral, but who the hell is going to call grandma and grandpa sexual deviants for having sex on their 50th anniversary? If you don't, then it's just pure hypocrisy.

And quite frankly, the many infertile couples out there should take great offense at anyone who implies that they are immoral for enjoying sex with their spouse even though they cannot conceive.

811   Dan8267   2013 May 15, 11:52am  

Glendon says

If you have a problem with my arguments, curse mother nature and shout at the dirt.

It is your reasoning, not mother nature, that is incorrect. Mother nature has no problem with homosexuality.


Nope, I have no problem with nature. Now that you have learned how common gay sex is in nature, will you change your position as reasoning and knowledge demands?

812   Dan8267   2013 May 15, 11:57am  

snmREDDY says

Dan8267 says

If two people cannot agree whether to accept or reject a principle

why would somebody agree to not having slaves ?

why would two people agree on a principle ?

- Why would somebody agree to not having slaves?

Two people each have an equal claim to a pie. How does one ensure that neither party takes advantage of the other? I.e., what is the optimal strategy for ensuring social justice?

Let one person cut the pie in half. The other person choose who gets which slice.

I'll let you choose whether or not slavery is practice. Once you make that decision, I'll decide who gets to be the slave and who gets to be the master if it's legal. I'm willing to bet that you and most people would choose to make slavery illegal.

- Why would two people agree on a principle?

Many reasons from self-interest, to kin-interests, to fear or hope of reciprocity. Think about all the principles we do agree upon almost universally in our society. For example,
- murder is unacceptable
- rape is unacceptable
- theft is unacceptable
- self-sacrifice is noble
- victims should be compensated by their assailants

813   Glendon   2013 May 15, 12:38pm  

Wow, "Dan." How pathetic is this that you have to justify your abominable behavior to the extent of shouting down all opposition? Response after response after response of rambling, semi-coherent dreck.

Sodomy is immoral because it contradicts the basic function of the body, and because, traditionally, the Judeo-Christian ethic states that God is a creator, and gave us the ability to beget, and in fact, in the Judeo-Christian-Muslim ethic, God's first actual command is to be fruitful and multiply. The deliberate thwarting of that idea for your own self-centered pleasure, is immoral. Sodomy is the same defect as pulling out. "God" struck Onan dead for pulling out. No matter how much a guy talks himself into liking sodomy, taking it in the ass is physical abuse. Your rectum isn't made to have a dick jammed up it. Your penis exists, as I said, to ejaculate semen, and the semen has a purpose, but you just ignore that. You randomly fall back on atheism when you want, then pull out theism and morality when you want. Its the worse kind of duplicitous flip-flopping. But as I said, I don't involve God or morals because sodomy is defective as a fact, on its face, biologically.

You race around in circles trying to serve your own perverted logic. No matter what anyone says to you, it will simply be spun up in a mess so that you can't be argued with. Example? Going from sodomy being a biological dead to chastity being immoral. From atheism to theism in the same sentence, in great, confused leaps in logic and subjects. What crap.

Your ear hears. Your heart beats to push blood. Your brain processes. Your marrow exists to make blood cells. Your eyes see. Your stomach and intestines process food and eliminate waste, amongst other things. And your rectum exists to hold shat until you allow it to open and push out the shat.

"Has no purpose." What a fundamental denial of basic scientific fact. How do we take this stuff seriously? How can we possibly take the homosexual loon telling us black is white and 1+1=5, unless it equals 4, and sometimes 1 seriously? "Oh, some scientist says ears developed originally to suck nectar from flowers but then mouths developed and the ears evolved to hear sounds when sounds got softer." "Scientists now know for sure that people had twelve fingers and toes to better climb the backs of dinosaurs, but after the dinosarus died, the fingers and toes fell off."

As I said, how about you do something constructive like shout at the dirt, dood. You suck dick and take or give it up the ass for your sexual gratification. It isn't sex. It isn't love. It isn't normal. It isn't on the spectrum of normal. It is what it is. Naked lust, or a cry for help.

Two old or infertile people still copulate according to the functions of their body. That a woman doesn't have eggs to ovulate anymore, or never had them, or the male has no sperm, doesn't detract from the basic purpose of the reproductive system of both genders. And actually contraception is also "immoral" since it makes sex masturbation, just like sodomy. That whole response of yours is an epic fail.

That other animals do these things is irrelevant. Their bodies still have the same constituent purposes as ours do... and their behavior is just as much a biological anomaly or defect as yours is. Outside of that, you are just rambling semi-coherently, which is the sole purpose of your original post. To hear yourself scream down the world that you are "normal." You're not. You abuse yourself with others. You aren't a whole person, nor normal. A man that grows up, takes a wife, has children, and raises them to be constructive decent people is a whole, real man. You can't do that. If you want children, you have to pay a woman to carry the child, or adopt. Does it not dawn on you the fundamental silliness of your arguments?

As with most other gays, you probably either: had a cold or absent father, domineering mother, or were molested sometime between the ages of 4-13. I've known a lot of homosexuals over the course of my life, and they all fall into one of those buckets. Which are you?

814   bdrasin   2013 May 15, 12:44pm  

Dan8267 says

I believe this is known as the "Lucky Pierre". Nice.

815   curious2   2013 May 15, 1:05pm  

Glendon says

How pathetic is this that you have to justify your abominable behavior to the extent of shouting down all opposition?...And actually contraception is also "immoral" since it makes sex masturbation, just like sodomy.

Dan has posted thousands of comments on many different topics, because he likes to debate. Glendon, on the other hand, registered solely to spew nonsense on this one topic. This particular topic brings closet cases out of the woodwork, either homosexual (Bop69) or bisexual (FortHood). Their fear of their own desires motivates them to build walls of sophistry around themselves, higher than they can climb over, but they fool no one else. In America, Larry Craig and his fellow closet cases (and their scared wives) set the agenda for the Republican party, so that party can't even have a rational policy discussion anymore and the whole country suffers for it.

Which are you, Glendon or Glenda? Dan demolished all of your arguments, yet you repeat your initial position. Your refusal to understand nature reflects solely on you, not on nature itself; you are the one shouting at the dirt, and the animals, including humans, and who knows what else. Go shout at the reindeer and call them defective and immoral, see what they say, maybe they'll gore you.

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