27 dead, 20 gradeschool kids

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2012 Dec 14, 2:37am   127,863 views  376 comments

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239   121212   2012 Dec 15, 9:26am  

Call it Crazy says

Peter P says

In the physical world, death is death.

lmfao, you make nonsensical arguments like a baby

Clearly an accident under law is defined much differently than murder

you can continue playing the fool.

240   121212   2012 Dec 15, 9:28am  

So far not one response to these pathetic comparisons.

241   Peter P   2012 Dec 15, 9:29am  

121212 says

Clearly an accident under law is defined much differently than murder

So it is a people-problem and not a guns-problem. Then the remedies should center around people and not banning guns.

242   121212   2012 Dec 15, 10:49am  

Call it Crazy says

Gee, I didn't realize a dead body caused by a car accident is different then dead body caused by a firearm... Thanks for helping us see there are different types of dead!!

Call it Crazy -You would think you could figure it out after you posted 100 posts of bullshit car accident stats

One death is Murder and the other is an accident.

Do you have two brain cells to figure this out yet?

244   121212   2012 Dec 15, 11:21am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Peter P says

Self-driving cars can save many lives.

Maybe we need self driving guns, you fool.

245   Homeboy   2012 Dec 16, 7:22am  

robertoaribas says

121212 says

Your a fool.

you're = you are; your = possessive;

like: your idea is that you're for a ban on guns. [I'm not usually the grammarian but you've used the wrong one like 20 times in a row!]

Wow, a spelling flame. So classy.

246   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 11:09am  

Call it Crazy says

121212 says

Way more people own cars and use them way more than GUNS.

Your a fool.

Try this:

......"As of 2009, the United States has a population of 307 million people.[5]"

....."According to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics for 2009 there are 254,212,610 registered passenger vehicles."

....."Based on production data from firearm manufacturers,[6] there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States as of 2010. Of these, about 100 million are handguns.[7]"

Now, back to my chart:


I suspect that his initial point is still accurate - that more people do own cars than guns and that they do use the cars more often.

247   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 11:11am  

Peter P says

121212 says

Clearly an accident under law is defined much differently than murder

So it is a people-problem and not a guns-problem. Then the remedies should center around people and not banning guns.

Why is it an either-or situation? I'd say both are clearly problems.

248   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:00pm  

Call it Crazy says

Bigsby says

Why is it an either-or situation? I'd say both are clearly problems.

No it's not... a gun doesn't go off by itself when sitting in a box in the closet.

It takes a person to get the ball rolling.... that's the source of the problem!

And that person's actions are facilitated by the ease with which he or she can access weapons that I suspect a great many people on this planet think have no business being kept in say the home of a primary school teacher with a disturbed child or in many other places around the country come to that.

249   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:04pm  

As far as the inanimate objects (guns, cars) are concerned, murders are really the same as accidents. The differences are only in the mind states of those responsible.

250   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:06pm  

Call it Crazy says

There were 32,367 motor vehicle deaths last year. That is approx. 89 PER DAY!!!

Where is your outrage over cars, or are these deaths not as important because they weren't caused by a gun?

Yours is a pointless argument. People do not usually step into a car with the intention of killing someone. How many deaths were caused by someone trying to deliberately kill another person with their vehicle?

251   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:07pm  

Peter P says

As far as the inanimate objects (guns, cars) are concerned, murders are really the same as accidents. The differences are only in the mind states of those responsible.

They are very different and that is reflected in law.

252   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:07pm  

Bigsby says

Yours is a pointless argument. People do not usually step into a car with the intention of killing someone. How many deaths were caused by someone trying to deliberately kill another person with their vehicle?

Intention is in the mind only. So it concerns only people.

The ONLY thing that separates accidents and murders (or various degrees of negligence) is the state of mind.

253   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:08pm  

Bigsby says

They are very different and that is reflected in law.

Yes. And such law involves mens rea. There are gun accidents and car murders too. And the law deals with them as appropriate.

254   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:10pm  

Peter P says

Bigsby says

Yours is a pointless argument. People do not usually step into a car with the intention of killing someone. How many deaths were caused by someone trying to deliberately kill another person with their vehicle?

Intention is in the mind only. So it concerns only people.

If that intention is made real by the ease with which a person can access weapons such as assault rifles, then that is a very real issue of appropriateness of ownership no matter how much you want to make it about people rather than the guns.

255   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:15pm  

Call it Crazy says

Well, at least you're finally admitting that a PERSON was responsible for the killing and NOT the "object" or "tool".

We're making progress....

Oh, BTW, many people have gotten into a vehicle with the intention to kill with it.

And many more have picked up a gun... What is your point? Of course a person is responsible for pulling the trigger, but society is responsible for making it easy for that person to have the gun in the first place. Why should people, seemingly with few restrictions in many states, be free to purchase the kind of weapons that have no function in a normal civilized society? These aren't toys, but your country seems to have stricter rules about alcohol consumption than gun ownership. It's bloody stupid.

256   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:18pm  

Peter P says

Bigsby says

They are very different and that is reflected in law.

Yes. And such law involves mens rea. There are gun accidents and car murders too. And the law deals with them as appropriate.

So then he should compare like with like rather than going "oh look at all these deaths caused by cars."

257   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:18pm  

Call it Crazy says

Bigsby says

If that intention is made real by the ease with which a person can access weapons such as assault rifles,

What is you actual description of an assault rifle?

It is a convenient label. Then the label can be re-defined to include anything except muzzle-loaders.

258   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:21pm  

Call it Crazy says

Bigsby says

If that intention is made real by the ease with which a person can access weapons such as assault rifles,

What is you actual description of an assault rifle?

I'm not interested in your nitpicking definitions of weapons. The broader issues are what matters.

259   everything   2012 Dec 16, 12:23pm  

WTF? This is normal human behavior, we are natural born killers. We kill everything, we have war, that kills children, just take a look around man. Not all that many years ago we indiscriminately bombed the living hell out of Iraq, no we were not aiming at schools but plenty of kids died, but so what, killing is killing, do you see it slowing down or stopping?, I don't. We have military, we train people to kill other people, here this is your career, this is what your best at, nervous about it?, don't worry we got PTSD medications for that, yeah they might make you go nuts to.. Get over it already. You live in a world of monsters that we created, just turn on the TV, it makes for great drama, newsbites, sells great, and the sorry truth is people love it.

260   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:27pm  

Call it Crazy says

Bigsby says

I'm not interested in your nitpicking definitions of weapons. The broader issues are what matters.

What I wanted to see if you are just spouting the MSM talking points or if you were actually educated on firearms.

I'm not 'educated' on firearms, but what exactly has that got to with the appropriacy of owning say an AR15?

261   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:30pm  

Call it Crazy says

That's only your opinion that they have "no function"... If you did some research on self defense, you would see that data proves otherwise.

Anybody can produce a talking point about this or that example of self-defence. So what? We are talking about the wider impact on society as a whole rather than individual examples. I'm not particularly anti-gun ownership despite being a Brit, but I don't see much reason for households to be allowed to own say semi-automatic rifles with what seem to be few meaningful safe guards in many states.

262   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:32pm  

Bigsby says

but I don't see much reason for households to be allowed to own say semi-automatic rifles

Perhaps they want less recoil compared to a bolt-action rifle.

263   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:34pm  

Call it Crazy says

Bigsby says

I'm not 'educated' on firearms, but what exactly has that got to with the appropriacy of owning say an AR15?

OK, question, is it appropriate to own a 22 rifle?

I would suggest it entirely depends on what they intend to do with it.
Just as a general point, if people are using a weapon for target practice or hunting, why would they need a semi-automatic weapon?

264   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:35pm  

Bigsby says

Just as a general point, if people are using a weapon for target practice or hunting, why would they need a semi-automatic weapon?

If people just want to go grocery shopping, why do they need a Hummer?

265   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:36pm  

Peter P says

Bigsby says

Just as a general point, if people are using a weapon for target practice or hunting, why would they need a semi-automatic weapon?

If people just want to go grocery shopping, why do they need a Hummer?

Give me strength.

266   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:38pm  

Call it Crazy says

That's why I said you need to look at actual data. The facts are, that firearms have PREVENT many more crimes than have been committed. The problem is, we only hear about the committed ones from the MSM. We need to separate emotional responses and knee-jerk reactions from these instances and look at the facts.

Well show me the facts. Firearms encompass a very wide range, and I presume rather a lot of your examples don't relate to semi-automatic rifles.

267   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:46pm  

Call it Crazy says

Bigsby says

Just as a general point, if people are using a weapon for target practice or hunting, why would they need a semi-automatic weapon?

In target practice, if you're looking to hone your skills, you need to be able to shoot in repetition without changing position. Stopping to reload single shells breaks your rhythm.

In hunting, you don't always kill your game on a single shot, so you need to be able to re-fire quickly to keep the game from escaping wounded.

Life is full of compromises. There are a vast number of restrictions on people's individual liberties that most people don't give a second thought to because they lead to the betterment of society as a whole.

268   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:49pm  

Call it Crazy says

So, only 2/3rds of murders are caused by firearms... which means some other "weapon" was used for the other 1/3.

....."Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year."

....."A 1994 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans use guns to frighten away intruders who are breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year.[20]

Your 'only 2/3rds' comment is rather striking.
And I presume that most of the figures you mention below that relate to handguns...

269   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:50pm  

How many murders will give up murdering if they have no guns?

If someone is premeditated and determined, he will follow through.

We have an angry-people problem.

270   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 12:53pm  

Peter P says

How many murders will give up murdering if they have no guns?

I didn't notice a demand for all guns to be given up.

271   Peter P   2012 Dec 16, 12:55pm  

Bigsby says

Peter P says

How many murders will give up murdering if they have no guns?

I didn't notice a demand for all guns to be given up.

But criminals will still have all those weapons out there.

272   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 1:02pm  

Call it Crazy says

That's been my point all along. You, like many others, are strictly focused on those "evil guns" and nothing else. The facts are, just like the stats I posted, that other "tools" can be used to kill people. Except, no one wants to use critical thinking skills and logic to accept that point.

The other 1/3 above could be anything... a knife, a axe, a baseball bat, a chain saw, a steel pipe, a rock or anything. Maybe even a car...

The only common denominator in all the murders? They had to be caused by a PERSON....

No, I'm not, but quite obviously guns are the single greatest weapon of choice for murders in the US. In the UK, I believe it is knives, but the number of murders in the UK is vastly lower than in the US. Ease of gun ownership is one of a multitude of issues. But it is one. You, however, seem to be strictly focused on denying the part that rampant gun ownership plays in the number of murders. It does have a role. It's not the be-all and end-all, but why are you so hell bent on denying that it plays any part?

273   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 1:04pm  

Peter P says

Bigsby says

Peter P says

How many murders will give up murdering if they have no guns?

I didn't notice a demand for all guns to be given up.

But criminals will still have all those weapons out there.

You don't say.

274   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 1:15pm  

Call it Crazy says

Both of these rifles operate on the same principle and the same type of firing mechanism. The difference being, for the uneducated, the 22 is portrayed as a nice little backyard target rifle, where the MSM makes out the AR15 as some scary military "killing machine" that should be banned.

Fear, emotion and false perceptions doesn't make for good law making....

I've already made my point on both of those weapons and that wasn't based on 'fear, emotion, and false perceptions.' I see little place in society for the need for (frequently) loosely regulated ownership of (multiple) semi-automatic rifles. It does not serve the greater good of society. That is my opinion. It obviously differs from yours.

275   Bap33   2012 Dec 16, 1:21pm  

Since the United States legalized abortion in 1973 in Roe v. Wade, approximately 40 million abortions have been conducted in this country.

That is 40 million of these little kids, just like the ones that got shot, only 5 years younger, and much more defenseless.

1/1/1973 to 1/1/2013 is 40 years, that is 1 million per year. and that is about 2,740 dead babies every day.

The advertized numbers are higher, like 3,700 per day, but I'll stick with the lower number to avoid silly arguements.

Now, will all of those calling for the removal of weapons from the hands of law-following Americans please explain why? If you say it is to save lives, you are a liar. If you were wanting to save innocent life you would end abortion. Murderers will use whatever it takes to do the job. Stop pretending that murdering freaks are all too lazy to try other options. After all, every day there are thousands of babies murdered with sharp medical tools and a vaccuum. Abortatoriums dont use guns, and they murder thousands more than gun violence. It is time for the liberal left to stop talking about lives. They want to have equal chances for all innocent folks to be victims, and not have to know that some bible clinger was able to protect his family, wife, treasure, neighbor, teacher, or self from being a victim. Note their view of Zimmerman, and compair that to how they reacted to Spike Lee. Spike Lee is guilty of conspiracy to commet murder on the same level as Charles Manson, but nobody says anything. How odd. Zimmerman's story has been proven, but all of the good people are afraid of the reactions from the bad people, so he must be treated like a criminal. Thanks to libtards.

The Mayans where right.

Believing a new, special law (that only limits the good guys from having weapons) will make any difference to the bad guys and how they rape, murder, and rob innocent people, is a sign of mental illness, and lots of dope smoking must take place to suffer that much from the cancer of liberalism.

276   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 1:22pm  

Call it Crazy says

Where did I ever say it doesn't play any part?? I just showed you the data above. Sure, it's easier to kill someone with a gun then a baseball bat, but guns aren't the only cause of murders. They just make for a better "emotional" story because of the fear, ignorance and lack of gun education by so many people.

I also proved to you above that "rampant" gun ownership has proven to be more effective in stopping crimes versus causing crimes.

What don't you understand in those facts??

Er, post after post you've repeated the mantra of 'it's the person,' or should I say 'it's the PERSON.' That's what you've said in this thread over and over.

And as I replied before, if gun ownership wasn't rampant, then crime would be prevented in other ways just as it is in other countries. And even ignoring that point, your figures don't state what was used to prevent crime so even that argument is moot when addressing the issue of the appropriateness of ownership of certain types of weapons.

277   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 1:26pm  

Bap33 says

Since the United States legalized abortion in 1973 in Roe v. Wade, approximately 40 million abortions have been conducted in this country.

That is 40 million of these little kids, just like the ones that got shot, only 5 years younger, and much more defenseless.

Fetuses aren't kids, so what was your point again?

278   Bigsby   2012 Dec 16, 1:38pm  

Call it Crazy says

Wow, after everything I posted, I feel like I'm going round and round in circles, like a dog chasing it's tail.....

I'll just leave it at that, you just don't get it..... your mind is made up, facts and data don't matter, people behind the weapons don't matter, semi-auto rifles should be banned, period...

OK, I'm done trying to explain to you...

Er, I have entirely the same feeling towards what you have been posting. You see what you want to see in your 'facts and data' and you completely ignore any other take on that information that doesn't dovetail with your own preconceptions. And please point to where I said that the people behind the guns don't matter.

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