For the Married Guys (And the Guys Who Have Been Married)

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2012 Dec 28, 2:55am   166,300 views  460 comments

by BayArea   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Hi guys,

As the old adage states, "Can't live with them, can't live without them."

For the guys that are married now or have been married, I'm wondering what your experience has been and if you could give a newly engaged man (hypothetical to me since I am not engaged) any piece of advise or wisdom, what would it be?

I love my GF, but for a few minutes I'm going to zoom out and look at things from a more technical, statistical, and less emotional point of view.

To be honest, I am a bit discouraged at just how many people I know who don't seem to be too happy in their marriages. It always seems to be the same story. Things started off great. There was excitement, adventure, strong physical and emotional chemistry. Then 2-3yrs into it, those feels started to fade. Some couples moved on to the next phase of their lives and had some glue, er I mean kids which kept things fresh and exciting.

I saw a plot in the newspaper several years back that showed divorce statistics as a function of time. There is a spike early on in the marriage (first couple of years), then one at 7 years (7-year itch), and one at about year 18-20 (when the glue is all grown up). If you make it past that, you are fairly safe (not necessarily happy, but likelihood of divorce is low). Some of that is influenced by the fact that you don't have the same options at 45 or 50 as you do at 25 or 30. Sucks, but that's the truth.

I recall reading a book by psycologist Scott Peck that studied the term "Love." He argues that 100% of relationships fall out of love, usually pretty early on in the first few years. The feeling of love is not true love then. The conscious decision to love someone once you lose the "in love" feeling is what real love is all about.

Regarding statistics, 50% of couples who get married in this country wind up in divorce (To be fair, some of those aren't 1st marriages so that 50% number isn't quite as bad as it seems - The reason is that 2nd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 1st marriages and 3rd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 2nd marriages). Moving on, if 50% of couples get divorced, then 50% of couples don't get divorced. Surely those 50% that remain together aren't all happy marriages? So then let's say that half of the marriages that stay together are happy. That means that 25% of couples getting married in the first place remain happy, lol. I really don't like the odds here!

But anytime you get into this debate, you have to get into the alternative, being alone into older age. As much as I see my folks fight and bicker, I tend to think it's better than the alternative (at least for the level they fight and bicker).

A while back Patrick argued that the average person remains in their purchased home for no more than 6-7 years. He said, you might think you are different, but statistically you are not. Same thing goes for divorce. Nobody goes into marriage thinking they will get a divorce. But statistically, 1 in 2 people do in the USA.

What do you guys think?

As a side note, I am really curious about the following. What is the divorce rate assuming the following:

Both Members are devout Catholic ?
Both Members are devout Christian ?
Both Members are devout Muslim ?
Both Members are Atheist ?
Members don't share religious beliefs ?

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288   justme   2013 Jan 24, 2:43am  

curious2 says

Thank you for the link, from Britain. The article doesn't provide a definition of "domestic violence" so I can't compare to American definitions.

Well, what is the American definition of domestic violence? I bet even the definition is skewed so that men get the blame more than they should. Anyway, wikipedia is your friend. As always is the case in gender relations, there are multiple camps that do not agree with each other, but here are some data that supports the notion that women are as guilty of DV as men are:


Straus and Gelles found that in couples reporting spousal violence, 27% of the time the man struck the first blow; in 24% of cases, the woman initiated the violence. The rest of the time, the violence was mutual, with both partners brawling. The results were the same even when the most severe episodes of violence were analyzed. In order to counteract claims that the reporting data was skewed, female-only surveys were conducted, asking females to self-report, and the data was the same.[149] The simple tally of physical acts is typically found to be similar in those studies that examine both directions, but some studies show that male violence may be more serious. Male violence may do more damage than female violence;[150] women are more likely to be injured and/or hospitalized. Wives are more likely to be killed by their husbands than the reverse (59% to 41% per Department of Justice study), and women in general are more likely to be killed by their spouses than by all other types of assailants combined.[151] From a data set of 6,200 cases of spousal abuse in the Detroit area of USA in 1978-79 found that men used weapons 25% of the time while female assailants used weapons 86% of the time, 74% of men sustained injury and of these 84% required medical care.[152]

Please read the whole section a well. There is ample evidence that men are physically abused just as much as women are. And what about the psychological abuse?

289   fubar awol   2013 Jan 24, 4:33am  

Married 29 years, male.

I have read through a lot of these comments - but not all. I agree about a good amount of the advice that can be obtained from any self-help book on the subject - you know which advice I am talking about - regularly clarifying expecations, communication, etc.

Something I haven't seen that I think is of critical importance: both must be committed to the IDEA of staying married (as passionately as some posters seem committed to NOT getting married). In some religious circles they call this a "covenent marriage" - a vow before God that has eternal consequences.

If you are both committed to staying married, you both work very hard at staying happy "in" the marriage. Example: you give up or limit activities that move you apart and find activities that you both enjoy that bring you together. Instead of stubbornly sticking to your own "likes" you find mutual preferences and cultivate them.

Re: sex. Yes, it does get less frequent after kids and later in life. And I'll say this as a generalization, that isn't always true but is most of the time (1) men need more frequent sex than women and (2) it doesn't have to be emotionally engaging sex.

So - make sure you wife is good with "servicing you" when she is not up for a longer more emotional and intimate sexual experience. Skillfully performing oral sex can be as quick and easy for a woman thoroughly brushing her teeth or whipping up penut butter sandwiches for the kids.

Then, when you both have time and energy for full-up sex it becomes "her turn". Everything you do is about pleasing her. This exchange has worked wonderfully for us for nearly 30 years.

290   anonymous   2013 Jan 24, 6:15am  

So - make sure you wife is good with "servicing you" when she is not up for a longer more emotional and intimate sexual experience. Skillfully performing oral sex can be as quick an easy for a woman thoroughly brushing her teeth or whipping up penut butter sandwiches the kids.

Hear, hear!

291   mell   2013 Jan 24, 7:08am  

Tying in monogamy (which means no sex if you don't like each other, possibly for a prolonged time) will mostly fail eventually (unless both are too old to have any significant libido) as generally (there are exceptions luckily) women will not screw you when they are mad at you, usually they will call it conveniently "emotionally not available". If that happens it's best to set a limit, say a couple of months max. for example to have her resolve this issue while both staying amicable and then move on. If kids are involved it is obviously more complicated, but there are solutions, such as cohabitation/co-parenting or living separately but very close by. Or, she is ok with you getting it elsewhere in the meantime. That of course applies the other way round as well. Or you you can successfully program your wife/husband to keep servicing you through thick and thin ;)

292   epitaph   2013 Jan 24, 7:16am  

fubar awol says

Married 29 years, male.

This exchange has worked wonderfully for us for nearly 30 years.

Does not compute.

293   mell   2013 Jan 27, 2:19am  

marcus says

Certainly in some relationships, the increased understanding of the woman's pleasure in sex, which seems to have occurred concurrently with the women's movement (man hating movement?), has lead to better sexual relations, not worse

I agree with this, it helped women figure out what they personally like and being able to talk about it and live it out with their partner. Nothing bad about it. I don't think it was a man hating movement to begin with, but sometimes it is hard to stop something positive that has a lot of momentum to spill over the balance line and turn into something negative. Anyhow, I like women's movements as long as they are rhythmic.

294   marcus   2013 Jan 27, 3:59am  

mell says

I don't think it was a man hating movement to begin with, but sometimes it is hard to stop something positive that has a lot of momentum to spill over the balance line and turn into something negative.

Yes. I agree. Sometimes, even without going beyond balance, there can be a negative side.

For example, women joining the work force and having more fullfilling lives is great. But having our level of (real) income adapt to 2 income households being the norm,...not so much.

I'm not advocating women not working (NOT AT ALL), but if they didn't, then incomes would have to be higher, for us to afford raising families.

If you think about it, that crazy, liberal, women's lib movement was actually one more way in which incomes and wealth has been redistributed upward. You don't have to pay someone as much if his wife works too.

(not that it's that simple - part of it was distributed outward, as the third world countries that live on a fraction of what we do have increased their standard of living)

295   Bap33   2013 Jan 27, 7:28am  

anyone willing to put a peepee in their pooper is insane.
that's so gay

296   curious2   2013 Jan 27, 7:36am  

BayArea says

the disease is primarily sustained through

These aren't "views" or opinions, they are observable facts. There is no evidence to suggest that IV drug use or homosexual sex is more common in countries that have higher prevalence of HIV than the USA. The biology is quite clear. The virus isn't created by any particular activity; it spreads from one person to another. Sharing dirty needles is a very risky activity; proper sterilization of needles can reduce or eliminate that risk. Unprotected anal sex is probably more risky than any other kind, regardless of whether the recipient is male (Bop69) or female. BTW 10% of the 35 million total are children. To say that a disease is primarily sustained by two behaviors, when the numbers say most people who have it aren't even engaged in those behaviors, is contrary to reality. I do respect the distinction that within subsets, e.g. California, the risk factors vary depending on who is involved, but that's only because you can't catch a disease from someone who doesn't have it. It doesn't tell you anything about who primarily does have it, or how they got it.

297   Bap33   2013 Jan 27, 7:48am  

curious, you are blind. In each area, in each country, the HIV is spread in the way it is spread. In SanFranSicko it is spread by activity "X" the most, but in Tiajuana it is spread more by activity "Y", but in Hastings Neb the most common HIV spreading is by activity "Z". BUT -- in ALL areas of AMERICA, where the HIV is spread in the HIGHEST NUMBERS between ADULTS, it is a 100% undeniable fact that the single largest activity known to spread the infection is by male/male coupling. Stop pretending the truth is not known. You are endangering any young male who may be pondering his first male/male incounter with your misinformation.

298   curious2   2013 Jan 27, 7:50am  

Bap33 says

any young male who may be pondering his first male/male incounter

Bop69, you've been pondering so long, you've lost your youth. I keep telling you, instead of obsessing, just make sure he wears a condom.

To the extent your comment mentions statistics and vectors at all, it is consistent with what I've already said. If you look at an unrepresentative sample, you get an unrepresentative picture. Obviously the numbers in San Francisco differ from those in Nebraska. Likewise the numbers in America differ from other countries. That's why it matters to look at the whole picture, to see what's really going on.

299   Bap33   2013 Jan 27, 7:51am  

ahhh yes ... personal attacks beat idea exchange yet again ... color me surprised

well ,since you added, so shall I.

The numbers where you live, and have unprotected anal sex, are all that matters. Like housing markets, HIV spreading is local.

300   curious2   2013 Jan 27, 8:55am  

mell says

it is much cheaper and healthier to provide clean needles

Or just let people buy their own needles (illegal in some states), or provide chlorine bleach. The "exchange" programs are a lesser evil compared to the drug war, but as with much public policy it pits one lobby against another. The cheapest and simplest solution doesn't produce enough revenue to hire lobbyists, so we get a choice between more expensive solutions that can share out more revenue to political patronage networks. The epidemic among IV drug users results significantly from the prohibition against buying their own needles, which is why they shared.
In the case of needles, the prohibition was probably well intentioned, but it illustrates the law of unintended consequences. Older syringes were made of glass and had to be disposed of very carefully. Now they're plastic and retractable. They still should be handled with care, but they're not nearly as dangerous as they were.

301   curious2   2013 Jan 27, 10:26am  

Those statistics explain perhaps your perception, but you need to adjust for two things. You are using prevalance statistics based on how many women had HIV in the 1980s. The number of HIV+ women in North America has increased 10x since then. Guess how they got it? Outdated prevalence statistics don't tell you the risk per occurrence of specific behavior. Even current prevalence statistics result from a combination of behavior and population variables, which is why they vary between California and Nebraska and the rest of the world.

302   curious2   2013 Jan 27, 10:41am  

Note that heterosexual contact overtook IV drug use around 1992, i.e. a few years after the above-cited studies published in the 1980s.

303   curious2   2013 Jan 27, 11:03am  

Among females in the United States diagnosed 2007-2010, CDC reports several times more heterosexual transmissions than IV drug transmissions.

Diagnoses of HIV infection, by year of diagnosis and selected characteristics, 2007–2010

Persons living with a diagnosis of HIV infection

BTW, IV drug users tend to have needle marks, so it isn't so easy to lie. What surprises me though is you seem to ratchet up your insistence on a particular detail that is a mostly off topic distraction from the thread. Even your own descriptions regarding new cases seem to have shifted. You started out being right about the majority of new transmissions among the 3% subset in the USA (ignoring the 97% everywhere else in the world), but now you've exaggerated to "almost entirely," which isn't accurate. Anyway I reiterate that wives worry about adultery and prostitution, and you answer with - what exactly? - that they should have no fear because they're more likely to be killed in a car wreck? It doesn't change their concern, or the basis for it.

304   mell   2013 Jan 27, 11:09am  

New Renter says

Again this is your opinion, no doubt heavily influenced by your day job.

Being a landlord?

305   Bap33   2013 Jan 27, 1:09pm  

why does nobody ask the obvious question? ... "why is there anyone trying to remove the black mark of HIV transmission from deviant sex?" Maybe it's just me that wonders ??? I guess I just find it curious.

306   New Renter   2013 Jan 27, 3:09pm  

Bap33 says

why does nobody ask the obvious question? ... "why is there anyone trying to remove the black mark of HIV transmission from deviant sex?" Maybe it's just me that wonders ??? I guess I just find it curious.

Yep, its just you...

307   curious2   2013 Jan 27, 3:13pm  

Bap33 says

Maybe it's just me that wonders ?

Bop69, I have literally never met anyone who spent as much time "wondering" about "male/male coupling" as you do. You can't stop "wondering," but your early religious programming inhibits you from going ahead and doing, so you become obsessed. It's sad to watch. Of all the users on PatNet, I've only ever seen one other who had your problem, and alas I worry about him because of his references to slitting his own throat.

In other countries, you guys could be married already. Alas in this one you remain trapped by your early indoctrination.

308   KILLERJANE   2013 Jan 27, 3:37pm  

I am not a guy but, marriage is a lot of putting up with each other and having fun with that. Joke laugh fight cry. The 5 things that spur a fight for us are stress, hunger, tired, confused, jealousy. Recognize those and get over it. Been married close to 18 years, known each other 22 years. The itches happen just like you said in your writing. Had kids after 8 years, that can be trying too. Until they go to school and get out of the house and give you a break. Having kids can be overwhelming, especially if they are very active ones. The kids get better with age, IMO. Once they speak your language it starts to get easier. 0-5 rough, 5-8 great! I don't know the rest yet.

309   Bap33   2013 Jan 28, 12:59am  

New Renter says

Bap33 says

why does nobody ask the obvious question? ... "why is there anyone trying to remove the black mark of HIV transmission from deviant sex?" Maybe it's just me that wonders ??? I guess I just find it curious.

Yep, its just you...

lol .. atta boy

310   CL   2013 Jan 28, 1:53am  


Been married close to 18 years, known each other 22 years.

We have been together for 16-17 years, married for ~9. I think waiting was good...why? Just because it felt right. I think that's the key, not to rush anything unless you want to.

311   Peter P   2013 Jan 28, 1:11pm  

Women from developing countries do not have a sense of humor.

312   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Jan 29, 8:13am  

Peter P says

Women from developing countries do not have a sense of humor.

a man only needs 3 things from his woman:

1) good food
2) sex anytime
3) silence

313   MsBennet   2013 Jan 29, 9:34am  

A women only need TWO things from a man:

1. Unlimited access to his wallet
2. His understanding of her frequent headaches

but..as a bonus he should adhere to these rules:

3. Will watch rom-cons and chick flicks
4. Loves to shop only in the fanciest malls.. and we are talking 5 hours at a time and will patiently wait as she tries on clothes and rush back to the racks to get her different sizes
5. Will do dishes and dust (cleaning toilet bowl is a plus)
6. Lets her have the remote (I know that's a tough one!)

314   leo707   2013 Jan 29, 9:35am  

curious2 says

Syphilis can be cured by antibiotics, but it spreads anyway, because there is no vaccine.

For now, but don't worry drug resistant Syphilis is on its way.

315   New Renter   2013 Jan 29, 11:21am  

MsBennet says

A women only need TWO things from a man:

1. Unlimited access to his wallet

2. His understanding of her frequent headaches

but..as a bonus he should adhere to these rules:

3. Will watch rom-cons and chick flicks

4. Loves to shop only in the fanciest malls.. and we are talking 5 hours at a time and will patiently wait as she tries on clothes and rush back to the racks to get her different sizes

5. Will do dishes and dust (cleaning toilet bowl is a plus)

6. Lets her have the remote (I know that's a tough one!)

Yeah, good luck with THAT!

316   Mick Russom   2013 Jan 29, 11:51am  

Behind every great man is a great woman.

Men have traits. Women do too. The current police state wants us to pretend this isnt the case, but it is.

Good women compliment men, and help build great families. I couldnt imagine anything but abject failure as a father if my wife wasnt around to make things work.

317   Mick Russom   2013 Jan 29, 11:53am  

robertoaribas says

NEVER brings the girl back here. EVER

This shows a lack of trust. This also shows that you do not believe in goodness or good character.

This tells me what I've always suspected. You like to control others. You like to make them do what you want. And you would be willing to suggest to someone to deny their wife an experience for deceptive reasons.

Wow. Fascinating.

318   Peter P   2013 Jan 29, 1:02pm  

Mark D says

Peter P says

Women from developing countries do not have a sense of humor.

a man only needs 3 things from his woman:

1) good food

2) sex anytime

3) silence

A good wife is a funny soulmate.

319   Peter P   2013 Jan 29, 2:34pm  

robertoaribas says

more bullshit, I've never seen people have a better time than in the philippines. A karaoke machine and some friends, a few cheap gallons of beer, and in a no running water shack, everybody has fun.

That is not the same as a sense of humor.

They don't even get puns.

I can't respect women who see no ironies and/or parodies in life.

320   Peter P   2013 Jan 29, 2:36pm  

robertoaribas says

Even China and Russia and Vietnam all gave up on your dumbass theories of communist property rights.

Unless they are after your stuff. The extent of selective enforcement in those countries is mind-boggling.

321   Peter P   2013 Jan 29, 2:44pm  

If you don't like women in the US just head North. There is much to like aboot ladies in Canada.

322   Mick Russom   2013 Jan 29, 4:55pm  

robertoaribas says

You're boring and stupid.

Swearing, ad hominem attacks, and waxing about how great life is in other countries.

I never said communism and no property rights. However, you may think the use of rentier means commie. NOPE. You dont get it.

What I dont want is YOU using MY MONEY to leverage to EXPLOIT ME. Why should you take credit to buy up all the resources, basically, buy up the watering hole, and charge a toll?

If you are really daddy Warbucks, BUY the property. Rent it out, and dont try everything in your power to reduce your tax load and deny improvements to tenants to skim off the top.

The notion of property rights when if everything defaults all the paper (titles and deeds) would end up in the banks hands is hardly individual liberty.

In fact, you're benefiting from a very sophisticated version of socialized risk.

Communists are foolish ideologues. On the other side of the spectrum are the rapists. People who climb to the top by stepping on everyone on the way up, not uplifting people.

You are the same kind of person that kept Tucker (the automibile guy) down. Any threat to how your business operates, kill it. Any way possible.

Never-mind that by keeping tucker down the american car industry made itself long term noncompetitive, by pushing down innovation and change for the better to keep the status quo.

Wage slavery to overpriced housing in an economy made from disposable income is stupid. It makes it hard for people like me, people who need time to innovate, work extra hard at making the next best thing wrapped in a greedy business model for you banking types.

Cure for cancer? No, cant have that, we have to make money off of the cure before we can release it.

You remind me of this guy:


323   Peter P   2013 Jan 30, 12:37am  

Stop blaming investors for all the problems. They are merely responding to the market. Besides, greed is right. Greed drives the human evolution.

324   epitaph   2013 Jan 30, 1:38am  

Ambition is good, greed isn't.

325   epitaph   2013 Jan 30, 1:42am  

And just to make it clear because some people don't know the difference.

Ambition: Starting your own successful company.
Greed: Your employees make minimum wage and no benefits.

326   Bap33   2013 Jan 30, 2:39am  

you didn't start that company

Success in business/life: Doing what others cant do, doing it better/faster/cheaper/ and/or in the most desired manner.

Failure in business/life: Trading self-respect for success. Ever.

327   Peter P   2013 Jan 30, 3:22am  

epitaph says

And just to make it clear because some people don't know the difference.


Ambition: Starting your own successful company.

Greed: Your employees make minimum wage and no benefits.

They are the same thing. You do what it takes to make your business successful. Employees can choose to work for the conditions or not.

That said, treating people well usually pays dividends. But it is a separate issue.

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