For the Married Guys (And the Guys Who Have Been Married)

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2012 Dec 28, 2:55am   166,307 views  460 comments

by BayArea   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Hi guys,

As the old adage states, "Can't live with them, can't live without them."

For the guys that are married now or have been married, I'm wondering what your experience has been and if you could give a newly engaged man (hypothetical to me since I am not engaged) any piece of advise or wisdom, what would it be?

I love my GF, but for a few minutes I'm going to zoom out and look at things from a more technical, statistical, and less emotional point of view.

To be honest, I am a bit discouraged at just how many people I know who don't seem to be too happy in their marriages. It always seems to be the same story. Things started off great. There was excitement, adventure, strong physical and emotional chemistry. Then 2-3yrs into it, those feels started to fade. Some couples moved on to the next phase of their lives and had some glue, er I mean kids which kept things fresh and exciting.

I saw a plot in the newspaper several years back that showed divorce statistics as a function of time. There is a spike early on in the marriage (first couple of years), then one at 7 years (7-year itch), and one at about year 18-20 (when the glue is all grown up). If you make it past that, you are fairly safe (not necessarily happy, but likelihood of divorce is low). Some of that is influenced by the fact that you don't have the same options at 45 or 50 as you do at 25 or 30. Sucks, but that's the truth.

I recall reading a book by psycologist Scott Peck that studied the term "Love." He argues that 100% of relationships fall out of love, usually pretty early on in the first few years. The feeling of love is not true love then. The conscious decision to love someone once you lose the "in love" feeling is what real love is all about.

Regarding statistics, 50% of couples who get married in this country wind up in divorce (To be fair, some of those aren't 1st marriages so that 50% number isn't quite as bad as it seems - The reason is that 2nd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 1st marriages and 3rd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 2nd marriages). Moving on, if 50% of couples get divorced, then 50% of couples don't get divorced. Surely those 50% that remain together aren't all happy marriages? So then let's say that half of the marriages that stay together are happy. That means that 25% of couples getting married in the first place remain happy, lol. I really don't like the odds here!

But anytime you get into this debate, you have to get into the alternative, being alone into older age. As much as I see my folks fight and bicker, I tend to think it's better than the alternative (at least for the level they fight and bicker).

A while back Patrick argued that the average person remains in their purchased home for no more than 6-7 years. He said, you might think you are different, but statistically you are not. Same thing goes for divorce. Nobody goes into marriage thinking they will get a divorce. But statistically, 1 in 2 people do in the USA.

What do you guys think?

As a side note, I am really curious about the following. What is the divorce rate assuming the following:

Both Members are devout Catholic ?
Both Members are devout Christian ?
Both Members are devout Muslim ?
Both Members are Atheist ?
Members don't share religious beliefs ?

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443   hrhjuliet   2014 Apr 28, 1:26am  

New Renter says

hrhjuliet says

: You men wear a uniform of the drabbest colors on the planet, or black, in the most boring cut that barely shows off the male body. While we wear bright colors and have a thousand ways to show off our individuality and our body. You have to hide your body and hide your individuality. Your hair should be short, ours can be short or long. You are the worker bee, even at our human celebrations, for isn't that what formal wear is for? Once at the celebration, don't sing, don't dance and don't show affection. Whatever you do, don't engage in anything that makes life worth living, and if you do, don't do it public....but we can.

See my point? Who is really being oppressed?

Right! Which is why gay men are so..."gay" ;)

Right? ;-)
But remember, peacocks are not female. Men are gorgeous and should be shown off too. I wish men had more room to be themselves and express it.

I spent my whole life in the dance world and only one guy was gay, and my dad worked at IBM for over thirty years and he knew at least four, and who knows how many others feel they need to hide who they are so we never knew about them. The ballet world has just about as many straight guys as any field, despite what Americans think. They just happen to be straight guys with a lot of confidence, and maybe that's half the problem, maybe most men are secretly suffering from a lack of real inner self worth?

I feel men are pushed around. Why should the man have to buy an expensive ring and not the lady? Why should men stand up there at the wedding like a prop or accessory to the all important bride? I thought it was a marriage between two people not a pageant for the bride? Why should men carry the heavy financial load? Women work now, so why the old fashion nonsense? If we women are going to be equal than we need to start treating men like equals. I'm tired of seeing men oppresse their individuality, dreams, and needs. It seems the only acceptable need for men is war, sports and sex, which is great, but men have other needs, other dreams and some really don't care for war or sports, and for heaven's sake that's great too.

Guys shouldn't have to be drunk to get away with showing affection, dancing, singing or basically displaying joy, or participating in a joyful activity. Is the only acceptable form of joy screaming over a football game? What if like my husband, who loves to play sports, finds watching sports boring as hell? Where is his social outlet?

My problem is my husband is my best friend, I was really good friends with my dance partner, I have lots of guy friends, my dad and I talk like friends, and I have two boys. Because of all of that, I am not under the delusion men are alike, or that they all enjoy being straggled by such rigid ideals. Men have one life to live too, it would be nice if we women wouldn't expect men to live it on a gray treadmill supporting our vibrant, cheerful and decadent lifestyle until they retire.

444   Strategist   2014 Apr 28, 3:38am  

hrhjuliet says

My problem is my husband is my best friend, I was really good friends with my dance partner, I have lots of guy friends, my dad and I talk like friends, and I have two boys. Because of all of that, I am not under the delusion men are alike, or that they all enjoy being straggled by such rigid ideals. Men have one life to live too, it would be nice if we women wouldn't expect men to live it on a gray treadmill supporting our vibrant, cheerful and decadent lifestyle until they retire.

I'm beginning to like this girl even more.
Can you do mankind a favor and make a documentary?

445   varmint   2014 Apr 28, 3:52am  

My wife has my great grandmothers ring. Even though it's not big and flashy, she loves it because its a family heirloom and makes her feel special.

We got married in Hawaii and our budget was 10K. We made it, but obviously when you do destination you are putting a burden on your guests. The upside is that you have a smaller group. We would not have been able to have something as nice locally with a larger guest list that would be expected.

446   Sam1000   2014 Apr 28, 7:04am  

Why does she need insurance if she is getting a settlement of half the marital assets and also alimony if she is making a lower income?

Bullshit says

The ring is simply insurance for the woman if the marriage doesn't work out. If she wants a bigger ring: she anticipates things not working out.

447   New Renter   2014 Apr 28, 8:15am  

Sam1000 says

Why does she need insurance if she is getting a settlement of half the marital assets and also alimony if she is making a lower income?

Bullshit says

The ring is simply insurance for the woman if the marriage doesn't work out. If she wants a bigger ring: she anticipates things not working out.

I think the engagement ring is to claim exclusivity of the woman's charms BEFORE marriage.

Perhaps it was a bribe against the women from getting herself knocked up by her secret "bad boy" boyfriend or "Mr Right now" before the wedding and cuckolding the hapless husband into raising someone else's kids.

Someone posted this "Best of" Craigslist ad a while ago here on Patnet and its worth revisiting. It highlights nicely what I am talking about:


After all until the paperwork is signed she (now neither person) has no claim to any of the others assets.

448   rufita11   2014 Apr 28, 9:51am  

hrhjuliet says

Take formal wear as an example: You men wear a uniform of the drabbest colors on the planet, or black, in the most boring cut that barely shows off the male body.

I married a musician, so that's never an issue. If you see a guy with a magnificent beard walking around downtown Walnut Creek in bright green, blue, red, or orange pants, tell him we need some whole milk from Whole Foods (the kind in the glass bottle). Thanks.

449   Strategist   2014 Apr 28, 10:56am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

hrhjuliet says

It was a gorgeous wedding and a magical day. It doesn't need to cost a fortune.

Can you have a word with my daughter? Normally she is very very frugal, but I can't understand why she wants a big wedding when the time comes.

Ha Ha... Daughters....oh boy....

You know, you can always just get a ladder at Home Depot and prop it up at her window... hint... hint...

And maybe even an envelope with $5,0000 on the bottom rung.
Knowing her, she would climb down, take the envelope, and climb right back up again.

450   Vicente   2014 Apr 28, 11:24am  

hrhjuliet says

But remember, peacocks are not female. Men are gorgeous and should be shown off too.

In biology, male animals have to be either useful or pretty. They do not have to be both.

451   New Renter   2014 Apr 28, 12:56pm  

Vicente says

In biology, male animals have to be either useful or pretty. They do not have to be both.

And/or be tasty:


452   Tenpoundbass   2019 Feb 19, 12:26pm  

This was a great thread. I'm still married and I have inherited Three Grandkids I had to adopt. 4 going on 5, 2 going on 3, and one just turned 1.

How did you guys make out in the 6 years since this thread?
453   KgK one   2019 Feb 19, 1:32pm  

India 1% n Chile 13% divorce rate most western countries 50%. Though still curious on why women gave dowry when they get married in some areas of india but in western culture u pay all for women .

If u meet women below 25 , college educated in stem, and makes little less money than you then u are ok. Money / hypergamy r main causes of divorse.

Also noticed that most ppl dont get married after 35. Womens main asset, look fades a lot after 28 and at the same time mens testosterone so little need to approach a women.
I read most divorce happen at 32 as womens look fade but mens status with better job increases. If woman adjusted accordingly then it works out, but most women continue to think their pussy is magical. 1 in 3.7 billion lol
454   Tenpoundbass   2019 Feb 19, 4:33pm  

KgK one says
Womens main asset, look fades a lot after 28 and at the same time mens testosterone so little need to approach a women.

That is why they must be great Home Makers and have great management skills. They used to teach home economics in High School.
But mostly the girls took it, so as a result we saw with most Boomer and Xgen couples. The Husband may earn the income. But the wife manages all of the money, and pays all of the bills. We see it all the time when the Wife dies the husband is lost what to pay where and the account numbers.

Even in the divorced couples after 50, the Male often does not recover to the standard of living he had with his wife.
I even mean in where there was no alimony, the house was sold and the proceeds split.

These scenarios of course are couples that got married younger than 25, many even high school sweet hearts.

I never got people that waited until after 30 to get married. Those are the ones that end up with separate Bank accounts, both are normally expected to have their own careers, they divvy up Bills in responsibilities. I'll pay the mortgage you pay the utilities. Those couples will divorce at the drop of a hat. As both are more independent. Young couples become codependent as they mature.

In the 80's the Liberal rag writers, spun that as a bad thing. But it used to be called Marital bliss. "Can't live with them, can't live without them"
455   HeadSet   2019 Feb 19, 8:13pm  

I never got people that waited until after 30 to get married

Waiting till 30 to get married means the man can get established and sow some wild outs. For women, that lets them know that a movie star is not waiting behind every tree, and that all important career is not all it was cracked up to be. Plus by late twenties, both men and women are more sure of what they want. I have several friends who got married at around 22, only to be divorced in less than 10 years by the wife who claimed something like "You stole my youth!" and now wifey wants a shot at glamour and parties.
456   Patrick   2019 Feb 19, 8:18pm  

KgK one says
India 1% n Chile 13% divorce rate most western countries 50%.

When women get everything they want, they are unhappier than ever.
457   Rin   2019 Feb 19, 8:26pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I never got people that waited until after 30 to get married.

I think that ppl, unless widowed, shouldn't even date past the age of 30, nevermind get married.
458   Rin   2019 Feb 19, 8:28pm  

Tenpoundbass says
"Can't live with them, can't live without them"

I thought that was from the original 'Muppet Movie' ...

459   Waitup   2019 Feb 19, 9:51pm  

I have only one advice. If your GF is controlling and always wants things done her way, or gets upset over minor things, disrespecting at times. Run as far away as you can and don't look back. DO NOT Marry Her. If you think people change with time, NO THEY DON'T.
460   Blue   2019 Feb 20, 12:25am  

KgK one says
India 1% n Chile 13% divorce rate most western countries 50%. Though still curious on why women gave dowry when they get married in some areas of india but in western culture u pay all for women .

Things are changing in India. Women with good paying jobs less likely pay dowry. Industrialization, cost of living and high expectations are driving up divorce rate primarily in cities.
As the people are migrating around, there is less stigma on divorce, I think its a good thing in one way, rather than stuck with bad marriage.
Expectation is low when man is young but goes higher over time. In general male species has no option but to keep up. Its the nature.

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