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Congress should be allowed to set its own salary. Instead, their salaries should be based on Congress's approval rating.
Of course, most senators make most their money under the table in exchange for legislation. We'd need a way to stop that. I vote for prison terms.
Dan, if you proofread your comment, I think you'll find you're missing a couple of words.
After all, we pay their salaries
Just try to get a bill introduced to curtail congressional salaries and see how far it goes.
After all, we pay their salaries
Just try to get a bill introduced to curtail congressional salaries and see how far it goes.
Executive order!
I know this much, if they don't resolve this situation within a month, I'll be likely looking for a job as a government contractor.
(1) No salary for any federal legislator or executive until they enact a balanced budget. (2) In situations where Congress has failed to pass any budget at all, and the entire government is facing sequester or shutdown, each legislator shall be waterboarded weekly until such time as a budget is passed. (Due to the lack of a budget, the waterboarding will need to be conducted by unpaid volunteers, of which there will likely be many.)
I worked for the USDA, and would have been effected by both the sequester, and the proposal you just made.
Which proposal? Are federal legislators and executives also working inside federal agencies?
Too much money goes to defense contractors.
Merely speaking this aloud, marks you as a traitor in our midst. Expect a brace of young men with flag pins on their lapels, to disembark from their Escalades and CORRECT you on how War Money is never waste.
Congressmen/women and Senators don't really care about their salaries. What they care about is the salary they will make when they pass through the revolving door into lobbying or corporate management. Their own salaries are merely a temporary stipend and most are wealthy enough on their own to not even need that. They like the little guy threatening their pay and perks. Take away their ability to cash in after their term is up or they're forced to resign and you'd hear some real hollaring.
Congress should be allowed to set its own salary. Instead, their salaries should be based on Congress's approval rating.
Of course, most senators make most their money under the table in exchange for legislation. We'd need a way to stop that. I vote for prison terms.
They often do the way Herry Reid is known for, approve big construction projects right near his personal land holdings that he acquired for cheap. Now value of his land rises and he flips it profiting millions of dollars. That's a pretty profitable gig, do absolutely nothing, make millions by using taxpayer dollars.
I worked for the USDA, and would have been effected by both the sequester, and the proposal you just made. It would be really upsetting to me, a gov't employee who has nothing to do with all the bull caused by the congress.
Too much money goes to defense contractors.
Too much money is wasted on entitlement programs without enough research and execution with pilot programs. Be bold enough to fail, but don't do nothing.
Too much money is made as members of the board of large corporations after retirement.
Tax code is too complex allowing for loopholes for those wealthy enough to employee lawyers and accountants.
Lol - Tell me why we even need the USDA? Talk about a giant welfare program.
Petition Background
The across-the-board cuts set to go into effect at the end of the week will hurt the economy, and they should be stopped. But if Congress insists on cutting anyone's salary, they should cut their own paychecks first.
In fact, they have proposed a 20% across-the-board pay cut for 800,000 federal employees - all while leaving their salaries safely intact. If hard working employees will see an unexpected pay cut because Congress can’t get its own job done, shouldn’t our Congress members also see a pay cut?
After all, we pay their salaries.
As a state politician in Maine, I am seeing first-hand the devastating impact these cuts will have on our local communities. Why should our Congressional representatives not feel some of the pain, if they're so convinced that cuts are the answer? The least they can do is cut their own salaries first.