Housing Inventory Crisis will Continue in 2013

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2013 Mar 30, 8:01am   40,215 views  189 comments

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For years Americans have seen the drying up of homes for sale. The drought has been harsh. Last year I wrote many articles talking about this trend and how this has had greater effect on a rise in sale prices than has pure demand. Now, this price rise caused by parched inventory is threatening to create another problem down the road which, if allowed to take hold, will only choke us further. What is this trend? I am not worried that home prices will bubble up into frothy foolishness, but I am concerned that this fast rise in prices will...


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118   _   2013 Apr 9, 2:07am  

NAR is worthless,

Also, you can't find 2.5 million homes that are on sale inventory that isn't part of the MLS.

That would mean there are more homes not listed on MLS than they are listed on MLS

I was just trying to make a point. Here take a look at the numbers for the start of the year and the trend right now is only 8.5% rise from the start of the year

119   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 2:13am  


1/18/13 Bloomberg) Housing starts in the U.S. climbed 12.1 percent last month to a 954,000 annual rate, exceeding all forecasts in a Bloomberg survey of economists

10/21/12 U.S. home construction rose 15% in September to an annual rate of 872,000

3/23/12 U.S. Existing home sales fell 0.9% from February.
2/9/12 A $25 billion settlement with the U.S. mortgage lenders was hailed by government officials as long-overdue relief for victims of foreclosure abuses. Of the five major lenders, Bank of America will pay the most to borrowers: nearly $8.6 billion. Wells Fargo will pay about $4.3 billion, JPMorgan Chase roughly $4.2 billion, Citigroup about $1.8 billion and Ally Financial $200 million. The banks will also pay state and federal governments about $5.5 billion.

-- About 11 million households are underwater.

I gave you the foreclosure sales, I also found REIT, and investors sales, but seriously what is the point?

Every one of those underwater loans may want to sell, I for sure want to sell, and get a nice apartment some place warm.

Stick a fork in it, residential housing is simply a matter of who can get what for the cheapest price.

Residential housing is like buying, or renting a car, except we can build something better on your lot when you're done using up the old place.

120   _   2013 Apr 9, 2:19am  

Brother I tried to explain it as simply as I could, obviously it didn't work.

Math is math, the rest is story telling.

121   Tenpoundbass   2013 Apr 9, 2:22am  

There is no housing inventory problem. This is the same game they tried for about two years, from about 2007 when the market collapsed, until the end of the "First time home buyers tax credit" Around late 2009 to early 2010.

The inventory is being manipulated, either by keeping houses off the market, or releasing them as a house sales. The other thing they do to manipulate "average listing price" is they will include Commercial buildings, and MFUs in the average list price. That will make a neighborhood of 900sqft houses that are selling for 69K and listing for 90K, seem like the average list price is 225K. By time they include the 800K and 1.2 million dollar apartment buildings.

Trulia and Zillow, pulled that in my neighborhood, for most of last year. Where my neighborhood, was dark red or orange, while more typical expensive neighborhoods, that surround my neighborhood, were yellow in comparison.
Those suspect buildings commingled into the listing finally sold earlier this year, and now my neighborhood is in the light green.

It's all just a numbers game, stick to your guns, and don't believe the hype.

122   _   2013 Apr 9, 2:25am  

CaptainShuddup says

The inventory is being manipulated, either by keeping houses off the market, or releasing them as a house sales

You can make a great case that FASB 157 and the nationalizing of the GSE has prevented homes from coming back to market in a timely fashion.

That I would agree as the number show we have 5.1 Million loans that are either in foreclosure process or delinquency. However, on sale inventory on a national level is low.

Do, I think this is a good thing, not at all. However, I can't say with a straight face that on sale inventory isn't low with this

123   _   2013 Apr 9, 2:28am  

In fact I made a case that last year that we should let the zombie homes die or make the process faster. The judicial process is taking way too long for homes to come to market


124   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 2:46am  

Logan Mohtashami says

That would mean there are more homes not listed on MLS than they are listed on MLS

You mean this chart:


As compared to new home sales:


Sales are the market place, and sales have been steady.

We have an unlimited capacity to add inventory. Builders are still building, and giving us alternative choices.

In the mean time all of those 100 year old crap shacks are obsolete.

I found your 2.5 million homes in the construction pipeline, so where is the shortage?

There is also all of that investor activity that is coming to a close. To me it looks like we are heading for another glut in housing.

125   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 2:49am  

robertoaribas says

this is a hilarious quote!

My kids are in high school, and we moved here to be within walking distance.

Give it up professor, this is the last time.

126   _   2013 Apr 9, 2:53am  

David Losh says

I found your 2.5 million homes in the construction pipeline, so where is the shortage?

Seriously, now we went from on sale inventory to pipeline construction. I am telling you as best as I can this isn't worth your time to argue. Take a look at housing starts dating back to 1959 when it first was being calculated. We just had the worst 4 year period in construction ever on record

127   _   2013 Apr 9, 2:55am  

128   _   2013 Apr 9, 2:56am  

129   _   2013 Apr 9, 3:01am  

We need to get to 1.4 million avg on housing starts. We are barely at 1 million now. Just look at the census data, the last 4 years on starts have been weak even though the number is getting better. So, for 2013... inventory is low.

130   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 3:02am  

Logan Mohtashami says

We just had the worst 4 year period in construction ever on record

True, because builders ignored apartment construction for about ten years. Apartments are an alternative choice in housing.

You can however see the trend line. That bump in the red line means we seriously over built.

I'm actually not arguing with you, I have enjoyed your input. You may be right, I may be wrong, it's happened before.

What I know is that we have a ton of housing here in Seattle. I saw more units created in city in ten years than I have in a life time, and they are still building, in city.

In our surrounding areas, forget about it. There are thousands if not millions of homes, built, and our city responded by building Light Rail.

I don't think you can find anything like this historically.

131   _   2013 Apr 9, 3:04am  

What is telling about housing starts is the multi family aspect of it.

132   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 3:06am  

Logan Mohtashami says

We need to get to 1.4 million avg on housing starts.

That is the quote for getting a healthy economy. Each housing unit creates jobs, and pays tax revenue.

Do we really need those housing units?

Again, your thread shows a manipulated Real Estate market place. The Fed, and our government want housing to bolster unemployment, while giving us projected tax revenue.

So, is this actually a bubble, or pure manipulation?

133   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 3:07am  

Logan Mohtashami says

What is telling about housing starts is the multi family aspect of it.

Does that include row houses?

134   _   2013 Apr 9, 3:10am  

It's the multiplier effect of housing the FED likes. This is why they want housing to spring back.

However, if income growth is weak, there is a limit long term to expansion. However, we clearly saw a bottom in new home sales and existing home sales have hit a bottom as well.

Years from now when rates are higher we shall see how many homes can be bought ( X cash buyers)

The number I am always looking at is Cash buyers to first time home buyers. Right now it's 30% /30% that number needs to get better for the first time home buyers and as well all know that hasn't happened yet

135   _   2013 Apr 9, 3:11am  

David Losh says

Does that include row houses?

All new SFR and Multi family construction

136   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 3:38am  

Logan Mohtashami says

All new SFR and Multi family construction

Yeah, that also means condos, but not so much for apartment building.

137   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 3:54am  

It's also interesting that today the Fed's Saint Louis President is talking cutting Quantitative Easing:


and this money management fund is asking for the Fed to reign in the Easing:


In the same day builder stocks are soaring.

I have an idea that we are on our way to the recovery of a normal financial market place.

What that means to me is that these builders, speculators, and hedge fund investors have a chance right now to cash out, and get well, financially.

If we get the builders out of the mess they made, we have a chance to have affordable housing, that makes sense to the middle class.

I would see slow steady growth rather than big bogus profits as the rule in the next five years.

138   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 3:55am  

robertoaribas says


you have nothing to say professor

139   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Apr 9, 3:59am  

David Losh says

We can fix MediCare, and MedicAid by fixing our Health Care system. That's a long debate, but there are solutions to Health Care that we are tinkering with now.

Yes, we are paying 30+% more per capita than comparable countries, including those where the aged are a higher percentage of the population than ours (Japan, Western Europe). There is plenty of room for increased efficiency. Getting rid of marketing and sales costs by nationalizing health care would be the best way to go. Lots of money paid in commissions and spent on advertising.Logan Mohtashami says

The reason we will have a net interest payment problem is because S.S. and Medicare cost so much. Medicare cost are insane looking out long term. Also, this has to do with our demographics problem.

It's because the surplus was spent on the military and subsidies for corporations for decades, because in the 80s neither Reagan nor the Dem Congress wanted to raise taxes to pay for the burst of new defense spending. Had that money not been spent, there would be little to no problem.

We'll just have to eliminate subsidies, raise taxes on businesses and the top 1% (which are at post WW2 record lows), and cut "defense" (actually, power projection) 75%.

140   _   2013 Apr 9, 4:26am  

thunderlips11 says

Had that money not been spent, there would be little to no problem.

You're looking backwards. The reason our deficit is going to blow up is because our demographic profile is about to take a massive shift upward and collection on S.S. and Medicare are going to explode. Years ( 2022 and out)

More old people in the system more shelling out of money and our worker to payout ratio doesn't look great

141   _   2013 Apr 9, 4:27am  

142   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Apr 9, 4:49am  

Logan Mohtashami says

You're looking backwards.

Yes, because we have to understand the problem. Wall St. wants people to think the system was "always doomed", when it worked fine for 3 generations without a hitch, and indeed produced massive surpluses for decades.

We have to understand we need to reverse what happened over the last 30 years. Social Security and Medicare Surpluses were used to pay for then-current spending, mostly defense and tax cuts. To fix the problem, we have to run in reverse and use current spending - by cutting defense and raising taxes - to refund social security.

In other words, instead of SS being spent in the general fund, the general fund must now support Social Security.

I'm not worried about it. Old People vote reliably, and there are too many boomers who worked their whole lives and know that SS is the only thing keeping them off welfare. In a battle between the AARP and Northup-Grumman for spending, the AARP will win. There are just too many politicians who need the elderly vote to win.

No problem raising taxes - there is too much money chasing too few opportunities, because there is no growth in real incomes to create new opportunities. That extra tax money, had it remained in private hands, would have just gone to encourage deficit spending or start yet another bubble.

143   _   2013 Apr 9, 5:08am  

thunderlips11 says

when it worked fine for 3 generations without a hitch, and indeed produced massive surpluses for decades.

I am not explaining it right, this was NEVER going to workout in the long run. Our unfunded liabilities on Social Security and Medicare was always awful. It's just our bill is due years from now.

Now if we grew at 4-5% GDP then we can debate if it's sustainable

However, because of

1. Globalization
2. Technology
3. Debt
4. Demographics

Our capacity growth is limited to a 2-3% GDP country at best for this century. So not only is our payout ratio bad our estimated GDP growth isn't that great either.

This is why every single budget looking at after 2022 looks awful. We simply don't have the growth to match the mandatory payouts. We are getting older and more obese.

The funny thing about the budget is that no one disagrees that things look awful after years 2022, it's just too far away to do anything about it politically.

A better way to explain unfunded liabilities

"The U.S. government is obligated under current law to mandatory payments for programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) projects that payouts for these programs will significantly exceed tax revenues over the next 75 years. The Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) payouts already exceed program tax revenues, and social security payouts exceeded payroll taxes in fiscal 2010. These deficits require funding from other tax sources or borrowing. The present value of these deficits or unfunded obligations is an estimated $45.8 trillion. This is the amount that would have had to be set aside in 2009 in order to pay for the unfunded obligations which, under current law, will have to be raised by the government in the future. Approximately $7.7 trillion relates to Social Security, while $38.2 trillion relates to Medicare and Medicaid. In other words, health care programs will require nearly five times more funding than Social Security. Adding this to the national debt and other federal obligations would bring total obligations to nearly $62 trillion. However, these unfunded obligations are not counted in the national debt."

144   _   2013 Apr 9, 5:14am  

At some point in the future this country will have a discussion if the US people want all it's revenue going to Social Security, Medicare and net interest payments. At this stage the conversation isn't that important because it's still 13-18 years away.

145   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Apr 9, 5:26am  

Logan Mohtashami says

I am not explaining it right, this was NEVER going to workout in the long run. Our unfunded liabilities on Social Security and Medicare was always awful. It's just our bill is due years from now.

That simply isn't the case. Like I said, had we not spent the surplus when the population was overwhelmingly working age (1965-2005), there would have been little to no problem. The worker:retiree thing is a red herring, since almost everybody who reaches SS age paid a lifetime of SS withholdings, and the economy grew over those decades. Many people never collect SS, and some get it for a very short period of time. SS is basically pooled risk, a pretty much like a fixed annuity.

Not all wage income pays into S.S. and M.C. Remove that artificial cap, and require all salaries to be subject to withholding, and much of the problem disappears, even with the looting.

And, taxes are at post WW2 lows. If our taxes were at all time highs, AND if the S.S/MC surpluses hadn't been spent, there might be a case that S.S. is unsustainable.

Let's compare Soc Sec to the General Budget. Which one has been running a deficit for the past few decades and which has been solvent since the moment it was created?

SS projections are an accounting trick, like the USPS going bankrupt, but only because they are forced to pre-fund the retirements of people they haven't even hired yet. Nobody in the private or any other public sector does 75-year projections. And the idea that nothing will change in 75-years is absurd.

146   _   2013 Apr 9, 5:36am  

thunderlips11 says

If our taxes were at all time highs

Good luck on getting any party to raise taxes on middle class. I agree that taxes need to go up, but both parties are in fantasy land on taxes.

With Clinton tax rates, Marginal rate increase on the middle class brings 3 times more revenue than that taxing the rich.
Raising taxes on the rich brings only 800- 837 Billion over 10 years ( White House Numbers) next 10 years

Where raising it on the middle class is roughly 2.4-2.7 Trillion next 10 years

So you need to raise taxes on the middle class and both parties won't go there.

147   _   2013 Apr 9, 5:39am  

See, the problem is that both parties are addicted to Bush Tax Rates for the middle class


148   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Apr 9, 5:45am  

Logan Mohtashami says

Good luck on getting any party to raise taxes on middle class.

Don't need to.

Logan Mohtashami says

Raising taxes on the rich brings only 800- 837 Billion over 10 years ( White House Numbers) next 10 years

I don't know what this means. Is this income taxes? Eliminating loopholes? Capital Gains taxes?

The top 1% own 90% of the wealth, and 80% of the income. It's impossible that taxing the middle class - if the taxes are levied as a percentage of income - would produce more revenue than increasing the taxes on the wealthy.

I suspect Obama, the good neoliberal Democrat that he is, was not intending to raise capital gains taxes or eliminate the plethora of new loopholes since Clinton, but simply raise the marginal rate.

149   _   2013 Apr 9, 5:51am  

thunderlips11 says

The top 1% own 90% of the wealth, and 80% of the income. It's impossible that taxing the middle class - if the tax is a percentage of income - would produce more revenue than taxing the wealthy.

Not even close. See marginal tax rates go based on income. So, when you raise taxes on the marginal side for incomes above $250,000 that is only for incomes after that 250,000 level.

So, if you made $251,000 your income of only 1,000 gets taxed at a higher rate.

Most people don't know that even today on the marginal tax side.

I am all for tax reform and killing a lot of deductions. However, the revenue is in the middle class tax rate because majority of the income base is from that $250,000 level and below.

We simply don't have enough rich people to tax. I believe the last number I saw is that if you taxed the rich 100% it will provide 121 days of funding and that's it.

You want more revenue you need to get tax reform and the middle class has to pay more taxes period.

150   Mobi   2013 Apr 9, 12:40pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

There is a sale inventory shortage but maybe not a house shortage. If you look at the "overbuilt" in the boom years (compared to the baseline), it roughly compensates the "underbuilt" for the past 5 years. Inventory is surpressed b/c of underwater houses and the foreclosure pipline. The supply will come back in a couple year when prices raise.

151   _   2013 Apr 9, 1:37pm  

Mobi says

"underbuilt" for the past 5 years.

The last 4 years have been the worst construction levels for new housing starts dating back to 1959. This is a by product of the housing crash.

This whole debate we were having on this thread was that the on sale inventory is low.

2013 the inventory crisis was going to be with us because, we have too many homes underwater, starts aren't big enough yet and distressed homes still take too long.

2014 has a better profile for real inventory coming back

152   _   2013 Apr 9, 1:40pm  

Call it Crazy says

How does the supply come back when the prices rise if wages don't rise along with them? Wages have been falling, so what's going to support higher prices?

This is the crucial part for housing for the future years. Prices are rising, but rates haven't budged too much higher from the lows of last year.

However, if we don't get income growth here in the US, we will see a negative effect for first time home buyers who are already 10-13% below historical levels for the purchase market

153   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 5:51pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

2013 the inventory crisis was going to be with us because, we have too many homes underwater, starts aren't big enough yet and distressed homes still take too long.

We also shifted to apartment construction.

We over built, that's just a fact shown in your charts. The housing units that were built are still there, they didn't go away, and like I said we are in a period of alternative choice.

The point is that no one needs to buy. There is no reason for the price of housing units to increase, because it just causes debt.

The consumer, even though they may pay a lower payment on a mortgage, is still saddled with debt.

Everything you have posted here shows that consumers should be smarter to pay down debt.

Holding Real Estate at this point isn't a great idea.

154   _   2013 Apr 9, 10:18pm  

David Losh says

We over built, that's just a fact shown in your charts.

I am curious too see what your beliefs are on household formation then. Also, this discussion really was about on sale inventory and how it was low due to the multiple factors displayed.

In regard to renting, I have always believed that we simply don't have enough qualified home buyers here in the US ( excluding cash buyers)

even though 70% of all purchases are done with mortgages, first time homes buyers are very weak considering where rates are and it doesn't surprise me one bit. We never had the capacity to own all those homes, hence it was an excess in false demand.

However, we do need to build more homes ( multi family or SFR) population growth doesn't stop because we had a bubble in housing.

155   CameronCrazy   2013 Apr 9, 10:47pm  

robertoaribas says

you claim your business success...

According to this site, you're rated the worst real estate agent: http://bit.ly/11T8KJD

156   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 11:47pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

even though 70% of all purchases are done with mortgages

When I started in Real Estate in the 1970s I could buy a house for cash. Me, a kid, working a trade job, could save enough to buy a house.

I had to do a couple of trades to get into my first one, I had partners, but it was pretty easy to buy a house.

In the 1980s I bought a house two blocks from my folks for $35K. I bought it on an owner contract with $10K down, and paid it off in 5 years.

By the end of the 1980s when you owned Real Estate you had equity. In the 1990s you had a lot of equity, until 1998.

The flow of cash into property from tech stocks first drove up prices, until the Community Reinvestment Act took over with the easier financing of property.

Now it is all about the house payment, or car payment, or student loan payment. Banks took over Real Estate.

In the 2000s I was saying banks weren't making loans, they were buying Real Estate. Banks now own the residential Real Estate market.

Banks have made a ton of cash with these mortgages, even without the government help.

So you would be banking on creating equity with leverage. If you banked on your cash making higher returns you would be betting against a fully funded banking system, that is global, and has already collected it's profits.

Logan Mohtashami says

I am curious too see what your beliefs are on household formation then

I think people should avoid, use, or abuse housing to get to an end of no debt. If it takes ten to a household then that's what people should do.

That household formation is kind of contrary to the claim we have an aging population that isn't productive. Do you see immigration in there some place?

157   David Losh   2013 Apr 9, 11:57pm  

robertoaribas says

More lies from the liar...

OK, take a look at my over all package, and read what I write. My whole thing is to get rid of debt.

I'm one of those very bad people Roberto who thinks banks are scum, and I will use every legal means to screw them.

Did you see a bankruptcy in my records? No? It's because it's not needed.

I follow all the laws the rest of corporate America uses, and bankruptcy is still one of my options.

I'm liquid professor. I sold in 2005, 2006, and 2007 for a little bit more than you did, and kept the cash.

You on the other hand didn't time the Residential Real Estate market.

If you read my stuff I would have told you to sell in 2005, 2006, 2007, so you could buy back in to the panic of 2008, 2009.

You waited, you hesitated, and bought in 2010, from what you tell us.

You bought into a stable market place with the idea it might go up in price, but you weren't sure, you took a chance, you were lucky.

I come here to learn something from these great people who post comments, and threads. You have nothing to say, so why bother with me?

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