The Uglyiness of the Left

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2013 Apr 2, 10:29am   28,486 views  219 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

As ugly and despicable as the right is, it does not have a monopoly on ugliness. Recently, a successful female Princeton graduate, Susan Patton -- one of the first women to attend Princeton, by the way -- recently wrote a short, honest letter in which she advocated that Princeton women follow a long-term dating strategy in college rather than a short-term stating strategy. Patton argues that college is the best time for women to secure a husband and that who a woman marries will be instrumental in her happiness.

Of course, everything Patton said is undeniably true. College is the time in which both men and women have access to the greatest pool of eligible mates with similar interests and life situations, with the freedom to live anywhere, and the least emotional, financial, and physical baggage.

It is also indisputably true that mate selection is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision a man or woman will ever, ever make in his or her life. A happy marriage makes for a far better life than a miserable one. And as indicated the sheer ferociousness of the mating market, competition for high quality mates is extremely high for both straight men and women. (I would think that such competition would also be extremely high in homosexual and bisexual mating markets, but I'll leave that for another thread.) Not that being single can't be great, but even then, your family is an essential part of your life. If you do get married, that doesn't become less true.

So, Susan Patton advices that women at Princeton consider shifting from "playing the field" (short-term strategy) to "looking for a husband" (long-term strategy). Now, one can argue whether or not Patton is correct. There are many trade-offs in life including marrying young when your options are vast or waiting until your older and your options are limited to what's left over or in the secondary market. There are various pros and cons, and I'm sure this thread will spawn a discussion on those pros and cons and well as the nature of Patton's advice.

However, before we get to that, I would like to point out the utterly unacceptable behavior of the far left which seeks to silence the very discussion of this topic by making personal attacks on Patton and by making dumb Straw Man arguments including the false dichotomy that either a woman of college age must be completely disinterested in husband selection or she is forever doomed to live in the 1950s.

Such arguments and attacks show an irrational opposition to even listening to a discussion that creates a bubble around the left that is essentially the same as the bubble the right lives in. No facts, no ideas, no truth can get inside that bubble. And those living in the bubble must preserve the integrity of that bubble, no matter what the cost.

The letter Susan Patton wrote to The Daily Princetonian

By the way, doesn't Princetonian remind you of Praetorian? Or is that just me?

CNN Video: A nasty leftist attacks Patton

ABC News Video: Reactions to Patton's Letter

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134   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 8:46am  

socal2 says

Hell - talk about ugly commies. We had freaking Ted Kennedy writing letters
to the KGB trying to get help to defeat Reagan in 2004.

I'm sure that you also have equal contempt for Nixon and Bush sr because of their kissing the feet of the Chinese government.
And coincidentally(and ironically) Nixon derailed the peace talks with N. Vietnam for an election ploy, just as Bush did for reagen in regards to the Iran hostages to secure the election for Reagan over Carter.

135   leo707   2013 Apr 10, 8:52am  

socal2 says

I never said anything about rape, torture etc.

No need to, it was well known what type of people Ollie North was funneling support to. Hell, the CIA even advised them on how to justify killing of civilians, and attacking medical clinics. Hint: the CIA even suggested that they may want to hire criminals to do some of the dirty work. Hmmm...I wonder where they got the money to hire people that were willing to rape, mutilate and murder other humans.

Oh, that's right I almost forgot, you don't care just as long as the victims were people who have political beliefs different from yours...

leo707 says

socal2 says

I also don't mind arming people to fight Marxists in South America.

Oh, so butchering, raping, terrorizing, and torturing civilians is A-OK in your book, just as long as the perpetrators share your political views?

And, upisdown is correct the Sandinistas were not commies.

136   socal2   2013 Apr 10, 10:43am  

leo707 says

socal2 says

I never said anything about rape, torture etc.

No need to, it was well known what type of people Ollie North was funneling support to.

And we know full well the type of people our current government and Obama is funneling support to in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan.........

Good grief. Love your selective faux outrage. We funneled money to the Soviets during WWII having a good idea what type of person Stalin was. Greater good and all that.

137   socal2   2013 Apr 10, 11:05am  

curious2 says

As long as Republicans insist on believing impossible things, like the queen in
Alice in Wonderland, and compete to show their loyalty to those beliefs,
Democrats can get away with practically anything.

Talk about believing in "impossible things". There can be no bigger fairy tale than those "cultists" who still think California pension liabilities are payable or that American Federal entitlements can work with our demographics if we just keep increasing taxes.

But you are totally right that Democrats can get away with anything when the Democrats and the lap-dog media run on super "important things" like gay marriage, contraception, guns.....

So kindly spare me your lame "cultist" meme thank you very much.

138   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 11:12am  

upisdown says

So in your world, Nicoraugua was communist, and not a democratically elected government, and that's why you justify the overthrow of that government.

You rewriting history somehow makes you right?

and some have forgotten it.

Sandinista's created a junta and abolished all opposition. The same members of the junta left the government and joined the opposition, called the Contras

Luis Alfonso Robelo Callejas (born October 11, 1939), a Nicaraguan businessman, was the founder of the Nicaraguan Democratic Movement (MDN).[1] He was one of the "moderates" on the five-members Junta of National Reconstruction that the Sandinistas claimed would rule Nicaragua following the overthrow of Anastasio Somoza Debayle. However, Robelo found that the real power lay with the FSLN National Directorate.

After resigning from the Junta on April 22, 1981, Robelo went into exile in 1982. He brought his MDN into Edén Pastora's rebel Democratic Revolutionary Alliance. Later, he split with Pastora, and joined the United Nicaraguan Opposition (UNO) with Arturo Cruz, and Adolfo Calero of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force. After UNO's collapse, he joined the directorate of the new Contra umbrella group, the Nicaraguan Resistance.


Violeta Chamorro's rise to power began with the assassination of her husband when she took over as editor La Prensa. The paper was traditionally anti-Somoza, and initially backed the Sandinistas. As a result, she was invited to join the Sandinista First Coalition Junta, however she resigned in 1980 when she claimed to have felt slighted and manipulated by the junta, and shocked by their socialist agenda. She then turned to the opposition: the Contras.


139   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 11:22am  

curious2 says

Cutting taxes on the highest income recipients will somehow magically balance the budget, if the cult members all agree to believe that. Everything bad is always the fault of the other side, through mysterious mechanisms that are revealed only to our side. Cultists gain status within the cult by proving their loyalty to the cult's strangest beliefs.

Yet you have no economic theory to point to except the now extinct socialist policies which has failed many times over.

Yes, its been proven tax cuts allow for demand for capital goods by business which in turn hired greater amounts of employees. And given Reagans tax cut, business ordered greater amounts of computer hardware/software/services. In Silicon Valley, this was also part of the economic growth from 1980 to 2000. Jobs increased, incomes grew and wealth was created.. and we had increases to tax revenues as we also saw tax revenues increase post 2001.

Your kind of policies failed... they produced nothing

140   curious2   2013 Apr 10, 11:27am  

thomaswong.1986 says

you have no economic theory to point to except the now extinct socialist policies which has failed many times over... Your kind of policies failed... they produced nothing

I hesitate even to reply to this comment, because it's so absurd. The false choice between tax cuts for the 1% and "socialism" is a distraction. It's similar to your earlier attempt at substitution.

The tax rates of the Clinton era produced a balanced budget and sustained economic growth. W's tax shift and massive spending increases on both the military and medical industrial complexes produced deficits and recession followed.

You keep harking back to Reagan, but when he saw his tax cuts weren't producing the results that Arthur Laffer had predicted, Reagan raised taxes. Also, he left a legacy of deficits and debt, so his Republican successor Bush the elder had to raise taxes again. Then Clinton raised them again. Eventually, the budget balanced and the economy prospered.

141   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 11:29am  

upisdown says

I'm sure that you also have equal contempt for Nixon and Bush sr because of their kissing the feet of the Chinese government.

And coincidentally(and ironically) Nixon derailed the peace talks with N. Vietnam for an election ploy, just as Bush did for reagen in regards to the Iran hostages to secure the election for Reagan over Carter.

You mean how incompetent both Johnson, Humphrey and Carter were.. and later Mondale... how much of a failed policies compared to the outcome of Reagans work with Soviets.

Your still breathing air boy... your ass wasnt fried by Nuclear war... Thank Reagan for that.

142   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 11:31am  

curious2 says

The tax rates of the Clinton era produced a balanced budget

a "projection of a balanced budget" before the fiscal year starts is not a balanced budget...
when the outcome 12 months later is a deficit.

How many times do corporations make a budget that is profitable or breakeven only to show a loss at year end ?

143   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 11:41am  

curious2 says

Reagan raised taxes.

no, he reduced the number of tax rates, closed loopholes.
some had taxes lowered some saw increases.

and what did the democrats want ... what was their plan ... list them !

144   curious2   2013 Apr 10, 11:42am  

In the late 1990s, America had a budget surplus, and in fact we were paying down debt. Since W's tax shift, we have borrowed more than ever before.

As for Reagan raising taxes, you can read all about it, including his own speech announcing it. Even Republicans do not deny the increase, which was passed by a Republican Senate; the official mythology concerns only his motive, but your variation goes even further, denying undeniable facts.

145   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 11:55am  

curious2 says

In the late 1990s, America had a budget surplus, and in fact we were paying down debt. Since W, we have borrowed more than ever before.

so called surplus from capital gains due to highly inflated tech stock market, expanding
job market base and higher incomes....well that didnt last long did it .. even before Bush came into office...

when there is a job recession and capital losses from financial investment (2000 to 2003),

where do you get the so called revenue to pay down the debt ?

Projections were too optimistic back in the late 90s...

today, we all know it was unrealistic ...

The Stock Bubble Created the Budget Surplus: Not Bill Clinton's Tax and Spending Policies


In short, the hero of the budget surplus story was the stock bubble, not President Clinton's tax cuts and budget restraint. This is important not only in dishing out praise for the surplus, it is also essential to a proper understanding of the economy.

Bubbles are not sustainable, by definition. The stock bubble began to burst in 2000. By the summer of 2002 stocks had fallen to roughly half of their peak values destroying $10 trillion in wealth. This gave us a recession which, although officially short and mild, led to the longest period without net job creation since the Great Depression (until the current downturn).

146   curious2   2013 Apr 10, 11:59am  

thomaswong.1986 says

Projections were too optimistic back in the late 90s...

At last, an actual fact. As Alan Greenspan wrote in The Age of Turbulence, the optimistic projections were "a rather large error." But W's tax shift and spending increases account for basically the entire W deficits.

You can look at the numbers here. Even 2000, the year the stock bubble burst and many taxpayers had capital loss deductions instead of paying gains tax, showed a surplus over $200 billion.

147   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 12:15pm  

curious2 says

But W's tax shift and spending increases account for basically the entire W deficits.

war aint cheap...

148   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 12:19pm  

curious2 says

You can look at the numbers here.

per link... it was unsustainable.. you would still have to be cheering for bubbles to create capital gains for the debt to be paid off.

"The debt the government owes to the public decreased for a while under Clinton, but the debt was by no means erased."

149   curious2   2013 Apr 10, 12:34pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

per link... it was unsustainable.. you would still have to be cheering for bubbles to create capital gains for the debt to be paid off.

No, there you veer off into unreality. The chart is right there, we can both see it clearly shows a surplus in both 2000 (the year the bubble burst) and 2001 (the year we had the worst national security failure in American history, and a recession). The W administration cut taxes in 2001, and used 9/11 as an excuse to commence war spending all over the world, including Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11. Those decisions produced deficits, which were exacerbated by further tax shifts (you can't call them cuts because they merely added to the debt) and spending increases, e.g. Medicare D.

150   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 1:04pm  

curious2 says

The W administration cut taxes in 2001, and used 9/11 as an excuse to commence war spending all over the world, including Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11.


Why are we going to invade Iraq? Nine days after 9/11, George Bush said,“(W)e will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.”

That definition fits Iraq and since they happened to be the easiest nation to make a case against at the UN and in the court of World Opinion, they were our next logical target after Afghanistan — although they’re not our last target.”


“I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received … information that official organs of Saddam’s regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States and beyond its borders, at U.S. military and civilian locations.” — Russian President Vladimir Putin as quoted by CNN on June 18, 2004


6) Saddam Hussein had no ties to terrorism. It’s amazing to me that today in 2005, people are still trotting out that oft-disproven quip. Christopher Hitchens was also apparently surprised when Ron Reagan, Jr. made a similar assertion recently and you may find his response to be most enlightening:

“CH: Do you know nothing about the subject at all? Do you wonder how Mr. Zarqawi got there under the rule of Saddam Hussein? Have you ever heard of Abu Nidal?

RR: Well, I’m following the lead of the 9/11 Commission, which…

CH: Have you ever heard of Abu Nidal, the most wanted man in the world, who was sheltered in Baghdad? The man who pushed Leon Klinghoffer off the boat, was sheltered by Saddam Hussein. The man who blew up the World Trade Center in 1993 was sheltered by Saddam Hussein, and you have the nerve to say that terrorism is caused by resisting it? And by deposing governments that endorse it? … At this stage, after what happened in London yesterday?…

RR: Zarqawi is not an envoy of Saddam Hussein, either.

CH: Excuse me. When I went to interview Abu Nidal, then the most wanted terrorist in the world, in Baghdad, he was operating out of an Iraqi government office. He was an arm of the Iraqi State, while being the most wanted man in the world.

The same is true of the shelter and safe house offered by the Iraqi government, to the murderers of Leon Klinghoffer, and to Mr. Yassin, who mixed the chemicals for the World Trade Center bombing in 1993. How can you know so little about this, and be occupying a chair at the time that you do?”

151   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 1:07pm  

curious2 says

No, there you veer off into unreality. The chart is right there, we can both see it clearly shows a surplus in both 2000

The stock market gains were not sustainable.. PE were way way off. This could not continue years down the road all to pay down the debt. That was the forcast Clinton
made... god knows he talked about endlessly about the Tech boom and wealth when
he came to SV more than several times.

152   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 1:35pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

You mean how incompetent both Johnson, Humphrey and Carter were.. and later
Mondale... how much of a failed policies compared to the outcome of Reagans work
with Soviets.

You're too dense to realize that plummeting oil prices hurt the USSR more than anything, because that was their only practical export. They let the security veil for all other countries go because of the expense of it.

thomaswong.1986 says

Your still breathing air boy... your ass wasnt fried by Nuclear war... Thank
Reagan for that.

No, thank OPEC for that oil price plummet, Reagan was never that smart, and you're not either. Nuclear war equaled mutal destruction.

153   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 1:38pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Cultists gain status within the cult by proving their loyalty to the cult's
strangest beliefs.

thomaswong.1986 says

Yes, its been proven tax cuts allow for demand for capital goods by business
which in turn hired greater amounts of employees. And given Reagans tax cut,
business ordered greater amounts of computer hardware/software/services. In
Silicon Valley, this was also part of the economic growth from 1980 to 2000.
Jobs increased, incomes grew and wealth was created.. and we had increases to
tax revenues as we also saw tax revenues increase post 2001.

Spot on with the cultist analogy, as the above example of rewriting history by another blind Reagan worshipper.

154   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 1:44pm  

upisdown says

Spot on with the cultist analogy, as the above example of rewriting history by another blind Reagan worshipper.

how do you explain the growth in SV and spending by many industries for tech products

the same was true with Bostons' Route 128...

it sure isnt because we listened to the lefty Marxist UC Berkeley professors...

lower taxes created demand for capital equipment purchases..

155   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 1:51pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

lower taxes created demand for capital equipment purchases..

I see, you're trying to equate the lowering of the very top personal income taxes into corporate spending. I like how you think that corporate taxes comes first and abolishing them leads to personal consumption spending.

156   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 1:52pm  

upisdown says

No, thank OPEC for that oil price plummet, Reagan was never that smart, and you're not either. Nuclear war equaled mutal destruction.

Oil declined form early 1980's because tankers were given safe passage thanks to Reagan and the US Navy protection from Iranian attacks (a Opec member)... Opec had nothing to do with it. Iran today is still threatening to shut down the Strait of Hormus.

157   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 1:58pm  

Since you like wikipedia so much.

In 1987, Mikhail Gorbachev tried to reform and revitalize the economy with his program of perestroika. His policies relaxed state control over enterprises, but did not yet allow it to be replaced by market incentives, ultimately resulting in a sharp decline in production output. The economy, already suffering from reduced petroleum export revenues, started to collapse. Prices were still fixed, and property was still largely state-owned until after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.[72][79] For most of the period after World War II up to its collapse, the Soviet economy was the second largest in the world by GDP (PPP), and was 3rd in the world during the middle of the 1980s to 1989.[85] though in per capita terms the Soviet GDP was behind that of the First World countries.[86]

thomaswong.1986 says

how much of a failed policies compared to the outcome of Reagans work with

Your still breathing air boy... your ass wasnt fried by Nuclear war... Thank
Reagan for that.

158   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 1:59pm  

upisdown says

I like how you think that corporate taxes comes first and abolishing them leads to personal consumption spending.

Higher demand for goods increased headcount and increased incomes... see Silicon valley (1980- 2000). Therefore increased consumer spending/savings.

There are no equal example by democratic policies you can point to which show increase in demand of goods and services which fueled incomes and savings. And dont bother with Clinton years.. he inherited the Reagan game plan.

159   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 2:03pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Oil declined form early 1980's because tankers were given safe passage thanks
to Reagan and the US Navy protection from Iranian attacks (a Opec member)...
Opec had nothing to do with it. Iran today is still threatening to shut down the
Strait of Hormus.

Do you just make this shit up as you go? Back to wikipedia again.

The 1980s oil glutsMain article: 1980s oil glut

OPEC net oil export revenues for 1971 - 2007.[16]In response to the high oil prices of the 1970's, industrial nations took step to reduce dependence on oil. Utilities switched to using coal, natural gas, or nuclear power while national governments initiated multi-billion dollar research programs to develop alternatives to oil. Demand for oil dropped by five million barrels a day while oil production outside of OPEC rose by fourteen million barrels daily by 1986. During this time, the percentage of oil produced by OPEC fell from 50% to 29%. The result was a six-year price decline that culminated with a 46 percent price drop in 1986.

In order to combat falling revenues, Saudia Arabia pushed for production quotas to limit production and boost prices. When other OPEC nations failed to comply, Saudi Arabia slashed production from 10 million barrels daily in 1980 to just one-quarter of that level in 1985. When this proved ineffective, Saudi Arabia reversed course and flooded the market with cheap oil, causing prices to fall to under ten dollars a barrel. The result was that high price production zones in areas such as the North Sea became too expensive. Countries in OPEC that had previously failed to comply to quotas began to limit production in order to shore up prices.[17]

160   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 2:05pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Higher demand for goods increased headcount and increased incomes... see
Silicon valley (1980- 2000). Therefore increased consumer spending/savings.

That doesn't even make any sense. But keep going, you've been very consistent on being wrong.

161   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 2:07pm  

upisdown says

Since you like wikipedia so much.

In 1987, Mikhail Gorbachev tried to reform and revitalize the economy with his program of perestroika.

planned economies do not work. Gosplan had no idea how to allocate their resources to meet the demand for goods and services for consumption. They had plenty of lines of people..

162   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 2:12pm  

thomaswong.1986 says


Since you like wikipedia so much.

In 1987, Mikhail Gorbachev tried to reform and revitalize the economy with
his program of perestroika.

planned economies do not work. Gosplan had no idea how to allocate their
resources to meet the demand for goods and services for consumption. They had
plenty of lines of people..

I never said that planned economies work, you brought it up not me.upisdown says

The economy, already suffering from reduced petroleum export revenues, started
to collapse.

I notice that you didn't address that. How convenient.

163   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 2:13pm  

upisdown says

o you just make this shit up as you go? Back to wikipedia again.

The 1980s oil glutsMain article: 1980s oil glut

OPEC net oil export revenues for 1971 - 2007.[16]In response to the high oil prices of the 1970's, industrial nations took step to reduce dependence on oil. Utilities switched to using coal, natural gas, or nuclear power while national governments initiated multi-billion dollar research programs to develop alternatives to oil. Demand for oil dropped by five million barrels a day while oil production outside of OPEC rose by fourteen million barrels daily by 1986. During this time, the percentage of oil produced by OPEC fell from 50% to 29%. The result was a six-year price decline that culminated with a 46 percent price drop in 1986.

sure.. want to include at as well.. go right ahead... knock yourself out !

164   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 2:17pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

sure.. want to include at as well.. go right ahead... knock yourself out


Whatever, you don't make any sense and have a selective and really shitty memory recall system of world history.

165   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 2:23pm  

upisdown says

Whatever, you don't make any sense and have a selective and really shitty memory recall system of world history.

no matter how much oil is pumped out of region, it goes through the Strait of Hormuz, what happens to costs when a near buy nation has mined the local international waters with mines and attacks ships crossing across the straits. Costs skyrocket due to risk.

Had it not been for the US Navy escort and retaliation due to Iran attacks, it would have
been a turkey shot with heavy losses....

Why is it Iran is threatening to shut the Straits down today ?

Whats the point but cut off oil shipments..the spice must flow...

166   JodyChunder   2013 Apr 10, 2:29pm  

The idea that you could marry a man and wind up being disappointed with his inferior intelligence/intellect is a, paradoxically, a simplistic argument in itself. People excel in different subjects. I don't see why a woman with an IQ of 169 couldn't get along just fine with a solidly competent and good natured carpenter, if they loved one another.

I think that the thing that offended readers was the emphasis on strategy over nature.

167   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 2:29pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

no matter how much oil is pumped out of region, it goes through the Strait of
Hormuz, what happens to costs when a near buy nation has mined the local
international waters with mines and attacks ships crossing across the straits.
Costs skyrocket due to risk.

Had it not been for the US Navy escort and retaliation due to Iran attacks,
it would have
been a turkey shot with heavy losses....

Why is it Iran is threatening to shut the Straits down today ?

Now you're trying to somehow rationalize the recent(from 2006 to today) actions by Iran as the price increase, after I proved that there was a glut and ensuing drop in oil prices by OPEC in the 1980s, that finished off the USSR?

I can't follow your thought process, because I'm normal.

168   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 2:46pm  

First this:

thomaswong.1986 says

Oil declined form early 1980's because tankers were given safe passage thanks
to Reagan and the US Navy protection from Iranian attacks (a Opec member)...
Opec had nothing to do with it. Iran today is still threatening to shut down the
Strait of Hormus.

and then this:

thomaswong.1986 says

no matter how much oil is pumped out of region, it goes through the Strait of
Hormuz, what happens to costs when a near buy nation has mined the local
international waters with mines and attacks ships crossing across the straits.
Costs skyrocket due to risk.

You contradicted yourself, and neither response makes any sense or has any basis in reality.

169   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 2:48pm  

upisdown says

that finished off the USSR?

well... that just breaks my fucking heart. too bad all the major republics went their
own way as did much of Eastern Europe joining NATO.

170   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 2:50pm  

upisdown says

You contradicted yourself, and neither response makes any sense or has any basis in reality.

you can thank Ronald Reagan and US Navy for safe conduct through a war zone..

had they not, no matter supply (glut) flowed into other nations, it was at high risk of
being attacked. Not that hard to understand, since Iran was attacking many ships.

171   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 2:59pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

well... that just breaks my fucking heart. too bad all the major republics
went their
own way as did much of Eastern Europe joining NATO.

You should just stop while you're behind. The more BS that you post, the dumber that you look.

172   upisdown   2013 Apr 10, 3:03pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

you can thank Ronald Reagan and US Navy for safe conduct through a war

Yea, except that there wasn't any of the US Navy present there(Strait of Hormuz) when you claim. Why would there be, considering the skirmish between Iran and Iraq, that Reagan was playing both sides of.
Really, you aren't doing yourself any good, just stop before you embarrass yourself any further.

173   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 10, 3:07pm  

upisdown says

Really, you aren't doing yourself any good, just stop before you embarrass yourself any further.

why are you apologizing for the fall of the USSR.. you rather live there.. do you miss them ?

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