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Why the fuck would you pay half a million dollars to live in Oakland. Oakland. I don't even live in California, and I know that's stupid. Oakland is the murder capital of California. Don't they have a yearly contest to see what body count they can get?
Oakland is doing well according to, with median price up about 40% over last 12 months, and number of sales down 40% over last 12 months. So prices are going up, but number of sales are going down.
Not all areas of Oakland are violent and dangerous. There are some really nice areas that are great and did offer good alternatives to paying to live in SF.
Some areas of Oakland are good, the area where this property is located is near West Oakland, one of the more violent parts of the city.
For the pleasure of daily commuting across the Bay Bridge at rush hour, and driving on congested highways though worn out industrial areas, no price can be too high.
APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says
This is great news. People will be paying millions to live in Free fire zones and that's good news for Freedom. For just a six figures down, you can enjoy leaping from your front door every morning with your AK breathing fire while you cover the wife and kids running for the mini-van. Maybe have the kids cover you from a sniper nest on the roof when they get a little older. Good training for Cannibal Anarchy.
AKs are for communists and terrorist wannabes. REAL freedom lovers use an AR-15 for suppressing fire.
Not all areas of Oakland are violent and dangerous. There are some really nice areas that are great and did offer good alternatives to paying to live in SF.
The VAST MAJORITY of Oakland is violent and dangerous.
Duplex listed at $450K hit the market, saw it within 7 days of listing. Bids were due 5/8. Got a note prior to the 8th, it had been sold for $615K.
Its the same people that have the wining bid are the ones the go into foreclosure.
Those who didnt buy didnt go into foreclosure...
The VAST MAJORITY of Oakland is violent and dangerous.
either in a gang or have a job with the city... which is another form of a gang
on its own. both are dangerous.
Yes, saw that it's back on the market....I imagine it may have something to do with the section 8 that is currently living downstairs. I'll see if there was a specific reason.
When you see irrational behavior you have a choice to join in or walk away. Housing was overpriced every year since I moved to SFBA in 1997. I didn't buy then and I won't buy now. If the rational day never comes there really is no loss for me, cause the alternative to owning a sugar shack are just as good or better. Just saying...
That neighborhood is totally gross. I used to bike through it on my way to work.
I don't think they need street lights in that neighborhood, lots crack addicts accidentally turning themselves into human torches.
It's a lot cleaner than burning old tires. And a tasty treat for the nouveau cannibal anarchists.
Why even bother talking about the asking price?
It's a lie, nothing more. Apparently it fooled you very well.
My bids are being crushed these past few months in Oakland CA. Mostly looking at duplexes and a couple SFH. Most recent clobbering made me realize I've missed this market and will have to wait a few years to either build up additional funds or hope that there is a come down.
Duplex listed at $450K hit the market, saw it within 7 days of listing. Bids were due 5/8. Got a note prior to the 8th, it had been sold for $615K. Assuming is all cash given how fast the transaction took place.
Hopefully the market will keep pace with housing. Shit is Cray-Cray.