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yes, the Iphone 5C is too expensive. Can't crack the asian market with that price tag.
Well, the good news is everyone should download the new Ios7 update on Sep 18th. It would be a good chance to see what improvements are made to the software side of it.
I see it differently. This is an opportunity to buy AAPL stocks before it resumes its uptrend. I was hoping for a pullback to $485, but here it is sitting near its 200 DMA. Back up the truck & load it up.
:0) AAPL is 40%+ higher now. Sweet. :0)
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Apple has been strangely quiet since iPhone 5. Everyone knows Sep-Dec is Apple domination quarter and for end of 2013 it will be especially plentiful.
Here is what a lot of people expect:
Iphone 5s with IoS 7. More to follow on the Cupertino event in details. There is no shortage on news anyway. over the course of 2013, HTC one, Moto X, BBRY, Galaxy 4S came out and none were blocckbuster hits, people will buy the 5S.
Iphone 5C. The midmarket smartphone. Apple lost market share due to ignoring the non-premium market. Well this should turn the tide. It will canabalize the 5S but getting back some lost market share is extremely important to Apple. My feeling is they want to be in 30% market share range and this had to be made to get those customers. Will it be a China/India/Indonesia phone? I don't see the C in North America.
Ipad 5: Still the king of Pad's for good reasons. While everyone has different taste for phones, everyone has the same taste for Ipads. Natural upgrade cycle is coming.
Ipad Mini with Retina: The perfect kids machine and the newly developing school market.
Phone deal with China mobile and other carriers. LG, Samsung, Huwei, etc, have benefitted from a lack of lower-priced product. Well, it should be the end of that. The 5C is built for the Asia market that the majoroty of customers favor.
Apple had an "off" year with no new product in 2013 so far and stil made 50B pre-tax. Well, you know Apple have Sep circled and will have a huge season. At least history has proven itself and brand equity is still strong.
Technically, Apple is poised to enter what is a known as a golden cross, a surefile accumulation signal. Last Nov, it was the death cross and predicablt went down another 25% upon hitting the cross. I expect 25% upside @500 and target $625 in 3 months. Apple doesn't follow market trends anyway so even if you are worry about Syria, Apple is still a great long. Call activities have significant premiums for those looking for Dec/Jan calls and not worth it.
If you have extra investable cash, I will just buy shares straight up for a fantastic risk/reward proposition.
Good luck.
55 shares long at $498.