12-year-old girl kills herself because of the lie of an afterlife

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2014 Jan 9, 4:42am   92,711 views  428 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

A 12-year-old girl whose father died, takes her own life in order to see her father again. Of course, she does not get to see her father again because there is no afterlife. Sure, the lie of the afterlife might numb the pain of loss for a child, but if that child actually believes the lie, she might act on it as this poor girl did.

Now, this isn't about blame. It's about not repeating the same mistake. Stop telling children the lie about there being an afterlife. The lie does far more damage than good.

The Young Turks discuss this issue including the clause about suicide written to discourage people from offing themselves during their productive and taxable years to get to paradise sooner.


All the false comfort in all of history that the lie of an afterlife offered is outweighed by this one girl's death. The tally is negative for this alone, and I doubt very much that this is the first time in history someone has wasted his or her life because of the afterlife lie. It's just the first indisputable proof we've seen.

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284   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 2:55pm  

Dan8267 says

So the Bible is full of contradictions. Just like one would expect from a book written by a single, infallible and omniscient author.

And, of course, we should follow any book that advocates both rape and obeying your parents, because those two things make morality a wash.

Then you are talking about religious fundamentalism. Not every religious person buys into religious fundamentalism. Most scholars of the Bible realize that there have been many different versions, and the various "books" in the Bible are written by different authors. The Bible was simply an authorized compendium of books.

Dan8267 says

Reality says

Dan8267 says

This is the type of shit logic that I expect from Marcus. Being ran over by a train can cause death. Therefore, being shot in the head cannot cause death because we know that death is caused by being run over by a train.

Do I really need to dumb this down further for you?

Do tell us then do you suggest calling trains evil?

You are fucking retarded.

Hey, you brought up the train, so repeat that personal attack in a mirror.

Dan8267 says

Reality says

That's all you

Hey idiot. I'm an atheist and I wouldn't kill someone's pet. You're argument is irrelevant and nonsensical. Atheists have morals. Hell, we're more moral than anyone who does good simply to avoid punishment or get a reward.

I see, you chose to avoid debate the relevant point that I raised. So you are essentially conceding the point. The point is not about whether those choosing atheism in a mostly religious society are moral or not, but rather whether religion serves a function in society. I submit it does. It's not the moral people who can already behave themselves that we need to worry about . . . but the immoral twits who can not. For them, a fear of the supernatural deity may well reduce the pool of malfeasants that have to be dealt with by the highly expensive and highly inefficient law enforcement (for there to be personal liberty, law enforcement can not be too efficient).

285   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 2:56pm  

Reality says

However, religion is a cost-effective way of maintaining a workable society. Market is of course the root of civilization.

So you're an agnostic with a cynical utilitarian and propagandist view of religion, not to mention a consumerist view of civilization.

I believe the respect of truth is the basis for morality, and deceiving people as a cost effective control method is immoral by that standard.

286   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 2:58pm  

Reality says

Some branches of Christianity believes in Original Sin (i.e. a new born baby is headed to hell without baptism or good behavior in life to redeem him/herself);

Any god that would send a baby who died during child birth to be tortured and raped by demons for all eternity would be a evil, despicable, vile god. Such a god would be worse than all the pedophiles in all of human history put together.

Are you really proposing that such an evil god, let's call him Lord Satan, exists? If so, then all bets are off. Such a god might insist that you rape and murder people to avoid going to hell. Are you prepared to act on this possibility and teach your children this? Would you worship this Satan?

287   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:03pm  

Dan8267 says

Religion is a cult. The only difference between the terms is that religion is used when a cult becomes popular enough to gain political and/or social power. See Scientology and Mormonism as examples of cults currently going through this transition.

And to suggest that I may be in a cult is just plain stupid. I mean, you're really grasping at straws there, buddy.

You obviously have great faith in the earthly government. If you choose to call that the government religion, instead of government cult, that's fine with me.

The bottom line is that the truth makes a better foundation for morality than a lie,

What do you think is the truth? That if you murder someone, you have a better than 50/50 chance of getting away with it? or that if you steal, you have a better than 90% chance of getting away with it? If you rape someone, you have a better than 80% chance of getting away with it? How do you think those real statistics would induce the young and impressionable to carry on their lives? When enough of them do it accordingly, are you sure that you won't feel cheated for not committing the crime and getting away with it like all those home-debtors / squatters?

and nothing you said contradicts the fact that if the afterlife lie were real, the girl in the original article made the right decision to kill herself. No matter how much you try to distract from that point, it remains true. The afterlife lie is a bad thing.

You are forgetting the religious prescription against suicide. Sure, there may be afterlife, but if those who commit suicide end up in hell, that's not much an incentive for suicide, is it?

288   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:03pm  

Reality says

hmm, how is murdering the baby in a 1st degree murder better than a 3rd degree negligence homicide? Apparently you are not only unfamiliar with religion, but also unfamiliar with secular laws.

1. Secular laws are irrelevant to the afterlife. You don't go to hell for jaywalking.

2. Deliberating killing babies would not be immoral, unethical, or wrong in any way if the Christian afterlife is real. I've already explained this a dozen times. Pay attention. Killing the babies means those babies lose their Earthly lives, but those short Earthly lives are insignificant compared to an eternity of torture in hell or bliss in heaven. Therefore, it is immoral to jeopardize the babies' safety (i.e., immortal souls) by allowing them to live.

This is a simple, irrefutable proof by contradiction. Assume a conditional premise. Follow that premise to its logical conclusion. If the conclusion is something you know to be wrong, then the premise must, by mathematical necessity, be wrong.

If you are not capable of understanding this, then you are less intelligent than a typical 9th grader who is expected to produce proofs of contradiction in every Algebra I course.

289   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:05pm  

Reality says

You are coming to your conclusion because you perceive yourself as the divine dispenser of death and life as you wish.

That's complete bullshit. As I've said a dozen times already to you, I am utterly irrelevant to the argument I am making.

Do you really have to resort to such transparent lies? Such lies indicate that you know you have no real way to address the proof by contradiction I submitted.

290   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:09pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Reality says

However, religion is a cost-effective way of maintaining a workable society. Market is of course the root of civilization.

So you're an agnostic with a cynical utilitarian and propagandist view of religion, not to mention a consumerist view of civilization.

Most atheistic critic of religion consider religion being a social control tool. My personal view on religion is very open minded agnosticism. No, I do not have a consumerist view of civilization, but one that respects individual liberty; market where individuals engage in mutually willing exchanges just happens to be the place where individuals exercise liberty.

I believe the respect of truth is the basis for morality, and deceiving people as a cost effective control method is immoral by that standard.

It is not deception if nobody knows what the real truth is. Morality has to be result based: it is immoral to constantly remind a cancer patient that he is about to die even if it is the truth.

291   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:13pm  

Dan8267 says

1. Secular laws are irrelevant to the afterlife. You don't go to hell for jaywalking.

Yet if you decide to keep on living, you need to deal with secular law. So your contention that deliberately killing a baby is better than leaving a baby to die by accident is simply wrong, in the eyes of the secular law, probably in the eyes of a jury too.

2. Deliberating killing babies would not be immoral, unethical, or wrong in any way if the Christian afterlife is real. I've already explained this a dozen times. Pay attention. Killing the babies means those babies lose their Earthly lives, but those short Earthly lives are insignificant compared to an eternity of torture in hell or bliss in heaven. Therefore, it is immoral to jeopardize the babies' safety (i.e., immortal souls) by allowing them to live.

Pay Attention: you have no right to make that decision for the babies! Which part of "Thou shall not kill" don't you understand?

292   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:17pm  

Dan8267 says

This is a simple, irrefutable proof by contradiction. Assume a conditional premise. Follow that premise to its logical conclusion. If the conclusion is something you know to be wrong, then the premise must, by mathematical necessity, be wrong.

If you are not capable of understanding this, then you are less intelligent than a typical 9th grader who is expected to produce proofs of contradiction in every Algebra I course.

You must have slept through your math classes. Not surprising for a code monkey who could not become a real engineer. FYI, Algera 1 is not where you learn proofs of anything. Algebra 1 means formulae and symbolic sustitutions. Logics and perhaps Geometry are where you learn proofs by logic. In any case, the false presumption in your thesis is that you are the omnipotent entity in charge of everyone else. That is the conceit of typical government worshippers.

293   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:19pm  

marcus says

Dan8267 says

Neither you nor anyone else has even addressed the fact that if the Christian afterlife were real, then killing babies before they could sin is a moral imperative.

Why should I address that.

Because it is a proof by contradiction that the afterlife is a lie. Not addressing it is admitting that it is correct and there is no afterlife.

marcus says

The one and only thing I have argued

You have argued quite a few things, but if you want to concede that the afterlife is a lie and a dangerous one then at least have the honesty to openly and clearly concede this. Otherwise, address the issue.

marcus says

You have a rich fantasy life. Yes, I have repeated an assertion that you can not answer except with your own assertions, or diversions.

Marcus, are you capable of doing anything but making unfounded assertions? If you want to make a case that I have made an unfounded assertion than quote the specific alleged assertion and show why it's an assertion.

What you are doing now is simply contradiction, not argument. Granted, it's better than the ad hominem you typically do, but it's simply not good enough.

The difference between argument and contradiction.

marcus says

You write thousands of words of jibberish psuedo logic pertaining to I don't know what.

Merely calling something jibberish or pseudo-logic does not make it so. If you are going to call someone's argument pseudo-logic then quote the specific alleged flaw and explain what logical fallacy is being committed. I do this to you all the time. To simply call some argument garbage and give no reason why is at best responding to tone in the argument pyramid.

You really need to get up to at least level 3, counterargument. Anything below that level is worthless.
marcus says

Sadly, I've repeated it many times because you either don't get it, or because you don't know how to just stop.

Honey, I've enumerated and refuted every one of your arguments labeling each argument and counter-argument. I really can't make the flow of the debate clearer than that. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

294   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:19pm  

Dan8267 says

Reality says

You are coming to your conclusion because you perceive yourself as the divine dispenser of death and life as you wish.

That's complete bullshit. As I've said a dozen times already to you, I am utterly irrelevant to the argument I am making.

Do you really have to resort to such transparent lies? Such lies indicate that you know you have no real way to address the proof by contradiction I submitted.

If you are not the divine dispenser of life and death, then you have no right to decide on whether to kill the baby. It is not your concern and not your problem. In fact, if you were religious, in many if not most religions, it's not even your right to kill yourself.

295   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:20pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Dan8267 says

Very Chivalrous

Exactly... but remember the bodies don't matter as long as you save the souls....

The kind of thinking that promotes morality on earth.

Of course not, which is why if the Christian afterlife were not a lie, it would be a moral imperative to murder babies.

296   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 29, 3:21pm  

Reality says

It is not deception if nobody knows what the real truth is. Morality has to be result based: it is immoral to constantly remind a cancer patient that he is about to die even if it is the truth.

It is deception - if you don't believe it but promote it for other purposes than the one advertised.

297   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:23pm  

Reality says

Once again, we are talking about 2,000 victims over 100 years under Spanish Inquisition

Honey, the Dark Ages were before the Inquisition and the Middle Ages covers a lot more ground. There were a plethora of murders committed in the name of Christianity during the past 2,000 years.

And 9/11 was only about 1,762 victims in the World Trade Center over 100 years of flight. I guess 9/11 was insignificant by your standards.

298   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:24pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Reality says

It is not deception if nobody knows what the real truth is. Morality has to be result based: it is immoral to constantly remind a cancer patient that he is about to die even if it is the truth.

It is deception - if you don't believe it but promote it for other purposes than the one advertised.

I'm not promoting any brand of religion. I'm simply against putting down religions. I'm especially wary about the government cult, and those falsely promoting the government cult/religion.

299   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:28pm  

Dan8267 says

Honey, the Dark Ages were before the Inquisition and the Middle Ages covers a lot more ground. There were a plethora of murders committed in the name of Christianity during the past 2,000 years.

There is little chance you can count up 100,000,000+ deaths in the name of Christianity in those 2000 years, whereas atheistic political movements managed in the 20th century alone.

And 9/11 was only about 1,762 victims in the World Trade Center over 100 years of flight. I guess 9/11 was insignificant by your standards.

There is no proof the 9/11 deaths were caused by religion at all. Those alleged suicidal pilots were not religious at all, but secular opportunists, assuming they indeed flew themselves into the buildings. The worshippers of the government grandeur however had left plenty finger prints on this episode.

300   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:29pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

.... Atheist did far more harm... with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, North Korea today... your well over 100-150 Million....

Tommy, you ignorant slut. Hitler was not an atheist.

Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot were not evil because they were atheists. Stalin and Hitler were evil because they wore mustaches as proved by the mass murderers Tom Selleck and Charlie Chaplin. Mao and Pol Pot were evil because they were huge Magnum P.I. fans.

Stupid arguments repeated ad nauseam merit derogatory retorts.

301   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:34pm  

Reality says

The Atheist "Greater good" has long proven to be even more evil in the 20th century than "saving the individual soul." 100,000,000+ victims in a century vs. 2,000 victims in a century, to put in numerical perspective.

Reality says

Dan8267 says

Reality says

Nope. I never said Atheism is an evil philosophy. What I did say was that religious is not the (sole) reason why people do evil. Even those without religion, such as Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, are quite capable of evil.

1. Remember these words?

Reality says

Reality says

There were plenty atheistic "fucking greats," like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.. In fact, they were the biggest mass murderers in human history!

They strongly imply that atheism is responsible for the "biggest mass murders" in history.

No they do not.

You really need to get your lies straight. You keep flip-flopping between the lie that atheists are a raging homicidal maniacs and the lie that you never suggested that atheists are evil. Just pick one of these lies and stick with it.

302   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:37pm  

Reality says

1. One can simply baptize the babies before murdering them, thereby eliminating original sin. It is still a moral imperative to murder the babies before they can commit a mortal sin.

What moral imperative? What you are suggesting is murder. Do you kill babies at birth because they will inevitably endure hardship and eventually probably painful death at some point in their lives later?

There is no way that anyone could possibly be as stupid as you are pretending to be. I have explained the proof by contradiction numerous times. If you truly don't understand it, you are clinically retarded. If you are not clinically retarded, you are trolling. Either way, I've said enough.

If you want to continue the conversation, add something new instead of feigning incomprehension.

303   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:37pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol pot... all Atheist... so who stopped them ?


304   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:40pm  

Dan8267 says

Tommy, you ignorant slut. Hitler was not an atheist.

Actually he was an atheist for all practical purpose. He was very anti-clerical, but delayed an outright purge of the church probably pending his military victory in all of Europe, which never came. All the people closest to him, from Speer to Goebbles to Bormann wrote in their notes and diaries that Hitler "hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."

305   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:42pm  

Reality says

you brought up the train

Again, no one is so retarded as to misinterpret my posts as advocating that trains are evil. That is just being stupid.

Reality says

You obviously have great faith in the earthly government.

Which explains all my posts regarding cops. Have you ever read anything I've written about the government?

If you are going to pull assumptions out of your ass, at least pull out ones that don't stink.

Reality says

Yet if you decide to keep on living, you need to deal with secular law. So your contention that deliberately killing a baby is better than leaving a baby to die by accident is simply wrong, in the eyes of the secular law, probably in the eyes of a jury too.

Irrelevant to the issue of morality.
Reality says

Pay Attention: you have no right to make that decision for the babies! Which part of "Thou shall not kill" don't you understand?

That's how proof by contradiction works. You disprove a premise by showing it leads to a conclusion that is known to be wrong.

Seriously, are you really this dumb?

306   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:42pm  

Dan8267 says

You really need to get your lies straight. You keep flip-flopping between the lie that atheists are a raging homicidal maniacs and the lie that you never suggested that atheists are evil. Just pick one of these lies and stick with it.

I never suggested all atheists are individually evil. However, atheistic political movements have proven to be catastrophic in human history.

307   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:45pm  

Dan8267 says

There is no way that anyone could possibly be as stupid as you are pretending to be. I have explained the proof by contradiction numerous times. If you truly don't understand it, you are clinically retarded. If you are not clinically retarded, you are trolling. Either way, I've said enough.

If you want to continue the conversation, add something new instead of feigning incomprehension.

Which part of "You don't have the right to make that decision" don't you understand?

Do you go into hospitals and systematically kill all terminally ill patients who are suffering from pain? It's not your right to make that decision, just like it's not your right to decide whether all new born babies are to live or to die. You may get that right for one baby when your wife gives birth to an extremely premature baby that requires exceptionally intensive care and have congenital deformity. However, until then, keep your power-grabbing mania in check.

308   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 3:52pm  

Dan8267 says

you brought up the train

Again, no one is so retarded as to misinterpret my posts as advocating that trains are evil. That is just being stupid.

You were just too stupid to realize where your own analogy was leading: religious people in political power kill people just as atheists in political power kill people (never mind the drastically different numerical scale here for a moment) trains kill people just as guns kill people. Where does that analogy leave you with trains if you insist on religion is to blame for killing people? Didn't do well on the GRE analytical test? I see.

Dan8267 says

Reality says

Yet if you decide to keep on living, you need to deal with secular law. So your contention that deliberately killing a baby is better than leaving a baby to die by accident is simply wrong, in the eyes of the secular law, probably in the eyes of a jury too.

Irrelevant to the issue of morality.

Of course it has a morality component: how can deliberate murder be better than accidental death?

Dan8267 says

Reality says

Pay Attention: you have no right to make that decision for the babies! Which part of "Thou shall not kill" don't you understand?

That's how proof by contradiction works. You disprove a premise by showing it leads to a conclusion that is known to be wrong.

Seriously, are you really this dumb?

There is no contradiction. You don't get to make that decision. Just like you don't get to kill all terminal patients in a hospital ward. It's not your right, and not your responsibility. If you do kill them, you get a murder charge. Stop being a control freak.

309   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:54pm  

Reality says

You must have slept through your math classes. Not surprising for a code monkey who could not become a real engineer. FYI, Algera 1 is not where you learn proofs of anything. Algebra 1 means formulae and symbolic sustitutions. Logics and perhaps Geometry are where you learn proofs by logic.

Well that explains things. You went to a shitty high school and learned nothing.

A decent 9th grader can prove that the square root of two is irrational.

Algebra does indeed involve proofs.

310   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:55pm  

bgamall4 says

Paul says:

Just because the Bible contradicts itself does not mean it does not promote slavery and rape. See the quotes I gave above.

311   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 3:58pm  

bgamall4 says

Dan8267 says

All I can say is that the atheistic view is the humblest.

Actually it is arrogance. The atheist asks, If God exists, why doesn't he reveal himself? Of course that question does not prove the atheist's argument of no God. But it does reveal the utter helplessness of man when it comes to the subjects of death, belief, unbelief, hatred of God, eternal life, etc.

Your statement is pure bullshit. I don't disbelieve in your god because I asked why he doesn't reveal himself. I disbelieve in your god for the exact same reason you disbelieve in all Greek, Native American, and African gods. I reject transparent lies that contradict themselves and known facts. However, unlike you, I apply that standard to all gods not just other people's gods.

There is nothing arrogant about the position that your existence is a lucky accident and that you are not in any way the center of the universe.

312   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 4:00pm  

bgamall4 says

Dan8267 says

There were a plethora of murders committed in the name of Christianity during the past 2,000 years.

That was the fault of liars and phony Christians. Christ said that many would claim him at the judgement day but he would say he never knew them. Many are called but few are chosen. Very few.

There are no true Scottsman. The vast majority of Christians are not Christian. In fact, it seems that only the Jews are real Christians.

313   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 4:02pm  

Reality says

However, atheistic political movements have proven to be catastrophic in human history.

Communism is not an atheistic political movement. It is an economic and political philosophy.

This is an atheistic political movement.

How many people have been murdered by Richard Dawkins?

314   Elledawk   2014 Jan 29, 4:05pm  

“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

315   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 4:09pm  

Dan8267 says

Well that explains things. You went to a shitty high school and learned nothing.

I learned Algebra 1 at the start of Junior High, as in 7th grade, not High School. At the "shitty high school" where I went to, my 9th grade math class was Calculus 1, you moron.

A decent 9th grader can prove that the square root of two is irrational.

That's not where one learns the basics of logics. He was applying logics already learned.

316   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 4:11pm  

Reality says

Where does that analogy leave you with trains if you insist on religion is to blame for killing people

See Tom Selleck and Charlie Chaplin are the most dangerous despots ever.

Preachers like Pastor Charles Worley call for the deaths of "queers and homosexuals" and rallies their flocks to hate. Tens of millions of Americans follow "conservative" preachers like this one. This is why Christians picket funerals with "God hate fags" signs and oppose gay marriage, something required by equality under law.

And all these things, from the ancient to today, are intrinsic to religion. The hatred of gays, the torturing of religious opponents, the destruction of knowledge, the suppression of women are all done specifically because the religion demands it. In contrast, Stalin's and Mao's evil was solely due to imperialistic greed, not atheism, and is not supported by atheists or even acknowledged as atheist philosophy.

So the fact that Stalin was an atheist is as relevant as the fact that he had a mustache. But when the pope persuades millions of Africans not to wear condoms or Charles Worley incites men to murder gays and lesbians, religion is at the very center of those actions.

I've done that issue to death. You are offering nothing new.

317   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 4:11pm  

Reality says

I learned Algebra 1 at the start of Junior High, as in 7th grade, not High School. At the "shitty high school" where I went to, my 9th grade math class was Calculus 1, you moron.

You lying sack of shit.

318   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 4:12pm  

Dan8267 says

Communism is not an atheistic political movement. It is an economic and political philosophy.

Of course it was. The "communist" movement was the biggest atheistic political movement in world history.

This is an atheistic political movement.

How many people have been murdered by Richard Dawkins?

Dawkins doesn't have much of a political movement.

319   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 4:14pm  

Dan8267 says

Reality says

I learned Algebra 1 at the start of Junior High, as in 7th grade, not High School. At the "shitty high school" where I went to, my 9th grade math class was Calculus 1, you moron.

You lying sack of shit.

Just because you are a moron, don't under-estimate others. Math happened to be one of my fortes when I was young, as you can probably guess by now.

320   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 4:15pm  

Reality says

Of course it was. The "communist" movement was the biggest atheistic political movement in world history.

You lying sack of shit.

Still trying to poison the well. You might as well argue that "communism" was the biggest mustache movement in history.

In any case, it is irrelevant to the fact that the afterlife is a lie and unless you accept that murdering babies is a good thing, you don't really believe in the afterlife.

321   Dan8267   2014 Jan 29, 4:16pm  

Reality says

Just because you are a moron, don't under-estimate others. Math happened to be one of my fortes when I was young, as you can probably guess by now.

I call bullshit on you, especially since you seem to be unable to grasp the concept of proof by contradiction.

322   Reality   2014 Jan 29, 4:26pm  

Dan8267 says

In contrast, Stalin's and Mao's evil was solely due to imperialistic greed, not atheism, and is not supported by atheists or even acknowledged as atheist philosophy.

What imperialistic greed? Neither Stalin or Mao was particularly expansionistic. In fact, rather restrained in dealings with foreign powers in order to preserve their domestic control. Stalin and Mao were power maniacs who built personality cults around themselves. Those personality cults were made possible by suppression of previously existing religions.

Not supported by other atheists? What do you think their subordinates were? theists? Who cares if you acknowledge them as atheist philosophy . . . they used atheism for personal political gains, just like many other people used religions for personal political gains.

While I personally enjoyed Dawkins' books on evolution and I have quite a few atheist friends, given that the vast majority of the population have a psychological need to have faith in something, promoting atheism as the new social norm thereby letting government-worship becoming the default faith, without any check from an organized moral authority (which is usually played by religions) is tantamount to collective suicide for the society. The world history has already witnessed quite a few of those episodes.

323   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Jan 29, 4:30pm  

I can't wait to go to Satan after I die.

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