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To suggest a Tech bubble is like suggesting an Idea bubble.
New Technology will always be useful, over sold and over valued companies not so much. None of the tech of the great 2000 tech crash disappeared.
The biggest problem right now is intellectual patent laws and the attack dog lawyers companies are at liberty to use to bring down competition. Like the opportunities are limitless to create iPhone card swiping device, or POS and vending software solutions set up on tablets. But I bet at this point in the game, those few companies that already have a leg up on the industry, would send their lawyers knocking on your door.
New Technology will always be useful, over sold and over valued companies not so much. None of the tech of the great 2000 tech crash disappeared.
I hear what you're saying, too, but you gotta at least read the article, Cap. He mostly talks about some of the heavy-hitters like Twitter and Facebook, and questions their non-GAAP earnings reports. It sounds like *conceptual* accounting to me, and you know what that's lead to in the past. It's a thought-provoking piece.