Liberal Priorities

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2014 Feb 16, 9:25am   22,869 views  169 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

If you watch the news even badly lately, you'll notice a pattern. Liberals are more concerned about gays in Russia, than about economy, well being, or stability of an American economy.

Is it any wonder no one takes those clowns seriously anymore?

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49   edvard2   2014 Feb 17, 7:50am  

socal2 says

Equal protection of what? Exactly what rights are they being denied if Civil Unions allows alternative lifestyles to pool and share their resources?

Gay couples can't create kids (without going to massive extremes using a 3rd person's eggs or surrogacy). These are simply different types of relationships. So at the very least, you are now comparing a 3 person relationship with a 2 person relationship and I don't see many gay marriage advocates arguing that current law is discriminating against polygomy or polyandry. Or is that the next step in the slippery slope?

Sounds like you are unfamiliar with the 14th amendment. The text is as follows:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

This is super cut and dry. The rest of your text is rambling nonsense. The lame "slippery slope" argument is used as a wet noodle excuse to try and suggest that ohhhhh.... if we do that.... then this will happen.... oh no! What a bunch of utter crap. Its crap because its totally ignores the fact that humans use logic to make decisions on a case-by-case basis and just because one thing happens does not mean other things will automatically occur as a result simply because each are separate issues with their own sets of dialog and decisions to be had.

You lost this argument a very long time ago.

50   Entitlemented   2014 Feb 17, 7:56am  

Recently read in Montesquieue of strange behaviour by the Patricians and Legal Staff that was a major cause of Roman woes:

Monthesquieu: SPIRIT OF LAWS:

Of the State of the World after the Destruction of the Romans.

The regulations made by the Romans to increase the number of their citizens had their effect while the republic, in the full vigour of her constitution, had nothing to repair but the losses she sustained by her courage, by her intrepidity, by her firmness, her love of glory and of virtue. But soon the wisest laws could not re-establish what a dying republic, what a general anarchy, what a military government, what a rigid empire, what a proud despotic power, what a feeble monarchy, what a stupid, weak, and superstitious court had successively pulled down. It might, indeed, be said that they conquered the world only to weaken it, and to deliver it up defenceless to barbarians. The Gothic nations, the Getes, the Saracens and Tartars by turns harassed them; and soon the barbarians had none to destroy but barbarians. Thus, in fabulous times, after the inundations and the deluge, there arose out of the earth armed men, who exterminated one another.

51   marcus   2014 Feb 17, 8:16am  

FortWayne says

Liberals are more concerned about gays in Russia, than about economy, well being, or stability of an American economy.

Absolutely stunning.

This would be like me saying, "Conservatives" are more interested in guaranteeing criminals and murderers their right to have automatic weapons with huge clips and also in murdering doctors that perform abortions than they are in preserving the environment or allowing low income people to receive health care.

52   FortWayne   2014 Feb 17, 9:46am  

marcus says

FortWayne says

Liberals are more concerned about gays in Russia, than about economy, well being, or stability of an American economy.

Absolutely stunning.

This would be like me saying, "Conservatives" are more interested in guaranteeing criminals and murderers their right to have automatic weapons with huge clips and also in murdering doctors that perform abortions than they are in preserving the environment or allowing low income people to receive health care.

That's nowhere near accurate, not even in a ballpark of comparisons. If liberals were not so hell bent on focusing on some unrelated foreign affairs like Gays in Russia, or terrible treatment of stray dogs in Venezuela, we'd not have this topic. But it's just gone too far. Normal people, unlike the left, want government to fix economy. But since your liar in the white house is too asshole, he is too busy playing politics instead.

Liberal media has only 2 topics given to them to their leader and fuhrer: Fictitious war on women, need some stupid vote for Hillary to be ready. And of course gays in random foreign countries, not really sure what market segment they are aiming for here. In summary, nothing but clowns and jokers. And as such they belong in a circus, not in government.

53   FortWayne   2014 Feb 17, 9:48am  

marcus says

Absolutely stunning.

The only thing stunning here is incompetence on the left. They can't even roll out a website, not even after astronomical costs to their buddy buddy.

And what's even more astonishing is that voters on the left, are ok with that. Corruption, theft, bribery, right in front of their eyes.... move along folks... nothing to see here.

54   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 17, 10:25am  

FortWayne says

And of course gays in random foreign countries

It is a world superpower; no, one of THE superpowers, and all eyes are upon it because of the olympics. Like all of the redneck hick towns across the USA that drive out their gay people (who flock to places like Los Angeles where I live, and their gayness is no big deal FFS) Russia needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century in social matters.

It actually plays quite well in the states for human rights activists, for it puts leading anti-gay Republicans into the position of having to out-Russian the Russians before their contradiction-riddled base. Cognitive dissonance can be amusing sometimes.

55   indigenous   2014 Feb 17, 10:36am  

Dan8267 says

Check the spreadsheet. It includes interest on the debt based on empirical data.

I don't completely disagree but 0 defense will not work. The debt at 1.75% interest will not work either and that could balloon into 6.5% and 1 trillion very easily.

And that estimates a spartan budget for 70 years yea that will happen...

56   edvard2   2014 Feb 17, 11:42am  

This whole damned conversation is yet more proof of why the GOP and its followers are light years behind everyone one else and so far removed from anything resembling reality that its sad. Lucky for us the opinions expressed by some here are only those held by a very teeny percentage of the populace who don't know anything other than what their precious cable news networks tells them. The majority of the US population is actually sensible and use their brains to think instead of letting someone else do it for them.

57   marcus   2014 Feb 17, 12:46pm  

FortWayne says

If liberals were not so hell bent on focusing on some unrelated foreign affairs like Gays in Russia

You're such a simpleton. You really think that that story was because of liberals ?

If so, only indirectly. The fact that we (the US and many other modern countries) don't actually care about whether people are gay or not, might have something to do with liberals.

But,...given that we are tolerant, and Russia is not, and that our media is critical of Putin and Russia for that, you blame liberals ? After Putin just last year wrote essays that were published in US papers critical of Obama and his Syria policy ?

OF course the corporations that control American media are going to find things to criticize Putin and Russia for. Their lack of tolerance compared to our more advanced perspective is a perfect topic for them.

You think it's about liberals ?

You are very deeply confused.

58   zzyzzx   2014 Feb 17, 10:34pm  

Automan Empire says

Russia needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century in social matters.

Why should they not be allowed to evolve at their own rate?

59   Dan8267   2014 Feb 17, 11:23pm  

zzyzzx says

Automan Empire says

Russia needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century in social matters.

Why should they not be allowed to evolve at their own rate?

For the same reason Nazi Germany was not allowed to "evolve at its own rate". Human rights trumps the laziness of bigots. No one should suffer crimes against their person in order to give the criminal "time to change".

60   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 18, 12:20am  

The Russians should pick on the Obese gay people, then that way they'll get the American Liberal support they so desperately crave.

61   FortWayne   2014 Feb 18, 5:11am  

Automan Empire says

It is a world superpower; no, one of THE superpowers, and all eyes are upon it because of the olympics. ... gay people (who flock to places like Los Angeles where I live, and their gayness is no big deal FFS) Russia needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century in social matters.

Now I see just the kind of voters these silly issues become priorities...

62   FortWayne   2014 Feb 18, 5:16am  

marcus says

You're such a simpleton. You really think that that story was because of liberals ?

Of course because of liberals. Mr. EmptySuit isn't talking to an empty room out there when he is addressing the nation. He is catering to his liberal left, that got screws loose in their heads.

It's your "Democratic" political party that gave up on trying to fix the economy, and just refocused itself on political BS. Just wait till the drums of your ficticious war on women start up again, we get that at least every other day on CNN.

63   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 18, 5:16am  

FortWayne says

Now I see just the kind of voters these silly issues become priorities...

Funny the way conservatives tell "voters like me" to go to Russia if I don't like it here.

64   edvard2   2014 Feb 18, 5:18am  

FortWayne says

Now I see just the kind of voters these silly issues become priorities...

And therein lies the fault with your entire argument- if you had any to start with. You are calling one group of American's access to equal treatment as "Silly". Is that really what you think? You think that if someone is denied the same rights as other that its a "Silly" issue?

You keep posting this absurd and ridiculous posts about this same topic and are wrong as soon as its posted. What if I were to come on here and make a post that everyone deserved access to free speech except for conservatives? What if I called that issue "silly"? I ask because what you are calling silly is the same thing.

Your entire little debate here is in itself assassin.

65   edvard2   2014 Feb 18, 5:22am  

FortWayne says

It's your "Democratic" political party that gave up on trying to fix the economy, and just refocused itself on political BS.

Your party was responsible for the economy Obama inherited and considering how royally they messed things up, the success Obama has had at turning things around is nothing short of a miracle especially considering he had to deal with a bunch of whining, immature Republicans who decided to waste taxpayer dollars by not doing their jobs and sitting on their hands from day one.

66   dublin hillz   2014 Feb 18, 5:30am  

edvard2 says

sitting on their hands from day one.

It's not that they were doing nothing, it's that they were spending most of their day running their thoughts/ideas by mark levine to make sure that he don't drop the stalinist purge on them....

67   FortWayne   2014 Feb 18, 5:38am  

edvard2 says

You think that if someone is denied the same rights as other that its a "Silly" issue?

Yes I think you liberals are very "silly", and I'm being polite. What kind of people prioritize stray cats, or random crap in foreign nations over their nations internal needs. Economy... silence. Unemployment... silence. Growing welfare state... silence. But stray dogs in Sochi, and homeless cats in LA, or Gays in Russia.... IMMEDIATE ATTENTION EVERYONE!

You people are something. Priorities of a 15 year old.

68   edvard2   2014 Feb 18, 5:46am  

FortWayne says

Yes I think you liberals are very "silly", and I'm being polite. What kind of people prioritize stray cats, or random crap in foreign nations over their nations internal needs. Economy... silence. Unemployment... silence. Growing welfare state... silence. But stray dogs in Sochi, and homeless cats in LA, or Gays in Russia.... IMMEDIATE ATTENTION EVERYONE!

You people are something. Priorities of a 15 year old.

This whole post was based on some bullshit assertion made that has no bearing in reality, and yet somehow being passed off as fact. So we can stop right there. The comment about Democrats not paying attention to the economy and unemployment is ridiculous. I NEVER remember Bush EVER going on tour to talk to people in factories, schools, and job fairs. He was sooooo busy telling us the " the economy was strong" or some other nonsense. Meanwhile the US deficit grew at the fastest rate under his admin than at any other tiem in US history because of his admin's decision to enact irresponsible tax initiatives.

Obama is on a plane practically every week doing those things, visiting with real people, and making real progress. But in regards to what the the GOP has done, well they succeeded in shutting down the government which in effect cost the US over 5.5 billion dollars and caused 100's of thousands of people to be furloughed.

69   foxmannumber1   2014 Feb 18, 6:14am  

Liberal doublespeak explained.

70   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 18, 6:38am  

Bringing gay rights into the 21st century costs nothing and brings immeasurable happiness to a measurable percentage of the population.

There is no reason for this to be conditional upon ANYTHING happening first. Especially when it's really down to waiting for an old intolerant generation to die off.

If the economy was as easy to fix as this issue, what a wonderful world it would be.

71   Dan8267   2014 Feb 18, 6:50am  

FortWayne says

Yes I think you liberals are very "silly", and I'm being polite. What kind of people prioritize stray cats, or random crap in foreign nations over their nations internal needs.

If Russia was still cracking down on Christianity rather than cracking down on gays because of Christianity, I suspect that FortWayne wouldn't consider the outrage to be so "silly".

Furthermore, there is no competition between U.S. citizens being outraged and vocal about Putin's human rights violations and being outraged and vocal about all the economic problems caused by our government, primarily Republicans.

By the way, we all know exactly how the hell to fix the economy. It's not rocket science. We have to undo all the policies implemented by Reagan and his successors. We need to
1. Enforce anti-trust laws. Without them there is no competition, including competition for workers.
2. Stop taxing the rich, owner class less than the wealth-producing middle class. In fact, don't tax productivity; tax rent-collection. Tax money created by owning things.
3. Support the middle class worker (and that means UNIONS) because they key to economic prosperity is the virtuous cycle of increasing wages causing increasing consumption causing increasing production causing increasing wages. This has always been and will always be the ONLY path to economic prosperity.
4. And that means higher wages including a living minimum wage.
5. Eliminate H1B Visas, outsourcing, and shipping industries to third world nations.

So, if you want to bitch and moan about the economy all day, don't forget that Reaganomics is exactly what got us into this position.

And contrary to all Republican philosophy, a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, healthy society requires a large degree of equality.



72   dublin hillz   2014 Feb 18, 6:57am  

Russia has morphed from a left wing dictatorship to a right wing dictatorship. It is interesting that now they have orthodox crosses on their uniforms while not too long in soviet union the churches were essentially banned.

73   anonymous   2014 Feb 18, 7:02am  

I guess I haven't been paying attention, but what exactly are the rights not afforded to homosexuals? How are they being discriminated against?

74   FortWayne   2014 Feb 18, 7:22am  

Dan8267 says

1. Enforce anti-trust laws. Without them there is no competition, including competition for workers.

2. Stop taxing the rich, owner class less than the wealth-producing middle class. In fact, don't tax productivity; tax rent-collection. Tax money created by owning things.

3. Support the middle class worker (and that means UNIONS) because they key to economic prosperity is the virtuous cycle of increasing wages causing increasing consumption causing increasing production causing increasing wages. This has always been and will always be the ONLY path to economic prosperity.

4. And that means higher wages including a living minimum wage.

5. Eliminate H1B Visas, outsourcing, and shipping industries to third world nations.

1) Whats stopping Obama now? He is in completely charge of enforcement. But I guess he is no Teddy Roosevelt.

2) But Obama is just too busy sending IRS against 501C's to actually worry about real tax changes.

3) Whats stopping Obama here?

4) Wishing higher wages doesn't make them happen, just increases entry barrier, since most people will still hire Mexicans and pay under the table anyway.

5) What's stopping Obama here?

75   humanity   2014 Feb 18, 7:30am  

FortWayne says

What kind of people prioritize stray cats, or random crap in foreign nations over their nations internal needs.

Just how stupid does one have to be to equate a story in the paper (not even a liberal paper - but sure also that commie rag the NYT) about Putin making some shocking statements about gays in the olympics,...


Pardon my yelling, but dude, you are outdoing yourself here.

How can a human be as stupid as you ?

Please back up your statement with a shred of evidence, or throw us a tiny indication that you have an IQ above 75.

Liberals don't hate homes, and they say live and let live when it comes to sexual preference. Therefore in your sorry excuse for a mind, gay rights are a liberal priority ??

Wtf ?

For each single bill having to do with gay rights introduced by democrats that has been rejected by the right wing of congress or which has not been allowed to even brought up for a vote, there have to be at least 100 having to do with economics.

What the hell are you even talking about ? Presumably you think that if you say gay rights are a liberal priority above things like jobs that it will become a new RW talking point or something ?

Sorry, but even most of the normal republicans reading this think you are a moron. That's all you have proven. Not that it's the first time.

76   curious2   2014 Feb 18, 7:30am  

I can hardly believe this thread has got so many comments. I saw it as another misplaced rant by the OP, and thought it would go away, but no, it keeps coming up on the home page.

First of all, the OP premise is false, and merely a projection of his complaint that he is frightened by too many black people on his TV - and now too many gay people. The media aren't even really liberal, but the OP calls them that because some of the TV shows are integrated.

Second, if you look at what the media are actually reporting about Russia, the place is a possibly collapsing superpower with nuclear weapons that is allegedly controlled by organized crime. Since his divorce, Putin has forged an unholy alliance with the Russian Orthodox church, and is becoming more like Henry VIII. Remember that Ivan the Terrible became terrible after gaining too much power; previously, he had been Ivan the Great. Putin is becoming potentially a Napoleonic figure, and that causes concerns around the world, in particular his manipulation of Ukraine and Europe.

In answer to errc's question, Russia discriminates against homosexuals in several ways. Most obvious is discrimination in the marriage laws, i.e. homosexual couples are denied the same legal rights that heterosexual couples take for granted. The most recent legislation prohibits "propaganda" but is written so broadly that anyone could potentially be arrested (see the 60 Minutes report about alleged corruption in the police) for holding hands or wearing a T-shirt; even Madonna was fined and threatened with arrest for saying something nice on stage about marriage equality. There is also violence, because Putin has installed mayors who allow (maybe even encourage) violence directed against gay people, although that isn't codified in legislation (yet). Putin's comments about protecting children seemed to be code going back to Russian pogroms against Jews who were also scapegoated as a threat to children. The Putin network is based on the KGB and organized crime, and their tactics reflect that context; people get killed, even a Russian in London was poisoned with polonium (and the poisoners spilled radioactive polonium all over town) and a president of Ukraine was also poisoned. Because gay Russians tend to be associated with the political opposition to Putin's junta, they can become targets as well. Forthood sounds like a coal miner complaining that "liberals" are paying too much attention to the canary being asphyxiated, claiming they should concentrate solely on the coal.

BTW, unlike Larry Craig, Putin doesn't seem to be secretly homosexual. He's left his wife, reportedly for another woman, but Putin likes horses. He's even been photographed half naked with one, returning from the woods together after one of their trysts. She's a mare of course; nothing queer about Vladimir.

77   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 18, 7:44am  

curious2 says

Putin likes horses. He's even been photographed half naked with one

Yeah, that picture of a shirtless Putin on a horse in a raging river was passed around from conservative to conservative, who breathlessly said, now THERE'S a LEADER! I think he gave each and every one of them wood, and they probably fap to it before going online to bash 'the liberals."

78   socal2   2014 Feb 18, 9:54am  

Dan8267 says

zzyzzx says

Automan Empire says

Russia needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century in social matters.

Why should they not be allowed to evolve at their own rate?

For the same reason Nazi Germany was not allowed to "evolve at its own rate". Human rights trumps the laziness of bigots. No one should suffer crimes against their person in order to give the criminal "time to change".

I take it you were a big fan of Bush and his foreign policies for trying to drag the 1000X worse Muslim/Arab world into the 21st century on "social matters" by beating the love of Jesus into them?

Iran openly hangs gay children and the US under Obama is currently relaxing sanctions and negotiating with the Iranian nutters on nukes.

Looks like some social issues get trumped depending on circumstances - right?

79   lostand confused   2014 Feb 18, 10:01am  

I think Putin was just mad that the two chicks on the side picked the chick in the middle over him.

80   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 18, 11:28am  

socal2 says

Bush and his foreign policies for trying to drag the 1000X worse Muslim/Arab
world into the 21st century on "social matters"

I've heard many justifications for those wars, but this is a new one on me.

81   FortWayne   2014 Feb 18, 11:54pm  

errc says

I guess I haven't been paying attention, but what exactly are the rights not afforded to homosexuals? How are they being discriminated against?

From what I've seen on television, I can't tell if there is a problem, nor I care. Liberals can't coherently explain anything here. They can't even think why this 2 minute hate is supposed to be more important than addressing our economic concerns.

They just parot what MSNBC and Obama tells them to. Anything to avoid talking about economy, or why Obama keeps bailing out the bankers, or why Snowden ran from Obama.

82   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 19, 12:23am  

FortWayne says

From what I've seen on television, I can't tell if there is a problem, nor I

So why do you think gay peoples' lives should be meddled with and discriminated against? If you really didn't care, you'd get out of their way. You must care for some deeply personal reason, and this is standing in the way of millions living their lives. Whatever that personal reason is, confront it within yourself, instead of waging a proxy battle against several percent of the population.

For the record, Obama has never addressed me personally, much less told me what to say ever. That just further shows the straw man nature of an anti-gay position.

83   HEY YOU   2014 Feb 19, 12:52am  

Liberal Priorities:
Do everything possible to piss off conservatives & continually point out how stupid they are, which takes very little effort.

84   edvard2   2014 Feb 19, 1:23am  

All this post represents is the frustration conservatives are feeling since the way they think things " Aught to be" or should be is slipping from their fingers. The more their ideology gets shuffled into oblivious antiquity, the louder they whine and complain because there isn't a thing they can do about it. Too bad, So sad...

85   FortWayne   2014 Feb 19, 1:34am  

Automan Empire says

So why do you think gay peoples' lives should be meddled with and discriminated against?

Way to go prove me wrong there about your clown party priorities...

86   Dan8267   2014 Feb 19, 1:36am  

dublin hillz says

Russia has morphed from a left wing dictatorship to a right wing dictatorship. It is interesting that now they have orthodox crosses on their uniforms while not too long in soviet union the churches were essentially banned.

Stalin considered the church to be a political competitor. Putin considers the church to be a political tool. It's all about power. Right wing / left wing doesn't matter. They are the same.

87   Dan8267   2014 Feb 19, 1:37am  

errc says

I guess I haven't been paying attention, but what exactly are the rights not afforded to homosexuals? How are they being discriminated against?

If anyone even speaks of homosexuality or gay rights, they can be arrested. It's worse than segregation was in the 1950s U.S.

88   Dan8267   2014 Feb 19, 1:42am  

FortWayne says

Whats stopping Obama now?

Obama is a Republican in everything but name and skin color. Sure, he could work to reinstate enforcement of anti-trust laws. Republicans, and many Democrats, would strongly oppose him. However, Obama won't. He sucks.

Even his economic policies suck ass. However, his human rights and civil rights records is so abysmal that the economic issues don't even come up on radar. They are dwarfed by torture, assassinations of U.S. citizens including minors, killing of children of all ages with drone strikes, and much more.

Nonetheless, Obama is only one person in Washington. We need a lot of politicians kicked out of office with the message "if you don't support anti-trust laws, you don't have a job". Basically, we need Elizabeth Warren to win the next election in a landslide to send a message to Washington, D.C. Electing Hilary, the defacto next president, is a vote for the status quo. And no, no Republican even Christie is going to beat Hilary next election.

Consider Obama a loss and concentrate on getting Warren elected and filling Congress with Warren-like people who actually care about the middle class.

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