San Diego woman outbid of her dream home exacts strange vengeance

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2014 Apr 13, 1:54pm   9,226 views  36 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

Woman Poses As Owner Of Her Dream Home On Craigslist To Invite Men Over To Rape Her

San Diego’s Kathy Rowe was livid to find out that her dream home had been sold to a wife and husband who outbid her.

She then took to the Internet to sabotage the new female owner, creating an online ad in her name inviting people to break into the house and rape her.

“I also love to be surprised and have a man just show up at the door and force his way in the door and on me, totally taking me while I say no. Just stop by anytime Monday-Friday, 9 am to 3 pm. I like the element of surprise,” the ad reads, according to NBC San Diego.

Two men responded to the ad, one of whom was crazy enough to go into the Carmel Valley house and attempt to fulfill the demands.

Rowe also had over $1,000 in magazine subscriptions sent to the home, which she advertised online as the location for a free Mexican firework giveaway on July 4th and a high school New Year’s Eve party.

It doesn’t stop there.

This crazy woman even had Valentine’s Day cards sent to women in the neighborhood from the victim’s husband as well as encouraging members of religious groups to regularly visit the house.

Rowe at first denied the acts but then confessed, calling them harmless pranks and claiming she in no way intended to hurt the woman or her husband.

She has been charged with soliciting forcible rape and sodomy in addition to various other crimes.



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1   Dan8267   2014 Apr 13, 3:15pm  

I don't know what is more disturbing, that some psycho-bitch did this or that two men thought, "hey, this sounds legit". All three should be sterilized so that they don't pass on their stupidity to the next generation.

2   Homeboy   2014 Apr 13, 3:20pm  

I hope she enjoys the prison guards just showing up at her cell and totally taking her while she says no.

3   Strategist   2014 Apr 14, 2:13am  

There are too many crazy people and they all seem to be in California.
You have road rage, freeway shootings, drunk drivers and what not. I used to flip off reckless drivers on the freeways, but no more, I don't like getting shot at.

4   Strategist   2014 Apr 14, 2:17am  

sbh says

I wager ApocalypseFuck was one of the guys.

Well, I am sure there are women out there who would consider themselves lucky just to victims of crime. I read somewhere some women fantasize about those things.

5   turtledove   2014 Apr 14, 2:34am  

I read that Ms. Rowe is claiming that the reason she was so upset is because the house was a one-story, which is needed for her severely disabled daughter. Apparently, it was the only one, anywhere. So, I guess she's going to try to somehow fly all this under the flag that it was "in the best interest of a child." Works in divorce cases.... why not solicitation of a crime? The child has needs, people. She was just trying to take care of her child... Like a good mother.

"In a letter to a judge, Rowe described the moment in 2011 when she lost the house due to miscommunication with real estate agents, and a more attractive bid from the other couple as "devastating." She had her heart set on the home because it was a single story, to accommodate her severely disabled daughter, and had a pool, to provide exercise for her husband following a heart attack."


6   turtledove   2014 Apr 14, 2:40am  

Strategist says

I read somewhere some women fantasize about those things.

No doubt there are some that fantasize about certain aspects of the aftermath... Like the attention, the sympathy from others... I doubt anyone fantasizes about an actual attack.

It's like when kids fantasize about wearing a cast. They are thinking about the attention... kids from school wanting to sign your cast... everyone offering to hold your book bag and open doors for you. But they aren't fantasizing about the moment the bone cracks.

7   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Apr 14, 2:55am  

I'm with Kathy on this one. The only reason she got outbid was because the others are playing with the parents illegal meth lab money. The FBI should be investigating the money trail of the people buying these overpriced dumps. Leave the single mom who actually made her down payment legitimately and by herself alone. I bet the two dude that visited the home are actually realtors. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

8   Ceffer   2014 Apr 14, 3:52am  

Are you trying to say this was a "False Flog" attack?

9   mmmarvel   2014 Apr 14, 4:00am  

turtledove says

"In a letter to a judge, Rowe described the moment in 2011 when she lost the
house due to miscommunication with real estate agents, and a more attractive bid
from the other couple as "devastating." She had her heart set on the home
because it was a single story, to accommodate her severely disabled daughter,
and had a pool, to provide exercise for her husband following a heart

Well then, that totally explains it. What at first appeared to be a irrational series of actions, turns out to be completely rational actions. All it took was this wonderful explanation.

10   Ceffer   2014 Apr 14, 4:17am  

turtledove says

She had her heart set on the home because it was a single story, to accommodate her severely disabled daughter, and had a pool, to provide exercise for her husband following a heart attack.

Translation: she was planning to drown them in a faux accident for insurance money.

11   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Apr 14, 4:28am  

To me she actually helped the community by exposing these two nut-cases that answered the call to rape. She should be given a medal. She has provided a community benefit, unlike dip-shit realtors who leech off of the hard work of others.

12   turtledove   2014 Apr 14, 4:40am  

This market has gone so far into crazyville, it wouldn't surprise me if we see more stories like this. There are a lot of weak-minded individuals out there who probably feel pretty powerless these days... How many house bidding losses does it take to unlock the mind of a loony toon?

13   Reality   2014 Apr 14, 4:48am  

This is actually an argument for higher prices: since each family needs a house . . . there would be just as many people getting out-bid at lower prices, especially if lower prices induce more people into the buyer pool in search for a chance of a life time. Higher prices would also induce builders to build more, so as to alleviate the perceived shortage.

Jokes aside, this loony might destroy the whole neighborhood someday if she won the bid.

14   FortWayne   2014 Apr 14, 6:54am  

That woman isn't weak-minded. That woman is nuts, should either get treatment or be locked up!

15   Strategist   2014 Apr 14, 9:47am  

turtledove says

This market has gone so far into crazyville, it wouldn't surprise me if we see more stories like this. There are a lot of weak-minded individuals out there who probably feel pretty powerless these days... How many house bidding losses does it take to unlock the mind of a loony toon?

Reality says

This is actually an argument for higher prices: since each family needs a house . . . there would be just as many people getting out-bid at lower prices, especially if lower prices induce more people into the buyer pool in search for a chance of a life time. Higher prices would also induce builders to build more, so as to alleviate the perceived shortage.

Jokes aside, this loony might destroy the whole neighborhood someday if she won the bid.

More building is the solution. The last 7 years has seen virtually no home building at all inspite of the population increasing by 20 million+ in that time frame. No wonder rents are increasing and finding the right home to buy is frustrating potential buyers especially the first time buyers.
They need to....
Build like crazy to alleviate the severe shortages.
Loan like crazy to those who are not perfect, but still able to make the payments.

16   Dan8267   2014 Apr 14, 10:29am  

Strategist says

There are too many crazy people and they all seem to be in California.

Obviously, you've never been to New York City.

Or south Florida.

17   Dan8267   2014 Apr 14, 10:30am  

Strategist says

I read somewhere some women fantasize about those things.

People may fantasize about things they do not want in real life.

18   New Renter   2014 Apr 14, 10:32am  

Strategist says

Loan like crazy to those who are not perfect, but still able to make the payments.

Nope! That would just jack up prices even higher.

Increase supply, not demand!

19   Dan8267   2014 Apr 14, 10:33am  

turtledove says

I read that Ms. Rowe is claiming that the reason she was so upset is because the house was a one-story, which is needed for her severely disabled daughter.

Standard operating procedure. Always say it's for the children and will somebody please think of the children. It doesn't matter if you're suppressing gays or trying to get a woman raped.

I think anyone who uses children as justification for harming others should be sterilized along with their children. Let artificial selection fix this problem.

20   Dan8267   2014 Apr 14, 10:34am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

To me she actually helped the community by exposing these two nut-cases that answered the call to rape.

All three are nutjobs and should go to jail. What she did was utterly despicable.

21   Dan8267   2014 Apr 14, 10:37am  

Actually, you know what, I can't judge the two men based on the story because the story says nothing about what they did. If they just knocked on the door and asked if the ad was for real, they are innocent of any crime and any criminal intent. We really need more details on what exactly those two guys did.

Hell, it's probable that the reason the woman and her husband knew about the danger is that one of these guys told them about the ad. We can't assume they believed the ad and were going to break in and assault the woman.

22   Strategist   2014 Apr 14, 11:31am  

New Renter says

Strategist says

Loan like crazy to those who are not perfect, but still able to make the payments.

Nope! That would just jack up prices even higher.

Increase supply, not demand!

Increase supply even more. Let's make everyone happy.

23   New Renter   2014 Apr 14, 12:01pm  

Strategist says

Increase supply even more. Let's make everyone happy.

I'm down with that!

24   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Apr 14, 12:46pm  

Dan8267 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

To me she actually helped the community by exposing these two nut-cases that answered the call to rape.

All three are nutjobs and should go to jail. What she did was utterly despicable.

Without her the other 2 nut cases would still be walking the streets. She did more to the crime rate than 20 cops inching closer to their pensions every second. All the police seem to be good at doing is finding that horrible criminal that doesn't come to a complete stop at a 4-way intersection when there are no other cars in sight. Geniuses all around.

25   Strategist   2014 Apr 14, 12:51pm  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Dan8267 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

To me she actually helped the community by exposing these two nut-cases that answered the call to rape.

All three are nutjobs and should go to jail. What she did was utterly despicable.

Without her the other 2 nut cases would still be walking the streets. She did more to the crime rate than 20 cops inching closer to their pensions every second. All the police seem to be good at doing is finding that horrible criminal that doesn't come to a complete stop at a 4-way intersection when there are no other cars in sight. Geniuses all around.

She put an innocent woman at risk of getting raped by wackos.
There is no excuse.

26   lostand confused   2014 Apr 14, 1:00pm  

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

27   turtledove   2014 Apr 14, 2:39pm  

Call it Crazy says

lostand confused says

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

....or REALLY pissed off.....

We could rewrite Congreve's The Mourning Bride... The Mourning House Hunter! "Heaven has no rage like love [of a house] to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned [by those with greater funds to outbid her on housing she favors]."

28   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Apr 15, 2:53am  

Strategist says

She put an innocent woman at risk of getting raped by wackos.

There is no excuse.

She exposed two wackos. I rather her on the street than the other two. It would have been better if it was done on the realtor rather than the buyer. I give you that.

29   turtledove   2014 Apr 15, 3:59am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Strategist says

She put an innocent woman at risk of getting raped by wackos.

There is no excuse.

She exposed two wackos. I rather her on the street than the other two. It would have been better if it was done on the realtor rather than the buyer. I give you that.

Wait! This is so obvious, I'm not sure why I didn't think of it sooner... I could send my young kids around at parks, playgrounds, amusement parks, etc... asking strangers for rides in their cars. They could tell the strangers that they really want to see where they live and how much fun they'd all have taking pictures of each other! Just think of all the bad guys I could expose! If only everyone could have such a commitment to civic duty.

Putting an innocent person's life in danger in an effort to expose criminals is absurd, and I cannot believe that you are seriously suggesting otherwise. But hey... show me your craigslist ad where you attempt to lure dangerous criminals to your home in an effort to get them off the streets, and I will take it all back.

30   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Apr 15, 5:08am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

She exposed two wackos

The 2 wackos were not there to commit rape. They were solicited to take part in a kinky (but legal) phantasm.

The woman is the wacko.

31   Strategist   2014 Apr 15, 8:30am  

turtledove says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Strategist says

She put an innocent woman at risk of getting raped by wackos.

There is no excuse.

She exposed two wackos. I rather her on the street than the other two. It would have been better if it was done on the realtor rather than the buyer. I give you that.

turtledove says

utting an innocent person's life in danger in an effort to expose criminals is absurd, and I cannot believe that you are seriously suggesting otherwise. But hey... show me your craigslist ad where you attempt to lure dangerous criminals to your home in an effort to get them off the streets, and I will take it all back.

Turtledove is right Renting. Would you be willing to be a good samaritan and risk your family to wackos by putting an ad like that on craigslist?
I think the responsibility also lies with craigslist for allowing ads like this. They should be sued.

32   Strategist   2014 Apr 15, 8:31am  

Heraclitusstudent says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

She exposed two wackos

The 2 wackos were not there to commit rape. They were solicited to take part in a kinky (but legal) phantasm.

The woman is the wacko.

you may have opened up a whole new can of worms.
If someone answers the ad by breaking in and raping that woman, would he be arrested for rape?

33   rufita11   2014 Apr 15, 8:46am  

Strategist says

If someone answers the ad by breaking in and raping that woman, would he be arrested for rape?

Legally, Yes. The ad was not a contract. And he would be held to the standard of what a reasonable person should expect from such an ad. There is a good reason only 2 people showed up out of the many, many pervs that read craigslist--any reasonable person would have doubts of the legitimacy of the ad. After all, it could be a way to lure someone into getting mugged or worse.

34   Homeboy   2014 Apr 15, 10:51am  

What they did is obviously wrong. But the two men are probably more guilty of stupidity than of a desire to commit rape. If the intent was to commit rape, then they could have simply done that to someone else. There would be no need to select the woman whose address was given in the craigslist ad. But the intent of the woman who PLACED the ad is clear.

35   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Apr 15, 10:56am  

rufita11 says

The ad was not a contract.

The story doesn't say if they asked the lady to sign a contract, like honest pervs would do.

36   rufita11   2014 Apr 15, 11:16am  

Heraclitusstudent says

The story doesn't say if they asked the lady to sign a contract, like honest pervs would do.

No one said anything about the story saying the ad was a contract. Dude, everyone knows a craigslist ad cannot be construed as a contract, so any perv who might attempt to use the ad as a defense for rape would not have any legal defense for doing so. That's all.

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