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That's BS. I showed we could build more if we wanted to, without destroying the environment or filling the bay, but we won't because of NIMBY mentality. NIMBY is the only reason we are not building more in the BA.
You are arguing for the sake of arguing and not adding more to what was already discussed.
The desire of building of massive amount of homes in the bay, wetland, golf courses, hillside is an IMBY mentalality not to mention ruthless willigness to screw current residents who value the bay, parks, hills and wetlands.
Replicate the above for each location worldwide, in the face of a growing population, and what you are saying is essentially: "I have mine, screw the next generation".
I'll gladly take this:
over this:
btw, other pics of these towering buildings are interesting, too:
Well having Sawnee blood is not the same as being raised on the res and leaving, while maintaining a permanent residence. Do you have a DoIB card? I just love all those stories about grandma's high cheek bones. Real Indians laugh and laugh at those.
I'll gladly take this:
Well then move out of first tier global metropolis.
Or don't have kids.
They don't disagree with you; they just laugh at your ignorance about what a "real" ndn has to put up with. I include myself as one of those white people with native ancestry. I took all sorts of native american lit and history courses, attended pow wows and went to the Indian center once a week for years. I realized none of that comes close to giving me an understanding of what the lives of real, cultural and/or rez natives are like. That's all. Now, I'm going to go see if the house on Carey Drive closed yet.
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More "pile-in before it's too late" mentality. Any thoughts?
Of course, most of us MIGHT buy if we had that price point available around here (SFBA). Oh well.