Feminists Comfort Single Women

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2014 Jul 30, 5:44am   58,361 views  183 comments

by The Original Bankster   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

that's right ladies- don't you worry that men are never going to make a commitment to you in your entire life- you've got FEMINISM! No need to worry, don't you fret- it'll all turn out fine.



Having a rock star career.
Queso Dip.
Happy Hour.
Getting to travel or move anywhere in the world without feeling guilty or restrained.
Harry Potter Marathon Weekends.
Any and everything related to Beyonce.
Rolling up "squad deep" to parties and bars with your friends.
And then leaving equally squad deep to go get in yoga pants and laugh about every ridiculous escapade of the evening.
Re-reading The Fault in Our Stars 10 times.
Learning something new and unexpected that changes you for the better.
Singing obnoxiously in the car.
Knowing concretely that wine had to be said multiple times on this list.
Hanging out with your mom.
That miraculous moment when no one is really at the gym.
Slipper socks.
Having some time by yourself to just stand outside and soak up the overwhelming joy that you're alive.
Gossip Girl.
Weekend sales.
Seriously, that crap can be half off.
The song "Problem" by Ariana Grande.
New shampoo.
French fries. If you tell yourself you don't have a deep passion for French fries, you're just lying to yourself.
Finding a new hobby or interest.
Actually having the time to dedicate to exploring that new hobby or interest.
Pitch Perfect.
Entire containers of Ben and Jerry's.
EOS lip balm.
Making a new best friend when you least expect it.
Movies with Ryan Gosling in them.
Taylor Swift girl power anthems.
Eating a home-cooked meal after you haven't eaten anything that wasn't frozen or packaged for too long.
Having a surplus of pillows.
Dancing like a diva.
Sleeping in.
Online shopping.
Understanding that half of these items are more comical than accurate and yet there is an underlying truth. What is the greatest part about not having a boyfriend? It's understanding that you do not require one to be complete. You should be happy with who you are on the inside, and content watching Netflix marathons and going out with friends. When the right guy comes around, he will. Until then, go blast some Beyonce ladies, being single is a beautiful thing.

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58   Rin   2014 Jul 30, 12:13pm  

marcus says

I didn't say it was working. We're in some kind of transition, and maybe it never will be as sweet as it was in the leave it to beaver days.

If it's the end of the world as we know it, then the only reason why I feel fine is that I'd given up on women and would rather bo*nk strippers/esc*rts.


59   marcus   2014 Jul 30, 12:20pm  

The Original Bankster says

just stop giving all these crazy people money to promote this garbage culture.

Right. So easy. What are you talking about ? Hip hop ? Not my thing, but give me a break.

There are aspects to this that people don't normally even consider. For example the shift to two incomes being worth little more than what one income used to be.

Some would blame women entering the work force for this, but I think it could be argued that because of a global inequality in incomes, our incomes decreasing as globalization occurred has been a natural and predictable phenomenon. Women entering the work force has served to somewhat hide the significant decrease in standard of living (relative to a single income) that has taken place in this country.

The American family has been collateral damage in this economic shift.

But on the bright side, things are really improving in some third world countries, and China is becoming first world.

60   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 30, 12:27pm  

the workforce is also dramatically less productive place due to the presence of women. It's really reached insane proportions. All women do in the workplace is create drama.

61   komputodo   2014 Jul 30, 1:43pm  

Todd says

As one who has never posted on pat net, I have to laugh at this thread. Clearly from other threads, there are clear political ideologies amongst the posters. Who would ever have thought that a hatred for the modern american woman would bring everyone together? Just found it ironic and funny. Definitely agree with all that you guys are saying though.

Its a bi-partisan topic, with a bi-partisan solution..JUST SAY NO

62   komputodo   2014 Jul 30, 1:47pm  

The Original Bankster says

i think most men find male homosexual behavior utterly revolting.

It doesn't bother me as long as I don't have to watch them doing it. Now lesbians are another subject. I don't mind watching that

63   Strategist   2014 Jul 30, 1:54pm  

Call it Crazy says

Todd says

Who would ever have thought that a hatred for the modern american woman would bring everyone together?

Not "everyone", just the losers who don't know how to pick the right woman!

Or the right woman who won't pick them.

64   MMR   2014 Jul 30, 2:00pm  


Rin says

Rhea Perlman, who'd played Clara the bar keeper on 'Cheers', and are never sold to the public as hotties.

65   Rin   2014 Jul 30, 2:02pm  

Strategist says

Or the right woman who won't pick them.

Right woman, pleaz ... that legend faded years ago.

Today, I'm almost rich and free. The so-called mythical soulmate died ages ago.

66   Entitlemented   2014 Jul 30, 2:33pm  

Have a friend who escaped Afghanistan. She covertly made her way through Turkey to the states. Here neighbor was not so lucky. He was harrassed by the Taliban/Local Mafia.

She loves George Bush due to the fact that he liberated a lot of women, and in many part of the "invaded areas" human and womens rights were restored. Now they are going back in reverse.

George Bush really stuck up for womens rights as a by product of what went on. Some of the people that escape from the middle east are far stronger Republicans than I realized.

67   prodigy   2014 Jul 30, 2:38pm  

For you, maybe.
Not for the majority of humans on this globe...

Rin says

Right woman, pleaz ... that legend faded years ago.

Today, I'm almost rich and free. The so-called mythical soulmate died ages ago.

68   Rin   2014 Jul 30, 2:41pm  

Call it Crazy says

Rin says

Today, I'm almost rich and free.

..and single...

My money is my money.

Call it Crazy says

Rin says

The so-called mythical soulmate died ages ago.

Yep, that train left the station years ago, but sadly, you weren't on it.

I'm so weeping over the El Dorado myth.

Boo hoo hoo, I'm not married to an aging, fat slob. Instead, I get these knockers of 25 year olds, flying all over my face.

Let me tell you, I know plenty of married folks. Many of them are miserable.

69   Rin   2014 Jul 30, 2:44pm  

Cat Stevens once wrote about a *Peace Train ...


*Hint: It's a myth

The world is at peace today as a result of wishful thinking.

70   Rin   2014 Jul 30, 2:46pm  

prodigy says

For you, maybe.

Not for the majority of humans on this globe...

Rin says

Right woman, pleaz ... that legend faded years ago.

Today, I'm almost rich and free. The so-called mythical soulmate died ages ago.

The world is also engaged in ethnic cleansing and the notion of tribal affiliation to the detriment of others. What enlightenment of the masses.

71   komputodo   2014 Jul 30, 3:21pm  

Is this a coincidence?
Harvard Health publications:
Here are a few other stand-out statistics from the report on antidepressants:

23% of women in their 40s and 50s take antidepressants, a higher percentage than any other group (by age or sex)
Women are 2½ times more likely to be taking an antidepressant than men (click here to read a May 2011 article in the Harvard Mental Health Letter about women and depression)
14% of non-Hispanic white people take antidepressants compared with just 4% of non-Hispanic blacks and 3% of Mexican Americans
Less than a third of Americans who are taking a single antidepressants (as opposed to two or more) have seen a mental health professional in the past year
Antidepressant use does not vary by income status.

72   Rin   2014 Jul 30, 9:51pm  

A lot of these meanderings about this idealistic homestead, esp in post-apocalyptic America, have resulted in more of these ...

In place of the above, a more practical approach would be to enjoy the following ..


73   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 12:28am  

Rin says

Call it Crazy says

Rin says

Today, I'm almost rich and free.

..and single...

My money is my money.

Call it Crazy says

Rin says

The so-called mythical soulmate died ages ago.

Yep, that train left the station years ago, but sadly, you weren't on it.

I'm so weeping over the El Dorado myth.

Boo hoo hoo, I'm not married to an aging, fat slob. Instead, I get these knockers of 25 year olds, flying all over my face.

Let me tell you, I know plenty of married folks. Many of them are miserable.

You are starting to get silly. I'm not married to a fat slob either. And everyone ages...that's life. Many married people are miserable, and many are perfectly happy. Many unmarried folks are miserable.
To claim being single is the key to happiness is dead wrong.

74   mell   2014 Jul 31, 12:47am  

Call it Crazy says

Once again, the miserable ones are people who don't know how to pick the right mate...

Statistically speaking they all cannot pick the right one because that pool is limited. If they did, you may have not found your wife, so you have to give them some slack.

Call it Crazy says

But, to make blanket statements like you have, well, they just don't fit. But if it makes you feel better about YOUR situation, go for it!

A lot of (if not more) married people do the same thing to feel better about their situation.

Having been on both sides many times the grass is always greener on the other side - it's human nature.

Strategist says

To claim being single is the key to happiness is dead wrong.

He never did - he only commented on his personal situation. There are clearly people who are better off single, in fact studies have shown that there are differences in the brains of those who prefer to always have a partner and those that prefer independence. If you're fair you'd acknowledge that the married/female side started with the generalizations first. To each their own, he's leaving more "desirable" ones for those who aspire a lifelong marriage with a quality woman ;)

75   Rin   2014 Jul 31, 12:47am  

Both Call It Crazy and Strategist are talking about marriages from decades ago, not the current society which we live in. In this society, being emotionally and financially independent is rather important. I'd say it's even paramount as it's getting more dysfunctional by the year.

If memory serves right, back in the late 70s, this writer, Richard Bach, wrote about his wife, Leslie Parrish, as his perennial soulmate. This is the 'Bridge Across Forever'


I used to hear quotes from the aforementioned, from all the love struck, starry eyed 20 to 30-somethings, who were into spirituality and meditation.

Well, looks like, after all that soulmate-itis, Richard and Leslie grew bored of each other, got divorced, and he found himself a younger bride.

Now, if the grand-daddy of soul mate pandering can't make it work, what's left for the rest of us?

76   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 12:59am  

Rin says

Now, if the grand-daddy of soul mate pandering can't make it work, what's left for the rest of us?

Lots of married couples DO make it work. Life does not come with guarantees, but then, that's what makes it fun.
Instinct tells me you are not as happy as you claim, you may have gone through a personal crisis, and you will recover. Eventually you will find Mrs. Rin, at which point you will take an opposite view of life.

77   mell   2014 Jul 31, 1:04am  

Eventually you will hike the Appalachian trails!

78   Howdy There   2014 Jul 31, 1:05am  

Call it Crazy says

Once again, the miserable ones are people who don't know how to pick the right mate...

It's not just about picking the right mate, but being the right mate. It's pretty rare you be the exact same person you were before the start of a relationship.

79   Rin   2014 Jul 31, 1:09am  

Strategist says

Lots of married couples DO make it work. Life does not come with guarantees, but then, that's what makes it fun.

I'd say a minority and usually, they have very similar backgrounds (ethnic a/o religious) a/o objectives in life.

Strategist says

Instinct tells me you are not as happy as you claim, you may have gone through a personal crisis, and you will recover. Eventually you will find Mrs. Rin, at which point you will take an opposite view of life.

Like I'd said, my postings here are in regards to arguing against both, my immediate family and society, as a whole. And thus, this forum serves that purpose whereas in real life, I'd need to be political as ppl don't want their sacred cows tipped over.

Also, this job is driving me nuts which is another reason to come here; it blows off steam.

The crisis, the age of 29, is something everyone goes through. It's the age of growing up, the astrological Saturn return era. Afterwards, my loss of interest in long term relationships started to grow. Today, I'm past that wall and don't see value in being with someone, outside of a friendship, like the 55 year old married mother of three adult children. And no, I'm not thinking of going back in a time machine to 'get her'; I live in reality.

80   mell   2014 Jul 31, 1:12am  

Strategist says

Eventually you will find Mrs. Rin, at which point you will take an opposite view of life.

This is not that much different from saying to a gay person: "Eventually you will become straight like me and take an opposite view of life."

81   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 1:13am  

Oh boy. here we go again with another predictably nutty post. Surprise. Surprise....

82   Rin   2014 Jul 31, 1:14am  

mell says

Strategist says

Eventually you will find Mrs. Rin, at which point you will take an opposite view of life.

This is not that much different from saying to a gay person: "Eventually you will become straight like me and take an opposite view of life."

It's a vein attempt at pity; I know the signature from my own family.

83   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 1:14am  

Rin says

Also, this job is driving me nuts which is another reason to come here; it blows off steam.

It's a great place to let off steam, and have fun doing it.

84   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 1:16am  

mell says

Strategist says

Eventually you will find Mrs. Rin, at which point you will take an opposite view of life.

This is not that much different from saying to a gay person: "Eventually you will become straight like me and take an opposite view of life."

People change their views about marriage, life and children all the time.
But once a gay, always a gay.

85   mell   2014 Jul 31, 1:22am  

edvard2 says

Oh boy. here we go again with another predictably nutty post. Surprise. Surprise....

You certainly applied a whole lot of logic there.

86   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 1:23am  

edvard2 says

Oh boy. here we go again with another predictably nutty post. Surprise. Surprise....




87   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 1:52am  

The Original Bankster says




For some reason I read that and imagined that the Tasmanian Devil was jumping up and down yelling that. BWAH, THMP, BLAH, $%#!!!mell says

You certainly applied a whole lot of logic there.

Actually all I needed to do was read approximately 3 words of the post to come to that conclusion.

88   Vicente   2014 Jul 31, 1:59am  

I am totally fine with the weemins comforting each other.

89   FortWayne   2014 Jul 31, 2:08am  

The Original Bankster says

i think most men find male homosexual behavior utterly revolting.

repulsive is a better word.

90   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 2:22am  

Vicente says

I am totally fine with the weemins comforting each other.

Man, what I would give to get in the middle of those two.

91   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 2:23am  

FortWayne says

The Original Bankster says

i think most men find male homosexual behavior utterly revolting.

repulsive is a better word.

Yes, a total turn off. But two women like those above are a total turn on.

92   Rin   2014 Jul 31, 2:24am  

Strategist says

Vicente says

I am totally fine with the weemins comforting each other.

Man, what I would give to get in the middle of those two.

I already did. The term Menage-a-Trios is French in origin :-)

93   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 2:32am  

Rin says

Strategist says

Vicente says

I am totally fine with the weemins comforting each other.

Man, what I would give to get in the middle of those two.

I already did. The term Menage-a-Trios is French in origin :-)

When are we going to Montreal Rin?

94   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 2:36am  

Rin says

these people are looking for something akin to a Jesus or a Mother Mary in a marriage.

Sorry, but if I wanted divinity, I'd join a religious order, shave my head, and do something else with my life, though I'm not sure if the Benedictines will let me go to an Amsterdam brothel, periodically, to break up to monotony.

many ages ago, people didn't ascribe these magical properties to marriage. Marriage was your obligation, and rarely did you marry someone because they gave you a 'funny feeling', your marriage was arranged and you simply did not break it and expect to show face. Religion played the role of placating the masses. In the modern era, TV and movies became the church and romance became the religion(what is the core content of EVERY movie and TV show?).

Rin is right, 'romantic love' is an illusion. It doesnt exist. Here's a test you can run, the people who shout about it and talk about it endlessly are mostly single young people who don't know any better. Old people DO know better but don't say so out of respect for the whole show.

Don't be a fool, romance will NOT make you happy.

95   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 2:38am  

actually many groups still do practice arranged marriage and generally their success rate is much higher. What does that say?

96   Strategist   2014 Jul 31, 2:40am  

The Original Bankster says

many ages ago, people didn't ascribe these magical properties to marriage. Marriage was your obligation, and rarely did you marry someone because they gave you a 'funny feeling', your marriage was arranged and you simply did not break it and expect to show face. Religion played the role of placating the masses.

Most of the developing world is still like that. The Saudis buy their wives like shoes.
Wish I was a Saudi.

97   dublin hillz   2014 Jul 31, 2:43am  

The Original Bankster says

actually many groups still do practice arranged marriage and generally their success rate is much higher. What does that say?

It says to me that they are totalitarian, collectivist and theocratic - the antithesis of what's america supposed to be all about.

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