Federal reserve policy designed to stimulate housing and housing employment is having mixed results. The job market for real estate professionals is weak.
Today’s post is about a personal journey of mine to find employment in the land development field in Southern California. Most of the posts on this site cover macroeconomic issues facing housing, but macroeconomic data is merely an aggregation of individual actions taken by people much like me responding to conditions and opportunities. Most recent macroeconomic policy was intended reflate the housing bubble with the hoped-for side benefit of increasing construction and thereby increasing construction-related employment — employment for people like me. My story is a microcosm of the spotty results these policies yielded so far.
Federal reserve policy designed to stimulate housing and housing employment is having mixed results. The job market for real estate professionals is weak.
Today’s post is about a personal journey of mine to find employment in the land development field in Southern California. Most of the posts on this site cover macroeconomic issues facing housing, but macroeconomic data is merely an aggregation of individual actions taken by people much like me responding to conditions and opportunities. Most recent macroeconomic policy was intended reflate the housing bubble with the hoped-for side benefit of increasing construction and thereby increasing construction-related employment — employment for people like me. My story is a microcosm of the spotty results these policies yielded so far.
Source: http://ochousingnews.com/blog/tough-job-market-socal-real-estate-development-professionals/#ixzz39Qn0aSqC