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Did you serve in the military and fight in whichever undeclared war the MIC called America (and thus you) "indispensable" to? If not, then you are a chickenhawk who supports drafting others to do what you refused to do personally.
Talk about a false frame and false choice....
LOL, I'm the one who won't be fooled by your false frames and false choices.
I see you are to chicken shit to answer a simple question of what circumstances if any would merit the draft in your mind. curious2 says
You said
I see you are still taking quotes out of context. At first, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and figured you just had asbergers, and couldn't understand what was written. Now, it's clear that it's just intentional lying on your part. Those quotes have been clearly explained and you keep doing it.
is your department, not mine. I quote, and link. As for calling me "chicken," I'm not Marty McFly, and I don't get fooled about your insistence on drafting people to kill and die in Viet Nam. More than a million people died because of what you said you "had to do" there, and more than a hundred thousand have been killed by the NATO/Saudi invade&import policy you support in Syria, and you haven't even listed which war(s) you served in. That's a chickenhawk, plain and simple, lowest breed on earth.
Hey Asperbers, here's my original post, which you never cite in its entirety, because you are a lying asshole:
In response to
anonymous says
Millennials are also wanting boots on the ground against ISIS - just not their own boots.
I said
Maybe, we'll have to resort to a draft, like we had to do back when their daddies were trying to stay out of Vietnam. That way, only poor, dark skinned, and middling people will have to die in the desert. Trump types can flat foot their way to the couch.
Clearly, the first quote is about millennials who are chickenhawks for wanting to go to war, but not wanting to fight in it. My response was to make fun of them, and also to make fun of the draft and economic situation, which made lower income (middling) and dark skinned people die more so than the Trump types. It was also a poke at Trump, which you might of noticed, I was doing a lot of.
If you don't get that, you have Aspergers, so that is what I'm going to call you from now on. I've explained all of this to you before, and you insist on linking not to the original post, but to a series of posts where you are calling me a liar while simultaneously misrepresenting what I said. At least when CIC quotes single words out of context, it is directly below the original post and anyone can see what a disingenuous tool he is. You are hiding the source through a web of your lies stretching over about 4 months.
When you first started calling me out for being pro draft, and I was asked about it, I was honest and trusting enough to explain under what conditions would make the draft seem like a good idea to me.
Thunderlips, see above. In regard to the draft, I don't think that the draft should be used at all unless there is a WWII type situation where we are in imminent danger of being invaded. The ISIS situation IMHO is less than a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 where WWII was probably an 8. If it the draft is used, able bodied women should be conscripted as well. We are past the point of looking at women as if they are a dainty flower in need of protection from everything. I have no idea about the pregnancy thing - never thought about it.
In WWII, Europe was half-way conquered, and we were attacked on our own soil. This clearly wasn't enough of a reason for you, because you continue to call me a chickenhawk even though I haven't been advocating for any intervention (another lie on your part) and directly stated that I would not support a draft in any of the interventions post WWII. I've given you opportunity to explain (like I did) under what conditions if any you would consider the draft acceptable, and you ducked the question, like the chickenshit that you are, because you are afraid to even spell out your thoughts.
There are plenty of other times when you have erroneously called me a liar.
Here, you were calling me a liar after guessing what source I used. You linked to that post as proof of me lying many more times
Here, you were lying again Aspergers. You are claiming that I got my views on the draft listening to NPR during the war, even though I was not old enough to be listening to the radio at the time. You erroneously referred to NPR as government news. You would call this a lie Aspergers, because you can't tell the difference between a typo, an honest mistake, and a lie.
I don't mind that you have Aspergers, but the combination of your Aspergers and the fact that you are a nasty obsessive person makes talking with you useless. So, I'm not going to discuss my service history or anything else with you unless you start having an honest conversation (replying to questions) and stop misquoting me and lying about what I've said.
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