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note also the use of the word "partner".
as men slowly but surely figure out that marriage has become a pure liability with no upside for them, they are refusing to get married at all. this is already happening.
militant feminists (not all women) will then simply declare men to be de facto married in order to control them and extract resources. thus the use of the word "partner" already in that article.
in the long run, it will be impossible for any woman to get married, or to even have a long-term relationship because men will all know that they will be financially and legally abused if they stick around too long.
Time for you red pillers to run your own carousel. Just kick the ladies off the ride every few revolutions, and you have nothing to worry about.
Patrick, when I edit a thread it will always turn on "watch" by default. Just thought I'd mention it. I just added quotes to "bully law" in the headline, and watch got turned back on. Thx.
Time for you red pillers to run your own carousel. Just kick the ladies off the ride every few revolutions, and you have nothing to worry about.
Good idea. Applications can be submitted here.
Patrick, when I edit a thread it will always turn on "watch" by default. Just thought I'd mention it. I just added quotes to "bully law" in the headline, and watch got turned back on. Thx.
thanks, that's a bug. should retain whatever state it was before you started editing. will fix.
militant feminists (not all women) will then simply declare men to be de facto married in order to control them and extract resources. thus the use of the word "partner" already in that article.
But it will be harder for a women to make the case of abuse or excessive control, if unmarried and if she didn't make a really good attempt to leave. If she truly tried to leave, and can prove it, and couldn't leave, then maybe it was excessive control.
Not saying you don't have a point, but not being married will still be much safer.
Perhaps... OR... We'll go back to withholding sex until marriage.
Yeah. But let's not forget, women need sex too. The result of that strategy would be a huge increase in prostitution. On both the provider side, and the customer side. I have a theory that that may be what has happened in Japan. supposedly even sex doesn't happen in Japan nearly as much as it used to, and marriage is in a huge decline. Is prostitution picking up the slack ? OR are they all just jacking off (and "jilling off") to hentia or whatever ?
Perhaps... OR... We'll go back to withholding sex until marriage.
What planet are you on? Women are withholding sex on a grand scale. I know lots of guys who can't get laid to save their life, even if they go 3 steps below themselves on the looks scale.
Of course the women are all banging one guy, basically 28 women banging 1 guy, taking turns getting their fill on their respective horny day of the month.
Then they go right back to withholding it from the guy they should be banging.
But it will be harder for a women to make the case of abuse or excessive control, if unmarried and if she didn't make a really good attempt to leave.
The women are not trying to leave, and also nobody is stopping them from leaving. The women are trying to make their male partner obedient. Did you see the part about "keeping them short of money" now being abuse and deserving 5 years imprisonment?
Does it include keeping them chained as sex slaves in your home dungeon, or is there some sort of exception?
Does it include keeping them chained as sex slaves in your home dungeon, or is there some sort of exception?
"The Ceffer Exception". It sounds like a usable title for a John Grisham novel.
Meanwhile, ISIS publishes a Manual on How to Manage your Sex Slaves
Question 1: What is al-sabi?
"Al-Sabi is a woman from among ahl al-harb [the people of war] who has been captured by Muslims."
Question 2: What makes al-sabi permissible?
"What makes al-sabi permissible [i.e., what makes it permissible to take such a woman captive] is [her] unbelief. Unbelieving [women] who were captured and brought into the abode of Islam are permissible to us, after the imam distributes them [among us]."
Question 5: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female captive immediately after taking possession [of her]?
"If she is a virgin, he [her master] can have intercourse with her immediately after taking possession of her. However, is she isn't, her uterus must be purified [first]…"
Question 6: Is it permissible to sell a female captive?
"It is permissible to buy, sell, or give as a gift female captives and slaves, for they are merely property, which can be disposed of [as long as that doesn't cause [the Muslim ummah] any harm or damage."Question 13: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty?
"It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn't reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse."
Meanwhile, some white dudes are spreading their legs on the subway, and the Sushi at the College Cafeteria is Cultural Appropriation, more so because the Cafeteria uses imitation crab meat instead of the real stuff.
Meanwhile, ISIS publishes a Manual on How to Manage your Sex Slaves
I'm not so sure that manual is legit (i.e. that is written or sanctioned by ISIS, rather than some troll). But I bet the pamphlet will nevertheless recruit a bunch of horny 16-year old british girls to run away to Syria in search of some real bad-ass murderous-terrorist-meat. Chicks dig that.
Meanwhile, some white dudes are spreading their legs on the subway, and the Sushi at the College Cafeteria is Cultural Appropriation, more so because the Cafeteria uses imitation crab meat instead of the real stuff.
These white guys manspreading on the subway are doing it wrong. It does not work. To attract more women they need to have some other women kneel between their spread legs and be beheading her at the same time. This will cause the juices to flow among all women watching. (hat tip: the frog)
The women are not trying to leave, and also nobody is stopping them from leaving. The women are trying to make their male partner obedient. Did you see the part about "keeping them short of money" now being abuse and deserving 5 years imprisonment?
My point is that if they are living together, and the guy isn't giving her enough money, she can leave and find a better situation if she really feels that the situation has reached the level of abuse. How could it be argued that he deserves prison, if she didn't try to leave ? The claim of abuse would not stick.
I guess if children are involved, it gets far more complicated (even if not married). But then what would sending him to prison solve ? Break them apart and make him pay child support.
What if these laws are really for those situations where men are abusively controlling, and can't really be used (abused) in the ways that you fear ? We all know hat there are sick psychopathic men out there that think and behave as if they own their woman. I've seen this.
I'm not so sure that manual is legit (i.e. that is written or sanctioned by ISIS, rather than some troll). But I bet the pamphlet will nevertheless recruit a bunch of horny 16-year old british girls to run away to Syria in search of some real bad-ass murderous-terrorist-meat. Chicks dig it.
State Department thinks so:
Official State Department translation of "Fatwa 34"
Patrick, when I edit a thread it will always turn on "watch" by default. Just thought I'd mention it. I just added quotes to "bully law" in the headline, and watch got turned back on. Thx.
thanks, that's a bug. should retain whatever state it was before you started editing. will fix.
this should be fixed now.
editing a post should not change whether you are watching the post by email or not. the checkbox for that on the edit form should reflect what it was before you started editing.
It won't be long before men are imprisoned for not uttering smarmy, sappy compliments and soap opera lines to their bitchy spouses 24/24.
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Your butt is NEVER fat to me!"
"I could gaze into those beautiful eyes forever."
"That's heaven on the phone! They lost an angel, because she's right here!"
What if these laws are really for those situations where men are abusively controlling
THen again, I don't know. IF that's the case, a woman should be able to separate and or divorce a man if he's too controlling. She has the legal right to do that. So as I continue thinking about it, I see your point. IT makes no sense. Any behavior worthy of jail, is worthy of divorce. Just end the marriage.
I don't believe that law will be put into practice, unless it's retroactive after years of abuse, during which somehow the woman (or man) somehow couldn't escape the marriage, for some bizarre reasons, and was so terribly abused that the state feels the need to punish the person.
So if wifey wants to buy a rolls Royce and you put in all your savings, kids college funds and can only afford her a Jaguar-are you going to jail for 5 years?
I don't believe that law will be put into practice,
I gave you a like until I saw this sentence. If the law passes, you can bet your sweet ass it will be out into practice.
So if wifey wants to buy a rolls Royce and you put in all your savings, kids college funds and can only afford her a Jaguar-are you going to jail for 5 years?
Anything she wants that you refuse is ABUSE!! CONTROL!! VIOLENCE!!
I got a new name for the law: The Every Woman is a Princess Law (and/or You Men are all Peons Law)
Five years in jail for men who 'emotionally bully' wives: New law will target bullies who control partners with 'coercive and controlling behaviour'
Change is to the Serious Crime Bill and is called a 'landmark movement'
Now people can be prosecuted even if there is no physical harm done
Bad behaviour can include controlling a person's social media accounts
Five million women and 2.5 million men will suffer abuse in their lives
By Ian Drury Home Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail
Bullies who emotionally abuse partners face up to five years in prison.
Under laws coming into force today, anyone who inflicts psychological cruelty on their other halves can be prosecuted – even if there is no direct physical harm.
For the first time, domestic abusers who stop short of lashing out at their victims will be targeted with a new offence where there is evidence of ‘coercive and controlling behaviour’.
This could include preventing a partner from seeing family or friends, keeping them short of money, controlling their social media accounts, spying on their communications or determining aspects of their everyday life, such as when they eat, sleep or even go to the toilet.
Well, well , well. If this law passes, men will be nothing but indentured servants. The law will of course only be prosecuted against men, because no DA/prosecutor will get elected if s/he believes the word of an abused man as much as the word of a woman.
Emotional abuse == man is not being an obedient provider-object
Controlling behavior == man is not being an obedient provider-object
Bullying == man is not being an obedient provider-object
I'm not sure even George Orwell could have foreseen this. Hand over the paycheck or else you are going to jail for 5 years. Is there any reasonable person that will still claim we do not live in a completely gynocentric world?