Trump Winning! Hillary on the ropes

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2016 Feb 11, 12:28pm   203,191 views  915 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump sued Univision, the biggest Spanish language broadcaster in the United States, for $500 million last summer. Trump and the CEO of Univision, Randy Falco, issued peacemaking statements. "I have known Donald Trump for many years in both a personal and professional capacity and we are pleased to settle this matter and move forward," Falco said. "I'm glad we are able to put these differences behind us," Trump said. A Univision spokeswoman declined any further comment.


Hey HO! Ramos has got to GO!

This is what Liberal electioneering will get you, and trying to place every Latino on the Lbieral plantation in their place along side depressed gheto blacks that the Liberals kick back down every time they try to crawl out.


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81   tatupu70   2016 Feb 24, 11:59am  

thunderlips11 says

tatupu70 says

Also--I would love for him to scrap NAFTA. The shitstorm that would cause in DC would be fun to watch.

C'mon Tatupu, pull the lever for Trump if Bernie doesn't win. You KNOW Hillary would never dare (or want), even if it was clear the President could abrogate treaties without Congress

It's going to be very difficult to vote for someone who falls for the conspiracy nut theories(Obama's birth certificate), repeats email forwards as if they are true (dipping bullets in pigs blood), etc., and has an ego the size of Texas. A lot of it is a charade, certainly, but all of it?

While I like some of his policies and I definitely enjoy voting outside the establishment--I'm not sure I can pull the lever for Trump.

82   zzyzzx   2016 Feb 24, 12:13pm  

tatupu70 says

While I like some of his policies and I definitely enjoy voting outside the establishment--I'm not sure I can pull the lever for Trump.

Worth it for the entertainment value.

83   lostand confused   2016 Feb 24, 1:39pm  

zzyzzx says


Trump within 1 of Cruz in Texas poll

Cruz has 29 percent support in Texas, followed closely by Trump, at 28 percent, and Marco Rubio, at 25 percent, according to an Emerson College poll released Wednesday. John Kasich takes 9 percent support, with Ben Carson at 4 percent

Interesting, the tX folks were panicking saying 500k votes were already in and probably support Cruz. I wonder if there are some early polls-looks like Trump is gaining steam, wonder if he can take TX?

84   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 24, 1:41pm  

tatupu70 says

While I like some of his policies and I definitely enjoy voting outside the establishment--I'm not sure I can pull the lever for Trump.

Tat, you will be able to pull that lever after you see and remember more of the IHL and she's on TV/Radio daily after August.

85   tatupu70   2016 Feb 24, 1:52pm  

thunderlips11 says

Tat, you will be able to pull that lever after you see and remember more of the IHL and she's on TV/Radio daily after August.

I can guarantee you that I won't be voting for Hillary. If it comes to Trump vs. Hillary, I'm going to be in a tough spot.

86   Y   2016 Feb 24, 1:52pm  

Sounds like he's qualified for washington...
Thanks for the validation.

HydroCabron says

whereas Trump is known for being an unreliable account.

87   RC2006   2016 Feb 24, 1:55pm  

I cant wait to see the final battle.

88   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 24, 3:32pm  

The Trump video game would be awsome, if not have an awkward soundtrack.

89   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 24, 4:02pm  

You guys ready?

Man isn't even President yet, and already China is getting nervous their one-way trade gravy train is about to end.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that “we are following with interest the U.S. presidential election.”

Hua was asked about China’s response to a possible Trump presidency and his announced plan to punish China for currency manipulation with a tax on Chinese goods.

“Since it belongs to the domestic affair of the U.S., I am not going to make comments on specific remarks by the relevant candidate,” she said.

“But I want to stress that China and the U.S., as world’s largest developing and developed countries, shoulder major responsibilities in safeguarding world peace, stability and security and driving world development,” the spokeswoman added.

“The sustained, sound and steady growth of China-U.S. relations serves the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries and benefits the world. We hope and believe that the U.S. government will pursue a positive policy toward China in a responsible manner.”


A fair, two-way lower tariff regime is positive. One way trade with a decade-after-decade lopsided import-export ratio is not.

90   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 24, 7:52pm  

Fucking Alpha, man.

"@ChatteringTeef: @BornToBeGOP @realDonaldTrump @MittRomney hates to see Trump's success when he was so pathetic

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2016

91   SoTex   2016 Feb 24, 9:24pm  

turtledove says

Hey Thunder. When I first looked at your picture, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her right boob

I see the optical illusion you speak of. Tri-tit, hot! I suspect none of the guys on here saw it that way initially. I sure didn't. However, after I complimented thunderlips on that picture I googled Trump's latest wife. As hot as his daughter is and from what I can tell from afar his wife is actually sexier. IMHO of course.

92   SoTex   2016 Feb 24, 9:30pm  

thunderlips11 says

China is getting nervous

I hear last week China put some of their nukes on operational standby. Up until that point only Russia/USSR and the US kept their nukes ready to fire. Everyone else (except perhaps Israel) manages 'fail-safe' by keeping their missiles disassembled. Prevents some lone human from starting a nuclear war that way.

At any rate, now there are 3 nations for the first time in history holding guns to each others heads. Cold war II is warming up...

93   zzyzzx   2016 Feb 25, 9:43am  

tatupu70 says

I can guarantee you that I won't be voting for Hillary. If it comes to Trump vs. Hillary, I'm going to be in a tough spot.

It really might not matter where you live, or where I live.

95   zzyzzx   2016 Feb 26, 7:22am  


Quinnipiac released a poll Wednesday that showed various hypothetical general-election matchups in Ohio.

Clinton lost every one. She trailed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump by two points. Meanwhile, she fell 3 points behind Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, 5 points behind Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, and 19 points back of John Kasich, the Ohio governor.

Dragging down Clinton was her low level of popularity in the state. Just 37% of Ohio voters said they viewed her favorably, while 57% said they saw her in an unfavorable light.

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the challenger to Clinton in the Democratic primary, fared slightly better. He tied Trump and beat Cruz by 2 points, but he lost to Rubio by 2 points and to Kasich by 19 points as well.

No candidate has won the presidency without carrying Ohio since John F. Kennedy did in 1960. That's a streak of 13 consecutive elections.

The poll had a margin of error of 2.5%.

97   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 26, 9:26am  

zzyzzx says

Clinton lost every one. She trailed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump by two points. Meanwhile, she fell 3 points behind Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, 5 points behind Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, and 19 points back of John Kasich, the Ohio governor.

I like what Trump said, if he can't beat her then they must really be trouble.

101   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 10:03am  

Guess what just happened?

102   zzyzzx   2016 Feb 26, 10:13am  

thunderlips11 says

Guess what just happened?

I've been expecting this ever since Christie dropped out.

103   zzyzzx   2016 Feb 26, 10:14am  


104   tatupu70   2016 Feb 26, 10:21am  

Someone wants to be VP?

105   zzyzzx   2016 Feb 26, 10:24am  

tatupu70 says

Someone wants to be VP?

My guess is Kasich.

106   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 26, 10:58am  

Our local news said something about Governor Rick Scott being floated, they can't be serious. That would make me sit the general election out.
There's no way in hell I would elect that bastard.
What Rick Scott has done to the Insurance industry of everytype he turned the Insurance commisioners office of Florida into a glorified buiness direcotry and a pro Ins Ind lobbyist in the Statehouse.

I'm paying my mortgage off within 5 years, because I've been told the way its going now expect minimum $10,000 a year premiums for any house built before 2000, in about 5 years.
Even though they don't expect any major huricane storms for at least another 10.

If Rick Scott gets in there, I would garuantee what ever a Trump administration does with Obamacare that has Rick Scott on the same team.

Will be a trillion times worse than Obamacare already is.

Rick Scotts only gripe Obamacare is that it does not charge nearly enough(in his oppinion) and will bankrupt his precious Insurance companies.

No way in hell would I vote for a Trump administration that has Rick Scott anywhere around.

I'll probably feel the same way about most Republican offerings. With the exception of Sessions.

108   zzyzzx   2016 Feb 26, 1:50pm  


Massachusetts, they fear, is where Trump could chart a course to the White House.

The state — the largest non-Southern prize on the GOP calendar next week — is packed with the independent, blue-collar voters that will decide key general election states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. And if Trump can trounce his Republicans rivals by pulling in those voters in Massachusetts on Tuesday, Democrats are afraid he could do the same to them nationwide in November.

Massachusetts is a bastion of Democratic power — and a virtual lock to go to the Democratic nominee in the general election — but it also has a deeply moderate streak that has enabled Republicans like Mitt Romney and Scott Brown to prevail in statewide contests. Their coalitions depended on wresting support from independent voters and the pockets of Reagan Democrats in industrial cities like Lowell, Quincy and Fall River. Rubin said sharply increased turnout in those cities, coupled with a blowout victory for Trump, would be a worrisome sign for Democrats.

"If he can do something big in Massachusetts and do something with people who don’t normally come out at all, if they come out for Trump, it says something enormous about the country," added Sean Curran, a longtime Democratic fundraiser. "This is a bellwether for states that tend to be purple, if not blue, that there is some kind of vitality to his candidacy there for a general election. It would be a very, very unnerving thing."

Trump's made no secret he's targeting these voters. His high-decibel critique of U.S. trade policies, an emphasis on returning manufacturing jobs to the country, his relentlessly harsh tone on illegal immigration and his recently professed love of the "poorly educated" constitute a pitch tailor-made for these disaffected independent-minded voters who have felt the brunt of an uneven economy. In a phone interview, campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said these voters could help him "expand the electoral map" in a general election, competing in states long out of reach for Republicans.

Recent polling suggests Trump is headed for a resounding victory in Massachusetts on Tuesday. A WBUR/MassInc poll out Friday morning puts Trump at 40 percent among likely GOP primary voters — far ahead of John Kasich and Marco Rubio’s 19 percent apiece. Among independents who are likely to vote in the GOP primary, Trump does even better, pulling in 42 percent. His favorability among likely voters with a high school diploma but no further education is a stratospheric 83 percent.

Brown, who endorsed Trump earlier this month, said Trump's potential to pick up independents mirrors his own. "He’s starting to have a broader appeal," he said.

Ryan Williams, a longtime Romney adviser, noted that Brown prevailed in Massachusetts despite a hard-line approach on immigration. "He did appeal to blue-collar Democrats who want strong borders, who don’t agree with some of the Democrats on that issue," Williams said.

Even Democrats who doubt Trump concede he could make inroads with these voters.

"I assume we’re going to lose some working class, white registered Democrats in relatively — not an insignificant amount," said former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell.

But Rendell argued that the policies and persona that make him attractive to those voters — including his divisive rhetoric toward immigrants, minorities and women — will turn off moderates in droves. "My belief is for every one of those blue-collar white working-class workers that he gets to vote for him, we will get two suburban Republican moderates," he said.

"You’re looking at a state where independents outnumber Democrats and Republicans combined," said Jim Roosevelt, a prominent Massachusetts Democratic activist and grandson of Franklin D. Roosevelt. "I think appeal to independents in Massachusetts will be an important gauge as to how seriously we take him in November."

Veteran Massachusetts Democratic strategist Mary Anne Marsh said all Democrats should watch Massachusetts because “it shows you that this is going to be a far tougher [general election] fight than most people thought.”

“I expect this race to be 2000-like close,” she said. “A lot of voters are split between Trump and [Democrat Bernie] Sanders. They agree on the problems. The only thing they’re debating is who has the better approach.”

One fear among Democrats is that a Trump win among Massachusetts independents would also create a perception advantage for him. "Trump would love to blow out Massachusetts to say he can win here as Reagan did in '80 and '84," said Scott Ferson, a veteran Democratic consultant who helped elected freshman Rep. Seth Moulton in 2014. "And because of our moderate reputation, it would certainly help his momentum. This should be a perfect Rubio or Kasich state."

Democrats outside Massachusetts will be watching too. Dennis Eckart, a former Ohio congressman, said allies in his state should be paying attention.

"Massachusetts poses a real clear yardstick against which you can measure Trump’s appeal in the fall," he said.

Eckart, 65, also sees worrisome parallels between Trump’s rise and Reagan’s.

"I am old enough to remember the glee that many Democrats had in 1980 that the Republicans were going to nominate this actor and how easy it would be against him" he said. "It is a mistake to think or to have as a premise that because this guy plays by no rules known to other politicians ... that therefore makes him vulnerable in the process. We aren’t playing by any known rules now."

109   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 2:00pm  

Mass is paahhcked with blue-colar Reagan Dems. Guys who used to work in Printing Houses and Chip Manufacturing plants, like Eastern Pennsylvania, and are now driving forklifts to move pallets of Chinese Made Smartphones onto 18-wheel trucks.

Trump is going to smash the Hildebeast in OH, MI, PA.

111   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 26, 4:55pm  

My Dog! Endorses Trump.

114   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 11:44am  

This CNN/ORC poll on the GOP nomination gives Trump the largest lead so far

116   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 5:05pm  

Oh man, there are gonna be a lot of GOPe Tears to drink tonight.

Wins Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Alabama. YUGE Win on SuperYugeday!


Mmmm, mmm, delicious backstablishment tears. A perfect pairing with the sweet taste of victory and the BLT my wife just made me.

117   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 5:32pm  

Trump leading but very close in VA, even with Northern Virginia DC Elites, Rubio may still not win a single state. Probably won't stop media from being talking him up constantly going forward.

Trump leading in OK.

118   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 5:39pm  

VA called for Trump by multiple outlets.

Trump leads in Vermont. Kasich beating Rubio in Vermont.

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