Trump Winning! Hillary on the ropes

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2016 Feb 11, 12:28pm   203,196 views  915 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump sued Univision, the biggest Spanish language broadcaster in the United States, for $500 million last summer. Trump and the CEO of Univision, Randy Falco, issued peacemaking statements. "I have known Donald Trump for many years in both a personal and professional capacity and we are pleased to settle this matter and move forward," Falco said. "I'm glad we are able to put these differences behind us," Trump said. A Univision spokeswoman declined any further comment.


Hey HO! Ramos has got to GO!

This is what Liberal electioneering will get you, and trying to place every Latino on the Lbieral plantation in their place along side depressed gheto blacks that the Liberals kick back down every time they try to crawl out.


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726   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 9:03pm  

thunderlips11 says

I wish you would strawman less about the Illuminati and the Alt Right.

I wish you'd stop avoiding all the reasons why you "can't stand" Trump. Your random ticket takes you on a 40 year right-wing destruction of labor, civil rights, voting rights, marriage rights, education, pollution law, not to mention the abolition of teaching evolution in schools, the fairness doctrine, and talking about climate change. Details, details, these minor 'culture wars" are just so much fluff. There needs to be some punishin' a goin' hyar!

727   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 9:13pm  

Sbh, why did you scrap the old account for this new alias?

728   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 9:23pm  

I see Clinton as the best chance of avoiding or at least mitigating a corporatist victory


Does not compute

You guys are just projecting your emotions wrt democrats vs republicans. If Clinton were running as a republican, and Trump as a democrat, i sm certain that you'd be voting for Trump just to save us from the evil Clinton

729   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 9:23pm  

Republican Ten Commandments:

jazz music says

1. Repeal Obamacare: If you can't afford insurance, just die. (alternatives have been "alluded to" (trotted out rhetorically) but no alternative has ever been detailed)

2. You can't marry whom you love: marry whom we tell you to marry.

3. If your fetus dies inside you, or has a chromosomal abnormality incompatible with life, we want you to wait a few months to give birth when you're good and sick. Insurance companies shouldn't have to fund birth control, but every man should have Viagra (we don't care if he's married, but unmarried women who have sex are sluts)

4. We won't fund repair for roads and bridges.

5. We won't fund any research. (or even allow tax credits for it)

6. We don't like feeding the poor (even though we would love the image of being Christian)

7. There should be guns everywhere at all times so that if a nutcase starts shooting, everyone can start shooting.

8. We won't fund the VA adequately, but we will complain loudly when the VA fails to deliver good results.

9. We don't want to pay soldiers adequately or make sure they can get jobs when they come back, but we will jump on the Go To War bandwagon at the drop of a hat.

10. We will do everything we can to support the ultra rich because they are the ones giving us money to get re elected. (To be fair, Democrats do this, too, but it's not carved into their mission statement)

730   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 9:26pm  

And Trump is not your father okay? He doesn't care


You have me confused for someone else. I'm not a Trump supporter.

731   marcus   2016 Aug 30, 9:32pm  

errc says

These Hillary voters don't even know why they are supporting her.

I know why I'm supporting her. I don't even see her all that negatively, although I don't like listening to he speeches all that much. I think she will be a decent President if the asshole republicans don't spend all of their energy fighting her.

If the choice were between her and say Kasich, I would seriously consider Kasich, only because I think our system is so broken that it might take a republican to get things done. We wouldn't have to listen to the cry baby dysfunctional scum bag obstructionists 24/7.

Speaking of which, I'm not looking forward to that aspect of Hillary's presidency. It's not going to be fun.

732   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 9:33pm  

Repealing Obamacare should be at the top of any free thinking, sensible Americans list. It is Republican legislation, written by corporate lobbyists and The Heritage Foundation, named after Obama in order to gain unquestioning support from the kind of Simpletons that go "dem good rep bad" without giving it any further thought.

Fortunately, obamacare is collapsing under the weight of its own shittiness as we speak. So we the people may just slip one past the plutocracy by default, without having to defeat Clinton to make it happen.

733   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 9:36pm  

Pence is terrible.

734   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 9:39pm  

jazz music says

Are you ready to defund Planned Parenthood? Keep Citizen's United? Expand campaign financing freedoms? Repeal Dodd-Frank? Do you deny man's impact on climate change? Ready to privatize and reduce Social Security? Like the flat rate tax idea? Back Israel against Iran? Expand NAFTA type deals? Against condoms? Against gay marriage? Against stem cell research?

And that would be just the administration. The Court would be even worse.

735   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 10:45pm  

marcus says

Assuming that epussy ultra is me ?

If so, I'll take that as a compliment, because jazz music is a very intelligent and savvy observer.

jesus h christ on a popsicle stick. how many accounts do you have here?

736   zzyzzx   2016 Aug 31, 9:27am  

Found on the internet:
I saw two different Amish families in two different states last week, and both stopped to hand me anti-globalism booklets and tell me about Trump.

737   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 31, 10:51am  

zzyzzx says

Found on the internet:

I saw two different Amish families in two different states last week, and both stopped to hand me anti-globalism booklets and tell me about Trump.

Found on the internet:
When I saw that both anti-globalism booklets were printed in Malaysia I told the families and they said I was too Politically Correct.

738   zzyzzx   2016 Aug 31, 11:02am  

Marcus I get it how you feel about Crooked Hillary. But how can you not have the perception to understand that to most intelligent moderates, she acts like a corrupt, self-serving bitch and is simply too risky to be the person with their hand on the button?

739   junkmail   2016 Aug 31, 11:03am  

thunderlips11 says

"Hillary, I know you can be brought, because I brought you."


740   junkmail   2016 Aug 31, 11:05am  

Hey Patrick...Something is wrong with the site... All comments are now in italic...

741   Rew   2016 Aug 31, 11:08am  

RUSSIAN hackers trying to dictate emphasis!

742   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 31, 3:26pm  

zzyzzx says

New North Carolina Poll:


Trump 45% (+2)

Clinton 43%

Johnson 8%

Stein 2%


They're just pissed because the Supreme Court won't let them rig state elections. But that doesn't stop the conservatards from trying like hell to do some REAL RIGGING.

743   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 31, 7:19pm  

neplusultra57 says

I wish you'd stop avoiding all the reasons why you "can't stand" Trump. Your random ticket takes you on a 40 year right-wing destruction of labor, civil rights, voting rights, marriage rights, education, pollution law, not to mention the abolition of teaching evolution in schools, the fairness doctrine, and talking about climate change. Details, details, these minor 'culture wars" are just so much fluff. There needs to be some punishin' a goin' hyar!

Let's start with Gay Marriage, one I know Hillary is a 100% flip-flopper on, and everyone but the Clinton Campaign admits.

Hillary was opposed to Gay Marriage even when she was the Senator from New York. Not until 2008, after several states she absolutely had to win to reach the Presidency started offering civil unions and marriages to gays, did she start slowly shifting. Her husband signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law in 1996. Jesus, she ran for President explicitly against gay marriage (by then her position had changed to "Maybe Civil Unions okay, but state issue.")
Her convo with Terry Gross has to be heard to believe, on her desperate revisionism of her long anti-Gay Marriage stance. Her excuse that the republican congress would have overridden Bill's veto on DOMA is absurd. So what if they did?

744   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 31, 7:40pm  

Get ready for the "Post Labor Day" Bounce narrative.

If only somebody would leak either campaign's internal polling.

745   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 31, 7:54pm  

thunderlips11 says

neplusultra57 says

I wish you'd stop avoiding all the reasons why you "can't stand" Trump. Your random ticket takes you on a 40 year right-wing destruction of labor, civil rights, voting rights, marriage rights, education, pollution law, not to mention the abolition of teaching evolution in schools, the fairness doctrine, and talking about climate change. Details, details, these minor 'culture wars" are just so much fluff. There needs to be some punishin' a goin' hyar!

Let's start with Gay Marriage

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've said this before, and after all this time you're mute on all the other "culture war" concessions you're willing to ignore for the sake of "getting shit done". Now you're onto # twenty on the cowardly question-begging. By the time the debates are over you'll be up to the mid-thirties. It's OK, I understand, you're defending a moron you "can't stand" who will abdicate the presidency to a VP you despise. If only Putin were Trump's VP you'd have a fall-back.

747   zzyzzx   2016 Sep 2, 6:21pm  

Trump Leads By Five Points In New Iowa Poll

Donald Trump comes out ahead by five points in the latest Emerson College poll, surveying likely Iowa voters.

Trump polled ahead of Hillary Clinton, 44-39, with Libertarian Gary Johnson polling at 8 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein holding 1 percent.

748   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 2, 6:34pm  

Anybody see Virginia? Last polls have Hillary ahead 1-2 pts. In Virginia, home of the DC bureaucrats in the burbs.

749   zzyzzx   2016 Sep 4, 8:26pm  

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania:

751   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 4, 9:52pm  

Ironman says

But, once again, here is where it gets interesting. They had to over-sample Dems by 7 points just to get Hillary a 0.5% advantage.

That's some low energy Guacamole shit right there.

Notice we're not hearing much about Indy Voters this year... usually the MSM is obsessed with their vote... wonder why. :)

752   marcus   2016 Sep 4, 11:02pm  

This thread is the delusion thread. And someone forgot to turn italics off. Now it's even italics in the comment box, that's okay, I went back and started this comment with the end italics tag, now it's good.

Carry on with your delusions.

753   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 5, 8:16am  

thunderlips11 says

Notice we're not hearing much about Indy Voters this year... usually the MSM is obsessed with their vote... wonder why. :)

This morning on the news it sounds like now Nate is trying to reverse Nate Trump's votes.
By saying his Independent and Undecided advantage filter he used to apply to HIllary may have given Trump an unfair advantage.

754   marcus   2016 Sep 5, 8:25pm  

Time for this delusion thread to get it's monthly reality check. This time with RCs average of polls. (obviously most of them are rigged ?)

Let's see, at this time in 2012, Obama was up by, very little, it was almost tied. But then it went heavy in Obama's favor after that (maybe more poll rigging, right ?)

How about 2008 ? Also close to tied at this point, then McCain was briefly ahead, before things swung strongly toward Obama.

SO yeah, a lot of action in the last 8 weeks the last couple elections. Hey, Maybe Trump can pull an Obama, and get a lot of young coters, women, and minorities out for in the final stretch. OR perhaps there are a lot of old angry white voters that Trump hasn't reached yet ? We'll see. I'll check back with you after a couple of the debates have happened.

Again, as you were, back to your delusions.

755   marcus   2016 Sep 5, 9:15pm  

Ironman says

Plus, the Margin of Error is 3% - 4%, so your chart has them dead even (even with the over-sampling).

Hah. King of the dimbulbs. It's the average of a bunch of polls that have a margin of error of about 3% on average. The margin of error on the average of all of these is going to be MUCH smaller.

But even if it were a 4% margin of error, your interpretation is stupid. IT would be just as likely that she's up 8% as up zero, but far more likely that she's up 4% than either of the extremes. But again, this is an average of a lot of polls with avg MOE of 3%. The margin of error on the average is probably under 1%.

Also, for the record, apparently you have close to no idea what margin of error means.

756   marcus   2016 Sep 5, 10:49pm  

Okay, I'll answer one more of your trolls, you fricking moron.

Ironman says

You think the MOE of that table I posted is 3%?? Really? Then, somehow you extrapolated it DOWN to 1%?? Really??

No, I was responding to this (see the nine shaded polls)

that go with my chart, see the shaded, the average MOE s about 3%.

Ironman says

you think the poll averages are determined by the Margin of Error and not the percentage of votes for each candidate?? Really?

No, I think that if you are looking at an average of polls number that represent the average of 9 different polls (see link) , the margin of error on that number, is going to be WAY lower than the average MOE of the nine separate polls. If you had any idea what margin of error means, you would not argue this.

This was a response to this:
Ironman says

Plus, the Margin of Error is 3% - 4%, so your chart has them dead even (even with the over-sampling).

Are you going to deny that you think or thought that you could apply a 3 to 4% MOE to "my chart ?" (not even now addressing why your application was very stupid).

But typical asshole CIC, knows he's wrong, so he's going to say I'm arguing something that I'm not. Actually I'm very sure that you have no idea why you're wrong. Why don't you read about margin of error and what it means, so you can feel like you learned something today.

Is it any wonder that I ignore 95% of your comments ?

757   marcus   2016 Sep 5, 11:44pm  

Actually, it's a little interesting, so instead of finishing my work here, I'll explain a little. The interesting thing is, what would a margin of error on an average of polls even mean?

First what does it mean on an individual poll ? It depends on the confidence interval, and to understand that you should read about sampling distributions, but let's say they use a 95% confidence interval. Then a 3% margin of error means that if they conducted 1000s of different samples of the same size using the same methodology, 95% of these samples would result in a percentage within plus or minus 3% of the percentage found in the poll.

So how can you talk about the margin of error for an average of polls ? You can't really. But if you do, it would have to mean the value you got as an average for a number of polls, where all polls were repeated as complete sets. If 1000s of times, sets of polls are conducted, with different samples for each of the polls, using the same methodologies for each, then the margin of error would refer to a plus or minus estimate around the average you got, determining an interval in which the average would fall for say 95% of the times a set of polls was taken and averaged. This is a theoretical (see sampling distributions) of what the Math is describing.. All these thousands of sets of samples would come from the same population at the same time with the same unique methodologies for each of the different samples taken for each of the different polls. .

Without getting too deeply in to the math, it should be intuitively obvious that if say nine numbers are each bouncing randomly in an interval of plus or minus 3 each around specific values. The average of those nine numbers is bouncing around in a much smaller interval. (note: the possible interval may roughly the same but the interval the value is in 95% of the time is substantially narrower)

758   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 6, 6:08am  

Trump is winning the most important race of all - the race to a giant audience for the most terrific media company ever.

759   junkmail   2016 Sep 6, 12:12pm  

Ironman says

Not anymore, dickhead Pussy Ultra57 didn't close his HTML on italics...

Lol. Yeah but there should be an automatic php clean or tidy after every post.


$buffer = ob_get_clean();
$tidy = new tidy();
$clean = $tidy->repairString($buffer);

echo $clean;

760   Rew   2016 Sep 6, 3:13pm  

YesYNot says

Trump is winning the most important race of all - the race to a giant audience for the most terrific media company ever.

Many would agree with that notion. He has hired the right mix of people into his staff, for sure.

He still has odds to hold onto Texas though. A great feat. ;)

761   marcus   2016 Sep 6, 6:55pm  

Ironman says



When does Marcus start crying???

So called independents are mostly republicans that don't want to admit it, because they know republicans these days are douchebags.

The reasons polls are adjusted in a way where more democrats are included, is that a huge percentage of those who identify as "independents" are actually republicans. They just don't want to admit it, because they know that republicans are often morons that listen to Fox News and Brietbart. So they call themselves "independents." I know some of these people. The funny thing is that a lot of them will vote for Trump, even though they hate him and think he's an idiot, and very risky, because of how much they've been programmed to hate Hillary. IF you ask them to defend their position on Hillary they can't. It's just a feeling.

Propaganda works.

But yes, I might have to do a little private crying, just I like I did on 9/11, if Trump wins. Since adolescence, I never cry because of physical pain, but I can be moved to cry by grief or extreme emotion. And yes Trumps election would be rough for me.

762   marcus   2016 Sep 6, 7:01pm  

jazz music says

so I can get brutally punished by a troll moron for explaining something a little deeper than superficial

Yes. Such punishment. He really showed me.

Ironman says

Well, you can post paragraphs of absolute bullshit, which you're great at. Or, you can just go with the basic definition:



Polling isn't an exact science which has many variables and errors, that's where the MOE gets figured in.... But you wouldn't understand that simple point.

When you look up *low information voter* in the dictionary, they have CIC's photo there.

763   zzyzzx   2016 Sep 6, 7:01pm  


Latest Polls Show Trump Up or Tied in Blue States Iowa, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, Ohio and Wisconsin

The latest Reuters-Ipsos polling shows Republican Donald Trump up or tied with Hillary Clinton in several blue states.

** Iowa – Trump 44% – Clinton 41%
** Maine – Trump 42% – Clinton 42%
** Michigan – Trump 42% – Clinton 41%
** New Hampshire – Trump 45% – Clinton 44%
** Ohio – Trump 46% – Clinton 43%
** Wisconsin – Trump 38% – Clinton 38%

764   anonymous   2016 Sep 6, 7:06pm  

because of how much they've been programmed to hate Hillary. IF you ask them to defend their position on Hillary they can't. It's just a feeling.


Why would anyone ever waste one second "programming " people to hate Hillary, when all it takes is for people to be exposed to her, hear her speak (lie), and they come to that conclusion all on their own.

You keep repeating this line that nobody can explain why. That it's just a feeling. However, infinite people have given infinite reasons and instances as to why, and strangely, you disregard every last one of them as rubbish. Every time. Why do you think that is?

765   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 6, 7:12pm  

I looked over at RCP earlier they are keeping the faith. They have her up 15 or more on several polls.

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