God Sucks

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2016 Apr 15, 9:08pm   44,389 views  204 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

If god existed, he would be a motherfucking, evil asshole.

But there are better alternatives.

And quite frankly we're tired of these false gods.

#religion #atheism #rationality

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162   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Apr 20, 12:57pm  

indigenous says

At heretic, deductive goes from the general to the specific. Inductive goes from the specific to the general.

There are no general propositions about the world that were not inducted first.

163   Dan8267   2016 Apr 20, 1:18pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Dan8267 says

deductive inference conclusions are certain provided the premises are true.

The example I gave relies on induction: indeed the rule "All men die" is inducted from past experience and as such can, conceivably, be wrong.

All premises are induced or asserted, so by that excuse all deductive reasoning would be inductive reason rendering the terms meaningless.

You don't have to cover up your mistake. It would look better if you just said, "my mistake, I got the terms mixed up. I meant deductive.". Getting terminology mixed up is not a big deal. It happens; we're all humans. Clearing up terminology so that we don't miscommunicate is important, but doing so isn't a criticism of the person who used the terms incorrectly. Again, mixing up similar words is common and not a big deal.

Making material incorrect statements to cover up your unimportant mistake, however, is a big deal. Not only is it intellectual dishonest, but it also only serves to add further confusion to a conversation.

The example you gave, in which a general statement accepted as true inescapable leads to more specific statements known to be true, is the very definition of deductive reasoning. To help people remember the difference, just the following.

Deductive reasoning deduces specific consequences of a general statement and therefore is proof of those consequences as long as the premise is correct. Inductive reasoning induces a general pattern from specific examples and may not be a true generalization even if the specific examples are true.

164   Dan8267   2016 Apr 20, 1:20pm  

indigenous says

Cute but I was talking about your last post.

Be specific about what you are claiming and what evidence you offer to support such claims. So far, you have said nothing of consequence and have only demonstrated your unwillingness to admit when you are wrong and proved so beyond any doubt.

165   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Apr 20, 2:53pm  

Dan8267 says

Making material incorrect statements to cover up your unimportant mistake, however, is a big deal.

I didn't make incorrect statements nor am I trying to cover it up. I am well aware of what a deduction is, and I already was when I wrote what I wrote.
It should occur to you that anyone can take an inductive fact (for ex: "all lawyers are rich"), wrap it up as a rule ("if lawyer, then rich"), then call applying this rule deductive reasoning ("Joe is a lawyer, therefore Joe is rich".). If your point is that it is deductive because 1 rule is being applied, then you are the one playing with words and terminology. The reasoning as a whole remains inductive, even if applying the "rule" is deductive.

166   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 3:55pm  

Dan8267 says

So far, you have said nothing of consequence and have only demonstrated your unwillingness to admit when you are wrong and proved so beyond any doubt.

Seeing how, Man Acts, is the first axiom of Austrian Praxelogy it says something of consequence all right. The fact that that is your disposition on the subject speaks to your understanding of the subject.

167   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Apr 20, 4:27pm  

indigenous says

The idea is that there are 7 billion people on this planet each of them conducting an average of what 10 transactions a day equals 70 billion transactions a day. Somehow you are going to conduct a controlled experiment on this many transactions is absurd. This is where deductive reasoning is the only useful method to predict the economy.

Everything you write is an unbelievable assemblage of non-sense, ignorance, and sheer stupidity, all wrapped in condescending arrogance.
Give us a specific example of deductive reasoning that predicts an economic outcome. Or stfu.

168   Dan8267   2016 Apr 20, 4:48pm  

indigenous says

Seeing how, Man Acts, is the first axiom of Austrian Praxelogy it says something of consequence all right. The fact that that is your disposition on the subject speaks to your understanding of the subject.

Can you make a single, coherent argument?

169   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 5:17pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Everything you write is an unbelievable assemblage of non-sense, ignorance, and sheer stupidity, all wrapped in condescending arrogance.

This from someone who does not know the difference between inductive and deductive.

170   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 5:18pm  

Dan8267 says

Can you make a single, coherent argument?

Again what color is the sky in your world?

171   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Apr 20, 5:46pm  

indigenous says

Dan8267 says

Can you make a single, coherent argument?

Again what color is the sky in your world?

Can you make a single argument?
Can you give us one single specific example of deductive reasoning that predicts an economic outcome?

No, you can't. You're proving it again and again.


172   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 6:17pm  

Heretic put me on ignore because he is a pussy.
Heretic says:

"This is an argument?
Give us one single specific example of deductive reasoning that predicts an economic outcome.

When supply becomes more scarce the price goes up for that supply.

173   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Apr 20, 6:20pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

You're so smart. Give us an example of deductive reasoning outside mathematics.

indigenous says

Praxelogy is all deductive/a priori reasoning.

BWAHAHAHAAHAhAHAHA. Fucking Priceless exchange.

174   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 6:22pm  

thunderlips11 says

BWAHAHAHAAHAhAHAHA. Fucking Priceless exchange.

As is any post with you talking about economics.

176   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 6:50pm  

WTF you talkin about Lips?

177   Dan8267   2016 Apr 20, 8:10pm  

indigenous is proof that intelligent design is a myth.

178   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 8:14pm  

You are so hurtful, you mutts don't have anything to say worth listening to

179   Dan8267   2016 Apr 20, 8:18pm  

indigenous says

You are so hurtful, you mutts don't have anything to say worth listening to


180   NDrLoR   2016 Apr 20, 8:36pm  

Dan8267 says


Translation indeed--it's like the old game of Telephone, by comment 249 it's so far removed from the original thread no one would be able to figure out what it was about in two years, least of all the commenters--220 and 227 are eye-glazing dissertations. It started running off the rails at maybe 19.

181   indigenous   2016 Apr 20, 9:01pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

-220 and 227 are eye-glazing dissertations

That seems to be the consensus for the whole thread. I just do it for sport, clearly learning these mutts anything is not going to happen.

182   NDrLoR   2016 Apr 21, 8:34am  

indigenous says

I just do it for sport

Me too, the only thing it's good for. Throw 'em a bone and they're on it like a pit bull on a baby.

183   HEY YOU   2016 Apr 21, 9:07am  

Just how evil is a god that created Patnet commenters? lol

184   Dan8267   2016 Apr 21, 10:02am  

P N Dr Lo R says

Translation indeed

Your analogy does not apply.

185   Dan8267   2016 Apr 21, 10:03am  

HEY YOU says

Just how evil is a god that created Patnet commenters? lol

PatNet users are proof that there is no benevolent god as no such god would allow such abominations to exist.

186   indigenous   2016 Apr 21, 10:08am  

The funny thing to me is that they are so busy trying to convince themselves that God does not exist, they never stop to think who is the
unmoved mover to their body.

187   NDrLoR   2016 Apr 21, 10:16am  

Dan8267 says

Your analogy does not apply.

I didn't think it did either, I don't take this stuff seriously, it's all entertainment.

indigenous says

trying to convince themselves that God does not exist

No one is more obsessed with God than atheists.

188   Dan8267   2016 Apr 21, 10:17am  

indigenous says

The funny thing to me is that they are so busy trying to convince themselves that God does not exist, they never stop to think who is the

unmoved mover to their body.

It makes as much sense that Lucifer is the one true god than Yahweh is. The only person trying to convince himself of a delusion is you.

189   Dan8267   2016 Apr 21, 10:22am  

P N Dr Lo R says

No one is more obsessed with God than atheists.

That's a bold face lie. If assholes like you weren't corrupting our government and laws with your vile, false religion, then atheists like me wouldn't even think about religion any more than we think about other bullshit like tarot card readings, psychics, and fortune tellers.

Is someone in 1930 Germany who tries to prevent the dictator Hitler from coming to power obsessed with Hitler? Is someone who advocates keeping the cockpit door in an airplane locked obsessed with terrorism? Is someone petitioning for banking laws to prevent financial collapse of our economy obsessed with economics?

Opposing an evil such as religion is not obsession. You are simply making an ad hominem attack to cover up that you have no real arguments. This demonstrates how dishonest you are.

190   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Apr 21, 10:22am  

indigenous says

The funny thing to me is that they are so busy trying to convince themselves that God does not exist, they never stop to think who is the

Anybody notice that all the Austrian nuts have become more religious lately? And more into propagandizing and exaggerating the role of Genetics in Intelligence?

I don't mean just on the board only but in general.

191   Dan8267   2016 Apr 21, 10:23am  

P N Dr Lo R says

indigenous says

I just do it for sport

Me too, the only thing it's good for. Throw 'em a bone and they're on it like a pit bull on a baby.

Please keep it up. Every time you make a stupid argument, it makes being religious look foolish.

192   indigenous   2016 Apr 21, 10:52am  

thunderlips11 says

Anybody notice that all the Austrian nuts have become more religious lately? And more into propagandizing and exaggerating the role of Genetics in Intelligence?

You are implying Austrians are eugenecists.

Yet this entire thread, I argued the opposite. That is non sequitur.

193   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Apr 21, 4:18pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

Translation indeed--it's like the old game of Telephone, by comment 249 it's so far removed from the original thread no one would be able to figure out what it was about in two years, least of all the commenters--220 and 227 are eye-glazing dissertations. It started running off the rails at maybe 19.

Typical kind of 'argument' we get from religious nuts. Some snide remarks and derision.
They never bring up anything deep enough to not be immediately refuted.
Everything they do is trying to evade through vagueness and derision.
Indeed engaging in an intellectually honest way - that could potentially force them to change their opinions - must seem incredibly threatening to them.

194   indigenous   2016 Apr 21, 4:20pm  

Heretic says:

"Typical kind of 'argument' we get from religious nuts. Some snide remarks and derision.
They never bring up anything deep enough to not be immediately refuted.
Everything they do is trying to evade through vagueness and derision.
Indeed engaging in an intellectually honest way - that could potentially force them to change their opinions - must seem incredibly threatening to them."

Says the pussy who put me on ignore...

195   indigenous   2016 Apr 21, 4:41pm  

Are you saying that Obama is God?

196   NDrLoR   2016 Apr 22, 8:34am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Typical kind of 'argument' we get from religious nuts. Some snide remarks and derision.

I never intended it as an argument--I was poking fun at it and you took it seriously. It's strange that you'd take umbrage by what you call snide remarks and derision when the whole purpose of the thread is nothing but snide remarks and derision--what do you think the title "God Sucks" implies but derision? As I've pointed out umpteen times but have been ignored, America and Western Europe are part of what's called Christendom in which until recently religious observance in the Judeo-Christian traditions has been the rule, not the exception. But at this late date, in true Alinsky style, the religiously observant are described by atheists as nuts, as I expect they were in the Soviet Union and wherever else atheism was the rule of law.

Dan8267 says

You are simply making an ad hominem attack

Well what do you think your whole thread is but an attack? Don't you like hominy?

197   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Apr 22, 11:15am  

P N Dr Lo R says

I never intended it as an argument--I was poking fun at it and you took it seriously. It's strange that you'd take umbrage by what you call snide remarks and derision when the whole purpose of the thread is nothing but snide remarks and derision--what do you think the title "God Sucks" implies but derision?

That is exactly my point: you are not trying to make an argument.
This site is not a safe zone and a level of incivility has to be expected. But look beyond that and Dan is sincerely defending a position through rational arguments. This is not what I see on the other side. Religious people (nut or not) are vague, evasive, or entirely dismissive. They are not engaging intellectually the arguments that Dan made.

And I mean, for example a vague reference to the "unmoved mover" is not an argument. This is a reference to a concept dating from Aristotle and that is meaningless in the context of everything that is known today about the laws of physics.

P N Dr Lo R says

As I've pointed out umpteen times but have been ignored, America and Western Europe are part of what's called Christendom in which until recently religious observance in the Judeo-Christian traditions has been the rule, not the exception. But at this late date, in true Alinsky style, the religiously observant are described by atheists as nuts, as I expect they were in the Soviet Union and wherever else atheism was the rule of law.

The fact that the western civilization came out of Christendom is not by itself an argument about the existence of God. What you are trying to say is that religion (specifically our tradition) confers some advantages that led to civilization. But first the opposite could easily be argued: civilization first happened before Christianity, then was crushed when Christianity spread, then civilization took off again only after the hold of religious obscurantism receded and it became acceptable to wholly dismiss religious precepts and pursue better ideas.
Second even assuming this true, you still have to explain:
- why this proves the existence of God.
- why this is the only way to do things and why we cannot free ourselves from superstition and make things better through the exercise of reason alone.

As for the soviet union, I think we can agree that the root of the problem with communism was idealism, i.e. the lack of the base, down-to-earth, pragmatism that animates capitalistic endeavors. In that sense I think the soviet union is the opposite of reason, not an example of it. And in fact if anything, communism was closer to religious idealism than to reason. Many did consider communism to be a sort of religion.

198   missing   2016 Apr 22, 11:26am  

Heraclitusstudent says

I think we can agree that the root of the problem with communism was idealism,

Very naive (mis)understanding.

199   Dan8267   2016 Apr 22, 2:36pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

Well what do you think your whole thread is but an attack?

This thread is an attack on the fictional character of the Christian god, demonstrating how morally bankrupt that character is supported by the evidence of all "sacred scriptures" that are, according to Christian belief, the unerring word of that god. That makes this thread the exact opposite of an ad hominem attack.

200   NDrLoR   2016 Apr 22, 5:12pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

That is exactly my point: you are not trying to make an argument.

Heraclitusstudent says

you still have to explain:

I don't have to explain anything, this is entertainment, you wrote a dissertation. Throw 'em a bone!

Dan8267 says

ad hominem

He likes that word.

201   Dan8267   2016 Apr 22, 5:36pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

Dan8267 says

ad hominem

He likes that word.

That's not a counter-argument, which means you know you are wrong but are simply not man enough to admit it.

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