Holy Shit! Assange sez a Leak Source was Seth Rich

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2016 Aug 9, 7:13pm   23,927 views  92 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  


Doesn't say that Seth Rich was murdered, just says it was "Suspicious".

Prepare for a Media Assault on Assange and his credibility. Those things only happen in non-neoliberal countries.

Wasn't Seth Rich 27 years old?

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1   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 9, 7:19pm  

Hillary needs to be hung and her enablers need to be deported.

3   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 8:09pm  

Seth Rich was murdered by the fashion police.

And rightfully so.

4   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 8:12pm  

Poor taste, Dan.

The guy is an American hero, murdered by your beloved democrats. And youre poking fun at him for wearing the flag

5   HEY YOU   2016 Aug 9, 8:14pm  


6   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 8:15pm  

errc says

Poor taste, Dan.

Agreed, but poor taste is still funny. Humor equals tragedy plus distance. No one should ever apologize for humor. The world would suck without it, and the more terrible something is the more humor is needed.

7   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 8:18pm  

Where was the humor?

The guy wasnt trying to be fashionable, whatever the fuck that even means. He was being goofy wearing stars and stripes

That and attempting to shine some light on the least transparent, scummiest, anti-american group ever to walk the planet; 21st century democrats. And was murdered for it haha lol

8   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 8:22pm  

errc says

Where was the humor?

If you need an explanation then none can be given to you. That's the nature of humor. You either get it or you don't. Someone else clearly did get it. Just accept that every person is going to find some joke offensive and this is the one you found offensive. Any joke that offends no one is not funny. Accept the occasional offense to live in a universe that is not devoid of humor. It's a good trade-off.

9   justme   2016 Aug 9, 8:32pm  

Julian Assange is a hero. He is on par with Martin Luther King, speaking truth to power.

10   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 8:36pm  

I know funny. There's nothing funny there. The guy was intentionally wearing stars and stripes. He knew it looked goofy as fuck. But in the midst of an American hero whistleblower being extinguished by the DNC, to make a failed attempt at humor, is in poor taste.

And you're not only incorrect about it being humerous, you're wrong about me being offended. Ive never been offended by anything

11   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 8:47pm  

errc says

I know funny. There's nothing funny there

On that you are simply wrong. If you wish to expand your world view, I suggest starting with The psychological connection between humor and tragedy.

“There’s some sweet spot to comedy where you need the right degree of threat,” says McGraw. “Humor fails in two ways: it can offend or it can bore. Psychological distance is one way by which to hit that sweet spot.”

errc says

And you're not only incorrect about it being humerous, you're wrong about me being offended. Ive never been offended by anything

Then you are faking outrage in order to virtue signal falsely, which is far worse. Even if you did not get a joke, you would not object to it -- instead you would simply ignore it -- unless you are trying to claim a moral superiority over all those who told or laughed at the joke. You are not only attacking me, but also every person who chuckled at the punchline, and those people have nothing to be ashamed of.

Humor is the most honest of all emotions. And condemning humor that you find socially or politically incorrect is one of the worst things about our polarized society, particularly the left. There was absolutely no harm done by the joke and some joy introduced into the universe to counter the despair of the tragedy. If you find that little bit of joy to be undesirable, then that is your problem alone.

12   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 9:03pm  

You're missing the point. It wasnt funny. Guy wears goofy outfit of stars and stripes. Hes murdered by the democrats for being a whistleblower. You make a failed attempt at humor by saying he was murdered by the fashion police.

Its not the first time that someone took a stab at being funny, and failed miserably. Get better material and try again!

13   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 9:06pm  

errc says

You're missing the point. It wasnt funny.

No honey, you're missing the point. Just because something isn't funny to you doesn't mean it's not funny to other people. Does everyone have to laugh at exactly the same things, like exactly the same foods, hold exactly the same perspectives? Is there no room for even a little diversity in the universe under your worldview? Do you realize that not everyone finds Jim Carey or The Truman Show to be funny? I do, but many people don't. Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

15   lostand confused   2016 Aug 9, 9:09pm  

I am scared for Assange-evil Hillary will get him. I am waiting for CNN to report with bated breath.

16   FortWayne   2016 Aug 9, 9:10pm  

How can it be a robbery if they took nothing? This was an assassination!

17   Patrick   2016 Aug 9, 9:14pm  

justme says

Julian Assange is a hero. He is on par with Martin Luther King, speaking truth to power.

And Edward Snowden is way up there too. At risk to his own life, he helped give the people more power over their government.

Snowden should get the Medal of Honor.

19   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 9:18pm  

rando says

Snowden should get the Medal of Honor.

Absolutely. As well as Manning and Assange.

20   Patrick   2016 Aug 9, 9:20pm  

Gosh, there is NOTHING at all about Seth Rich in the NY Times. Should be on the home page, but there is absolutely zero, even when you do a search.

21   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 9:23pm  

Theres a difference between PC and unfunny

Your "joke" just flopped, because it wasn't funny. Not because you think i was offended

Step your game up

22   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 9:31pm  

errc says

Your "joke" just flopped

Really? You scanned the brains of every single PatNet user? Now you're just being disingenuous. You have no idea how many people thought it was funny because you are not sitting in an auditorium with all other PatNet users. You simply cannot know what other people think until they volunteer that knowledge.

I fully acknowledge that you did not like the joke, and I don't give a shit. The value of a joke is not determined by those who most dislike it, but rather by those who most enjoy it. No joke will make every person laugh, and that's not even a goal. So quite frankly, your opinion does not amount to squat. If only a single person laughed, the joke was worth telling.

Beyond that, it was worth telling to expose this sickness going through our society in which people express fake outrage at anything politically incorrect, which is the subject matter of the two videos above. Political correctness is a disease with no up side.

23   Patrick   2016 Aug 9, 9:31pm  

But still, you'd think a search on the NY Times would turn up at least something. Their search function goes back a long time.

But there is nothing at all.

25   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 9:38pm  

Show me one person that found it funny, and ill take back what i said

I cant imagine anyone is so lame as to find that "joke" funny.

Now you claiming that i am being PC, thats funny!

26   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 9:54pm  

errc says

Show me one person that found it funny, and ill take back what i said

errc says

I cant imagine anyone is so lame as to find that "joke" funny.

So, now you are just outright insulting anyone who finds the joke funny. My joke was in no way an attack on Seth Rich, and given the fact that he posed for that picture, it's most likely that he himself would have found the joke funny. In contrast, you are absolutely attacking the social value of anyone who has an honest laugh at the joke, and that's way the fuck meaner than any interpretation of my joke.

errc says

Now you claiming that i am being PC, thats funny!

I think that's exactly what you are doing.

27   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 10:01pm  

So if a comedian trys a new joke, and nobody laughs, what do you call that?

28   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 10:09pm  

Is a joke automatically funny just because you made an attempt?

Why do comedians use the term "that joke bombed"?

I always thoughr that meant that it was a failed attempt at humor. Because it wasnt funny

Like your "joke" about the fashion police

29   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 10:14pm  

errc says

So if a comedian trys a new joke, and nobody laughs, what do you call that?

At this point you are demonstrating the same kind of refusal to listen to reality that conservatives often display in their bubble. Obviously at least two people laughed since two people independently decided to opt in on expressing their pleasure by clicking "like". That places a bear minimum on the number of people who thought the joke was funny. In all likelihood many more found it funny but simply did not click like because most people don't click like or dislike on the vast majority of posts.

But that's not the real issue, is it? This argument isn't about that joke, which is just one of billions of jokes floating around on the Internet. Nor is this argument about you or me or what's funny. We're not that important. No. This argument is really about whether or not humor must be suppressed. The philosophy you are advocating, whether you admit it or not, is that there is some criteria that some people -- clearly not all people, but some -- decide on that justifies crushing a form of free speech and belittling those who participate in or listen to such speech. And quite frankly, that's a very Orwellian view.

Who gets to decide what is appropriate humor and what is not? What criteria can they choose and how readily can they change it with no oversight or agreement from others? And what gives that minority the right to impose their vision of how people should think, feel, and act upon others? What checks and balances are there? Not all oppression is at the hands of government. The forcing of cultural, political, and social norms onto those who would reject them can itself be one of the most terrible forms of oppression. OK, you are not a big enough fish to be concerned with, but it's not just you as the videos above demonstrate. The acceptance of a culture of intolerance of politically or socially discomfort or disagreement is one of the worst social problems in our society today and it's getting worse.

I will not apologize for "triggering" you, and I suggest that you reconsider your worldview before you morph into this.


30   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 10:18pm  

thunderlips11 says

Holy Shit! Assange sez a Leak Source was Seth Rich

Sorry that the thread got way off topic, but the political correctness issue had to be opposed.

31   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 10:21pm  

You're the one trying to censor free speech

Where is my freedom to critique your "joke"? It's not funny, like many things you post that you think are funny.

This is a free speech forum. I reserve the right to voice my opinion

I'm sorry that it has triggered you, but I wont apologize

32   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 10:34pm  

errc says

You're the one trying to censor free speech

Bull-fucking-shit. Now you're just making the argument "I know you are but what am I".

errc says

I'm sorry that it has triggered you, but I wont apologize

Another example of saying "I know you are but what am I". Honey, it doesn't work like that. Bill Cosby does not get to accuse the judge of drugging and raping women as a defense of his actions. That would not work.

errc says

Where is my freedom to critique your "joke"? It's not funny, like many things you post that you think are funny.

No one is questioning your freedom to critique the joke, although you have done nothing remotely like critiquing the joke. You can post whatever opinion you want. But honey, freedom of speech goes both ways. I have the freedom to call bullshit on your accusations and demonstrate why you are wrong.

First off, you really need to learn the difference between facts and opinions. Facts are either correct or incorrect. Opinions are neither right nor wrong. It is your opinion that the joke was unfunny. It is a fact that other people disagree with you and find the joke funny. If you cannot differentiate between these two concepts, that's your deficiency and as long as you remain obstinate and unwilling to learn the difference there is no reason for the rest of us to value your opinion. Yeah, you are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to consider your opinion worthless as it is uninformed.

Second, you are trying to avoid the real issue which is why the hell should anyone bow to you as the moral authority over what humor is and is not acceptable? You keep holding yourself in such a superior position over anyone who chuckled at the joke but you give no reason, no evidence to support your own lofty opinion of yourself. This is pure unfounded arrogance. I don't mind arrogance if you can back it up with accomplishments but you have not done so. So I ask again, why the fuck are you the voice of moral authority?

33   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 10:38pm  

It is your opinion that it was a joke
It is a fact that it was not funny

34   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 10:41pm  

errc says

It is your opinion that it was a joke

It is a fact that it was not funny

Are you just trying to be a dick? Or do you honestly believe what you just wrote?

I'm trying to let you save face here, but you aren't making it easy.

35   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 10:44pm  

You have every right to make an attempt at a joke. However, your audience has every right to decide for themselves whether or not it was funny

Rather than going full blown meltdown after being triggered, you should just thank me for saving the show. I flipped the script and roasted your ass, and now you're getting laughs directed at you

36   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 10:48pm  

Are you just trying to be a dick? Or do you honestly believe what you just wrote?

I'm trying to let you save face here, but you aren't making it easy.


I'm taking you to school
This is funny!

Its how comedy often works. When someone makes a lame attempt at humor, and fails, it can be a softball for someone that knows funny to step up and give the people what they want. Laughter. It wound up coming at your expense, because theyre laughing at you.

But at least now you have a better understanding of what funny is

37   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 10:59pm  

errc says

You have every right to make an attempt at a joke. However, your audience has every right to decide for themselves whether or not it was funny

No one is arguing that. You are now trying to substitute a straw man to avoid the issues that you have presented and that were debunked.

1. You asked for proof that anyone found the joke funny and stated

Show me one person that found it funny, and ill take back what i said

Well, you got your proof, so where's your admission that you were wrong?

2. Every post you have made in this thread is based on the premise that humor must be suppressed when it meets some criteria imposed by some person. When pressed about what that criteria is, who decides what the criteria is, and why your opinion should be the authoritarian one, you simply refuse to address any of the questions.

3. You have made numerous straw men arguments including falsely trying to apply my criticisms of your assertions to me without any rational.

4. You have been insulting and condemning anyone who disagrees with your arbitrary opinion about what is acceptable and funny.

5. You make completely nonsensical and clearly false statements like

It is your opinion that it was a joke

It is a fact that it was not funny

When pressed on whether or not you actually believe this, you ignore the question.

It is obvious that whether or not a post is a joke is a factual statement, not an opinion, and whether or not the joke is funny is an opinion, not a fact. The fact that you cannot even muster enough honesty and rationality to admit this demonstrates an enormous degree of emotional immaturity.

I'm presenting you with two options: be rational and have an adult conversation in which you poignantly advocate your position or act like an immature brat and say things that are clearly incorrect. You are choosing the later and looking the fool for doing so. Yes, that is an opinion, but a well-founded one. If your pride makes it now impossible for you to communicate like an adult on this subject matter, I suggest you simply take a time out or shut up completely. Every time you write a childish post, it just makes you look more foolish.

errc says

Rather than going full blown meltdown after being triggered, you should just thank me for saving the show. I flipped the script and roasted your ass, and now you're getting laughs directed at you

And therein lies the problem. You are so self-deluded that you have no grasp on reality. The fact that you actually believe what you just wrote is the reason you are such a moron. You shouldn't be coming out of this conversation with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Shame is the appropriate feeling. Shame is nature's way of letting you know you did something wrong and should change strategies. If you don't have shame about what you've written on this thread, then quite frankly, you are beyond help or hope.

38   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 11:05pm  

This is why it's important to distinguish between liberals and the left. There are batshit crazy people on the left just like those on the right, and they are batshit crazy for largely the same reasons. Sure, they have opposing arbitrary cultural preferences, but their batshit comes from refusing to acknowledge any reality that contradicts their political or social dogma. Nothing gets in the bubble no matter how rationally and objectively you explain it or how much evidence you provide. If it doesn't fit their petty world view, it must be wrong. If observation contradicts their theory, then the universe must be wrong. There is no debate with batshit. There is only exposing them for what they truly are to the rest of the world in the hope that by exposing the batshit you'll prevent it from spreading.

39   Dan8267   2016 Aug 9, 11:09pm  

Ironman says

Dan8267 says

Someone else clearly did get it.

Yeah, when YOU "like" your own post.... sad...

Patrick can easily confirm that this is not the case. @Patrick, feel free to do so.

It's funny how much Errc and Call It Crazy sound alike. And both should feel insulted about that.

40   anonymous   2016 Aug 9, 11:13pm  

Now now dan, i asked for proof from just one person that your "joke" was funny.

You pointed out that two people clicked like on the post.

Are you going to sit here with a straight face, and claim that this constitutes proof?

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