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How many rightwingnuts have called for his pardon?
republican trash Ford pardoned republican crooked trash nixon.
What's that goose/gander saying?
DIE! republicans.
No need to apologize. The point is that Snowden doesn't know as much about anything as the #orangedouchebag does. The proof is the same as everything the #orangedouchebag offers: he said so, don't you believe him?
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
TRUMPLIGULA! transcends facts and even time and space.
TRUMPLIGUlA is backed by Juden Physik. Nothing can escape the Hypercube of the Elders of Relative Zionism.
Just saw the movie. "I'll have more data collected in the first two minutes of my presidency than the entire history of the NSA, CIA, DIA, combined. And I'll make Ford pay for it." ~Donald J. Trump.