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And who has the authority to determine which are "work" and which are "personal?" Surely it isn't the person who potentially has something to hide? We don't typically trust the suspects to hand over all the evidence. But we did, here. Further, I disagree that she even had personal emails. IMHO, the emails became property of the State Department the minute she sent them from her work email. So, again... laws are being conveniently reinterpreted to her benefit.
And it turns out they keep finding thousands of emails as the weeks go by.
And her IT guy going to reddit asking how to change the to/from addresses on an email server, and despite being warning it's illegal, persists but finds no answers. "Very VIP!"
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
In this picture IHLlary is begging to SUCK! TRUMPLIGULA!'s DICK! and he is, of course, saying NO! WUCKING! FAY! SWAMPSOW!
"It's just too fucking (wucking?) yuge for you, really, really yuge. Really"
Is Trump going to lead off the next debate by bitch slapping Lester Holt?
How many bets in the next debate that Lester Holt, his lapel mussed by Trumpligula's grabbing him, his face peppered red with Trump's tiny handprints, will ass fuck him with IHLlary leading questions, anyway?
I do. I've regularly turned down overtime, because it throws my wages into a higher tax bracket, and my time is far too valuable to spend it paying more taxes.
I don't know if you know this, but it doesn't throw your other wages into a higher tax bracket. When you get into a higher marginal tax bracket, only the additional income is taxed at the higher rate. So, if you are getting paid time and a half for overtime, your reasoning is not correct. If you are only offered your normal pay, and you value your free time more than your after tax income, so be it. Most people who are getting paid hourly, are not in a high tax bracket, so this argument would not make any sense for most people.
Anyway, the decision of when to work and not work is pretty routine and normal. There are plenty of very sleazy things that people can do to lower their taxes...
I'm listening to the jagoffs on CNN radio try and find more ways to be critical of Trump.
In sn attempt to attack him for his taxes, they said that he likely didn't make any "charitable " contributions, which is what people with incomes do in order to reduce their tax burden
These establishment dolts are burying themselves in attempt to attack Trump. This bonehead just insisted that the whole scam that is "charity" in this country is basically just a giant tax dodge.
It also reminded me of my neighbors. Very nice people, very successful business person. They bought their dream property next door for 1.3$ million. They leave for over six months a year to Florida, solely for tax implications. Here are smart, succesful, HONEST Americans, who leave their dream home empty for over half the year, and move 1200+ miles away, just to a oid paying taxes.
who leave their dream home empty for over half the year, and move 1200+ miles away, just to a oid paying taxes.
Uhhhh, newsflash. They may like that they don't pay state taxes in Florida, and they may even see it as helping to pay the cost of their having a winter place in Florida, but you've gotta know that's not the close to the sole reason they spend the winter in Florida.
Where's the news flash? You're arguing my point. No wonder you got all mad sbout me having a high IQ, and it #triggered you to put me on Ignore. Then you had to make an alias so you could read my comments and reply to them.
You and Dan are some wierdos
Guess what those mics were attached to. Honestly, why not give things a bit of thought before you post them up?
Thought is not his strong suit.
Then you had to make an alias so you could read my comments and reply to them.
You sound like Trump. You think everything is about you. When I had an alias, it was because for a while there I was being cautious about posting from work. I still don't do it much. Funny that you think it was about you. When I put you on ignore for a while it was becasue of a combination of things, the part about the 150 IQ was mostly amusing, especially when you juxtapose it to so many of the insanely stupid things you say. (such as your comment today about not wanting your pay to go into the next tax bracket, LOL)
I'm thinking maybe you like Trump becasue you are like him. One of my favorite parts of the debate last night was when Trump went in to a long spiel about how NATO is only just now starting (FOR THE FIRST TIME) to be willing to address terrorism. And Trump takes credit for it. IT's becasue of him and his criticism of NATO (he thinks) THen a couple minutes later Hillary talks about NATOs commitment to fighting terrorism with us after 9/11. THe look on Trumps face was priceless.
Then you had to make an alias so you could read my comments and reply to them.
You sound like Trump. You think everything is about you. When I had an alias, it was because for a while there I was being cautious about posting from work. I still don't do it much. Funny that you think it was about you. When I put you on ignore for a while it was becasue of a combination of things, the part about the 150 IQ was mostly amusing, especially when you juxtapose it to so many of the insanely stupid things you say. (such as your comment today about not wanting your pay to go into the next tax bracket, LOL). 150 IQ and you're that confused about how taxes work ?
I'm thinking maybe you like Trump becasue you are like him. One of my favorite parts of the debate last night was when Trump went in to a long spiel about how NATO is only just now starting (FOR THE FIRST TIME) to be willing to address terrorism. And Trump takes credit for it. IT's becasue of him and his criticism of NATO (he thinks) THen a couple minutes later Hillary talks about NATOs commitment to fighting terrorism with us after 9/11. THe look on Trumps face was priceless.
such as your comment today about not wanting your pay to go into the next tax bracket, LOL)
I'm not sure what you's are having so much trouble understanding. You didn't know that you are taxed more, when you earn more?
Up to ~38k @ 15%
38k-90k @25%
Every thousand over 38k loses 250, instead of the thousands made under 38k which lose 150$ per 1k. Thats an additional $100 penalty per $1000 earned. I thought everyone knew that.
It's probably that Trump does too.
No, he was strictly real estate until after the 2008 meltdown. Then he jumped into securities until at least 2013 at which point he'd sold out. May have bought back in I'm not sure.
all negative events of the last 30 yrs to HRC
~50 starting with Johnson's Great Society. Each progressively worse. She's the tip of that iceberg yet has the most ballast. It's a paradox.
I'm not sure what you's are having so much trouble understanding. You didn't know that you are taxed more, when you earn more?
Up to ~38k @ 15%
38k-90k @25%Every thousand over 38k loses 250, instead of the thousands made under 38k which lose 150$ per 1k. Thats an additional $100 penalty per $1000 earned. I thought everyone knew that.
Fantastic stuff. I can see you're making great use of that 150 IQ of yours.
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I hope everyone will be tuning in... Perhaps, we can have some live discussion. Kind of like Mystery Science Theater... only with Patnet members and politics...
For those living under a rock, the debate begins tonight at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 for us west coasters).
So... Any pregame discussion? Are we taking odds on Hillary coughing/tripping/fainting...? Or Trump losing his temper and calling Hillary a "pig...?" Or perhaps bets on how many times he says the word "yuuuuge?"
Finally! Some drama!
