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It's funny, in the edited video, he says Trumpon. They didn't even bother deleting the second part of her name.
So, YesYNot, he really meant to say that "Clinton will win landslide popular vote, but Trump will definitely be elected president?"
What What WHAT?
A percentage point either way with the popular vs the electoral college is one thing but an outright landslide popular vote ending in the establishment picking the vote anyway.
The Trump campaign was Grateful Dead concert compared to what it will turn into if Soros pulls that shit. The FBI, the NSA and just about every police agency in America will step up depose their boss, and restore order in America. There's a lot of fed up Americans and a lot of them actually work in the Government under inept corrupt sons of bitches and are just itching to set things right.
So bring it on Bag Boy, I'll grab Soros by his droopy eye bags and swing him around until I have lose skin in my hands. On Paper View!
Why did ZH pull this article?
Bloomberg video is obviously there, but only headline is on ZH now, and it says "access denied" when I try to open link:
What What WHAT?
Jesus. The interview was from the Primaries. Back in January, Soros says Hillary will win the popular vote in a landslide. He said it won't be a landslide in the electoral college, because paid political advertisements will prevent a landslide. But she will win easily in the electoral college. Anyway, who the fuck cares? Are you guys still looking for some big conspiracy theory? Hedgehog probably pulled it when he realized he got punked.
I busted his balls today. He deserves some credit for pointing out that clearly erroneous time frame, mis-characterization of what Soros' said, etc.
I've been grumpy, but many people are totally wigging out IRL and online.
I've never seen and economic or political cycle in the U.S. like this, which is phucking with peoples' brain stems in such a profound manner.
Before this is over, I to see Don Lemon & Sean Hannity in a real, steel-cage death match, using sharpened weapons.
I want a damn real, bloody revolution. Old school style.
Why did ZH pull this article?
Because it had been exposed as FALSE, based on a badly edited video.
You can watch the full original video on Bloomberg.
This thread should be about how someone's hopes and misconceptions can allow them to think an obvious spoof is real. Here, you have Soros on video exclaiming that Trump will win the popular vote in a landslide. Anyone, who is not neck deep in wishful bullshit would immediately think that this is probably a fake, and spend the 10 seconds to google it. But these types of posts are common these days due to psychological blinders.
Instead of a little self-reflection, the OP decides to try to use it as an effort to mock me while giving a backhanded concession. Meanwhile, ironmangina, who was also duped due to his lack of critical thinking skills is using the thread as an opportunity to mock the critical thinking skills of the other team. It just like Trump, really. When he gets called a puppet, he says "No you're the puppet." When he gets caught on the grope tape, he goes off on Bill Clinton's rape accusations. Come on guys. Don't go through life like Pee-wee Herman. It's not worth it.
YesYNot All Polls are Rigged says
This thread
should beis abouthow someone's hopes and misconceptions can allow them to think an obvious spoof is quickly one can trigger YesYNot...
Developing: The 1 Time YesYNot May Be Correct