FBI/NYPD Stumbled on Podesta-Clinton Child Sex Ring through Weiner's emails?

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2016 Nov 4, 8:50am   7,688 views  20 comments

by 8e6e0   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Some weird shit right here.

I saw the early seemingly weird wikileak emails about "hankerchiefs," "walnut sauce," "pizza," "pasta," "cheese," where high level Clinton staffers were emailing each other about seemingly bizarre and trivial things, and couldn't wrap my brain around it -

Podesta-Clinton Emails Code for Child Sex: NYPD/FBI Criminal Investigation?



Search all Podesta emails for these keywords. We are uncovering a child sex ring.#PodestaEmails28

nternet Is On Fire With Speculation That Podesta Emails Contain Code for Child Sex

avatar by Cassandra Fairbanks | Nov 3, 2016

Emails revealed by Wikileaks from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s account contained lots of strange talk about food, ties to human trafficker Laura Silsby, and a photo of Asian girls eating pizza — so naturally the internet has been set on fire with theories about secret codes and a child sex ring.

On Wednesday, a Reddit post titled “I believe I have connected a convicted child abductor who was caught stealing children in Haiti with the Clintons,” contained a list of email links regarding Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge.


Silsby was found guilty in Haiti of child trafficking in 2010, after she attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican Republic border with 33 Haitian children — all but one of the children had at least one living parent and were not orphans. Nine others who were arrested along with her were freed, thanks to the efforts of the Clintons.

“Along with the Haitian justice system, some observers excused the missionaries’ actions, even though they rose to the level of child trafficking. They did so essentially because we place such little value on the integrity of poor families; the idea that the missionaries were acting to ‘save’ these children justified the damage they would have caused to the children and their families,” Shani M. King wrote for the Harvard Human Rights Journal. “In this way, the Silsby case offers a window into international and domestic child placement schemes that disrupt poor families and disregard traditional forms of child placement.”

Jorge Puello Torres, Silsby’s legal adviser, was later arrested for running an international sex trafficking ring. Torres was accused of luring girls from the Caribbean and Central America into prostitution by offering to make them “models.”

In 2011, he was sentenced to three years and one month in federal prison for “alien smuggling.”

“Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura’s NGO (EmailID 3776). Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti,” the Redditor wrote.

On Friday, Wikileaks released their 28th installment of the Podesta Files and the speculation online grew even stranger.

Theories and screenshots began to swirl, claiming that bizarrely-worded emails about food were codes for child sex trafficking. It is important to note that this is originated on anonymous message boards, and the “keywords” were not listed in any of the emails.

GuthDaddy @mediumsexy

Please read this Podesta email. Is this code for something SICK?

Jared Wyand 🇺🇸 @JaredWyand

Simple, either Podesta feeds everyone walnut sauce or he arranges orgies with Black boys

So many cryptic emails like this#PodestaEmails28

Lawyer and popular author/journalist Mike Cernovich was among those sharing and discussing the theories.

“As a lawyer who has handled many criminal cases, I have strong instincts for when ‘code’ is being used. Reading these emails gives me the sense that they are speaking code words, like criminals,” Cernovich told We Are Change. “However the reports I’ve seen online do not seem credible and I myself have not fully cracked the code.”

Cernovich added that because of the facts that Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin’s husband is currently under investigation for sexting a minor, and Bill Clinton flew on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet (which is called “The Lolita Express”), the whole inner circle deserves scrutiny.

“Bill Clinton took six trips to Epstein’s island without Secret Service. Weiner was sexting 15 year old girls. Whole inner circle is suspect,” Cernovich said.

Whether this is a case of confirmation bias, or something more sinister — one thing is certain:

People really do not trust Hillary Clinton — to the point where thousands of people are actually having serious discussions about whether or not she is involved in a child sex ring.

Perhaps the Democrats should consider bringing Bernie Sanders back now.
Cassandra Fairbanks
Cassandra Fairbanks is a DC-based writer and political commentator who has been published in a range of outlets including Sputnik News, Teen Vogue, TeleSUR, and Bipartisan Report.

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Cernovich added that because of the facts that Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin’s husband is currently under investigation for sexting a minor, and Bill Clinton flew on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet (which is called “The Lolita Express”), the whole inner circle deserves scrutiny.

“Bill Clinton took six trips to Epstein’s island without Secret Service. Weiner was sexting 15 year old girls. Whole inner circle is suspect,” Cernovich said.

Whether this is a case of confirmation bias, or something more sinister — one thing is certain:

People really do not trust Hillary Clinton — to the point where thousands of people are actually having serious discussions about whether or not she is involved in a child sex ring.

Perhaps the Democrats should consider bringing Bernie Sanders back now.


Comments 1 - 20 of 20        Search these comments

2   justme   2016 Nov 4, 10:17am  

Who are users AllTruth and 8e6e0 really? They look like good candidates for the IGNORE button. Are they they same person? Are they the same as some oft-ignored other users?

3   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 4, 10:26am  

Some sick shit.

I am going to predict that the FBI & NYPD are in open rebellion because Weiner's laptop contains BOTH emails related to Hillary's State Department AND emails communicating facts about this child-pedo ring, and DON't attempt to quash the State Department classified email investigation screwed up/interfered with the ability to prosecute the pedophilia ring case.

4   Ceffer   2016 Nov 4, 11:28am  

Yes. "I would really like to help them out" translates into "let's gang rape the toddlers with A-1 sauce".

5   HEY YOU   2016 Nov 4, 11:46am  

What's the problem? Is trump a lifetime member?
The FBI will not release certain emails,to protect
Republican sex fiends.
Any FBI agents on the sex rings membership list?

6   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Nov 4, 11:49am  

Ceffer says

"I would really like to help them out" translates into "let's gang rape the toddlers with A-1 sauce".

And A-1 sauce is really burn your ass off triple habanero sauce.

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 4, 11:54am  

Blood for the Blood God!
Milk for the Khorne Flakes!
Pussy for the IHL!

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 4, 12:42pm  

Sheesh, is there a Clinton scandal that does not in some way involve "Sperm"?

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 4, 1:13pm  

Just "Edgy" "Look I support this Weird so-called art shit, I'm so hip and cool" Upper Class Twittery.

Kreëmart at the MoCA Annual Gala 11/12/11 with Marina Abramovic and Deborah Harry from Raphael Castoriano on Vimeo.

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 4, 1:18pm  

Nothing new under the sun:

Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe.[1] Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality"[2] who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts, and the members were often involved in politics. Neither the activities nor membership of the club are easy to ascertain, for the clubs were rumored to have distant ties to an elite society known only as, The Order of the Second Circle.[3][4]

The first official Hellfire Club was founded in London in 1718, by Philip, Duke of Wharton and a handful of other high society friends.[5] The most notorious club associated with the name was established in England by Sir Francis Dashwood,[6] and met irregularly from around 1749 to around 1760, and possibly up until 1766.[7] In its later years, the Hellfire was closely associated with Brooks's, established in 1764. Other clubs using the name "Hellfire Club" were set up throughout the 18th century. Most of these clubs were set up in Ireland after Wharton's were dispelled.[8]


Toffs separate themselves from the unwashed masses and the workaholic, religious Middling Classes

11   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 4, 2:06pm  

Wait till the Catholics who lean Democrat get a load of this shit.

Alex Jones must be having a field day with this #SpiritCooking shit.

I'm waiting for Styxhexenhammer666 to weigh in.

This is like a plot to some Hammer Film, you know, secret Hellfire Satanist Tory Lords and the Wicker Man and all this undercover "The Elite are really with the Occult" shit.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 4, 2:13pm  

2016: The year the followers of Kek, the Egyptian Frog God of the moment before the Dawn and the symbol of renewal and meme warfare, defeated the Forces of Baphomet worshippers who want to bring in Mohammedian Radicals, to elect a Presbyterian whose first daughter is a convert to Conservative Judaism.

13   8e6e0   2016 Nov 4, 2:15pm  

This is Hillary's base.

Her REAL BASE, that funds her campaigns and the lifestyles of the other global puppets of the banks, defense contractors, financial firms, big pharma, etc.


14   dublin hillz   2016 Nov 4, 2:27pm  

Are you guys saying that Ratched has been running a torture chamber for the pleasure of monetary elites and psychos like in that film Hostel?

16   lostand confused   2016 Nov 4, 4:56pm  

WTF is this-it seems so strange it has to be true??

17   anonymous   2016 Nov 4, 4:59pm  

Weiner = penis?

18   anonymous   2016 Nov 4, 5:03pm  

lostand confused says

WTF is this-it seems so strange it has to be true??

Agree. The emails with those code words make no sense at all, so it has to be code for something.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 4, 5:30pm  

8e6e0 says

This is Hillary's base.

It is Hillary's base. A bunch of snobby professionals.

just any guy says

Weiner = penis?

Trump had a conversation with Bush about Pussy.
Hillary was betrayed by a guy named Weiner.

PS Folks - There's really only one major important Scandal, and really only one Question:

How did Hillary's State Dept. emails end up on Weiner's machine? Doesn't matter if they are "Duplicates" or not. They should never have been there.

20   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 14, 6:26am  

Simpson's predicted this too:

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