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No no use in Trolling. That does nothing. And was the why the Liberals never got their shit together in 2008, they started out doing shit for the sole purpose of making those Conservatives pay. That lead the tone for Obama's whole administration from his cabinet picks to how he did everything. He might have actually pulled some of his shit off, had he taken his role more seriously than being the great divider in cheif.
He has exhibited the demeanor of Dunk tank Clown at the Carnival.
He might have actually pulled some of his shit off, had he taken his role more seriously than being the great divider in cheif.
Only true if you are one of the new breed of republicans.
The irony being is he is a military doofus. :)
I think you must have spent the last 18 months in a holding cell with no windows and no doors.
Trump turned out to be one of the most cunning Statesmen of the last Millennia.
Though the way Obama got in by being the Social Media President. Trump got in by having little birds in the NSA and FBI lackeys that was fed up.
How he used that information and the way they coordinated the release of the information in a well choreographed timed series of events. Together they brought the whole establishment down to their knees.
All the while being laughed at the very people he was bringing down. The media and Libs made me more upset than Trump by them. Because he had them all playing right into his hands.
He knew exactly what their moves were going to be and he knew what tidbits he was going to release. He timed those well executed Social Engineered comment designed to make the Media rip him apart. Subjects that he knew the Left has already killed and Cucked America over and they weren't going to be outraged this time Trump knew people were looking for a Liberator. He could say and get away with these Social taboos(In a Liberal Snowflake world) and boundaries that he was pushing to kill the PC culture. Just look at the trail of destruction he took out.
He took out the Main Stream Media
He took out the GOP base structure as it has been for more than a hundred years.
He took out the Bush Dynasty
He layed waste to 18 President candidates and the ones that didn't Never Trump him ended up as better politicians for it. and have survived politically if not enhanced. Those that did... well.
He took out the Hollywood Agenda Movie Propaganda industry.
He took a long list of pop stars
He took out Social Media
He Conscripted Gays knee capping Liberals number one Pit Bull fighter.
He bankrupted well funded PACs and made them obsolete for future elections.
He took down the Clintons
and he put Congress on notice, their terms limits are numbered
Surely you jest when you say he is a Military dufus
Most of his work is done, he took everyone out of the way that would have pushed him back. He already drained the Lake now he can get to the swamp.
Trump turned out to be one of the most cunning Statesmen of the last Millennia.
He simply was lucky the DNC didn't run a progressive. Low voter turnout is all. Kellyann Conway is just as stunned as the majority of the nation. This isn't some amazing winning strategy that won. Voter apathy won that for him.
Trump probably doesn't know a bow from a stern, what an F-18 is, and thinks physical walls are true security measures. He thinks physical mail is good battlefield communication. He thinks giving warning to a town you are about to wallop is giving too much information to an insurgency.
The guy has served less in the armed forces than I have, and that's saying something.
He is a far far cry from any hawk we have ever seen. Give it up. The Neo-cons take him to task on matters that go boom. He is amateur hour bigly.
Obama will out terrorist kill him everyday of the week ... unless he is going to "bomb the hell out of Isis" ... ;)
T-Rump is no warrior. He is a silver spoon socialite. Napoleon ... no ... Gatsby ... closer.
Trump will turn out to be one of the most moderate, pragmatics presidents of all time.
He'll end up making Lyndon Johnson look like a total ideologue by comparison.
It will be like sending a psychopath to an all tuition paid four year "Learn How To Be President" course at Trump University.
He simply was lucky the DNC didn't run a progressive.
Trump won because he is a great media manipulator and salesman. He might well have beaten Bernie. We'll never know because we never had that race.
Trump vs Biden should've been the race.
It would have been much, much closer, with Biden most likely winning.
9 November 1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte becomes dictator (1st consul) of France.
He simply was lucky the DNC didn't run a progressive.
I think he only ran for two reasons first of all he was laughed at when he said he was going to run in 2012, Mitt told him not to and he would let him run as a Republican. That's huge. Gary Johnson would be President today had he been a major PAC funded Democrat ticket.
So Trump was in a Big League party, and he probably had someone reach out to him that knew some things. That caught his interest by Trump's coming out speech. Though I'm not sure if he had insiders before or after. But after would explain why and how they met. By what he said. I can only ponder any other reason for the two paths meeting through what acquaintance and to what end was the meeting.
There's going to be hundreds of Political thrillers, novels and movies made about this and some fiction based on this. Trump has made Heroes out of Jack Ryan again.
I was telling a friend earlier. I said you remember that huge NSA data center Obama bragged about when he first came in office? It was going to collect every byte of data that flowed through civilian wire and keep America safe. We all thought that was scary and very Orwellian to say the least. Well as it turned out. Hillary didn't want to use her corny boring ole .Gov encrypted and secure email that would not have been scanned by NSA. They have key words that when they pick up in Emails and web communications, they are flagged for further review. I'm sure many Pat Net threads has made their filter many times. How ever they look at it and say, oh it's just those silly kids talking Politics again. How ever when Emails with classified headers, and subject lines Benghazi and From name like Sidney Blumenthal, to Podesta at Clinton.mail. They ask "That Clinton?". Well they aren't supposed to be doing that!
These guys have been monitoring her since day one. But where were they going to take that information to? Eric Holder? Or the Lunch Lady? They've been sitting on this information for a long long time.
They had to sit quiet and stand down through the countless congressional hearings where she lied and said she didn't have the emails and never sent them. They were looking for a Trump.
I would love to know how they got together. For some scary shit these NSA guys have scored one for the Good Guys. I remember in 2012 I said what if it was used on the Government for oversight to keep them honest. Turns out that's exactly what ended up happening. FWIW they didn't turnout to be KGB darkroom spooks. They released a video two weeks ago telling America what was going on, and about their operation. And to assure America it wasn't the Russians.
Trump didn't run a campaign Remember he has said the whole time. I am the messenger. And all will be revealed he said since day one.
Trump has well orchestrated this take down and you guys don't even grasp the gravity of what I am saying. This wasn't a Presidential race.
Trump would have lost against anyone that the NSA didn't have the dirt on pretty much a whole incumbent Corrupt administration Candidate.
Trump and his Peeps thought about what would be your biggest obstacles as President? I even remember early on, telling everyone how he's going to be refrained by the very establishment he's beating. How will he be able to work with them to get anything done? He systematically took out every obstacle as I have outlined above, and will go on to be the Greatest President since Sliced Bread.