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The fact that BREITBART OR ANY OTHER SELF-PROCLAIMED MEDIA SOURCE does or does not have corporate support/ownership has no bearing on the assertions made above.
Nice attempt at deflection, red herrings & straw men, though!
Why do you keep repeating what is an irrelevant statement, whether true or false?
What does Breitbart (or any other source of news or alleged news that you cite) have to do with the information in the original post?
Please explain this very clearly. Thanks.
*p.s. "Breitbart is no better than..." Okay, even if one accepts your implied opinion that Breitbart isn't "very good" (for the record - I'm not a fan of Breitbart as a "news" source), that assertion merely damns the "proper/mainstream/establishment" "news outlets," right?
Breitbart is no better than any of the other MSM sources. Please cite one totally and completely "unbiased" media source.
YOu guys miss the whole point of News and reporting.
The media isn't biased the readers and viewers are, because they follow one source like it's a team sport.
I was talking with my brother Thursday, we were talking about news sources. He said Breitbart is too biased for him. I said all news is Biased that why it is our duty to seek out other news sources for the Truth.
If I wan't to know what the Democrats are doing when it concerns me. I certainly don't go to FOX news or Breitbart for that matter, to get the scoop. And to be honest, by time it's even on FOX news or other Conservative leaning news publicans, it's already old news to me. I knew already these were Liberal issues. Because I was listening to NPR the Gold Standard of Liberal reporting. The Liberals on NPR are asking "What if we take all of the illegal immigrants and "Normalize" them by giving them sancturary in Blue cities around the country that needs help with struggling polls?"
"What if we make all public restrooms Gender Nuetral Trans freindly even in Elementary schools, and why don't we help those confused 6 and 8 years old with their transgender identification at school behind their parents backs?" it's for everyone's own good! By time I have already that on NPR, three months later it's all written in State or Federal legislation somewhere and the Government is set to vote on it.
That's when FOX starts bitching about it. I have already had three months of "What the FUCK!" it's not supprising to me. And I already have my own conclusion on it, I don't need Kraphammer to tell me how we will all be cursed.
The what-should-be-obvious thing being missed (IMO) except for what the OP implied is that the media, aka 4th Estate, aka Watchdog AGAINST Government & Oligarch abuse, -
It's hilarious to see kvetching and conspiracy rants about "alternative" news sources (code for non-establishment approved & co-funded organs) from the CORPORATE WHORE MEDIA,
6 corporations own, wholly or in part, every single network, cable channel (and cable company), newspaper, radio station, magazine or other media outlet in the U.S.