I warned everyone about the pending economic crash. Get The FUCK OUT OF MARKETS

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2016 Dec 28, 8:01am   10,919 views  65 comments

by AllTruth   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Not only have stocks signalled a top, with a HUGE REVERSAL COMING (as much as a 50% retracement - doubters will be bled to death as they hang on to overpriced equities at each market close, convinced that they've caught the falling knives and bottom), but check out real time data on pending mortgage applications, which HAVE TANKED, WITH INTEREST RATES SET TO EXPLODE EVEN HIGHER.

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27   Strategist   2017 Jan 3, 5:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

Nothing will EVER go down!! Houses will cost $2 Billion apiece.

They won't cost $2 billion apiece, but they will be 30% higher by 2020.

28   Done   2017 Jan 4, 1:24am  

I'll just put this on the table, no graybox decoder glasses provided.

In concept and by the #'s I liken the USD and US equities as the largest disruptive market anyone living has or will ever see and the #'s haven't even started to stretch.
I am very suspect if s&p500 sees less than 2 k again for a reasonably long period of time, their is phenomenal support @ 2150 monthly.Good luck with that 50% crash.
The massive money flow cycle into the US economy will take lots of time to complete and the size of the money flow back to the west from the east is much larger.then
the opposite was and the US will absorb much more of that then most can imagine. I raise that 50% crash mentioned with 85% odds against that happening and the 15%
of odds I give you is generous..

29   Done   2017 Jan 6, 2:26pm  

href="/post/1300651">AllTruth says

I warned everyone about the pending economic crash. Get The FUCK OUT OF MARKETS

New EOW high and close for the s$p500 and another conformation it's busting higher.
Read it and weep ALLBULLSHIT

30   AllTruth   2017 Jan 6, 3:09pm  

Buying stocks now is like sticking your erect dick inside the food processor.



31   Strategist   2017 Jan 6, 5:04pm  

AllTruth says

Buying stocks now is like sticking your erect dick inside the food processor.


More like putting it into the mouth of a Playboy Centerfold.

32   Done   2017 Jan 6, 11:14pm  

AllTruth says

Buying stocks now is like sticking your erect dick inside the food processor.



s$p500 price performance this week in conjunction with the last 4 is very positive both high and close are above
the last high. Order of strength by the #'s CAD USD NZD GBP CHF EUR AUD JPY and CAD USD are front runners by far
and they are not even close to stretched. Lots of trades both long and short and now is not the time to short US
markets or currency other than a counter trend trade but don't get left behind.

33   Done   2017 Jan 24, 9:56pm  

Hey AllBullShit. Watch the magic, it's clearly going to be an epic event.
You and Mr. Cuban might want to reexamine your positions.

34   Done   2017 Jan 25, 10:03am  

Just for you AllBullShit,
KABOOM!!! and more to come.....

35   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 25, 10:12am  

just any guy says

blathering idiotic retarded statements

Sounds like all Patnetters.

36   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jan 25, 11:00am  

Strategist says

They won't cost $2 billion apiece, but they will be 30% higher by 2020.

I'm simply following the "never gonna drop Aaa-gain" mantra to it's logical conclusion.

37   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jan 25, 11:13am  

Strategist says

More like putting it into the mouth of a Playboy Centerfold.

Yeah, if you're Andrew Luster with a fresh batch of chloroform. Only problem is no one told you about a victims bite reflex, and now she's spitting your manhood back in your face, and your bleeding out faster than an illegal running for the border before the machine gun turrets are installed.

38   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jan 25, 11:15am  

Graybox says

Just for you AllBullShit,


KABOOM!!! and more to come.....


39   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 25, 11:26am  

At least the market gives every investor the same chance to enter the 1%.
The markets motto: "There will be no hanky panky here."
Honesty is a virtue.
WE are all winners.

40   Done   2017 Feb 9, 7:34am  

Kaboom!!! AllBullShit for brains, S&P500 Brand New High
Perhaps both a New EOW High and Close.

41   zzyzzx   2017 Feb 9, 7:56am  

AllTruth says

Not only have stocks signalled a top, with a HUGE REVERSAL COMING (as much as a 50% retracement - doubters will be bled to death as they hang on to overpriced equities at each market close, convinced that they've caught the falling knives and bottom), but check out real time data on pending mortgage applications, which HAVE TANKED, WITH INTEREST RATES SET TO EXPLODE EVEN HIGHER.

Got a time frame on this? I mean, this information is useless without a time frame.

42   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 9, 9:08am  

Graybox says

Perhaps both a New EOW High and Close.

Says the man who's never met a top he didn't invest in.

43   HEY YOU   2017 Feb 9, 9:09am  

What can I do to help?

44   Done   2017 Feb 9, 9:18am  

NuttBoxer says

Graybox says

Perhaps both a New EOW High and Close.

Says the man who's never met a top he didn't invest in.

lol Pick your poison (ticker) and lets have a little competition...

45   thepaine   2017 Feb 9, 12:47pm  

This money madness is what got me interested in this site back when it was a real estate site.

I don't want to be all irrationally doom and gloom but...I mean, people don't take medicine, heavy medicine, when they are healthy.

Near zero interest rates. Round after round of quantitative easing. The fed wouldn't be doing this if the economy was fundamentally healthy, right?

46   deepcgi   2017 Feb 9, 4:38pm  

I am constantly wondering now what the trigger for the Great Reset will be.

I have my eye on Italy. They have been out of the spotlight for some time now as they continue to swing deals to service their debt. The country, however, is flat broke. I believe that Greece's recent efforts to renegotiate debt again is a sign that Italy is on the edge. Germany is in no position to save them.

Then again there is the chinese government spending 200 percent of GNP. Shadow bank laundering is uncontrollable and they are hemoraging private wealth to foreign real estate. In-country real estate has zero real market demand for the prices. Yikes.

Then again radical islam is in an excellent position for a major terrorist strike on a first world non Muslim country.

Anyone for a nice violent holiday lunch on Saturday September 11th in honor of the Iranian Revolution of 1979? I would not be surprised.

47   thepaine   2017 Feb 9, 5:09pm  

Sigh. The only other thing I worry about is...

...can the US kick this can down the curb perpetually?

By keeping interest rates near 0, maybe we can keep just making minimum payments on the debt and keep treading water forever?

The fear of some major correction / depression would then be replaced with the reality of long term economic stagnation. We just keep paying the interest on the debt and wallow along with nothing changing. Stasis.

48   Done   2017 Feb 10, 7:49am  

Graybox says

Kaboom!!! AllBullShit for brains, S&P500 Brand New High

Perhaps both a New EOW High and Close.

Looking good.....

49   Patrick   2017 Feb 10, 8:11am  

deepcgi says

Anyone for a nice violent holiday lunch on Saturday September 11th in honor of the Iranian Revolution of 1979? I would not be surprised.

I'd be very surprised. September 11th was a purely Saudi Wahhabi attack, and the Saudis despise the Iranians, who in turn despise them back.

The Saudis are not going to honor the Iranian revolution, nor are the Iranians going to give the Saudis credit for the 9/11.

In fact, the Iranians seem to be involved in almost zero terrorism in the West. It's just not their thing for some reason I don't understand.

The Saudis totally might murder thousands of Americans again though. They got away with it once, so why not do it again?

50   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 10, 9:22am  

Graybox says

lol Pick your poison (ticker) and lets have a little competition...

And that's why we disagree. You don't understand a world where investments don't include stocks. That's fine when the economy is strong and stable. But when it's volatile and collapsing...

51   Done   2017 Feb 10, 9:33am  

NuttBoxer says

Graybox says

lol Pick your poison (ticker) and lets have a little competition...

And that's why we disagree. You don't understand a world where investments don't include stocks. That's fine when the economy is strong and stable. But when it's volatile and collapsing...

"investments don't include stocks."
Investments can be anything.... What a statement.
All the losing bears I'm sure would disagree with all their loss of investment dollars.
How about a currency (ticker) a countries blood line? Is currency an investment or is it just RE?

52   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 10, 9:39am  

Graybox says

How about a currency (ticker) a countries blood line? Is currency an investment or is it just RE?

Holy shit, your brain is trapped in a box of junk paper. Have you ever invested in anything real? I don't think you can even understand that question, let alone answer it.

53   Done   2017 Feb 10, 9:54am  

NuttBoxer says

Holy shit, your brain is trapped in a box of junk paper. Have you ever invested in anything real? I don't think you can even understand that question, let alone answer it.

Perhaps my retail store counts as 1? You like AllBullShit for brains spew nothing just open ended meaningless statements.
You have been sharing your great analysis for as long as you have been wrong. You share nothing of substance but rather make
open ended statements that have no meaning or can be put to test.

54   Done   2017 Feb 10, 10:16am  

AllTruth says

Not only have stocks signalled a top, with a HUGE REVERSAL COMING (as much as a 50% retracement - doubters will be bled to death as they hang on to overpriced equities at each market close, convinced that they've caught the falling knives and bottom), but check out real time data on pending mortgage applications, which HAVE TANKED, WITH INTEREST RATES SET TO EXPLODE EVEN HIGHER.

Graybox says

NuttBoxer says

Holy shit, your brain is trapped in a box of junk paper. Have you ever invested in anything real? I don't think you can even understand that question, let alone answer it.

I didn't start this post but if you read and understand the topic of discussion you might find something of substance to share.
The whole origination of this post is about the markets.

55   Done   2017 Feb 14, 9:56am  

Graybox says

Kaboom!!! AllBullShit for brains, S&P500 Brand New High

This is for you too NuTTJuice

56   Done   2017 Feb 15, 7:45am  

Get the Vaseline out AllBullShit for brains and NuTTJuice.
Another new high very likely today....

57   Done   2017 Feb 15, 7:52am  

You might want to buy some short term oil contracts your going to need lots of Vaseline before the 50% crash
your predicting.....

58   Done   2017 Feb 15, 6:17pm  

Graybox says

I have a very different take and expectation in that by default we will continue to

do very well with our currency and markets. s&p500 and the DXY will likely stair step higher

and higher. USOIL could be looking to test 57-62.5 while s&p500 heads up to 2350-2450 easy. One

of the measures I consider is the daily volume of the world currency exchange which if you have been

watching you would see the massive changes that have taken place from the middle of the 2013 and

especially since Trumps win. The currency markets made a historical daily high and followed through

creating an avg vol. of the prior extended high vol. days for a month and US dollars were by far the most

benefited. My take is that money was put in dollars to buy our markets and what has been seen is just the

beginning of a longer trend.

Say uncle..... 2350 now on to 2450 but likely not without a bit of a pullback.
Retail twins, AllBullShit for brains and NuTTJuice just part of the herd.

59   Done   2017 Feb 27, 12:25am  

We have a new spx500 high this week in just a few hours of trading lol yep....

60   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Feb 27, 1:20am  

so when is this crash going to come?

61   RWSGFY   2017 Feb 27, 12:54pm  

Are we there yet?

62   Patrick   2017 Feb 27, 1:09pm  

The markets have been doing super good since Trump's election.

63   Done   2017 Mar 1, 10:58am  


You make it to easy...

64   Done   2017 Mar 1, 11:28am  

Graybox says

I have a very different take and expectation in that by default we will continue to
do very well with our currency and markets. s&p500 and the DXY will likely stair step higher
and higher. USOIL could be looking to test 57-62.5 while s&p500 heads up to 2350-2450 easy. One
of the measures I consider is the daily volume of the world currency exchange which if you have been
watching you would see the massive changes that have taken place from the middle of the 2013 and
especially since Trumps win. The currency markets made a historical daily high and followed through
creating an avg vol. of the prior extended high vol. days for a month and US dollars were by far the most
benefited. My take is that money was put in dollars to buy our markets and what has been seen is just the
beginning of a longer trend. Obviously there will be pull backs and counter trend type trading 60%+ of the time but
over all in the global environment we find ourselves we are in a very good place and it will take considerable
time to be absorbed and cycled though the system. Short term USOIL might test the 60 and then backwash a
considerable amount before it bottoms. In time sellers will have no choice but to become buyers as will be evidence in
volatility as VIX goes to 9s and easily lower. The largest companies have to hedge Trump as president which
means they will need to both keep money here and invest money here. A large measure of Bi-partisan politics
is likely to be taking place giving more room for that 1% money to go to work here. My Trump model worked like a dream
and tallied a profit factor of 7.11 and looking to repeat or do better soon. If you are bearish US it will be best to step aside.

Just a little reminder

65   Strategist   2017 Mar 1, 12:50pm  

jazz music says

I agree Trump is unleashing oil, coal, timber and banking abuse of the country along with spoiling for the next war and simultaneously ramping up enforcement while making noises about clamping down on free speech.

Business is going to boom unsustainably like the roaring twenties until the next democrat administration and investment retreats while debts get paid and damages repaired from this.

Profits are going to be humongous, and people better stay off the streets and lay low because jobs are not going to be steady or highly paid any more: this much has been institutionalized by now. You can enroll in seminars to learn how to keep reducing payrolls. Layoffs are built into the business cycles especially for STEM workers, and especially for the higher paid specialists. --your only hope is to find a lucrative consulting niche, which can be hard as hell, but you'll never do it if you keep going for those salaried jobs

Why do you hate prosperity?

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