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We should counter their march with a 1 million man "Make me a sandwich" march.
Look at me ! Look at me! Did you see me on TV?
I'm so excited!
A list of Ignorant Sluts might be helpful.
They are hoping their periods will synchronize, and for the week of the inauguration they will become an unstoppable PMS Rage Machine.
It's already a laugh fest:
Then there's the almost-comical progressive hysteria over the event's name. It was initially called the Million Women March. But that was hastily dropped after the original organizers, three white women, were slammed for "cultural appropriation." Why? Because they were allegedly poaching the heritage of the 1997 Million Woman March for black women. Further appropriation concerns arose because the event evidently encroached on the legacy of the 1963 March on Washington by Martin Luther King Jr. when he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. In response to this objection, the organizers had to actually release a statement billing the Women's March as a tribute to King.
They have not been able to properly organize and continuously squabble among themselves elves.