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2017 Feb 19, 8:06pm   67,194 views  928 comments

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809   anonymous   2019 Mar 12, 8:45am  

Donald on Kim—Love’s in the Air

I think I won

With Kim Jong-un.

He’s a major leader,

I’m a bottom feeder.

He’s an absolute power.

But I’m Donald TRUMP Tower.

I believe what he says,

He’s Chairman, I’m Pres.

Vlad thinks he is cool,

I’m nobody’s fool.

We sat down for tea.

I think he likes me.

He’s got the green light.

I am his white knight.

He knows that he flatters.

To me, that’s what matters.

Democracy wrong,

Boy he is strong!

He killed his half-brother,

From a different mother.

An airport killing!

I find it so thrilling.

I felt our connection,

And even affection.

He’s a liar and cheat,

I find him so sweet.

He’s such an oppressor,

I'll use his hairdresser.

He showed me his missile.

I just sat and whistled.

I think I’m in love.

He fits like a glove.

810   anonymous   2019 Mar 12, 8:46am  

America’s Recipe—Plain and Simple

Trump is effective because he is the shiny object. Devoid of substance, the message is him. If the medium is the message, (said the late Marshall Mcluhan), then self is what we get from a narcissist. Self-dealing, self-promotion, self-aggrandizement, self-righteous, self-serving but never selfless.

The leaders of free nations attained their position through hard work, rising up through the ranks, being outstanding, admired and effective. Trump’s becoming President was a fluke, a mistake and aberration in an imperfect system where every vote didn’t count because of the Electoral Voting system. In retrospect, it’s become increasing debatable whether Hillary [Clinton] was the best (or even a good) candidate but the special ignorance and attitude of the current resident of the White House makes him the best—at being the worst. He is a “winner” by all accounts. He is the angriest, phoniest, most incompetent and dishonest egomaniac ever to set foot where the other 44 have gone before him.

Any other person, any other species, some not even mammals, would serve more effectively. Trump is devoid of compassion. A person who takes delight in caging children and permanently separating them from their parents are nature’s chromosomal deviates. Yes, there’s an abnormality in the Oval!

Like the man himself, he is painfully simple, uncurious, easily swayed by dark forces (Fox News), willing to believe the worst of good people and reject the worst in tyrants and despots. In fact, the admires and emulates dictators. He dreams of being an absolute autocrat is only he could lie, cheat and con his way to that end. Everyone around him is forced to dumb down his information. He is a cartoon character in a 46XXL suit. He is a lurking, scowling, mockery of a mistake.

If the medium is really the message, Trump as President says a lot. It tells a story of a failed United States—one where racists and white supremacists, bigots and extremists crept out into the open to worship their peach-haired golden idol-of-mayhem. It brands America as an erratic player, one to distrust, to be wary of, to hold at arms-length.

So, I ask if simple is better? Sadly, simple is what we have. A science denier who hates theories—climate change, gravity, relativity—they are more than his single neurons can wrap their little hands around. Beware, a person who doubts evolution is unevolved. He appoints the incompetent and rich to government jobs they cannot even spell or understand. These are his shills who he owns, his well-groomed, tightly-leashed grovelers who will help him consolidate his power. Yes, he is a simple, unencumbered, unapologetic dictator, a punisher first and foremost, who relishes being feared, not respected.

Simple is less than we bargained for.

811   anonymous   2019 Mar 12, 8:46am  

812   anonymous   2019 Mar 12, 8:49am  

“We’re Assholes”: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Announces the Trump Doctrine from the White House Briefing Room

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: Good afternoon. I wanted to start today with the official announcement of the Trump Doctrine. There’s been plenty of speculation among the media about what a possible Trump Doctrine represents so we’ve decided it will save a lot of time if we just state it outright.

We’re assholes.

Honestly, we thought this was pretty obvious from the last two plus years, but this makes it official. Whenever the administration announces a policy you can assume it was following a deliberative process in which we carefully decided what an asshole would do and then chose that.

President Trump has initiated a trade war with his closest allies because he’s an asshole. He canceled the Iran deal because he’s an asshole. He tweets about Maxine Waters because he’s an asshole. He goes to the G7 summit and suggests Russia should be readmitted to the group because he’s an asshole.

Thousands of white people show up to President Trump’s rallies because he’s an asshole who attracts other assholes.

We look forward to living the principles of the Trump Doctrine on a daily basis for the next six years, longer if we decide elections are something only non-assholes believe in.

Q: JIM ACOSTA (CNN): Does this apply to issues like the policy separating migrant children from families at the border?

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: Yes, in this case the policy is rooted in President Trump not just being an asshole in general, but a racist asshole in specific.

Q: HALLIE JACKSON (NBC): Does the Trump Doctrine exclusively apply to President Trump or does it extend to other members of the administration?

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: I think it’s been made pretty clear this administration is filled with assholes. When General Kelly makes excuses for not firing a known domestic abuser, it’s because General Kelly is an asshole.

When Peter Navarro said there was a “special place in Hell” for Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, it’s because he’s an asshole.

Secretary Pruitt isn’t just an asshole, but a corrupt asshole. Secretary DeVos is a clueless asshole.

We’ve successfully installed assholes in every part of the government, assholes top to bottom.

Q: HALLIE JACKSON: Follow-up, do you see the Trump Doctrine as a break from the traditions of the Republican Party?

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: I think it’s also clear that the Republican Party has been filled with assholes for quite a long time.

Paul Ryan is a callous asshole. Mitch McConnell is a smirking asshole. Devin Nunes is a traitorous asshole. Jeff Flake and Marco Rubio are spineless assholes.

Essentially, anyone who still publicly identifies as a Republican is an asshole. It’s really Donald Trump’s party now, a big tent by and for assholes, including not just racist assholes, but greedy assholes as well.

Q: ED HENRY (Fox News): Sarah, is it fair to say that the Trump Doctrine is an essential part of making America great again?

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: Ed, I think we’re all familiar with the phrase “nice guys finish last,” right? If that’s true, it isn’t hard to figure out where assholes finish.

Q: MAGGIE HABERMAN (New York Times): In keeping up with our paper’s tradition of using euphemisms like “questionable truths” for “lies” and “racially tinged” for “racist” would it be okay if we said “rear-end orifice” instead of “asshole.”


Q: ASHLEY PARKER (Washington Post): Do you consider yourself part of the Trump Doctrine?

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: Would I be able to stand up here and lie to you day after day if I wasn’t an asshole? Would I tweet about being denied service at a restaurant knowing it would rain a giant shitstorm down on a small business if I wasn’t an asshole?

Do the math, Ashley.

Q: ASHLEY PARKER (almost inaudible): Asshole.


Q: JONATHAN KARL (ABC): Is the First Family also subject to the Trump Doctrine?

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: I think you can answer that question for yourself, Jon. Why would Melania Trump wear a jacket with I REALLY DON’T CARE printed on the back after she visits migrant children if she wasn’t an asshole? Why would Ivanka Trump post adorable pictures of her with her children on Instagram while other parents are being forcibly separated from their offspring if she wasn’t an asshole?

Why would Donald Jr. continue to draw breath if he wasn’t just a giant, gaping asshole?

It’s not complicated. It’s never been complicated.

Q: JONATHAN KARL (ABC): What about Tiffany?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Who?

Q: DAVID BRODY (Christian Broadcasting Network): How does President Trump reconcile the Trump Doctrine with his strong Christian faith.

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: David, I think if you examine the Bible, you’ll see nothing incompatible between being a Christian and being an asshole. In fact, some of the biggest assholes in history have possessed a strong Christian faith.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for one example. My father for another.

Okay, we have time for one more question.

Q: MAJOR GARRETT (CBS News): What does the Trump Doctrine mean for the importance of civility in political discourse?

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: Civility is hugely important… for other people, because it makes it easier for us to just keep being assholes.

That’s it for today. Later, dickheads.

Q: (SEVERAL VOICES): Thanks, Sarah!

813   anonymous   2019 Mar 12, 8:53am  

815   NDrLoR   2019 Mar 12, 9:14am  

If you think things are so bad under Trump, what do you think it would be like now under Hillary, whose mentor was Saul-Patron Saint of Losers-Alinsky?
816   anonymous   2019 Mar 12, 9:37am  

P N Dr Lo R says
If you think things are so bad under Trump, what do you think it would be like now under Hillary, whose mentor was Saul-Patron Saint of Losers-Alinsky?

"Inquiring minds want to know" - what would it be like?
819   anonymous   2019 Mar 12, 3:47pm  

820   anonymous   2019 Mar 15, 5:20am  

821   anonymous   2019 Mar 15, 5:21am  

822   Richard Wicks   2019 Mar 15, 11:12am  

Has Trump started a new war yet?


He's better than either Obama or Bush then.
823   Richard Wicks   2019 Mar 15, 11:12am  

Has Trump started a new war yet?


He's better than either Obama or Bush then.
824   Bd6r   2019 Mar 15, 2:42pm  

Richard Wicks says
Has Trump started a new war yet?


He's better than either Obama or Bush then.

that actually makes sense 100%
825   Richard Wicks   2019 Mar 15, 2:56pm  

jazz_music says
How do you feel when people like me come along and say Trump's a fucking disaster of global proportions and his will go down in history as the worst era in America.

I dismiss you as a non objective person that is brainwashed into thinking either:

1) the previous president who lied us into bombing Libya, and Syria, who spent 8 years bombing 7 nations creating a refugee crisis of massive proportions that is now sinking Europe was a "good president" even though his only domestic "accomplishments" was a national discussion on transgendered bathrooms and legalizing gay marriage which nobody cared about


2) the president before him, who violated the Geneva Conventions that our nation forced post imperial japan and post Nazi Germany to sign the Geneva Conventions to make certain an expansionist belligerent nation would never emerge again, in order to lie us into the Iraq war over a non exist weapons of mass destruction program

was better.

I'd simply ignore you. You don't have an objective metric for making any sort of measurement. You have no principles.

If this was 1950, and Obama and George W. Bush did EXACTLY what they did in WWII and nothing else - Eisenhower would have dragged them to Nuremberg, had a trial, then would execute them as war criminals - because that's precisely what they are.

jazz_music says
We're all just assholes. Not him, but us for not supporting him.

I'm not saying you're an asshole.

I'm saying you have no principles at all. I'm saying you don't have an opinion at all. "Your" opinion is any bullshit propaganda that one or the other bullshit party is producing. You don't have a thought at all worth considering. Your "thoughts" are manufactured for you, and you repeat them like a mindless computer program. YOU are propaganda, not a person.

I'm certain you are entirely convinced your ideas are unique and special to you - which is why everybody you are friends with has the same exact thoughts and your party echos "your" thoughts.
826   Richard Wicks   2019 Mar 15, 4:07pm  

OHHHH, I get it it, I end up in moderation if I use the special red word.

Well, fuck it. I'm out.

The only reason I came back to this site is that we're in another, extremely, obvious housing bubble, also a bond bubble.
828   Onvacation   2019 Mar 15, 6:45pm  

Richard Wicks says
Well, fuck it. I'm out.

@Richard Wicks
that would be patnet's loss.

You are not allowed to call brainwashed idiots, brainwashed idiots on patnet anymore. You can, however, rub their nose in the facts until their cognitive dissonance makes their little brains explode.
829   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 15, 7:41pm  

What bond bubble?

There is no you word moderation. Anyone can click flag when triggered, usually posts return.

Richard Wicks says
OHHHH, I get it it, I end up in moderation if I use the special red word.

Well, fuck it. I'm out.

The only reason I came back to this site is that we're in another, extremely, obvious housing bubble, also a bond bubble.
831   Richard Wicks   2019 Mar 15, 10:15pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
Anyone can click flag when triggered

HAHA - I'm DOUBLY out.

Bad enough to be censored by somebody that has some legitimate control over the site, insane to pander to every SJW toddler in the universe that expects to win a trophy every time they don't defecate in their pants.

I have no problem with moderation, but only if I can opt out of it. For example, if somebody is "triggered" by you, I have to let THEM slow down the conversation. If I cannot opt out, and simply ignore, them if that is what I want, I should be able to do it - and that is what I want. I want to see how people are censored, and if I can't I cannot trust how the site is being censored, if it's legitimate or not.

According to this:

FortWayneIndiana says
usually posts return.

It's generally not legitimate it appears.
832   Richard Wicks   2019 Mar 15, 10:16pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
Anyone can click flag when triggered

HAHA - I'm DOUBLY out.

Bad enough to be censored by somebody that has some legitimate control over the site, insane to pander to every SJW toddler in the universe that expects to win a trophy every time they don't defecate in their pants.

I have no problem with moderation, but only if I can opt out of it. For example, if somebody is "triggered" by you, I have to let THEM slow down the conversation. If I cannot opt out, and simply ignore, them if that is what I want, I should be able to do it - and that is what I want. I want to see how people are censored, and if I can't I cannot trust how the site is being censored, if it's legitimate or not.

According to this:

FortWayneIndiana says
usually posts return.

It's generally not legitimate it appears.
837   anonymous   2019 Mar 17, 5:43am  

838   anonymous   2019 Mar 17, 5:45am  

839   Onvacation   2019 Mar 17, 9:09am  

jazz_music says
Trump is in hot water and will remain in hot water. He did not stop being a crook

Got any evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors worthy of impeachment? Neither does Nancy.

I fear TDS has no cure.
840   Onvacation   2019 Mar 17, 9:09am  

jazz_music says
History will tell this story

842   Onvacation   2019 Mar 17, 12:37pm  

jazz_music says

Fuck them. They are all fascists. Some are also dirty low life racists, especially the poor ones in southern states and crooked power hungry involved in enforcement and local government.

What would be the suggested solution?
845   marcus   2019 Mar 17, 12:44pm  

Trump really said this in a Brietbart interview the other day:

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough – until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

"until they go to a certain point. " is referring to the media and political opponents.

Just another normal week in American politics. Nothing to see here.

846   anonymous   2019 Mar 18, 2:47am  

847   anonymous   2019 Mar 18, 2:48am  

848   anonymous   2019 Mar 18, 2:50am  

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