by marcus ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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Trump is dumping shoes he don't want no Obama foot jam you can belieb dat shit!
You do know that the vast majority of police in the UK are still unarmed, and, for example, in the year up to March 2016, those that were armed discharged their weapons a grand total of 7 times...
Edit: amusing that someone actually disliked this comment...
Instant Celebrity, the guy is already being drawn in poltical cartoons. Trump wasn't lying, that was fast.
This one actually does illustrate the utter contempt for the middle of the country that was absolutely essential to getting Trump elected.
"This one actually does illustrate the utter contempt for the middle of the country that was absolutely essential to getting Trump elected."
That's complete nonsense. Rural folks have more contempt for the liberals on the coasts and big cities than the reverse. By far.
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