Defend Islam

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2017 Feb 26, 10:18pm   65,385 views  298 comments

by PeopleUnited   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of Islam and/or why any non-Moslem would consider it a good thing if more Moslems lived in their town or neighborhood.

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281   richwicks   2022 Apr 8, 7:28pm  

gabbar says
No other religion in Europe makes so many demands

I don't know. I think Judaism may. Find a prominent Jew that speaks out against illegal immigration or accepting "refugees" when they are talking about any other country other than Israel.

In many parts of Europe you can end up in jail for just discussing WWII.
282   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 8, 8:08pm  

DooDahMan says
PeopleUnited says
Isn’t that a non answer to the question?

This is something I learned quite some time back as a facilitator and also from our wonderful politicians, mostly the latter.

Aaaand once again a non answer to the question.
283   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 8, 8:28pm  

A response to Steven Weinberg whose ancestors were likely people of faith:


Here are some of the greatest scientists in history who were also deeply committed to their Christian faiths.

robert boyleRobert Boyle 1627 – 1691.
Said that a deeper understanding of science was a higher glorification of God. Defined elements, compounds, and mixtures. Discovered the first gas law – Boyle’s Law.
antoine lavoisierAntoine Lavoisier 1743 – 1794.
A Roman Catholic believer in the authenticity of the Holy Scriptures. A founder of modern chemistry; discovered oxygen’s role in combustion and respiration; discovered that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen;
eratosthenesLeonhard Euler 1707 – 1783.
The son of a Calvinist pastor. Wrote religious texts and is commemorated by the Lutheran Church on their Calendar of Saints. Published more mathematics than any other single mathematician in history, much of it brilliant and groundbreaking.

michael faradayMichael Faraday 1791 – 1867.
A devout member and elder of the Sandemanian Church. Discovered electromagnetic induction; discovered the first experimental link between light and magnetism; carried out the first room-temperature liquefaction of a gas.
james clerk-maxwellJames Clerk Maxwell 1831 – 1879.
An evangelical Protestant who learned the Bible by heart at age 14. Transformed our understanding of nature: his famous equations unified the forces of electricity and magnetism, indicating that light is an electromagnetic wave. His kinetic theory established that temperature is entirely dependent on the speeds of particles.
gregor mendelGregor Mendel 1822 – 1884.
A Roman Catholic Augustinian abbot. Founded the science of genetics; identified many of the mathematical rules of heredity; identified recessive and dominant traits.
Arthur ComptonArthur Compton 1892 – 1962.
A deacon in the Baptist Church. Discovered that light can behave as a particle as well as a wave, and coined the word photon to describe a particle of light.
ronald fisherRonald Fisher 1890 – 1962.
A devout Anglican: made religious broadcasts, and wrote religious articles. Unified evolution by natural selection with Mendel’s rules of inheritance, so defining the new field of population genetics. Invented experimental design; devised the statistical concept of variance.

bernhard riemannBernhard Riemann 1826 – 1866.
Son of a Lutheran pastor. A devout Christian who died reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Transformed geometry providing the foundation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity; the Riemann hypothesis has become the most famous unresolved problem in mathematics.
Georges LemaîtreGeorges Lemaître 1894 – 1966.
Roman Catholic priest. Discovered that space and the universe are expanding; discovered Hubble’s law; proposed the universe began with the explosion of a ‘primeval atom’ whose matter spread and evolved to form the galaxies and stars we observe today.
isaac newtonIsaac Newton 1643 to 1727.
Passionate dissenting Protestant who spent more time on Bible study than math and physics. Profoundly changed our understanding of nature with his law of universal gravitation and his laws of motion; invented calculus; built the first ever reflecting telescope; showed sunlight is made of all the colors of the rainbow.
Charles TownesCharles Townes 1915 – 2015.
A member of the United Church of Christ. Prayed daily. Wrote books linking science and religion; believed religion more important than science. Invented the laser and maser. Established that the Milky Way has a supermassive black hole at its center.
Mary AnningMary Anning 1799 – 1847.
A devoted Anglican, spent her spare time reading the Bible. Discovered the first complete specimen of a plesiosaur; deduced the diets of dinosaurs.

j. willard gibbsWillard Gibbs 1839 – 1903.
Member of the Congregational Church who attended services every week. Invented vector analysis and founded the sciences of modern statistical mechanics and chemical thermodynamics.
john daltonJohn Dalton 1766 – 1844.
A faithful Quaker who lived modestly. Dalton’s Atomic Theory is the basis of chemistry; discovered Gay-Lussac’s Law relating temperature, volume, and pressure of gases; discovered the law of partial gas pressures.
carl friedrich gaussCarl Friedrich Gauss 1777 – 1855.
A Lutheran Protestant who believed science revealed the immortal human soul and that there is complete unity between science and God. Gauss revolutionized number theory and invented the method of least squares and the fast Fourier transform. His profound contributions to the physical sciences include Gauss’s Law & Gauss’s Law for Magnetism.
charles barklaCharles Barkla 1877 – 1944.
A Methodist who believed science was part of his quest for God. Discovered that atoms have the same number of electrons as their atomic number and that X-rays emitted by excited atoms are ‘fingerprints’ for the atom.
george washington carverGeorge Washington Carver 1864 – 1943.
A Protestant Evangelist and Bible class leader whose faith in Jesus was the mechanism through which he carried out his scientific work. Improved the agricultural economy of the USA by promoting nitrogen providing peanuts as an alternative crop to cotton to prevent soil depletion.
francis collinsFrancis Collins 1950 – present.
Atheist turned devout Christian. Invented positional cloning. Took part in discovery of the genes for cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and neurofibromatosis. Directed National Human Genome Research Institute for 15 years.
Ernest WaltonErnest Walton 1903 – 1995.
A devout Methodist, who said science was a way of knowing more about God. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics after he artificially split the atom and proved that E = mc2.
florence nightingaleFlorence Nightingale 1820 – 1910.
An Anglican who believed God spoke to her, calling her to her work. Transformed nursing into a respected, highly trained profession; used statistics to analyze wider health outcomes; advocated sanitary reforms largely credited with adding 20 years to life expectancy between 1871 and 1935.

See link for more.

And let’s not forget that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, and pretty much every president in modern history claim some form of Christianity. So it would seem that if America was ever looked up to by he world it was at least in part due to the good influence that Christians had in its foundations. And if America falls or declines, it would seem that it is that those Christian influences have faded or been replaced with lies and wokeism.
284   Blue   2022 Apr 8, 10:29pm  

PeopleUnited says
Here are some of the greatest scientists in history who were also deeply committed to their Christian faiths.

Well, what can they do when the employer is religious institution or the one controlled by the religion. You have to act like others to socialize at least to a degree. The imaginary concept of "God" is created by men to get power over the others and loot wealth, take advantage of women and children to begin with. Islam is the worst form of the religion.

Like @gabbar says "The religion is the state, the state is the religion" it turns a human into lowest form on the planet. I myself witnessed the massive crimes and violence by Muslims in India. They are minority ~15% but more than 2/3rd of violent crimes committed by them. They literally create a fake documents in metros and occupy properties and kill if anyone resists. No one is dare to approach court if anyone does Indian sharia law and court ignore victims by dragging the case into decades. No politician, police, court will help the victims. Media never ever mention about Islamic crimes since doing so comes with hefty price. Islam is spreading to the west to force the civilization to take a uturn.
285   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 8, 11:20pm  

richwicks says
I don't know. I think Judaism may. Find a prominent Jew that speaks out against illegal immigration or accepting "refugees" when they are talking about any other country other than Israel.

Michael Savage, Longtime Radio host, banned in the UK precisely for his stance on immigration and assimilation. He just lost his nationally syndicated show a few months ago, which in the 90s and 2000s was 3rd only behind Rush and Art Bell's Coast to Coast, precisely because of his unwoke, anti-SJW stances on everything and despite his huge popularity and multitude of Broadcaster awards.

David Horowitz, NYT Bestselling Author and rabid anticommunist with (scores?) of books on the US Radical Left.

Mark Levin, Longtime national radio and tv host.

Ben Shapiro, another podcaster and former Breitbart bigwig.

Andrew Breitbart himself, proto-MAGA activist and of course father of Breitbart.

Boris Epsheyn, Trump 2016 and 2020 Special Advisor.

Yoram Hezony is an Academic Pro-Nationalist who writes about immigration extensively and it's danger to Nationalism:

That's right off the top of my head.

The #1 sponsor of wonton immigration is the Jesuit Order, which has dozens of Casas de Migrantes in Mexico to assist illegals from all over the world to enter the USA, feeding them, arranging transportation, and lodging them. Not only do Jesuit Colleges in the US endorse all CRT and Wokeness, with many Jesuit scholars attacking Jordan Peterson (!!!), but they fire Catholic Professors who simply explain the Church Teachings in neutral tones. In Europe the Catholic Church and especially Pope Francis have been extremely aggressive in encouraging immigration and shaming those opposed to mass migration from the MENA in particular.

https://casadelmigrantetijuana.com/en/what-life-is-like-on-the-u-s-mexico-border-america-jesuit-review/ (Salesian)

Once upon a time, every American and British child learned about Guy Fawkes the terrorist who tried to destroy parliament and the King, the Jesuit Order and it's consistent attacks on not just Anglo-Saxons and Protestant realms, but it's desire to impose oligarchical theosocialism everywhere. That ended after WW2.

The story of Elisbeth's Spymaster Walsingham fighting off Jesuit subversion from Cardinal Allen and their Irish Agents Fitzmaurice and Desmond and their promises to Mary Queen of Scots is a true story Spy Novel. Walsingham also arranged Drake's raid on the Spanish Armada when it was assembling in Spain, and his spy network came up with crucial information on stopping the wicked Tyrant Phillip II, terror of the Netherlands.

Jesuits have been banned scores of times from countries, most of them Catholic, for interfering with politics and trying to install absolute Monarchs and eliminate any Diet, Estate, or Parliament. They like to accuse the Jews of what they themselves do and have done to them.

Book recommendation for Walsingham and all the Shennanigans of that era:

Which starts with the Saint Bart's massacre of Protestants including French Hugenot Officers and even Englishmen with passports brutally murdered on orders of the French Monarchs.
286   gabbar   2022 Apr 9, 12:00am  

Has anybody else noticed the following? The Muslims do not endorse, promote, protect or create western culture. They are making a way for themselves and nobody else. Muslims feel that Westerners and our liberal freedoms are corrupting the planet. They have no sense of patriotism to the western countries that they were born or reside in. It matters not to them if the nations are Belgium, the Netherlands, France, the UK, the USA, etc. Western nations that have fed, clothed, cared for them and their families. These people do not have loyalty for those cultures. They will bite the hand that feeds them. It is the Muslim way. Seif Al-Din Ansari wrote "Allah made annilating the infidels one of his steadfast decrees". Afghanistan Taliban are acting in perfect accord with the Qur'an and Shari'a law. They do not wish to co-exist with you. Muslim education, starting with the youngest child, is very anti-Israel AND anti-American. Terrorists are imbedded with their societies. They will continue to attack western targets. They have no choice. Their God/religion/dogma is first, before anything else. The Muslim leadership do not wish to die for their beliefs. But, expect followers to make the sacrifice. In the USA they are quiet for now. But as their population increases, their voices will be louder. Meanwhile, they are popping babies out like a bread toaster.
287   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 9, 12:04am  

While I was looking for links for the post I just put up:

And this:
Jesuit Leader wants Wokey SCOTUS Judge Kentaji Jackson Brown cannonized:

His Woke CRT bio:
288   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 9, 5:06am  

DooDahMan says
PeopleUnited says
Aaaand once again a non answer to the question.

Aaaand once again we gladly accept this kind of response from our elected officials and have no problem putting back into office time and time again.

Also see comment #274. Homie knows how this game is played, not my first time on an Internet forum

This is not a game. The very real consequences of not answering this question are playing out around the world and perhaps in a neighborhood near you. So, no this is not a game.

Why post on a thread if the post is not going to address the topic?

We have enough trolls here on Patnet, don’t need another self absorbed attention whore. Why else would someone post 5 articles a day or refuse to address the central topic of a thread... an yet insist on posting irrelevant quotations from people who have no understanding of what they said in the quotation?
289   Undoctored   2022 Apr 9, 7:32am  

Let the religion (including atheism) without sin cast the first stone!

Most religious people of kind heart just ignore the suggestions to commit atrocities suggested by their holy books (like stoning), and live by the metaphorical reinterpretations by the later sages that urge them to love their neighbor, fight a spiritual war for good within their own hearts, and let God sort out the infidels and heathens in the afterlife.

A sense of community and pride in one’s tradition is a stabilizing force. There are ex-patriot ethnic groups that happen to be Muslim, thinking of the Iranians in particular, with their own larger culture and history, and enrich the experience of living in America. The call to literal Jihad is the furthest thing from their mind. Mmmm koubideh and Persian cucumbers! I don’t know about you but I’m glad they set up shop close to my home.
290   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 9, 6:36pm  

DooDahMan says
PeopleUnited says
The very real consequences of not answering this question are playing out around the world and perhaps in a neighborhood near you

Just from me not answering a question on an internet forum ?

Perhaps a diazepam or two is in order

What you do in your free time is not my business, medicate if you must!
291   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 9, 6:38pm  

Undoctored says
Mmmm koubideh and Persian cucumbers! I don’t know about you but I’m glad they set up shop close to my home.

Sounds delicious! But is it Halal?
292   Undoctored   2022 Apr 10, 5:38pm  

“All meats are halal.”

Here’s an article about their reopening three years ago.


The kitchen, led by Rose Market's longtime Iranian chef, is again churning out kebabs, koubideh, khoresh (stews), tahdig (crispy-bottomed rice), wraps, salads and other dishes. Rose International Market will now serve chicken koubideh, a kebab made from ground chicken, onion and spices, which customers had often requested at the old store, according to staff. 

You can order kebabs with lavash bread, on top of white basmati rice or as a "super sandwich," wrapped with vegetables, onion and tomato. All meats are halal.

The produce section includes both standard and specialty produce, such as Persian cucumbers, sour cherries (when in season) and green almonds.
293   Blue   2022 Apr 10, 6:33pm  

Halal is a food jihad.
294   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 10, 6:38pm  

Undoctored says
A sense of community and pride in one’s tradition is a stabilizing force. There are ex-patriot ethnic groups that happen to be Muslim, thinking of the Iranians in particular, with their own larger culture and history, and enrich the experience of living in America. The call to literal Jihad is the furthest thing from their mind. Mmmm koubideh and Persian cucumbers! I don’t know about you but I’m glad they set up shop close to my home.

That was my original experience with Iranians.

Sadly, there are a lot of Tudeh fucks that have come in these past years. One of them is a state rep, Anna Eskamani.

Another Tudeh type ran in Virginia, but lost. Forgot her name.
296   gabbar   2022 May 5, 7:18am  

Coming to the US in about 20 years
297   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 1:36pm  

I admit Muslims are 100% correct about this issue.

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