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AmericanKulak says
"Time for 4 years of celibacy..."
This brings to mind "Lysistrata" - a play by Aristophanes that was performed in Athens
in 411 BC. Lysistrata is about a group of women who are trying to end the war between
Athens and Sparta by withholding sex from men.
trying to end the war between
Athens and Sparta by withholding sex from men.
Trump has done more than change the course of policy; he has revived and re-energized Western manhood. The inception of his second administration also marks the inception of a new age of masculine vitality, with a corresponding sunsetting of managerialism’s warped feminine ethos. ...
The “fearless girl” might be taken as a symbol of the feminized model of the ideal political subject that has emerged in recent decades. Harris’s election would have marked this subject’s coronation and America’s acceptance of a quiet but profound transformation of what citizens are supposed to be. Trump’s victory suggests that a critical mass of the electorate refuses to be tamed. Inevitably, that refusal is stigmatized as typically masculine. ...
Much of our political discourse is characterized by raging against the ghosts of things long dead, not least the old ideals of masculinity, reframed as “toxic.” In our public institutional and cultural spheres, women are idealized as body- and health-conscious, empathetic, compliant, accommodating, and deferential to the judgment of experts. Supporters fawned that Harris was just the female leader the world needs.
And it all came crashing down at the hands of the exact sort of people the system of “maternal liberalism” was supposed to confine to the dustbin of history. How that happened will be discussed by all sort of commentators from all sorts of angles, but to my mind, the answer is not so much political or sociological, but rather, mythological. The disenchanted world, worn smooth to its lowest reductive level of bare utilitarian shallowness, was ultimately the product of a twisted feminine impulse to stifle enthusiasm in the name of safety. Though female in its contours, it hurt both the women it ostensibly liberated and the men it pushed out of the way in equal measure, destroying their natural longing to come together in the interest of the social atomization demanded from managerial liberalism. ...
It’s a nursemaid society, one which rewards obedience, consensus, and comfort. By fostering spiritual immaturity at every level it stifles enterprise and imagination, for who can even conceive of living some other way, as a being of duties and obligations rather than a consumer possessed of rights? The future we were heading toward was not a boot stamping on a human face but a warm, soft blanket, wrapped ever tighter at indiscernible intervals, until it stifled all movement and suffocated the subject in his contented sleep. Some societies are conquered; some collapse from within. We were on our way to death by SIDS. ...
The femininity of it all is both general to the nature of liberalism and the specific result of the mass enfranchisement of women. As G. K. Chesterton illiberally noted, women (as with all categories of person) bring with them to politics their collective notions of the proper use of power. Regarding women, he notes:
"There is a sort of underbred history going about, according to which women in the past have always been in the position of slaves. It is much more to the point to note that women have always been in the position of despots. They have been despotic because they ruled in an area where they had too much common sense to attempt to be constitutional. You cannot grant a constitution to a nursery; nor can babies assemble like barons and extort a Great Charter. Tommy cannot plead a Habeas Corpus against going to bed; and an infant cannot be tried by twelve other infants before he is put in the corner. And as there can be no laws or liberties in a nursery, the extension of feminism means that there shall be no more laws or liberties in a state than there are in a nursery. The woman does not really regard men as citizens but as children. She may, if she is a humanitarian, love all mankind; but she does not respect it. Still less does she respect its votes… She has already been given an almost irresponsible power over a limited region in these things; and if that power is made infinite it will be even more irresponsible. If she adds to her own power in the family all these alien fads external to the family, her power will not only be irresponsible but insane. She will be something which may well be called a nightmare of the nursery; a mad mother. But the point is that she will be mad about other nurseries as well as her own, or possibly instead of her own. The results will be interesting; but at least it is certain that under this softening influence government of the people, by the people, for the people, will most assuredly perish from the earth." ...
The loudest screeches about feminism come from those who dwell therein, creatures with only a vestigial and performative grasp of being feminine. They hate and envy men, which is why their ideal man is a mock-woman. This might be trans, but this is primarily the nursery of the bugmen (what the late Oriana Fallaci called the cicadas) hive insects graduating from worms to chirping in unison with their fungible fellow drones. ...
The same growth liberalism fostered in the hard sciences that obviated (or seemed to obviate) the need for physical prowess in war increased the scope of female participation in all areas of life more generally, while at the same time the manifest efficacy of those sciences lent their weight to a general campaign of demystification of life. This in turn acted as a kind of universal solvent of tradition, where the mores of a thousand generations were dissolved in a bath of self-serving rationalizations about the relationships between men and women (and the children that used to result). Science freed everyone to float weightless in space, unbound to anything, but at the same time unable to move anywhere. ...
Consider the nature of his three contests. In each he was at war with powerful entrenched interests representing a feminized and despotic mode of power. For the first, he took on the purest representative of the ruling class, a creature of pure and ruthless ambition, dedicated to a building a world in which the state would grow to suffocate through its embrace all areas of life, while at the same time engaging in a war against the rest of humanity to advance its values. Not for nothing did she write a book called It Takes a Village (the late P. J. O’Roarke summed it up as, “the government is the village. You’re the child).” His methods in this election were those of callow youth, insults and trolling- taunting his foes with nicknames and memes. He was, in essence, a septuagenarian teenager rebelling against a particularly unpleasant schoolmarm.
His victory drove his opponents into sheer moral insanity. Men of more sober ages will look back on tales of Russian collusion, multiple impeachments, constant Hitler comparisons, and relentless lawfare the way we do with other periods of political hysteria. I use that latter word with specific intent; it was very much a feminized reaction, denunciations of Trump’s rejection of “norms” and “consensus” and “democracy.” He used mean words and cared little for the feelings of others. The race riots and lockdowns sprang from the same impulses, based on a circuitous discourse that valorized the hurt feelings of socially approved feeling and rampant safetyism over truth and sense. But it succeeded in excising Trump from its midst only at the expense of replacing him with another old white man. This one, however, would do as he was told. The Age of Trump ended, everyone believed, with the typically juvenile fiasco on January 6th. The man was finished. They weren’t exactly wrong…
That all changed on July 13th. By pure coincidence, shortly after it became manifestly clear that Joe Biden was unconcealably senile and would obviously lose the general election, a young man with no criminal background, whom despite studying computer science had no social media presence whatsoever, decided for reasons about which law enforcement remains solidly uncurious to assassinate Trump at a rally. His bullet missed by centimeters, leaving one man dead and Trump with a bleeding head wound. Before the whole world he stood and shook his fist at death. He told his supporters to fight. ...
The creature the Hag Shack sent forth to meet the challenge was the purest counter-archetype it could have possibly produced. Dull and shrill, barren of children or accomplishments, handed various offices as she was cast off by more powerful men, she had equitied her way to the top on the force of checking boxes, the foremost requirement of managerialism. That anyone thought she had a chance is a testament to how far gone, how detached from higher realities, the system had become. ...
But a true Patrician has an inborn sense of public mindedness, a noblesse-oblige, and while others of his type have cashed in and out of public life, Kennedy has pursued controversial and often quixotic crusades against entrenched health and agricultural interests for most of his career. This too has shifted appeal among young men in Trump’s favor. Young men sense they are sick. They connect, perhaps only intuitively, the poison in their food with the toxicity of the discourse around them, an ideology that frames their very manhood as a destructive obstacle to be suppressed and eradicated. They cringe at the Harry Sisson future the left has in store for them. Kennedy, ripped in his old age and displaying the characteristic family vigor, represents a different path, both a connection to an America that stood astride the world and a future of social and personal fitness. ...
But it was also a victory for women. The Hag Shack is a miserable place even in normal times. You’ve all seen it; it has been broadcasting its rage on Tik Tok nonstop since the 5th. Despite the noise and fury, it is dawning on women that they don’t really want to be what neoliberalism would make them- fungible economic units who occasionally need abortions. Women want to be women. They want to be pursued, honored, respected, longed-for, and loved. You’ll notice that the women behind the 4B campaign are pledging resistance against all men, not merely the ones who voted R. Deep down, they despise those sad specimens of demi-maledom who pander to them. They don’t want allies. They want warriors, scholars, poets- confident and honorable men. The return of the king represents the advent of a new social order, one which is merely an iteration of a timeless model from the mythic age, sanctioned by tradition, come once more. Let us all be grateful.
C,mon ladies, without alcohol who would find you attractive?
This is total fake news. They can't possibly give a decent blow job wearing those bonnets.
Remember, they are "hand maids." You only get a reach=around anyway.
HeadSet says
Remember, they are "hand maids." You only get a reach=around anyway.
Must be what the gloves are for.
They can't possibly give a decent blow job wearing those bonnets.
Trends In Wokeness & Girlbossery In Science
In my case, those bonnets are a depth gauge so they do not choke.
Trends In Wokeness & Girlbossery In Science
i care about watching dudes in dresses beat living hell of of women in the olympics and crush them in volleyball and swimming and cycling and track and have to listen to these raging frauds go on TV and talk about how “it’s really not known if male puberty gives men an athletic advantage” and somehow pretend that the fact that most female world records in track having been beaten by 15 year old boys is somehow “caused by cultural gender roles.”
I only fantasize about a Lamborgini, I don't actually want one.
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE