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No matter how many 30-something Chubby Black Chicks or Weird, Innsmouth Resident Looking Gals or Fat, Sassy Hispanic Girls they show on ads...
They're not my type.
Yeah, but they still have to stop having sex with her draped over the hood of her car in the faculty parking lot.
There have been female fighter pilots in the USAF for over 20 years. This lady is nothing new.
Anger and aggression ward off shame by numbing its pain and filling the void of energy it depletes. All you have to do to make a man verbally or physically aggressive is threaten him with shame: “You're a wimp, a loser, a dud, and you have a small penis!” As they used to say in the Westerns that men love so much, “Them's fightin' words!”4
Men in America in 2022 are struck by fighting words every moment of every day. The war on men began, in earnest, in the 1970s when men, especially fathers, were portrayed as idiots, misogynists, and racists in television, books, movies, and commercials.
In other words, our culture has bombarded three generations of boys and men with “You’re a wimp, a loser, a dud, and you have a small penis!” Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This message comes from teachers, mothers, girlfriends, priests, Hollywood action stars, pop music, politicians, and the evening news.
Yet, we’re surprised when the occasional male grabs a machete and tears through a suburban mall.
This is not to excuse murder and mayhem. It’s to point out that violence is the predictable result of a society bent on shaming men into submission. A percentage of men will absolutely revolt and relieve their pain with the analgesic of anger and aggression. Chances are, more women would commit heinous crimes if society put similar energy into socially isolating them and bombarding them with fear messaging.
You can probably see where this is going.
The official response to the Covid epidemic has come down to two constant messages:
This was not a mistake or an accident. Doctors Love and Stosny are not gnostics who alone know the secret of men and women and what drives them. Though the “experts” will publicly deny there is any fundamental differences between men and women, they quietly exploit the known biological differences to drive both into submission.
Fear for women; shame for men.
In the perfect dosages, fear and shame work like mass hypnosis. Hundreds of millions of people do exactly what you want.
But when the fear and shame become intolerable—when the authoritarians go too far—men and women alike will fight back against it. That’s when things go sideway. That’s when large numbers of people decide they are no longer willing (or able) to coexist with their society. That’s when empires crumble. ...
The authoritarians of the New World Order frightened and shamed us for two years. For two years, we cowered in fear and covered our faces in shame. But the fear and shame didn’t go away—they got more intense.
At some point, we would rather die fighting than live another day in such unrelenting fear and shame. When that day comes, our fear and shame transfers to them. Woe to Dr. Fauci when that day comes.
And that day is coming.
This was meant to give us freedom. But it has instead trapped us in something else. Now we are not perceived as the thing that identified us: our gender. And we are not perceived as the thing that we are identified by: our bodies. The feminist movement is essentially an Icarus, and now it's destroying our children, our families, and our legal protections.
What was idealized as a means of liberation for women was in many ways a liberation for men. The concept of the single mom is now praised as some kind of brave achievement, leaving men off the hook for fatherhood. Women working straight jobs is now the norm instead of being the exception to the stay-at-home mom standard, leaving men off the hook for being breadwinners. Birth control and abortion keep women sexually available without the consequences of human reproduction, and its the women who pay the price for that with their own bodies.
Now our daughters and little sisters are paying that price, too, and they're presenting with new kinds of scars. Divorced from a gender that feminists told us was weak, contemptible, rightfully oppressible, girls found that they had no reason to embrace it. The feminine is so many things that smart girls hate: it's puke pink, and it has bows on it. It comes with being ogled and needing to buy tampons. It comes with words like "budding breasts" and "Aunt Flo" and people telling you to try not to get raped. Lots of it really sucks, which the feminists knew, which is why they didn't want it anymore.
But men, who we long believed had created femininity just to oppress us, found the feminine gender lying around, and claimed it for their own. While we hated it, it was something they idealized. Now, instead of simply defining it and demanding women live by that definition, they are embracing it, wearing it like a second skin, like a dead animal hide, and claiming that because they have done so, the definition of women must include them, too.
And now women are trapped again, and again it's by a definition we didn't create for ourselves.
We wanted our liberation, we wanted to be free from the feminine gender, and so we had to be willing to give it away as easily as we chucked it off in the first place. But it hasn't been liberating. Girls believe they can choose to not be female simply by rejecting the traditional norms of femininity.
The problem with femininity as defined by traditional, sex-based roles was not what femininity was, but that we hated it. We women thought less of ourselves for being feminine, we thought less of the feminine tasks, and we looked down upon ourselves for not having male characteristics. This we have passed on to our girl children, who when they make that fateful realization that they are no longer the child they were, decide fully that they don't want to be the woman they will become, either.
We do our girls a disservice when we lie to them and tell them they don't have to be women. We harm them when we usher them into a world of adult sexuality with no reproductive consequences, without love, and, in the case of genital mutilation surgery, one that even lacks the potential for sexual pleasure.
We tell them they can be anything they want to be, but we have forgotten to tell them to love being who they are. We forgot to tell them to embrace those aspects of femininity that are unique to women alone, and to live as their authentic, female selves without any concern or regard for male definitions of who and what we are.
Recent data reveal that despite the gender pay gap claims, the exact opposite has been occurring — and it appears to be getting worse. According to a recent report from the Pew Research Center, women younger than 30 are now earning more money than their male counterparts in 22 of the country’s largest cities. Those cities include Washington, DC, New York, and Los Angeles.
or require proof of $20k in annual income
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE