Feminism Update

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2017 Mar 30, 12:22pm   241,318 views  1,590 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.

Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE

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1551   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 9:32am  


It makes sense that the CIA would be pushing feminism because it doubles the number of workers, driving down wages for the big employers who run the CIA.
1554   Ceffer   2024 Sep 20, 11:13pm  

The inadequacy predicate.

1555   Patrick   2024 Sep 23, 8:11am  


Ms. Harris’s gaslight-powered campaign has lost its loft in recent days, its most newsworthy event being last week’s cuddle hour with America’s official Care-Bear, Oprah. . . because, you see, there is nothing left except to pander to the emotional void induced by Woke-ism in the desperately needy minds of X-million voters of the birthing-person persuasion — especially among those unhappy souls who never got around to the birthing.
1556   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Sep 23, 8:12am  

Patrick says

especially among those unhappy souls who never got around to the birthing.

Childless cat ladies. Just say it out loud.
1557   Patrick   2024 Sep 25, 10:32am  


The Fuck Rate is about to Implode

Civilization Requires Compromise

Society as Sex Trade

Our civilization is held together by a pact: mid men get pussy, everyone else gets core infrastructure.

This pact harnesses the single greatest source of psychic energy known to man: men’s desire to secure the partnership, youthful attention, and children of attractive women. It comes at a cost — high status men have to give up access to pussy they’d otherwise have, mid women have to settle for mid men early instead of sharing a high status man for a bit and then otherwise remaining single / mercenarily marrying at old age, which they’d prefer … but the cost is almost certainly worth it for everyone involved. Plumbing is nice, you know.

This pact has an intensive margin; the sweeter the deal you make for the mid men, the more civilization you can squeeze out of them. It’s pretty easy to e.g. do 80 hour weeks as a trucker if you have a thin, bubbly, hygienic, erstwhile virgin wife at home who’s given you three red-haired kids and is anxious about not giving you good enough blowjobs; doing so when she’s 30lbs overweight, angry, a slob, run through, barren, and expects you to “centre female pleasure” during sex is going to be a harder sell.

The former paradigm doesn’t come for free; in general, you’re going to need to build a social apparatus — religion, behavioral mores, unnatural standards — to shame women into it. And that shaming will inevitably make real, normal women unhappy. But in exchange you get more civilization.

Of course, different people have different tastes regarding the right amount of female shame to trade for plumbing and technological progress. But recently (e.g. in roughly the past century or so), an unhelpful notion has emerged; approximately, it’s the idea that you can take the trucker, give him the ugly wife, and get him to work as hard as he would if he had the hot wife with … shame. Needless to say, this notion is a core load-bearing-column for feminism.

At the bottom of it, the problem with this idea is that it’s not feasible in the long run; the women who cooked it up suffered from the typical mind fallacy, imagining men to be much more vulnerable to social shaming than they truly are. There’s generally only one thing that will motivate men to build more civilization — and it’s not shaming, it’s fucking disgusting.

Incel as Revolutionary

The long-run, inescapable equilibrium is one wherein truckers with ugly wives will not work as hard, and truckers with no wives may not work at all. Of course, all sociological systems are propped up by a mix of social conditioning and biological impulses, and re-equilibration is never instantaneous. A man raised under the hot wife paradigm might internalize certain principles like “a husband should sacrifice for his wife,” and continue to abide by those principles blindly even when he ends up marrying a sort-of-ugly woman. In the near term, the feminism egregore is banking on this precarious inertia carrying civilization forward, at least until a more sustainable solution can be discovered.

The incel is the single greatest threat to such an outcome, and therefore has captured the feminism egregore’s attention. Incels, as such, are not really a direct threat to anything; by construction, they’re too few and uncharismatic to do much of anything beyond random acts of small-scale violence. What they have managed to do, however, is speed-run the conjuring of a new egregore. Who knew that tight-knit groups of highly intelligent autistic men monomaniacally focused on a single problem could generate powerful ideas?

Feminism — a political programme which seeks to liberate mid women from their end of the bargain — will not go down without a fight. As the incel egregore gains converts, and mid men start defecting, it will generate a number of copes for its supporters.

AI/Robotics/Immigrants that will replace mid men are right around the corner, and then we’ll have plumbing again!

Right now there’s just a crisis of masculinity — if you help us shame mid men just a bit more, they’ll go back to being “responsible” (pay pigs)!

Men are being psyoped by baseless radical ideology; if we tweak the algorithm, they’ll go back to what your dad was like!

Men needing hot wives is only true when they’re socially conditioned to be pigs. We can convince them to work hard for ugly wives, they just need a bit of education!

These copes won’t do much of anything — the cat’s out of the bag — but they will generate a lot of heat. Much social commentary in the coming decade(s) will be exercises in such feminist cope, as the promise of cost-free female defection from the civilizational bargain slowly dies and the proverbial bill comes due for defectors. This process will be psychologically painful for many; the music will stop and tens of millions of mid women will realize that they’re priced out of the “eligible” husband market altogether. Female social circles will be rent into sexual haves and sexual have-nots.

The havoc these women will wreak won’t be insubstantial. The terminal feminist cope — that men changed the game on them halfway through — will be absolutely true. Their prospect of having it all, a defect/cooperate outcome, will evaporate in a few years time. The fuck rate will plummet, and there will be hell to pay. ...

Put simply, we have a major civilizational unraveling on our hands. Much of the things we assumed were conjured up by the magic of modernity — reliable core infrastructure, cheap food/energy/shipping, functional business apparatus — were in fact gifts bestowed upon us by a hungry god. We stopped sacrificing delicate virgins to him, and tried to offer angry fat hags in their stead. He’s wised to the ruse. ...

The outlook here is simple: this will not be an extinction event, but it will put serious pressure on civilizational infrastructure and produce a metric fuckton of female suffering. Hedge against the former by going long consumer goods, short industrials, and befriending a few handy mid men with pathologically high morale. Hedge against the latter by limiting social exposure to the kill zone — that is, concentrators of mid middle-aged women like academia, media, normie social media, politics, and corporate bureaucracy — sooner than later. It’s going to be a blood bath out there.
1558   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 25, 10:45am  

Patrick says

This pact harnesses the single greatest source of psychic energy known to man: men’s desire to secure the partnership, youthful attention, and children of attractive women.

Yes, the Aaron Clarey argument - another reason why Economics is bullshit. You'd think in over a century, somebody would have postulated sex with hot slim chicks as a massive motivator.

Seriously, without pussy, 95% of men would be happy with very little.
1560   Ceffer   2024 Sep 25, 11:23am  

I had an old college friend who passed away fairly young (cocaine abuse, at least when younger). He was pudgy, balding, hairy, dark hair and eyes and medium tall, but married (his family had money) a fair haired Irish lass with red hair, blue eyes and freckles from a Catholic college. They had two children, but I lost touch with him due to his frightening involvement with drugs. I read his obituary, and saw that his wife had a third child when they were married. This third girl in no way was my friend's daughter. His wife obviously went out and had a fuck child from some tall, blonde, blue eyed surfer type. I never saw pictures of the other two kids, the wife really was most vested in this third girl.

I think that is a common pattern for the 'mids' type providing males. They get a couple of kids of their own, but the wife will get pregnant with a fantasy stud to produce a child for herself.
1562   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 25, 3:21pm  

"I wear it to be comfortable"

1563   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 25, 3:44pm  

Nuclear Caudillo is releasing the DMs he got from a typical late 20s "Where are all the Good Men, I need 6-6-6" influencer on X who is a 6 at best.

1564   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Sep 25, 4:32pm  

Take the births per women figures...and cut them by half at least. For bluetard zones and college brainwashed femmy bitches in particular.

THIS is the crux of Vance's Childless Cat Ladies elegy.

Whereas states like Utah & working class Americans, it won't be as bad.

Libtards are being bred out. Ppl will send their kids to US universities for graduate level education only. Bypasses the woke brainwashing that the majority of undergrad 'studies' involves.

So yes. We are winning. But they won't go down w/o a fight. This feminist delusion crap is just a sign of it.
1565   Patrick   2024 Sep 25, 9:17pm  

Both men and women are significantly happier if married with children.
1566   stereotomy   2024 Sep 25, 10:03pm  

Patrick says

Both men and women are significantly happier if married with children.

True dat - BECAUSE WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME FUCKING TEAM! in the married case. (God, I hope so.)
1567   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 25, 10:59pm  

- Fr. Matfre Ermengau, 1288
1568   HeadSet   2024 Sep 26, 12:28pm  

Patrick says

You get what you subsidize.
1570   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Sep 28, 9:45pm  

AmericanKulak says

Nuclear Caudillo is releasing the DMs he got from a typical late 20s "Where are all the Good Men, I need 6-6-6" influencer on X who is a 6 at best.

seen too many asian gold diggers out there, this is not a surprise to me. probably average.
1571   Ceffer   2024 Sep 28, 10:37pm  

Illuminati Card Game again"

1573   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 29, 12:59am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

seen too many asian gold diggers out there, this is not a surprise to me. probably average.

I think she's nearing 30, and now she wants a man to wife her up now that the easy party years are over, 100 dongs later.

Most non-obese women are automatic minimum 6's in their late teens and most of their 20s. Then they notice Chad ain't hitting them up. The good looking runs ride the Cock Carousel to their mid 30s if they can, but the Wall Comes For Them All. Suddenly, they want a "real relationship".

This "Epiphany Phase" usually comes from being kicked off the Carousel, not from any inner light.
1574   Ceffer   2024 Sep 29, 1:14am  

"My face is up here, pervert!"
1575   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 30, 1:00pm  

Demons, SSRIs, Permateen (Permatoddler?!), so much going on in this clip.

I don't care if that vagina is lined with platinum, c'mon dude.
1576   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 30, 1:04pm  

Women have a tendency to badmouth other women with large breasts, most notably C & D cup size.


Physical features that are desired by the opposite sex may drive competition between members of the same sex to gain access to potential mates. Women’s breasts are considered sexually attractive to men, and it has been shown that women may engage in competitive tactics to compete with or derogate women with ideal physical traits (i.e., physically attractive features).

In the current online study, we investigated Hispanic women’s perceptions of breast stimuli that had been manipulated to display four levels of breast size (A-, B-, C-, and D-cup) and three levels of ptosis (i.e., levels of sagginess: non, low, and high) and their likelihood of engaging in rival derogation tactics, such as verbal and indirect aggression (for example: gossip maliciously about her, spread harmful rumors about her, or try to socially exclude her). Overall, women were more likely to engage in rival derogation toward women with larger breasts, most notably C and D cup sizes, compared to those with smaller breasts. We did not find any evidence that ptosis was associated with rival derogation. Our findings support the notion that women engage in rival derogation when prompted with images of women’s breasts, and this is amplified if women’s breasts are larger in size (C & D- cup breasts) compared to smaller breast sizes. In the present study, women’s dispositional levels of intrasexual competition were not associated with their verbal or indirect aggression. This suggests that given the strong importance men place on women’s breast morphology, most notably size, women, in general, are attentive to this factor. We propose that their attentiveness to breast morphology leads women to engage in derogation regardless of their dispositional levels of intrasexual competition.
1577   Ceffer   2024 Sep 30, 1:06pm  

LOL! She ran into a corner wall with her face in her hysteria, and will blame him for abuse. Borderline personality illustrated, and not a mild sample.
1578   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 30, 1:11pm  

Ceffer says

LOL! She ran into a corner wall with her face in her hysteria, and will blame him for abuse. Borderline personality illustrated, and not a mild sample.

Good thing he was filming! Otherwise he'd be Duluth modeled.
1579   Ceffer   2024 Sep 30, 3:36pm  

Musta been the plague of lower level demons released by CERN taking occupancy of the hormone addled egg bound. We're gonna need a bigger exorcist.
1584   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 2, 4:53pm  

STYXHEXENHAMMER just got bailed out in NOLA by The QUARTERING live on air. "Domestic Abuse" charges made by a fan girl.

Styx needs to stop with his e-bitches and just bang escorts.

Free the Styx!
1585   Ceffer   2024 Oct 2, 6:39pm  

AmericanKulak says

Styx needs to stop with his e-bitches and just bang escorts.

He has such kind, gentle postings. I can't imagine. Maybe I'm thinking about the other Styx guy who reports on video games and breaks out with a classic obscene rant once in a while.

Anyway, I thought the hippie Styx guy was married and in Netherlands or something.
1586   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 2, 7:28pm  

I'm loving the Ana Kasperian Perimenopausal journey.

She's blasting Scott Weiner, and other good shit.

Ceffer says

He has such kind, gentle postings. I can't imagine. Maybe I'm thinking about the other Styx guy who reports on video games and breaks out with a classic obscene rant once in a while.

Sounds like Razorfist
1587   Ceffer   2024 Oct 2, 10:19pm  

Yeah, Razorfist. Haven't watched his stuff in a while. I used to go through some of his computer game playthroughs where he was nearly as entertaining as his rants.
1589   Ceffer   2024 Oct 3, 10:25am  

Charlize Theron's boyfriend found in ditch with knife wounds, skull fracture, beaten and rolled from her adopted children. "I could barely save my pair from the onslaught, and her pussy isn't that great because she's fuckin' crazy, man."DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

1590   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 3, 12:17pm  

Ceffer says

Anyway, I thought the hippie Styx guy was married and in Netherlands or something.


He's out of jail, and confident he can beat the charges and seems to be downright cheerful. His funny jail stories:

original link

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