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Personal income is not wages
Even with manufacturing going into a recession in the U.S. in this cycle
Even with manufacturing going into a recession in the U.S. in this cycle
Which still needs to live off a weak yen
Who do you consider extreme left?
110 isn't weak. It's in the normal range. 80 was making Japanese labor utterly non-competitive with the US, let alone the cheap-labor countries.
I even spelled it out with the chart dude
This will be my last post on this thread and for 2017
However, you're running into a better demographic patch in a few years, this isn't like 2006, it's the exact opposite
I'm more concerned about boomers that die or goto elder care, returning their home to the market, generating added supply that cancels the new demand from the 20-39 year olds.
I'm not asking for anything close to numerical accuracy
Old age is the time when people reconcile and make peace with the world and their long journey through this world. Every culture there is attributes a long list of benefits to achieving old age. Not everybody gets to achieve old age, and if they do, its because they did something right.
This will be my last post on this thread and for 2017.
Personally, I think you're terrible because you're all too old and cranky
I tell the youth, don't listen to Boomers, they're old and they have way too much baggage
They want to see America fall like Rome or become like Greece or what ever you old people call us....
OMG. Someone give me a gun. I need to shoot myself. I can't stand the pain.
Logan Mohtashami saysWhat Happened To The Great American Crash?!?!?!?!
Ans: It was postponed by bail outs, Quantitative Easing and changes such as suspension of Mark To Market in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. (GAAP)
For guys like HEYYOU and DEEPCGI to be proven correct the Dow needs to drop to below 2000 points, and stay that way for years.
In other words their version of doom involves riots & tanks in the street.
Buffett thinks long term. He knows that bad times will come, and bad times will go, but it's the bad times that are the best buying opportunities, because the American economy only goes up in the long run.
The debt of nations just doesn’t exist at all for you perpetual bulls does it?
Dollar de-valued by 98% since the 20's
So do you want 5-10 percent yearly average for next 10 years or do you want 30-50 percent. It a gamble. And it is risky. But it is not necessarily wrong strategy if you are disciplined and wait for your turn.
The problem is that the government created a mechanism whereby tons of money CAN and MUST be printed, but at the same time wages are crushed, so corporate profits and assets go through the roof. All for the benefit of the rich. It is a (not so) subtle mechanism, hidden in plain sight.
Strategist says
Why do you think wages are crushed?
Primarily automation, but outsourcing as well
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B. You can't read data properly
C. Anti Central bank trolls have a sexual obsession over the Fed hence why they're wrong
D. The extreme left wing makes everyone out to poor to hate on Capitalism
This is what we have now
1. Longest job expansion in U.S. history, almost double the previous record
2. In less than 2 years we have the longest economic expansion ever in history
3. Which makes it the first time ever in U.S. history we had the longest economic expansion and job expansion in one cycle
4. This with the highest job openings in the history of mankind
American bears have been wrong since 1790..... and you all will be too! Economic cycles come and go but either a inflationary or deflationary collapse has and won't happen.