I'm so glad I voted for Trump, instead of for this jackass.
Reminded me of why people think we have a Uniparty.
Right after he whinges about stepping back from radical multinational corporate globalism, and talking about the threats of terrorism, crime, etc., he starts whigning about immigration.
Yes, there is so much crime, corruption, terrorism, etc. we should take people from countries where it's endemic and record-keeping corrupted or almost non-existent. Makes sense.
Here's the photo of "W" speaking out against Obama's policies:
As for "Nativism", let me know when the number of immigrants is below 100,000. Trimming down on near-record high immigration is backing away from an extreme Globalist viewpoint that has little public support.
Credit where it's due, he does have a point there. Unfortunately, he devoted eight years to empowering and spreading bigotry on behalf of his Saudi sponsors, thus proving some of the conspiracy theories that he might prefer to dismiss as fabrication. Also, it's hard to imagine how we can have become even "more vulnerable" to fabrication than we were when Colin Powell said "we know" Iraq has WMD and W used fabricated allegations about yellowcake to launch another war in Iraq.
This is absolutely true. Bush is directly responsible for starting a war under false pretenses while protecting the country that murdered thousands of Americans on 9/11.
Reminded me of why people think we have a Uniparty.
Right after he whinges about stepping back from radical multinational corporate globalism, and talking about the threats of terrorism, crime, etc., he starts whigning about immigration.
Yes, there is so much crime, corruption, terrorism, etc. we should take people from countries where it's endemic and record-keeping corrupted or almost non-existent. Makes sense.
Here's the photo of "W" speaking out against Obama's policies:
As for "Nativism", let me know when the number of immigrants is below 100,000. Trimming down on near-record high immigration is backing away from an extreme Globalist viewpoint that has little public support.
#UnregisteredDemocrat #Neoliberalism #CorporateSocialism #Globaloney #UnlimitedImmigration