by georgeliberte ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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On the other hand he did blather about the incompetence of the Clinton campaign
This is a slippery slope. If a Democrat won the next election and a bunch of Republican connected doctors who have never personally met said canidate came forward and said this same stuff would we also unequivocally accept their "professional diagnosis"? As it stands they're only speculating, and we shouldn't rely on doctors who haven't consulted the patient. Where the hell would the line be drawn? Can any psychologist draw conclusions about anyone(and how can we be sure they aren't biased)? These types of unfounded pseudoscientific conclusions are reminiscent of Fascist tactics (Saying your 'enemy' is inferior without thorough scientific evidence). No professional should stand for this and no politician should be attempting to play this dangerous game.
Van Jones is quite left of center.
You really can't get a story on NPR these days unless it disses Trump in some way, or divides the public by identity politics.
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