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2017 Nov 30, 6:21pm   7,335 views  84 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Think I'm nuts? It's the official platform of SPD:

The SPD leaders, whose party is lagging Merkel’s Christian Democrats in the polls by 15 percentage points, said Germany would have to nearly double current defense spending from 37 billion euros to meet the NATO target. That would make it the largest military power in Europe - a goal they said “no one could want” given Germany’s Nazi history.

Instead, they said, Germany should focus on building a strong European defense union and, ultimately, a European army - a stance that may resonate with a deeply pacifist German public that remains skeptical of military engagements.

Keep in mind, they laughed at Churchill, proudly declaring he was a warmongering eccentric, if not downright delusional, literally right up until the Sudentenland. And all the Liberals of the day claimed "Peace in Our Time."

We really should be thinking about how to divide Germany into Saxony, Prussia, Bavaria, Hannover, etc.and if Morganthau was right all along.

#Germany #FourthReich #EUArmy

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46   HeadSet   2024 Jun 4, 11:40am  

Patrick says

Easy, coal......
49   Patrick   2024 Jun 27, 10:55am  


How the German Foreign Office collaborated with asylum NGOs and pressured foreign embassy officials to grant entry visas to thousands of fake refugees with forged passports

Prosecutors in Berlin and Cottbus have opened criminal investigations into the widening scandal.

Today, I invite you to follow me down a little mass migration rabbit hole. We will investigate a small part of the machinery that is bringing the migrants to Germany, in all of its utter bizarreness, and at the end we will speculate briefly about why all of this strange stuff is happening.
50   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 10:59am  


Man returning from his sister's graduation party is beaten to death by Syrian migrant; Interior Minister Nancy Faeser blames Germany's poor refugee accommodations and failed "social integration"

Philippos Tsanis was a 20-year-old man of Greek and Polish descent, who lived in Bad Oeynhausen, northeast of Bielefeld. On 22 June, Tsanis attended a graduation party for his sister at the municipal park. He left the event in the early morning hours with a 19 year-old friend, whereupon both of them were attacked by a group of young migrants. Bystanders called emergency services and the victims were taken to a hospital, where Tsanis died two days later of devastating head injuries. It is a bitter irony that among the few traces Tsanis left of himself on the internet before his death, is this local news story detailing his family’s efforts in 2022 to bring Ukrainian refugees into Germany from Poland and put them up at their own residence.

Some Anglophone sources have reported that Tsanis was attacked because of a prominent cross he wore around his neck. You should know that this is not confirmed; it is merely one possibility that the police are reportedly investigating.

Tsanis’s primary assailant is alleged to have been an 18 year-old Syrian named Mwafak A., who came to Germany in 2016 via family reunification provisions, with the rest of Angela Merkel’s wir-schaffen-das migration wave. He is known to the police for a wide range of alleged offences – among them narcotics, theft, aggravated robbery, trespassing and assault causing grievous bodily harm. He was also investigated for attempted rape and child sexual abuse in 2022. He was never convicted of any of these crimes.
51   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Jul 8, 5:29am  

Toni Kroos: Germany is ‘not the same as it was 10 years ago’ due to ‘uncontrolled’ migration

The famous German footballer said during a podcast he would be staying in Madrid with his family following his retirement because Germany has become "more aggressive" and less safe since his move to Spain a decade ago

German football heavyweight Toni Kroos has revealed he will continue to live in Madrid following his retirement from football because his home country isn’t what it used to be and he wouldn’t feel comfortable allowing his daughter to roam the streets of big German cities.

In an interview for a podcast with the ZDF public broadcaster, the former Real Madrid midfielder lamented the demise of Germany, a country he left in 2014 to join the Spanish giants.

“I still think Germany is a great country. I like to be there, but it’s not quite the same as it was 10 years ago,” he said.

Asked what he felt had changed, Kroos replied, “If I compare it to Spain. I have a 7-year-old daughter, for example. When she gets older, when she is 13, 14, 15 years old. And if I were to ask someone now, would you let your daughter out in Spain at 2 p.m. or in the German big city?

“I don’t want to be too general, but 10 years ago I would have had a very conscious feeling that she would come home unharmed. I wouldn’t have that now,” he said.

Kroos explained that, after living in Spain for a decade, he did not consider it to be “an aggressive society at all,” but warned that Germany has “become much more aggressive in the last 10 years.”

The German international, who has announced his retirement from football after this summer’s Euro 2024 tournament hosted by Germany, said, “A lot has happened in the last few years which has contributed to the direction [Germany] is going.”

He raised the “big issue of migration” which, while supporting it in principle, warned had been mismanaged.

“In the end, it was just too uncontrolled,” he said, warning that a percentage of new arrivals to Germany did not “do us any good, just like it is with Germans.”

“If you can’t tell from those who don’t do us any good, then it gets difficult in the end,” he added.

Kroos’ concerns regarding safety in German cities are not unfounded with crime stats published by Germany’s federal interior ministry in April revealing that 41 percent of all crime suspects last year were foreign nationals despite representing just 15 percent of the population.

Knife crime jumped 30 percent in one year across Germany with more than half of the suspects being foreigners.

Polling published last week showed a majority of the German public were also concerned about the levels of mass immigration into the country. The Insa survey showed that 74 percent of respondents said the government is failing to take enough action against immigration while 69 percent of respondents called for less migration to Germany, including legal immigration.

52   Patrick   2024 Aug 4, 7:21pm  


Police in Baden-Württemburg break up a perfectly legal private political meeting and ban Martin Sellner from an entire town in this, the best and most democratic Germany of all time

Nothing threatens German democracy more than our rights to free expression and assembly. If our constitutional order is to survive, our constitutional freedoms must be abridged.

The past four years have been a very amazing time in Germany – a time in which I’ve learned many new and exciting things about my country.

For example, I’ve learned that the state can use emergency provisions to literally house-arrest its entire population indefinitely.

I’ve learned that our politicians can forbid protests on the slightest pretence, that they can conduct a public hate campaign against millions of their own citizens who refuse to comply with nonsense hygienic measures, and then after the hysteria has passed, use the towering indifference of a complicit media to impose an enduring regime of near-absolute silence upon their misdeeds.

I’ve learned that domestic intelligence agencies can unilaterally repurpose elements of the DDR criminal code to make comparing these authoritarian policies to the tactics of communist regimes a political offence.

I’ve learned that deriding the Greens, calling self-described socialist politicians socialists, opposing mass migration, denouncing trans ideology, and even criticising state media can make you politically suspect and subject you to surveillance from the Federal Protectors of the Constitution.

I’ve learned that the Interior Ministry and its enforcers can pursue those who “mock the state” as they would organised criminal gangs, that they can ban entire newspapers overnight and without a scintilla of due process, and that state politicians can ignore their statutory obligations to neutrality in the exercise of their office and call for nationwide regime-sponsored protests against their political opposition.

Almost every day is a learning experience in this, the best and most democratic Germany of all time. Rarely does a week pass that I don’t learn something entirely new. Today, I learned that the German police in Baden-Württemberg can use an obscure aspect of their statutory authority to ban individuals from entire municipal districts. All they need to do is claim these individuals have the potential to commit a criminal offence. They don’t need to have a good reason; they can just show up at your pub or your apartment and demand that you leave. This is an incredible power, as it would seem to vitiate entirely and at the very least whatever it is that remains of our rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of movement (Articles 5, 8, 9 and 11 of our Basic Law).

From the deutsche-presse agentur, via Welt:

The police have stopped a reading by the right-wing extremist author Martin Sellner in the municipality of Neulingen in Baden-Württemberg – and prohibited his presence in the town. This was to prevent criminal offences, according to a statement from the Pforzheim police headquarters …

In consultation with the municipality of Neulingen, a temporary ban was issued for the area of the municipality on the legal basis of the Baden-Württemberg Police Act …

The ban was issued in the evening immediately after the private meeting began. Sellner then left the event and complied with the order, it was said. Some of the other participants remained.

According to the police, the law allows the local police authority responsible to issue a temporary ban on a person's presence if there are facts that justify the assumption that this person will commit or contribute to the commission of a criminal offence …

Sellner was the head of the far-right Identitarian movement in Austria. He recently visited German cities to read from his book “Remigration.” When right-wing extremists use the term “remigration,” they usually mean that a large number of people of foreign origin should leave the country – even under duress.

53   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 4, 7:47pm  

The Fall of the USSR destroyed the Middle Class.

And the elite learned that an oversized central government is a huge blessing to them, if captured.
54   Patrick   2024 Aug 14, 9:55am  


On 16 July, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser banned the AfD-adjacent magazine Compact. It was the latest and most spectacular move in Faeser’s openly illiberal campaign of political repression “against the right,” which she first unveiled in February. Faeser’s plan is to stifle opposition parties and ward off the consequences of her own unpopular politics by “treat[ing] right-wing extremist networks in the same way as organised crime,” and confronting “those who mock the state … with a strong state.”

Accordingly, in a show of state force, police stormed Compact editorial offices and seized all of the magazine’s assets, right down to the office furniture. They also sent a squadron of masked special operations police to the house of Compact founder Jürgen Elsässer...

In one stroke, it became illegal even to display any of the magazine’s logos, in this, the freest and most democratic Germany of all time.

In theory, Article 5 of the German Basic Law guarantees the freedom of the press, but as we’ve seen many times here at the plague chronicle, there is an ever-growing gulf between legal theory and daily practice in the Federal Republic. Faeser circumvented these traditional protections by appealing to the German Vereinsrecht, or the ‘Law on Associations.’ This statute permits the Interior Ministry to ban “associations whose purposes or activities … are directed against the constitutional order.” Faeser’s ban represented an attack on press freedom through the back door, in other words. It was the first time in the history of the Federal Republic that any Interior Minister had used this law against a periodical with such reach and political significance.

Elsässer promptly filed suit with the Federal Administrative Court, and today he won a substantial victory. The judges have lifted the ban and will permit Elsässer to continue publishing while his suit against the Interior Ministry is pending. He is subject only to certain conditions that are intended to preserve evidence for litigation. The suit will take years to resolve, so for now, Elsässer and Compact are safe. They will resume operations as soon as the police return all of their seized computers and files.

This is a humiliating defeat for the Marshmallow Minister, who took personal ownership of the ban and released a lengthy statement raving bizarrely about “spiritual arsonists” and lauding her “hard blow against the right-wing extremist scene.” In a just world, this bloated woman would resign now.

I do think there is a strong psychological link between being an overweight middle-aged woman and hating the "right" as a proxy for hating men.
55   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 14, 11:40am  

Nice to know Germany isn't as fucked up as UK is. They, like us, still have a mostly functioning judicial branch.

For now.
56   Eric Holder   2024 Aug 15, 10:14am  

AmericanKulak says

The Fall of the USSR destroyed the Middle Class.

57   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 16, 5:16pm  

Greens know they are going to get kicked out of power in the next election.

So they are doing the equivalent of what Cortez did upon arriving in Mexico: burn the ships.

Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant being demolished..

58   Patrick   2024 Aug 16, 5:18pm  

The "Greens" should be called Browns, because they are real shits.
60   mell   2024 Aug 18, 10:14am  

I'd be careful with California's "GDP", it's mostly tech fluff. While I agree with the premise of the green and commie shits wrecking nations GDP alone is not a good ensure, even debt to gdp, while better, is not infallible. Gdp per capita combined with debt to gdp is decent
63   Eric Holder   2024 Aug 20, 1:36pm  

Toom Cooper's take:

It’s Germany’s Fault

Assuming the information is correct and Ukraine attacked the pipeline it must be said that the pipeline immediately became a legitimate target of war for Ukraine when Russia invaded in 2014. Germany being angry or aggrieved pales in comparison to Ukraine fighting off a genocidal war from Russia. NO… that’s not hyperbole.

Germany over the past decades has been dismantling it’s energy infrastructure in an effort to “go renewable” and in doing so became overly reliant on Russia for its energy needs. Particularly: natural gas. This isn’t an article about the pros and cons of realistic energy policy. But it must be pointed out that more than 50% of Germany’s energy is produced from oil or coal.

This is partially a result of closing nuclear power generation resources in Germany and partially the Russians doing a good job in influencing German leaders.

This phenomenon isn’t new.

So, in a very real sense, Germany brought all of this on itsefl. Germany was in a very unique position in 2008 when Russia invaded Georgia: it could have made substantive demands of Moscow. It decided not to. Germany was in the same position in 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine. It did not. Germany knew what Putin’s plans were for Ukraine and all of the former Soviet satellite states. We all knew. He told us all… in Munich, in Germany!

Putin has infiltrated Germany at all levels. Not only because of this, Ukraine has EVERY legal right to defend itself. Including against co-enterprises that consist of an enemy and a ally. Germany was warned and petitioned by Ukraine and other state- and non state actors about building Nord Stream 2. Germany chose to align itself with Putin. This choice, and all choices, have consequences. For Germany (and Austria, the biggest foreign investor into the Nord Stream 2), it’s the loss of billions in pipeline investment and now billions of Euros in aid to Ukraine. (What could a forceful response to the Georgia invasion save the German [and Austrian] economy today?)

There are many reasons Russia went ahead with the full scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. All major powers have responsibility. The US burning its moral authority in Iraq and Afghanistan. The exit of Afghanistan. The UK and all of NATO hiding under the US military umbrella. But… Germany has the most responsibility. It allowed itself to be subjected to Putin’s influence operations and ignored opportunities to bring Russia in line with more western values. In short, Germany took the money. It opted for short term gains and flattery instead of sound energy and security policy.

No one in Ukraine cares what Germany accuses a few Ukrainians of doing in the goal of defending Ukraine. Nor do I. Nor should you.


PS. I still think it was the Reds who dunnit to weasel out of payments for non-delivery when they embarked on "Europe will freeze" campaign. Remember that one?
64   Patrick   2024 Aug 22, 2:06pm  


On the Tunisian migrants terrorising Regensburg and the asylum advocates who insist they are merely "people" who "have a right to a better life"

Regensburg is a beautiful city with a well-preserved medieval centre in Eastern Bavaria. Since 2023, they’ve had very serious problems with migrant crime. This is because the city hosts a so-called “Anchor Centre,” or an initial reception facility for asylum applicants. For whatever reason, the Regensburg Anchor Centre receives primarily young Tunisian men who spend their abundant taxpayer-funded free time terrorising the residents.

Here’s a report from February, to give you a taste:

Following the [purported] rape of a 29-year-old woman by Tunisian asylum seekers1 and a school headmaster’s instruction to parents to see that their daughters only “walk to school in groups,” CSU parliamentary representative Peter Aumer has called for a deportation offensive. There have also been repeated daytime robberies by migrants in supermarkets. Earlier, Tunisians had gone on a rampage in the historic city centre on New Year’s Eve and sexually harassed a 33-year-old woman.

Afterwards, the city had the benches in the park … [near] the main railway station dismantled … Migrants had previously met there to harass women.

“We go for a walk in the castle park every day, and for a good six months now we’ve been hearing more people talking in foreign languages,” retired pastor Erhard Schmidt said … “You could see the young migrants trying to sell drugs or burying them in the ground.”

The police confirmed his observations. … Tunisians … comprise the largest group of non-German suspects in crimes around the main railway station in 2023.

While the sexual assault allegations are bad enough, the migrants’ brazen shoplifting has been a particular focal point of public indignation. December 2023 security footage from a local Edeka captured migrants attempting to walk out with literal bags full of stolen groceries; the owner complained of losses totalling 12,500 Euro per month. ...

There are a mere 250 Tunisian asylum seekers in Regensburg right now. They comprise just 0.14% of the population, but they are the second most frequently offending demographic in the city. In 2023, police registered a total of 109 Tunisian offenders, who alone were responsible for 1,000 crimes. ...

I fear that there is no coming back from this kind of pathological self-righteousness, no dissuading the ageing Streitbergers of the Federal Republic from their moral posturing. They’ll go to their graves convinced of their piety, for their folly won’t bear its most terrible fruit until long after they’re dead.
65   Patrick   2024 Aug 31, 9:17pm  


“You have to understand that he's fleeing from war and hunger, poor thing.”

The asylum seeker enriches Germany and Europe.

67   Patrick   2024 Sep 2, 10:32am  


Fatphobia rears its ugly head! Microagression! Hate! One wonders whether German police will investigate every case where someone calls somebody ‘fat.’ Is calling people ‘fat’ only illegal on social media? If so, why? Why not investigate similar face-to-face offenses? And, are they really as diligent about investigating similar fatphobic hate crimes against civilians, or just against leftist politicians?

In other words, this story is no help to those of us with generous body shapes. It’s just another example of the swelling crackdown on criticism of flabby governments.

The porky comment was posted on Gab. So far, a muscular Gab has refused to cooperate with German police, defying requests to hand over the poster’s identity and banking information. I suppose the next step will be for the porcine Germans to indict Andrew Torba, Gab’s CEO, for “facilitating online hate speech,” vis-à-vis body shaming.
68   Ceffer   2024 Sep 2, 10:44am  

The Fourth Reich was hiding in plain sight and rears itself up from the mire. How dare you call makeup wearing, velvet bathrobe wearing, morphine slamming homo Göring 'fat'.
69   The_Deplorable   2024 Sep 2, 12:31pm  

Patrick says
" https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/phobic-monday-september-2-2024-c "

A criminal investigation for stating a fact? She is fat!
70   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Sep 3, 4:26am  

VW Weighs First-Ever Germany Plant Closures to Cut Costs

Volkswagen AG is considering unprecedented factory closures in Germany, setting up a showdown with powerful unions as the country’s most important industry fights for its future.

The potential measures also include trying to end the company’s three-decades-old pact with workers to keep jobs secure, the company said Monday. VW’s main target is its underperforming namesake passenger car brand, whose profit margins are getting squeezed amid a sputtering transition to EVs and a consumer spending slowdown.

Any shutdowns would mark the first closures in Germany during the company’s 87-year history. VW shares closed 1.3% higher after the news, paring this year’s losses of 13%.

“The economic environment has become even tougher and new players are pushing into Europe,” VW Chief Executive Officer Oliver Blume said in a statement. “Germany as a business location is falling further behind in terms of competitiveness.”

A full-blown labor dispute would be a major test for the CEO — who also heads up the Porsche sports car brand — after union clashes felled a number of his VW predecessors.

Raising returns at the VW brand has become tougher with higher logistics, energy and labor costs. The nameplate’s margin fell to 2.3% during the first half, compared to 3.8% a year ago. The company has also lost momentum in its biggest market, China, with its EV model range far behind competitors, while cheaper Chinese electric cars are pushing into Europe.

The looming clash at one of Germany’s biggest companies threatens a postwar consensus where workers hold significant sway. Decades-old codetermination agreements are coming under pressure as new competitors target Germany’s industrial bedrock and populist parties surge.

On Sunday, election results in two eastern German states delivered another humbling for Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats and his two coalition partners. The Alternative for Germany party placed second in Saxony, where VW owns an EV-making plant in Zwickau, and won the elections in neighboring Thuringia, the first triumph for a far-right party in a German state ballot since World War II.

“I am deeply concerned that the VW Group management is no longer ruling out plant closures and compulsory redundancies,” SPD lawmaker Bernd Westphal, economic policy spokesman for Scholz’s parliamentary group, told Bloomberg News. “The SPD parliamentary group is firmly on the side of the employees and expects constructive talks” with the works councils and unions.

Supervisory Board

VW employs about 650,000 workers globally, almost 300,000 of which are in Germany. Half the seats on the company’s supervisory board are held by labor representatives, and the German state of Lower Saxony — which owns a 20% stake — often sides with trade union bodies. The setup is part of a labyrinthine governance system where management must gain the billionaire Porsche-Piech family and labor side support for major decisions.

Works council head Daniela Cavallo said VW’s management warned that the brand making the Golf and Tiguan models risks losing money, according to a separate statement. The company is weighing the closure of at least one larger carmaking factory and one component site in Germany, it said, alongside abolishing wage agreements.

VW is also “questioning” the production of a compact electric SUV model at the main carmaking site in Wolfsburg from 2026, key to filling the factory’s capacity, the works council said. The Trinity model, currently planned for Zwickau, is at risk of being delayed.

Volkswagen last year made roughly 9 million vehicles, compared with total capacity of 14 million.

Lower Saxony said it supports VW’s cost-cutting efforts, adding alternative options must be explored in talks with labor representatives.

“We expect that the issue of factory closures will not arise due to the successful use of alternatives,” said Stephan Weil, Lower Saxony premier and VW supervisory board member. “The state government will pay particular attention to this.”

Other Clashes

Previous clashes ended or shortened the tenures of top executives including former CEO Bernd Pischetsrieder, ex-VW brand chief Wolfgang Bernhard and Herbert Diess, Blume’s predecessor as CEO. All three tried to push through efficiencies, particularly at VW’s domestic German operations.

The plans risk worsening the economic malaise in Germany, where industrial companies are reining in investments. VW’s market valuation has sunk to around €51 billion ($56.5 billion), even as the company continues to rake in profits, with operating income of €22.6 billion last year.

Germany’s unpopular ruling coalition government, led by Scholz’s Social Democrats, is beset by infighting with abrupt policy changes wreaking havoc. Last year, the government suddenly removed EV incentives after lawmakers struck down budget plans. Cratering sales in Europe’s biggest car market have been a drag since, wrong-footing a range of major suppliers including Robert Bosch, ZF Friedrichshafen and Continental.

“The automotive industry is facing major challenges worldwide and is undergoing a profound transformation that requires companies to make strategic decisions,” the Economy Ministry said in a statement. “It is essential that companies and management act responsibly and in close consultation with the social partners.”

VW’s plans on further cutbacks follow a July announcement detailing the potential closure of a site in Brussels making electric Audis. The factory has been struggling with high costs and poor demand for the luxury Q8 e-tron, the sole model it produces. At the time, the carmaker cut its outlook for the year, in part because of likely costs involved in shuttering the plant.

The last time VW closed a major car factory was more than 30 years ago, when the company shut down what was then its lone US assembly plant, near Pittsburgh.

The Volkswagen brand has component production sites in Brunswick, Kassel, Salzgitter, Hannover and Chemnitz, as well as carmaking plants in Wolfsburg, Emden, Zwickau, Dresden, Osnabrück and Hannover.


76   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Sep 27, 5:51am  

Immigration does not work, not even economically’ – German government needs €10 billion more in welfare payments than originally predicted for 2025

The German federal government has “miscalculated” billions in welfare payments, known as citizens’ money, with their initial estimate of €36 billion far short of the €46 billion reportedly needed.

In documents obtained by Bild newspaper, the German labor ministry assumes an average of 2.9 million people are in need of welfare parents in the documents for the “2025 budget,” dated from August 2024. However, this document indicates that the expenditure on standard rates and accommodation costs is expected to total €45.6 billion, which is a far cry from the €36 billion set in the 2025 citizen’s allowance budget.

The huge discrepancy has sparked outrage, but Hubertus Heil’s (SPD) labor ministry told Bild that the figures published “are not comprehensible and are methodologically based on several false assumptions… For example, a significant portion of the costs of accommodation are to be covered by the municipalities and are therefore not relevant to the federal budget in the amount stated.”

However, Heil’s denial did not specify how far off Bild’s figures were, and notably, Bild was citing internal documents from the ministry itself.

The huge sums paid out due to citizens’ money has become a politically explosive subject, first due to the enormous costs it is placing on the German taxpayers, second due to the fact that the German economy is facing a worker shortage, and third due to the huge number of foreigners taking advantage of this welfare system, as half of all recipients are foreigners and many of the others who are German citizens also have a migration background.

“Immigration doesn’t work, not even economically. And if one were to differentiate between Germans based on their migration background, the picture would be even more devastating,” MEP Maximilian Krah, who is a member of the AfD but remains unaffiliated in the European Parliament, wrote on X. He shared a graph showing how few Germans are actually receiving welfare payments.

However, he is not the only one calling into question Heil’s numbers. Most recently, the Federal Audit Office also cast doubt on Heil’s budget, stating that the labor ministry’s figures could only happen as budgeted if “600,000 people entitled to benefits would stop receiving them altogether” in 2025. These experts complained at the time that this was “not very realistic.”

Other parties are also attacking Heil. CDU’s group vice-chairman Jens Spahn said the matter “bordered on deliberate deception.”

Meanwhile, budget spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Christian Haase, said: “Heil is deliberately budgeting for false figures in order to conceal the problems with the citizens’ allowance,”

“This is a scandal,” he added.

CDU general secretary Carsten Linnemann said the ruling left-liberal government “continues to lie to itself, the budget will blow up in its face.”

Even the Free Democrats (FDP), who belong to the ruling government, slammed the budget figures. FDP politician Torsten Herbst said he expected “the labor minister to present realistic figures in his draft budget.”

However, some of the harshest statements came from the AfD, which wrote on social media: “Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) suddenly presents a new budget gap of almost €10 billion in the citizen’s allowance. According to the minister’s documents, his department expects citizen’s allowance costs of almost €46 billion for 2025, although only €36 billion were officially reported.”

The party is now recommending mass deportations totaling 1.3 million people to plug the budget hole, which it claims would bring the welfare payments back in line with the original sum budgeted.

“It must be remembered that around half of the citizen’s allowance recipients are foreign citizens! Simply by deporting the approximately one million Syrians (as of the end of 2023) who no longer have a reason to flee, the citizen’s allowance costs could be reduced enormously. The same applies to the approximately 300,000 foreigners who are required to leave the country (as of mid-2024).

“The Federal Audit Office had already cast doubt on the Minister of Labor’s sugar-coated figures weeks ago, stating that the figures would only be correct if the number of citizens’ allowance recipients fell by around 600,000 in 2025. Either Heil really miscalculated in an amateurish way or – which is much more likely – he deliberately wants to mislead the population. In both cases, such a Minister of Labor is completely unacceptable and underlines that the SPD does not care about our country.”


77   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Sep 27, 6:30am  

Immigration pays for itself in Canada. It was designed to bring in young workers to bail out Canada's social welfare system. Of course, it has other costs.

But Europe brought in refugees who don't work. Except maybe Ukranians.
78   WookieMan   2024 Sep 27, 7:28am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

But Europe brought in refugees who don't work.

I don't think they generally work. If they do, they suck at it. Had my buddy fill in my pool. His two guys were complete morons. Broke my fence. Snapped a 3/4" gas line on something I never asked them to take out, and I can speak enough Spanish for them to understand me.

Needless to say I had to shut off the gas to the entire house. My buddy is a dip shit too. Comes in and asks me, "what's that smell?" It's fucking natural gas dip shit. I'll be friends with him, but so many fuck ups on this job. Wife is refusing to pay him the second half. Kind of awkward but we're in agreement until he fixes the mess he made. Electric issues as well. Low voltage. He's probably the worst contractor I know.

If for some strange reason you know someone needing work in IL, I will tell you who to avoid. This guy. Tough as I like hanging out with him, but he sucks at his job. He buys and sells horses as his main income. He's a fun to hang out with idiot if that makes sense.
79   The_Deplorable   2024 Sep 28, 1:09pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says
"But Europe brought in refugees who don't work."

The Globalist Nazis brought in the refugees, not Europe.
80   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 28, 1:45pm  

The_Deplorable says


Once could be FIB entrapment. Twice and the guy likes tweens.
83   RWSGFY   2024 Oct 22, 9:16pm  

The_Deplorable says


The pedo sounds desperate. Was he ordered to work harder for his rubbles or else some tasty tea will be hand-delivered to him? 😂

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