The driving factor in these fear based religions is it is as simplistic for most people as believing in Santa Clause for kids. I might not really believe everything in the Bible is true, but eternal damnation isn’t worth risking by choosing not to believe. By including the threat of burning in agony over hellfire and feeling inescapable pain for eternity... as a threat for not being faithful... it kind of takes any virtue away from those that choose to be faithful. It’s a terroristic threat brainwashed into children from childhood... Im not a churchgoer myself anymore,but I was raised Protestant and was confirmed and baptized and all that hoopla. Still, if I’m on a turbulent airplane I quietly recite the Lord’s Prayer in my head... not because I beleive necessarily, but I’m hedging my bets in such a situation of helplessness that getting “saved” last minute is better then eternal hell.
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