I was wondering why the right-wing of US politics (and patnet) was so quiet about the Austin bomber. Then I realized why: They had a hunch, and correctly so, that the bomber was a white guy. Hence, they did not do the usual thing and demand that the bombings be declared as TERRORISM.
I think it is time to resurrect an old term that originated during the French Revolution, and has since been reused several times through the centuries:
So from now one, if there is an act that could be viewed as possible terrorism, the public should always ask: Is it terrorism? Is it WHITE TERROR? Then the public should relentlessly hound rightist politicians and blog jockeys why why WHY have they not denounced the violence as a cowardly act of terrorism. That would only be fair, given that the rightists always want to brand violence by Muslim or brown people as terrorism, while ignoring the same acts if perpetrated by a white person.
I think it is time to resurrect an old term that originated during the French Revolution, and has since been reused several times through the centuries:
So from now one, if there is an act that could be viewed as possible terrorism, the public should always ask: Is it terrorism? Is it WHITE TERROR? Then the public should relentlessly hound rightist politicians and blog jockeys why why WHY have they not denounced the violence as a cowardly act of terrorism. That would only be fair, given that the rightists always want to brand violence by Muslim or brown people as terrorism, while ignoring the same acts if perpetrated by a white person.