You guys thought I was crazy calling Sandy Hook a hoax. Now you have to swallow whole Hogg

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2018 Apr 2, 7:17am   15,013 views  72 comments

by Gary Anderson   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

David Hogg is a fraud. I saw the video where the teleprompter moved to fast for him. It was banned. Google Sandy Hook Hoax or Parkland Hoax and all you get is the government version. Trump does nothing.

Both parties are part of the same globalist cabal. The Democrats push gun control and the Republicans push hatred of blacks and Muslims. But there is some overlap.

I told you guys before all about this and Patrick deleted the Sandy Hook Hoax proof.

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16   Strategist   2018 Apr 2, 9:02pm  

We missed you Gary. I'm glad you are alive and well, and still stirring up trouble.
17   FortWayne   2018 Apr 2, 9:08pm  

Where have you been!!!!!
18   Strategist   2018 Apr 2, 9:26pm  

FortWayne says
Where have you been!!!!!

Gary is a pretty decent guy, so prison is not possible. Could be those aliens who kidnap humans to have sex with them in their spaceship.
19   Gary Anderson   2018 Apr 2, 9:37pm  

I have been writing for Talkmarkets. I have been overwhelmed by what is happening in government. Dems and Repubs both cannot be trusted, imo. Hogg makes me nauseous. So does his bald sidekick, of Cuban descent like my natural father.

I just don't know what happened in Las Vegas. Witnesses died afterwards. It was sickening.

I just know that globalism includes the dual agenda of racial hatred and gun control. Each party takes one of the issues to turn America ugly. Hitler pushed both and now the globalists are fascists.

It is a disturbing world and leadership is wicked. I found out I have a sliver of Jewish DNA but Israel and the UK Square Mile boss America and our leaders are just servants. Mayor Bloomberg was involved in Sandy Hook and Every town is a globalist movement.
20   marcus   2018 Apr 2, 9:45pm  

jazz_music says
What did he say that is absolutely implausible?

That Sandy Hook was a hoax. I don't believe that's possible.

If people or groups use these events as a possible chance to gain political traction against the NRA paid for politicians for the sake of sane gun laws (not taking away peoples guns), that's another story, and has nothing to do with whether these events happened or why they happened.

I thought it absurd that some of his strongest arguments had to do with his thinking that he was somehow certain of what the emotions people displayed in public after their young child was killed should look like. Zero logic behind the theories and the flaky videos making the case.
21   Gary Anderson   2018 Apr 2, 9:51pm  

Operation Northwoods had as one idea the establishment of fake funerals. All the caskets at Sandy Hook but one were closed. I personally believed no one died.

As for Parkland, it was likely a drill. Police scanner and witnesses confirmed a shooter at the football field, a second shooter. Swat guys got in trouble for showing up. That makes no sense if the shootings were real.
22   Strategist   2018 Apr 2, 9:56pm  

Gary Anderson says
I just don't know what happened in Las Vegas. Witnesses died afterwards. It was sickening.

I'm sure you have already figured it out.
23   marcus   2018 Apr 2, 10:17pm  

Gary Anderson says
As for Parkland, it was likely a drill. Police scanner and witnesses confirmed a shooter at the football field, a second shooter. Swat guys got in trouble for showing up. That makes no sense if the shootings were real.

Was Sandy Hook a real school ? How do you get everyone to go along with the story ? Teachers, administrators ? Then there are dozens of first responders that would have been involved, not to mention dozens of doctors and nurses and other hospital ER workers, that saw a few of the kids that were brought in (not pronounced dead at the school). Do you think that secretly we already live in a totalitarian state in which all those people were threatened not talk ? How does this work ?

I think that if we had a totalitarian government that wanted to take our guns, they would just do it. Everyone knows that American gun owners aren't giving up their guns. It's the common sense aspect of it that is so glaring. These conspiracy theories are so logically impossible but also just couldn't possibly be justified if you think about it. What about the downside and risk, and evil, of doing something like that versus the expected gain ? So strange that peoples desire to believe something can over power any kind of common sense and reasoning.

I think that if there s anything fishy about this and other incidents, it could be that they were perpetrated by Islamic terrorists, and other stories were made up, to take away any credit going to the terrorists. That is taking away the success of it. It's not that I think that's the case, but I would believe that before I believed that it was a false flag designed to precipitate taking away everyone's guns. How ridiculous.

24   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 8, 7:36pm  

marcus says
Was Sandy Hook a real school ?

According to the video from CNN, the curbs were curved as the police assault forces arrived. But the Sandy Hook School had square curves. So CNN didn't even film the right school.
25   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 8, 7:36pm  

marcus says
Was Sandy Hook a real school ?

According to the video from CNN, the curbs were curved as the police assault forces arrived. But the Sandy Hook School had square curves. So CNN didn't even film the right school.
26   Strategist   2018 Oct 8, 7:47pm  

Gary Anderson says

According to the video from CNN, the curbs were curved as the police assault forces arrived. But the Sandy Hook School had square curves.

What's a square curve?
27   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 8, 8:11pm  

Corrected, Strategist:

According to the video from CNN, the curbs were curved as the police assault forces arrived. But the Sandy Hook School had square curbs. So CNN didn't even film the right school.
28   marcus   2018 Oct 8, 10:05pm  

I was curious who revived this thread, and it was actually Gary. That's surprising. Even now, you're not ashamed of yourself on this ? Hasn't Alex Jones even acknowledged that he was full of crap, at this point, in an effort to minimize the cost of settlements that will eventually be reached with parents of children killed at Sandy Hook, that are suing him ?

Gary Anderson says
According to the video from CNN, the curbs were curved as the police assault forces arrived. But the Sandy Hook School had square curves. So CNN didn't even film the right school.

Again, wtf ? I don't know about you, but I've often seen drive ways and different kinds of curbs all in the same block. That means nothing. I'm not going to do it, but I bet I could go on google maps and get a close up look at the school and it's curbs.
29   marcus   2018 Oct 8, 10:28pm  




"The media mogul's defense team claims that it is his constitutional right to invent stories and that no reasonable person would take Mr Jones' words as fact."

Wow. Good luck with that argument Alex. As if you don't think there are plenty of idiots that buy your nonsense. Hell, even you (Alex Jones) buy your own nonsense half the time.



Alex Jones is so fucked. I really hope he gets what he deserves, which is financial ruin. He caused ingrate morons to threaten the parents of murdered children, on the grounds that their children weren't really murdered. It would take someone with severe schizophrenia to argue at this point that these suits and the judges ruling are all part of the government's show, and that there really were no children killed at Sandy Hook.
30   RWSGFY   2018 Oct 8, 10:30pm  

Gary needs some STRONG meds.
31   Onvacation   2018 Oct 9, 7:03am  

marcus says
Trumps people were giving the Russians info as to which markets they should focus on with their facebook posts

Statements like this are the epitome of TDS.
32   Strategist   2018 Oct 9, 8:56am  

marcus says
Alex Jones is so fucked. I really hope he gets what he deserves, which is financial ruin. He caused ingrate morons to threaten the parents of murdered children, on the grounds that their children weren't really murdered. It would take someone with severe schizophrenia to argue at this point that these suits and the judges ruling are all part of the government's show, and that there really were no children killed at Sandy Hook.

Alex Jones may be fucked, but he still has freedom of speech rights. I'm not sure Sandy Hook parents can win by denying someones right to have opinions no matter how silly they may be.
33   WookieMan   2018 Oct 9, 10:08am  

Why is this even still a thing? Let it go Elsa.
34   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 4:56pm  

marcus says
Hasn't Alex Jones even acknowledged that he was full of crap, at this point, in an effort to minimize the cost of settlements that will eventually be reached with parents of children killed at Sandy Hook, that are suing him ?

I do not support Alex Jones. He diverted the truth into hatred for Muslims. He joined you guys. Sick.
35   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 4:57pm  

Strategist says
Alex Jones may be fucked, but he still has freedom of speech rights.

He was not banned for his conspiracy theories. He was banned for being a bully and threatening people. He also somehow became a Muslim hater even though he knows the government did 9/11. He is a shithorse.
36   Strategist   2018 Oct 10, 5:00pm  

Gary Anderson says
Alex Jones. He diverted the truth into hatred for Muslims. He joined you guys. Sick.

Well, he got something right. Anyone who does not hate the Sharia Laws can never be civilized.
37   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 5:02pm  

Strategist says
Well, he got something right. Anyone who does not hate the Sharia Laws can never be civilized.

People hate the Talmud too. It is uncivilized too. But we don't go around being afraid of Jews, Strategist. The image provided was posted by a Muslim. It is likely fairly accurate, maybe not completely, but somewhat. I confronted him about it and he liked what I said:

"Yes, but most Jewish people don't follow this, just like most Muslim people don't follow similar statements made in Muslim historical documents. I argue this point with bigots all the time. If we don't fear most Jews even with this evil Talmud, why should we fear most Muslims? I believe in tolerance. Keep in mind, labeling peaceful Jews with this sort of thing is wrong, IMO. Just like it is wrong to label peaceful Muslims. Surely we don't want all of that evil brought into America."

Strategist, you and Patrick could have been great men, but you chose the path of bigotry. Now it is coming out that the great Churchill is forever tarnished by his crass bigotry. It is something that cannot be discarded. It clings to you forever, unless you are a gutless bigot without revealing yourself. Then you are just living a lie.

38   Strategist   2018 Oct 10, 5:08pm  

Gary Anderson says
Strategist says
Well, he got something right. Anyone who does not hate the Sharia Laws can never be civilized.

People hate the Talmud too. It is uncivilized too. But we don't go around being afraid of Jews, Strategist.

Because Jews don't kill you for drawing cartoons.
39   anonymous   2018 Oct 10, 5:14pm  

Something is off with the Sandy Hook event. That was one I really researched, and it's not what it seems. Terribly executed false flag.
40   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 5:30pm  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
Something is off with the Sandy Hook event. That was one I really researched, and it's not what it seems. Terribly executed false flag.

Thanks, and of course, it was the most poorly executed false flag.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 10, 5:33pm  

Link to the Talmud Gary. Don't make shit up.

Nothing about fucking under 9 year old girls. Only if you unwittingly bang your daughter in law, you gotta bring two steaks to the Temple for a BBQ.

Don't bang animals

However, Young guys who dick goats get a bit of a pass:

Now you know why Jews make so many lawyers. "Acha, it says Men, but not ze boyz! So yous see, Judge, ve don't needz the stoning."
42   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 10, 5:36pm  

The talmud is also not their bible. It is a historical collection of rabbi writings, all interpretations of the various authors. Only the old testament is relevant as being gods word to all jews.
43   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 5:37pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Link to the Talmud Gary. Don't make shit up.

Nothing about fucking under 9 year old girls. Only if you unwittingly bang your daughter in law, you gotta bring two steaks to the Temple for a BBQ.

Two scoops, if you read my post, you would realize that I am not saying it is completely accurate. It is fairly accurate, and I am sure there are exceptions. If you were not such an anti intellectual, you would understand what I am saying is that we don't hate Jews because this is in their literature. Nor should we hate Muslims for similar historical writings.
44   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 10, 5:39pm  

Gary Anderson says
Two scoops, if you read my post, you would realize that I am not saying it is completely accurate. It is fairly accurate, and I am sure there are exceptions. If you were not such an anti intellectual, you would understand what I am saying is that we don't hate Jews because this is in their literature. Nor should we hate Muslims for similar historical writings.

Gary, read the original sources. Don't repeat bullshit from the internet that comes from 1700 Rabble-rousing Pamphlets.
45   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 5:40pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Gary, read the original sources. Don't repeat bullshit from the internet that comes from 1700 Rabble-rousing Pamphlets.

I have read the Talmud, and I believe much of the explanations by Jewish scholars is bogus. But it does not change my views of Jews in general. I even have Jewish cousins! Mostly 5th cousins, but still cousins.
46   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 10, 5:41pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Don't repeat bullshit from the internet that comes from 1700 Rabble-rousing Pamphlets.

lol--funny coming from someone who has posted two BS links in the past. Perhaps you need a mirror.
47   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 10, 5:42pm  

CBOEtrader says
The talmud is also not their bible. It is a historical collection of rabbi writings, all interpretations of the various authors. Only the old testament is relevant as being gods word to all jews.

Yep, it's a mix of legal rulings, sermons/commentary on the Bible, and what Jesus would call "Parables" - stories that explain why/how the Law/God's Will is to be enforced. A big mish mash. Talmud is contradictory. On part of the Talmud says 13-18 are the best age for female marriage, another part says 17 is ideal.

The Torah (OT) always trumps the Talmud.
48   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 5:49pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
The Torah (OT) always trumps the Talmud.

Except in the Israeli government. The True Torah Jews say that the new Zion comes in peace. Israel came born of violence in 1948. The True Torah Jews are persecuted and beaten up for not recognizing the phony Zion state.
49   Strategist   2018 Oct 10, 5:58pm  

Gary Anderson says
If you were not such an anti intellectual, you would understand what I am saying is that we don't hate Jews because this is in their literature. Nor should we hate Muslims for similar historical writings.

If their crap is practiced in this day and age, it should be hated. Human rights abuse is not acceptable regardless of what their evil God says.
50   Bd6r   2018 Oct 10, 7:32pm  

Gary Anderson says
Something is off with the Sandy Hook event. That was one I really researched, and it's not what it seems. Terribly executed false flag.

Thanks, and of course, it was the most poorly executed false flag.

Sure, and my abduction by aliens was also a government false flag.
51   Strategist   2018 Oct 10, 8:20pm  

dr6B says
Sure, and my abduction by aliens was

Was the sex by the aliens as good for you as it was for me?
52   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 10:21pm  

dr6B says
Sure, and my abduction by aliens was also a government false flag.

I can't help if you are retarded and stupid. I can't stop it and I can't do a thing about it.
53   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 10:23pm  

Strategist says
Was the sex by the aliens as good for you as it was for me?

You have sex? I thought it wasn't possible based on your bigotry. I didn't think you could tolerate women. I only thought you like white men. Well, maybe that is all you like.

Isn't it great that since you won't divulge who you are I can say anything and not slander you? Lol.
54   Gary Anderson   2018 Oct 10, 10:24pm  

Strategist says
If their crap is practiced in this day and age, it should be hated. Human rights abuse is not acceptable regardless of what their evil God says.

It is not practiced by most Muslims anymore than the Talmud sayings are practiced by Jews.
55   WookieMan   2018 Oct 11, 3:08am  

Gary - Have you EVER personally talked with someone that lost a child at Sandy Hook? ACTUALLY researched it. It's probably not that hard to arrange something with many of the deceased children's parents. Airfare is cheap if you're not nearby and you could just pretend to be writing a book or something and interview them.

Until you have done this, you might want to STFU about it. It's rather disgusting to be honest.

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