Original sin of "racism" as a mechanism of control

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2018 Apr 24, 11:06am   956 views  0 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (56)   💰tip   ignore  

It is not normally OK to steal from people, but it is allowed under certain conditions. If someone is guilty of a crime, the state can and does fine that person. So in the case of guilt, taking property is not only OK, it's considered just.

Religions have figured out that guilt is a way to control people, and to get them to give up their property in the name of "justice". The Catholic Church created the concept of "original sin": a sin we are all guilty of from birth. Because of this original sin, which cannot be disproven, everyone needs to ask God for forgiveness. How do they do that? Via the Catholic Church of course, especially via donations to the church! Nice business model.

The Tibetan Buddhists have a similar concept: the "thousand year debt". The peasant class in Tibet is forced to labor for the Buddhist monasteries for free, with the rationalization that they have a karmic debt of 1000 years of labor to pay back for the sins they committed in previous lives. Again, it cannot be disproven that they have this debt, and it is considered "justice" that peasants labor for free.

In America today, the dominant religion is secular liberalism, but it is no less of a religion than any other, and has hit upon the exact same mechanism of control: unprovable accusations of inherent guilt which require the payment of reparations. All white people are considered racist by birth (strangely, no other race is accused of this) and are expected to show public remorse for this unprovable crime, and to pay reparations of various kinds, for example, by discarding meritocracy and instead discriminating in favor of minorities in university admissions and hiring, all the while refusing to call such discrimination what it is: racism.

In actual fact, white people are the least racist group in the world. But this fact does not stop unprovable accusations of white "unconscious bias" from permeating the press and corporate HR. To object to these unfounded accusations inevitably gets one branded as a racist, in exactly the way that objecting to Original Sin in Catholicism is considered a sin.

The solution is to stand up and tell the truth. Blanket accusations of racism are themselves an injustice and not be taken seriously.

Or if you want a slightly more hard-core tactic, you can simply accuse everyone who accuses white people of "unconscious bias" of being "unconscious pedophiles". There is exactly the same amount of proof in both cases: zero.
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