Global Cooling 1/2 degree in last 2 years.

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2018 May 18, 1:27pm   58,032 views  430 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


The average global temperature dropped by more than half a degree Celsius from February 2016 to February 2018, according to recent NASA data.

Read Newsmax: NASA Data: Earth Cooled by Half a Degree Celsius From '16-'18

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102   curious2   2018 May 28, 8:17pm  

marcus says
.If the measures are inaccurate (biased) but in the same way, then of course the average doesn't improve the accuracy of measurement. But if say the measurement are innacurate, in the same direction (say due to always rounding up to the next 10th whenever the reading is too close .05 in between to tell to the next highest 10th). Then for comparative purposes, that is comparing 1000s of valuesone year to 1000s of values the next year, the difference is going to be accurate to a much to much less than one 10th of a degree, even though the measurements were done to the nearest tenth.

Common sense, no ? Use reasoning, and consider my integer example.
In fact, the likelihood is such that with thousands of repeated measurements, guess what the average is going to be ?
I'm just using reasoning here. Maybe you can find a better web site to make your argument ?

Asking me questions is inconsistent with pretending to ignore me.

Your comment quoted above seems also to show ignorance of the relevant difference between counting and measuring. The integer example is inapposite because a hypothetical list of integers contains, by definition, exact numbers: each infinitely accurate and precise. In contrast, a list of measurements is necessarily a list of approximations. If you can grasp these discrete concepts, then your comment seems to ignore the fact that math applies different rules to averaging each.

To the extent your attempts at sentences quoted above are intelligible, they seem to be trying to make an argument similar to James Surowiecki's The Wisdom of Crowds. That argument reasons inductively from observations that, for example, if you ask many people to guess how many jelly beans are in a jar, then the average of their guesses may tend to be more accurate than asking a single expert.

Please visit the nearest GED program and ask a math teacher to explain the difference between counting and measuring, and the implications with respect to accuracy and precision when calculating an average. If you believe the rules of mathematics should change to suit your "reasoning," or better yet The Wisdom of Crowds, then ask for help in phrasing and suggesting that change. Also, ask an English teacher for help in understanding the word "ignore," and the resulting words "ignorance" and "ignorant." You asked me for a website, so here is one that might help:


GED programs are inexpensive, and it is not too late to pursue a real diploma and maybe someday live IRL the online fantasy of becoming a math teacher.

Meanwhile, since I have now answered your question, perhaps you can try answering mine. Otherwise, I don't see the point of answering your questions when you prefer ignorance.
103   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 6:08am  

curious2 says
prefer ignorance.

Alarmist pretend to be able to measure the "worldwide average temperature" down to hundredths of a degree. The reality is the numbers have been adjusted so much that they don't reflect reality.

Catastrophic Manmade Global warming is the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on science. Only the ignorant still believe in it.
104   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 6:55am  

curious2 says
our comment quoted above seems also to show ignorance of the relevant difference between counting and measuring. The integer example is inapposite because a hypothetical list of integers contains, by definition, exact numbers: each infinitely accurate and precise. In contrast, a list of measurements is necessarily a list of approximations. If you can grasp these discrete concepts, then your comment seems to ignore the fact that math applies different rules to averaging each.

And your comment seems to ignore the effect of sample size on statistics.
105   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 6:56am  

curious2 says
Democrats tend to value stated intent over results. Micro-managing CO2 would make little or no practical difference, but Democrats present it as a way of signaling good intent, and then pretend it can somehow stop the climate from changing, even though nobody who looks at the long history of climate change could really agree with that pretense.

So, you are the expert and can state categorically that a reduction in CO2 would have no effect on climate?
106   Malcolm   2018 May 29, 9:49am  

LeonDurham says
So, you are the expert and can state categorically that a reduction in CO2 would have no effect on climate?

I would categorically state that the supposed increases in CO2 have had no noticeable impact on climate, so I would infer that reducing CO2 would have no noticeable effect.

Please stop trying to put the skeptics on the defensive because the models aren’t panning out in the alarmist favor.
107   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 10:02am  

Malcolm says
I would categorically state that the supposed increases in CO2 have had no noticeable impact on climate, so I would infer that reducing CO2 would have no noticeable effect.

Maybe you aren't paying enough attention then. There has definitely been a noticeable impact.

108   curious2   2018 May 29, 11:59am  

LeonDurham says
And your comment seems to ignore the effect of sample size on statistics.

No, that assertion is also incorrect, because sample size affects a different aspect of statistics: margin of error. The margin of error depends on standard deviations from the mean (mean = average in this context). That's college level statistical math, while Marcus was failing to grasp the mean itself, which is school (or GED) level arithmetic math.

jazz_music says
doing something to save themselves

Adding emotional intensity does not make a false claim true. I am still waiting for someone to answer my question above. Otherwise this whole thread is yet another example of everybody talking about the weather and nobody doing anything about it.
109   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 12:10pm  

LeonDurham says
There has definitely been a noticeable impact.

So how much has the temperature risen as the co2 has doubled?
110   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 12:11pm  

Onvacation says

So how much has the temperature risen as the co2 has doubled?

I'm not going through this with you again. Your questions have been asked and answered a million times on here. You don't believe the measurements anyway, so what's the point in showing you the rise?
111   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 12:13pm  

jazz_music says

Oh bullshit!

A target can be established with arbitrary accuracy.

Translation please?
112   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 12:14pm  

jazz_music says

The discussion of significant figures

Is very significant when your measuring hundredths of one degree.
113   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 12:15pm  

Onvacation says
Is very significant when your yalking of hundredths of one degree.

No--it's rightly analyzed statistically. Not with sig figures. We're trying to understand if there's a significant difference in the mean temperature in two populations of data.
114   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 12:19pm  

jazz_music says

In fact, the scientists who prostitute themselves for oil companies

You don't have to work for an oil company to see that the earth is not warming and the sea level is not rising catastrophically.
115   curious2   2018 May 29, 12:30pm  

LeonDurham says

No--it's rightly analyzed statistically. Not with sig figures. We're trying to understand if there's a significant difference in the mean temperature in two populations of data.

That comment makes no sense. A person unable to state either of two means would consequently be unable to state the difference (if any) between them. Analyzing statistically significant differences (if any) depends on the prerequisite predicate: measuring the values and calculating the means.

Otherwise you would be trying to istall the roof of a house before building the foundation and framing. You can shape the roof any way you like, but it won't stand up until you have the necessary support in place.

That sounds like a lot of the "debate" on this topic. Too many people start with the result that they want, and then fudge (or "model") whatever they need to support it. Many get so emotionally overwrought that they fail to suggest anything that might effectively enable managing the climate. Politicians and others cash in with proposals to transfer huge sums to their corrupt cronies, and ultimately themselves.
116   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 12:38pm  

LeonDurham says
. You don't believe the measurements anyway, so what's the point in showing you the rise?

No. I don't believe that you can measure the worldwide average temperature at all, much less down to hundredths of one degree.
The "rise" is very little.
117   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 12:40pm  

LeonDurham says
Your questions have been asked and answered a million times on here.

That's CAGW level hyperbole!
118   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 12:48pm  

curious2 says

That comment makes no sense. A person unable to state either of two means would consequently be unable to state the difference (if any) between them. Analyzing statistically significant differences (if any) depends on the prerequisite predicate: measuring the values and calculating the means.

Come on now. This isn't that hard. Look up t-test or paired t-test.

Of course you need to calculate the means of the populations. Why would you think that I am saying otherwise?
119   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 12:49pm  

Onvacation says
No. I don't believe that you can measure the worldwide average temperature at all, much less down to hundredths of one degree.
The "rise" is very little.

So why would you ask for someone to show you the measurements then? That is just being purposely difficult.
120   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 1:00pm  

LeonDurham says
So why would you ask for someone to show you the measurements then?

Alarmists claim to have them?
121   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 1:01pm  

Onvacation says
Alarmists claim to have them?

Is that a question?
122   curious2   2018 May 29, 1:03pm  

LeonDurham says
Of course you need to calculate the means of the populations. Why would you think that I am saying otherwise?

Because you did. T-testing only compounds your error: you're skipping the calculation of the mean in order to apply GIGO analyses. You can stare at tea leaves as long as you like, but they remain tea leaves, and analysis does not confer more significance than they started with. I would actually agree the data can probably be measured to some degree of accuracy and precision, but marcus ignores those limits and stretches the data further, and that's before even starting on all the "adjustments" that go into the models.

LeonDurham says
That is just being purposely difficult.

Yes, you are, by asking me endless questions that you should see answered in your own comments while refusing to answer the only question that matters.
123   LeonDurham   2018 May 29, 1:22pm  

curious2 says

Because you did. T-testing only compounds your error: you're skipping the calculation of the mean in order to analyze in various GIGO processes. You can stare at tea leaves as long as you like, but they remain tea leaves, and analysis does not change them. I would actually agree the data can probably be measured to some degree of accuracy and precision, but you insist on skipping over those limits and tretching the data further, and that's before even starting on all the "adjustments."

No I didn't. I think you misread my reply. Which is fine. Let's agree that obviously one needs to calculate the mean of the population. The point is that sig figs are less important than sample size in that calculation.

curious2 says
Yes, you are, by asking me endless questions that you should see answered in your own comments while refusing to answer the only question that matters.

Wow--did you just pull a "I know you are, but what am I" there? Well done. Your question presumes facts not in evidence which is what I pointed out in my question to you.
124   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 2:55pm  

jazz_music says

Agreed, you could just happen to be a stupid person!

If one has no counter argument one can always question the source or attack the person.
The fact that the temperature is NOT going up and the sea level is NOT rising catastrophically should be a clue to the alarmists that their models are wrong.
125   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 2:55pm  

And anyone that thinks the worldwide average temperature could be accurately measured over a century ago is either willfully ignorant or brainwashed.
126   Onvacation   2018 May 29, 2:58pm  

Onvacation says
jazz_music says

The discussion of significant figures

Is very significant when your measuring hundredths of one degree.

jazz_music says
That is exactly false

Can you say why sig figs are not significant?
127   curious2   2018 May 29, 4:45pm  

LeonDurham says
Let's agree that obviously one needs to calculate the mean...


LeonDurham says
The point is that sig figs are less important than sample size in that calculation.

No, you are conflating two discrete calculations. You don't get to the roof of the house until after you have built the foundation. You don't get to standard deviations, margins of error, and statistical signficance, all of which depend on sample size, until you have the underlying data.

In addition to skipping the basic math involved in measuring and averaging, you ignore also the problem of lacking any realistic plan to manage the climate. It reminds me of a comment by Scott Adams:

Anyway, to me it seems brutally wrong to call skeptics on climate science “anti-science” when all they want is for science to make its case in a way that doesn’t look exactly like a financial scam.

AGW resembles a scam because it says basically that "the sky is falling and so you must pay hundreds of billion$" without actually proving the premise and without providing any realistic plan to solve the alleged problem. It's a series of scare tactics and emotional appeals to partisan identity ("Resist Trump" by opposing whatever he says, even if he says the sun is shining on a sunny day). That isn't math, and it isn't science, and it isn't engineering. It's a huge amount of money already, all these conferences and global travel (note endless CO2 output from global travel by AGW alarmists claiming everyone must reduce CO2 output). In that sense it's already doing something, i.e. transferring $ (which seems to be the point) and allowing some people to feel virtuous about paying $ or recycling their garbage, but it has neither a realistic prospect of significantly affecting the climate nor a realistic plan to do so. Democrats' hysteria about AGW resembles also the Republican claims about WMD in Iraq: fix what data exist around the policy you prefer, induce panic, and hope nobody notices the elisions and inadequate planning until after the check has cleared.

LeonDurham says
curious2 says
Yes, you are, by asking me endless questions that you should see answered in your own comments while refusing to answer the only question that matters.

Wow--did you just pull a "I know you are, but what am I" there? Well done. Your question presumes facts not in evidence which is what I pointed out in my question to you.

You persist in asking me silly questions while ignoring the question that matters. Your comments are thus trolling, so I am going to stop feeding you. Have a nice day.
128   LeonDurham   2018 May 30, 5:45am  

curious2 says
No, you are conflating two discrete calculations. You don't get to the roof of the house until after you have built the foundation. You don't get to standard deviations, margins of error, and statistical signficance, all of which depend on sample size, until you have the underlying data.

Obviously. Why do you persist in pretending I don't understand this?

curious2 says

AGW resembles a scam because it says basically that "the sky is falling and so you must pay hundreds of billion$" without actually proving the premise and without providing any realistic plan to solve the alleged problem. It's a series of scare tactics and emotional appeals to partisan identity ("Resist Trump" by opposing whatever he says, even if he says the sun is shining on a sunny day). That isn't math, and it isn't science, and it isn't engineering. It's a huge amount of money already, all these conferences and global travel (note endless CO2 output from global travel by AGW alarmists claiming everyone must reduce CO2 output). In that sense it's already doing something, i.e. transferring $ (which seems to be the point) and allowing some people to feel virtuous about paying $ or recycling their garbage, but it has neither a realistic prospect of signif...

And thus, my question to you. You presume that it's a fact that limiting CO2 emissions would not impact the problem. I find that argument less than compelling, especially when you consider the results of a similar exercise in limiting Freon.

Your condescending attitude and insults are obviously hiding the truth that your argument is weak. If you had a stronger argument, you'd be willing to discuss it like an adult.

curious2 says
You persist in asking me silly questions while ignoring the question that matters. Your comments are thus trolling, so I am going to stop feeding you. Have a nice day.

lol--as expected. Run away little man.
129   Onvacation   2018 May 30, 7:17am  

LeonDurham says
The point is that sig figs are less important than sample size in that calculation.

No. The point is that worldwide average temperature was not measurable before satellites. And even with satellites the idea of measuring worldwide average temperature down to the 4/100ths of one degree that 2016 was measured to be hotter than 2015 is ridiculous, in my opinion.
Now that the temperature is going down the alarmists are scrambling to make excuses and save the narrative, "co2 bad".
130   LeonDurham   2018 May 30, 7:23am  

Onvacation says
Now that the temperature is going down the alarmists are scrambling to make excuses and save the narrative, "co2 bad".

Nobody is making excuses because global warming scientists are smart enough to understand how trends work and what noise is.

Onvacation says
No. The point is that worldwide average temperature was not measurable before satellites. And even with satellites the idea of measuring worldwide average temperature down to the 4/100ths of one degree that 2016 was measured to be hotter than 2015 is ridiculous, in my opinion.

Fine--the trends still exist and can be measured in multiple ways. Ice, sea level, global temps, bird migration patterns, etc. They all say the same thing. Earth is getting hotter.
131   Onvacation   2018 May 30, 7:27am  

LeonDurham says
Your condescending attitude and insults are obviously hiding the truth that your argument is weak.

LeonDurham says
. Run away little man.

I've noticed again and again, whenever facts get in the way of their narrative, the alarmists go for the personal attack.
132   LeonDurham   2018 May 30, 7:36am  

Onvacation says

I've noticed again and again, whenever facts get in the way of their narrative, the alarmists go for the personal attack.

Is curious an alarmist? I was just giving him back what he started.
133   Onvacation   2018 May 30, 7:00pm  

LeonDurham says
Earth is getting hotter.

Not really.
2 degrees over a century does not a heatwave make. Propaganda can only trump truth for so long before the lies become blatantly obvious.
134   Onvacation   2018 May 30, 7:12pm  

RafiMaas says
Really? I'm guessing you are not a scientist?

Not iwog.
135   LeonDurham   2018 May 31, 4:56am  

Onvacation says
Not really.
2 degrees over a century does not a heatwave make. Propaganda can only trump truth for so long before the lies become blatantly obvious.

So, you do admit it's getting hotter then?
136   Onvacation   2018 May 31, 6:09am  

RafiMaas says
Tell me, in what other century did the earth's temperature change by 2 degrees?

The roman warming, the medieval warm period, the little ice age, the dust bowl the hockey stick (never happened). The climate has been much more variable than the alarmists data manipulations would lead you to BELIEVE!
137   Onvacation   2018 May 31, 6:13am  

jazz_music says

This is the amazing knowledge of one who had a beverage.

And the co2 fizzed out blanketing the earth with an impenetrable layer that blocked ALL of the heat from returning to the sun.
138   Onvacation   2018 May 31, 6:18am  

LeonDurham says

So, you do admit it's getting hotter then?

Every summer! At least most summers. If the solar scientists are right we may lose a couple of degrees the next few years.
139   LeonDurham   2018 May 31, 6:29am  

Onvacation says
The roman warming, the medieval warm period, the little ice age, the dust bowl the hockey stick (never happened). The climate has been much more variable than the alarmists data manipulations would lead you to BELIEVE!

This is your problem. You try to argue everything so you end up arguing nothing.

According to you:
1. Temperature records are unreliable.
2. Temperatures aren't rising.
3. Man is not the cause of temperature rising.
4. Earth's temperature fluctuations are normal. It is self correcting.
5. CO2 isn't causing temperatures to rise.
140   Onvacation   2018 May 31, 7:14am  

LeonDurham says
1. Temperature records are unreliable.
2. Temperatures aren't rising.
3. Man is not the cause of temperature rising.
4. Earth's temperature fluctuations are normal. It is self correcting.
5. CO2 isn't causing temperatures to rise.

You got 4 and 5 correct.
What idiot ever said man does not effect his environment? It's the co2 thing that is fraudulent.
141   LeonDurham   2018 May 31, 1:29pm  

Onvacation says
What idiot ever said man does not effect his environment? It's the co2 thing that is fraudulent.

A guy named Onvocation I believe.

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