Donald Trump wants to keep China down. The argument is all about Tech, but that misses the issue. It is about something other than tech. It is about energy. Tech is just collateral damage. And it is a cultural war, and Trump wants to war with the world. He wants a nation with 4.4 percent of the world population to control the world. It is dangerous and we could very well see the end of civilization:
God smited the USA for the sins of the Republicans
And Democrats. God does not discriminate against political parties. Only Allah does that.
Obama should have gotten pot legalized in the first 2 years of his term with Dem control. It will eventually happen. I have no doubt Trump would sign a legalization bill either. He does what's popular. Most American's at minimum have no problems with pot and most have used it. Problem is your/our congress critters.
The pot lobby is coming though. It's been there for sure, but with money starting to really flow, it's only a matter of time. For fucks sake you can take morning glory seeds and trip off your ass after a quick trip to the home depot. Those haven't been outlawed yet.