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Other cultures see us as getting weaker as decadence takes overKatherine Hepburn, Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Chapman, Amelia Earhart, Margaret Bourke-White, Anne Morrow Lindbergh by comparison make today's feminists look like gutter rats. American culture peaked very early in the 1920's when not only these women, but all kinds of artists and writers were at their peak: Sherwood Anderson, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemmingway, Scott Fitzgerald, James Thurber, Harold Ross (founded the New Yorker magazine), Edna Ferber, George Gershwin, Stephen Vincent Benet and his brother William Rose Benet who was married to the poet Elinor Wylie, and on and on. I would also give that dyke on the right at about 9:30 that she doesn't have to worry a bit--no male is going to be wanting to hurt or ravish her, they'd probably run in the opposite direcction.
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